View Full Version : Elven Fury.

Lost Goddess
11-26-2010, 07:18 PM
This is just what i have so far.. and i would like you to comment on it and give constructive criticism.


The elves are a peaceful race and are strong believers in the forces of nature. They have for thousands of years resolved their conflicts in peace and non-violence. But, the times are changing now and a new race has emerged in the Land of Galad, or in the elfish tongue Land of Light. A group of Elven priestesses were traveling the path of Sildirn – the elves goddess of light and creation- to the secret forest altar deep within the mountains. The Elves were strong believers in the Gods and Goddesses of their world and anything that happens to them they look to the gods for the answer. But, what do the elves do when the gods do not answer their prayers or pleas for help. The elves took the conflict into their own hands and tried to seek peace with the creatures that came to their land. These creatures called Men were foul and rude to the elves and they took the elfish princess and murdered her while she was heading home to her forest. The elves had never forgiven the foul humans for killing their princess and harbored a grudge for a century and a half before they finally took action; they were preparing for war and had built forges, armories, and stables for the war horses. The Elves were preparing for all out war against the humans

Chapter 1 " The Coming Storm "

King Celegreain sat on his wooden tree throne and stared out as his lieutenant was informing him of the progress of the war effort and the preparations. The king stood up and walked down the wooden bark steps and spoke softly and with the voice of a 1,000 year old grief stricken man “We will march on the Human city of Thornharrow tomorrow at the point where the sun strikes the horizon and the gods begin their slumber. They have not answered us and therefore we take the actions into our own hands, I have lost a daughter and don’t wish to loose any of my other family especially my wife Cara who is pregnant with my unborn son. “He looked to his generals and nobles assembled in his court and motioned for them to carry on with their preparations for the war. He smiled slightly and his smile faded as quickly as it came when he thought of his precious daughter he lost to the foulness and murderous ways of the humans. He would strike every city until they reached the capital and then the elves would release their full fury on the city and it would fall brick by brick, stone by stone but it would fall. The King returned to his throne and sat thinking of battle strategies that would allow him to lose little of his elves and cause massive losses in human casualties. The elves would show their true power and unleash nature upon the humans. King Celegreain stood up and walked to his bed chamber in the west wing of the tree-city. He went to his bed chamber and opened the door to see his wife laying there on his bed asleep and with a peaceful expression on her face. He smiled and decided he would not sleep on the eve of a great battle that was about to take place, the first time elves were ever seen in a battle.