View Full Version : Shadow Walkers (IC) (M) BlueMoon & Kiro Akira

Kiro Akira
08-07-2018, 10:52 PM
Rated M for anything up under the Rating.

Thinker: The most intelligent vampire other than the queen. Typically follows orders, but with creative changes. It enjoys the hunt, the feed, and the kill--tends to make a game of the chase. Speaks well.

Drone: Vampire that follows the queen's directives without any variation--very loyal to her. Speaks in broken sentences--monotone-like.

Beast: Blood-crazed vampire with little thought other than to kill. It is reckless and very dangerous. Grunts and groans--very few words.


Day Walkers: Immune to the rays of the sun. Doesn't require sleep and feeds off any creature they get their hands on.

Scouters: Very quick and very loyal to the den leader. Speaks very few words and will observe rather then attack. Often found drinking from small animals such as rabbits, as their fangs are smaller then usual.

Mind Crusher: Seductive type, often the ones who bring humans to the lairs as a gaze into their eyes lock one in a trance where they bid to the will of the vampire.

The Elder: One of the rare kinds often found in the vampire universe. As these are the ones where stories adapted from. Garlic affects their blood causing it to boil, and crosses leave them powerless. Yet they are also said to be some of the strongest known in the world. Super strength, super speed, and mesmeric vision.

In the year 2025, a breakthrough in medicine allowed doctors to reverse the effects of major trauma with an engineered enzyme that promoted healing. With only a twenty-four hour life span, the enzyme caused rapid reconstruction of tissue, knitting fibers together, then leaving the body through the blood stream. It was a perfect innovation...at least until the enzyme mutated in the body of a victim that died shortly after the injection. It was then that the enzyme changed, attacking the dead cells and transforming the body into a vessel of destruction. With a insatiable craving for blood, the first infected spread its disease by consuming the blood of others and then transferring the enhanced enzyme via oral ingestion. Death caused the changes and the plague spread quickly as humans were drained of their life force.

Now the world belongs to the Shadow Walkers, a vampire-like race of beings that have spread their blood-craving disease among the human population. An apocalyptic wasteland, the good ol' U.S.A. is nothing more than a hunting ground for the fanged beasts. Small populations of humans exist, but most serve the vamps...scouting for survivors, providing blood-collection bars, and protecting them during daylight hours. It's the only way to survive without being on the menu. But there are also underground resistance groups that still fight to destroy the abominations. It doesn't take much: removal of the head, destruction of the heart, or cremation by fire. But their numbers are increasing and the land is fouled by their stench. One queen holds them together with her hive mind--she is the first. She controls and communicates with the thinkers, the drones, and the beasts--all vampires but with varying levels of intelligence. The only ones she doesn't control are the hybrids, a rare form of human/vampire mix that were birthed from an infected human mother late in her pregnancy. It is time to bring the fight to the queen.


Blake cringed at the light that beat down on him. His blood supply was low as it was and that had left him in a jam. The sun was bright and he was weakened in his state. But that didn't stop the blood stained on his blade. Just out of an old abandoned warehouse where Blake happened to stumble across. The people inside weren't to fond of his 'tainted' blood as they called it. Then again, not many people were. A lot of Shadow Walkers were never fond of a hybrid. One who could walk the days along with the nights. Those who could sleep if they wanted to. While to Blake it wasn't needed he simply took naps just so he could feel an ounce of humanity. And to pass time when he was bored with nothing to do.

With a yawn Blake stretched and pulled his hood over his head moving forwards. The night would be upon him soon which meant he could feed if need be and he could easily move around without the restraints of the light. While his human blood pumped strong his poisoned blood still held dominance over his body.

A few hours had gone by and Blake focused on the only place where he could get his taste for blood fulfilled. The Blood Collection Bar was the place where most Shadow walkers went. This one's particular name had been 'Dracula's Blood Bank.' To Blake he thought the name was stupid but he would never judge as he was going to the place as often as anyone else.

As he stepped inside, the boy looked around his eyes narrowing as he cringed at the lighting in the room. It was different and they used an alternate lighting source mainly due to the florescent lights causing negative effects. Blake made his way to the counter and gave the man behind a nod. A human working the bar of course, on the left side of his neck, there was a puncture mark where he had been drained of blood a few times, yet kept just enough to live off of. "Don't care what kind any kind of blood will do." Blake spoke and waited until a pouch was tossed on the table in front of him.

08-08-2018, 03:11 AM
It was dusk when Raven entered the Drac Double B with her head down and her hood up. She observed the patrons through her long lashes, keeping her body language relaxed even though her adrenaline was starting to rev. The bar was filling up and she did not go unnoticed, thirsty eyes following her movements with desire. Pulling up to the counter, she snapped off her leather band and flashed her wrist with the donor brand.

"Coming to donate?" the barkeep asked with a deep baritone.

Raven nodded, feeling a shiver crawl her spine. She chanced a quick glance to the side at a man sitting close to her. Dark hair and light eyes...hands holding a sleeve of blood. Not a vamp..., she guessed, his presence not quite right. She didn't have time to observe him further as a door opened and she was admitted into the bowels of the establishment.

Raven was not a coward, but the deep interior of the bar always made her cringe. Making her way down the stairway with her escort the smell of blood and fear overpowered her. The dank room below held humans like her--donators. So many of them were hungry, pathetic, and lost. She was not these things, but she had a purpose--information, names, places, and the small token of food that was given once the blood was taken. ...and perhaps she would take something for herself as well...a taste of tainted blood, either on her tongue or blade. Either way would please her. As she was led to a soiled bed to sit on, she looked at the desperate faces around her. She felt pity and disgust, but not for long, as her turn arrived quickly enough. She held out her arm and a needle was inserted, her A- blood filling the sleeve quickly. Up top, she could donate directly, allowing the parasites to feed on her blood right from the veins. She had only tried it once.

As soon as she was done, Raven grabbed her token and left, taking the stairs two at a time in her rush to leave the basement. Once inside the bar proper, she paused, once again noticing the hybrid(?) She sat on the stool next to him and motioned to the bartender. A shot glass was set before her, only half full, the cold fluid scarlet and viscous. She stared openly at the man as she drank, her blue eyes appraising him with venomous intent.

"You got a name...hybrid? Don't see too many of your type here. Even someone as lowly as me can see you're not wanted."

Kiro Akira
08-12-2018, 01:33 AM
Blake instantly took notice as a human entered into the Collection bar and shook his head as she made her way to 'donate' her blood to the cause of the creatures. It was a wild and stupid thing to do in his opinion. Of course some hybrids did it out of the sake of their tainted blood having a sweet taste to it but bitter at the same time. After finishing his blood packet he ordered another one and tossed some money towards the man. While it wasn't much in this time some people still craved money. He was sure it was greed from their 'human' lives and what not.

Almost as quickly as the girl he took notice of had entered she left the back room and plopped down next to him speaking in what he thought was a rude comment. Yet he didn't care he knew he wasn't cared for by either side and that just made things much more fun. He could easily pass for both sides and he knew it. Walking through the wasteland during daylight hours without a care in the world, even moving through the desert at night. Both were fun to him. Turning to the female he laughed and shrugged. "That obvious is it? Should probably hide it better next time yea?" He grinned widely before setting down his packet of blood. "Names Blake, who might you be?"

08-20-2018, 11:41 PM
Raven stared at the man, her eyes narrowing at his laughter and careless attitude. It was not what she had expected. She had hoped for anger, disgust, and maybe even aggression. Something to help alleviate her inner turmoil. Perhaps even a good fight. She wasn't sure she could take him...probably would get her head knocked in...but the adrenaline surge was what she wanted. Even the vamp blood wasn't doing it for her tonight. She hated donating. It was a necessary evil, started when she needed the food for her group. The minimal protection the brand gave her was also an incentive. Now it served another purpose...information. There was always the off chance she would hear something of use while she sat in the bar. As long as she didn't interact with the local flavor, she was safe from real harm.

With a huff, she turned away from the man that called himself Blake, twisting around in her stool to give him her back to stare at. Hybrids were an odd sort and could not be trusted. You never knew what you were getting. Some were more human, others vamp, and the mix was as unique as the person. This one obviously had a taste for blood, making him a danger to her kind. With her back still to him, Raven cleared her throat and pulled her red scarf tighter around her neck. "I'm a human, unlike you, and my name is of no importance. Enjoy your meal parasite."

With her mind spoken, she rose from her stool and gave Blake another glance as she passed by him. She felt eyes upon her as she hurried through the entrance to the cool, dark night that awaited. She let out a held breath then smiled to herself. Idiot! What are you thinking? She knew she was baiting the vamps, perhaps even the hybrid, to follow her, but the night was still young and she wanted some entertainment. It wasn't about the kill...more about the pursuit...predator versus prey. The bar had been full of Thinkers, as least as far as she could tell, and they had a habit of playing with their food. ...and she was up for a game.

Kiro Akira
08-21-2018, 12:01 AM
Blake shrugged at her when she walked off laughing at what she had said. A parasite was the most common thing he was called. He'd been called much much worse in the past and could likely think of a few if he had tried hard enough. He sucked down the packet of blood and waited until the girl had made it out of the building.

Just from the way she had acted, Blake was sure she was looking for trouble. And likely with her attitude and leaving at such a time of the night, she was going to get the trouble she seeked. But that wasn't for him to care for nor was it for him to let bother him. If the vampires wanted to kill her they'd do it. The room was filled with the blood thirsty beasts. Yet he couldn't let it happen. The girl may have just been in the wrong state of mind after having her blood drained, he'd seen some wild things after someone 'donated' themselves to the bar. One guy was stupid enough to try and stab a vampire with a broken bottle and expected it to work.

Only moments after she had left, Blake made his move. Getting out of his seat and taking a step towards the door he felt his body speed up quickly. And within a mere second he was out the door before making his way towards her. "Yo little lady. I assume you're looking for someone to kill you. Is that it or are you just stupid?" He asked grinning widely at her. The clip to his blade was already unhitched so he would be ready to block and react to any blows she may give him.

08-22-2018, 04:09 PM
With a full moon to light her way, Raven had pushed her way through the underbrush that had grown around the back of the bar. Many years of neglect had allowed the plants to grow right up against the building, making the going rough, and she had not gone far before she heard the steps of someone, or thing, behind her. Blake, she thought as soon as he started to speak. She had spun around at the sound of his voice, but his approach had been quick...too quick. Once again she berated herself for her foolishness. She really must be off her game tonight...any many more mistakes and she would find herself dead.

Her eyes drifted to his ready blade, then to his wolfish grin, with sharp canine teeth to boot. His words were meant to cut...but they only skimmed over her as she looked over his shoulder and froze. He wasn't alone...and while she might trick and outmaneuver one vamp, she wasn't going to evade three. "Stupid..." she muttered in answer to his question, "...definitely stupid..." She pulled her large blade free and took a step back, keeping her gaze locked on the three vamps coming their way. She wasn't sure if the hybrid was acting alone or was only the distraction, but the three advancing bloodsuckers definitely looked more menacing than him.

"You always bring your dogs to the party?" she asked with a tremor in her voice. She had had past experiences with hybrids, the last one bringing a vamp right to her group's hideout. They had lost three members before they had been able to kill the vamp and traitor. They could not be trusted. Running was her only option now, but not towards the place she thought of as home. She knew this area well and had several hiding places, not to mention a few good areas for an ambush. If she could separate the killers she just might be able to take them out one at a time...the hybrid included. She swung her blade towards him in a sideways arcing manner, her arm fully outstretched. Not bothering to wait to see if the blade met flesh, she turned on her heel quickly and dashed further into the underbrush.

Kiro Akira
08-23-2018, 09:41 PM
Blake watched as she swung her blade and jumped back with his hands up in defense. "Woah lady. Wouldn't you much rather just take it rather then run. We're faster of course. And not really my dogs but yeah....You know?" He then motioned to the regular vampires behind him. Of course they had just simply saw her as food and wanted to toy with her, Blake knew the way they worked way to well. Thinkers enjoyed the chase much more then the actual meal. Or so he believed. "Stupid is the right word you know!" He shouted after her as he stood there waiting.

As she had bolted the three waited one counting up to fifteen before they followed up behind her keeping their distance to let the woman tire herself out. Not much words were spoken other then the occasional tactics to catch her and corner her. The three quickly split their directions rather then following straight for her, one had adverted right while another left, the final one kept hot on her trail. Blake simply watched for a moment and took a step forwards before he himself was off as well.

Taking long strides he kept his pace up quick, he aimed to be faster then the rest of them and catch the girl first. If he was first then he could easily protect her. While he wouldn't aim his motives so clearly at first just for the sake of having fun, he still wanted to be sure the girl lived tonight. He hated fighting with humans as he himself saw it as a completely unfair motive. They were so weak and squishy compared to a vampire. A hybrid even was no match for one if they were smart that is.

Once he had passed the vampire group, the leader took notice of him giving him a look. Clearly he was telling Blake that the prey was theirs and not his. He only gave him a grin and waved as he darted to the right quickly. Here, he met up with the Thinker who had planned a right flank. While he himself noted this was a good tactic and would cut off the girl, it was something he had grown accustomed to in the art of catching a human. This gave him a much better insight on what the plan was. As the Thinker looked at Blake he only gave the man a wolfish smirk planting his right foot heavily on the ground. Dust flying from where his foot was planted. With this, he rotated his hip and let the momentum from his speed do the rest of the work.

His right hand quickly came back as the vampire approached him, touching his blade he gripped and snatched it from the sheath. By this time, the vampire was just in range and barred it's fangs at Blake. It was too late as the vampire tried to reach his hands out to catch Blake's arm. The blade struck the side of the vampire's mouth and a ripping sound could be heard as the skin separated at the edge of the blade. Blood coated Blake's face as he pulled the blade through decapitating the vampire quickly giving it an extra push as he pushed the blade through the spinal cord. "One...." He said seeing the look in the creatures eyes holding a look of surprise.

Blake completed his spin only to plant his left foot down and stop for a moment to notice the other two Thinkers were ignoring his action and still rushing the girl. "Damn, normally they stop and attack me." He said with a frown before picking his pace up again. By this time the group had closed a gap between them and the girl. This didn't seem good for him or her but he quickly caught them once again.

He took no patience or fancy maneuvers for the next vampire, as the two had grown closer together. He quickly took his blade at his side and drove it up and across the arm and the skull of another vampire. A sickening crack was heard from the bones of his snapping with the force of his blade.

The final one finally took notice of Blake's intentions and barred it's fangs at him focusing his movement and attacked Blake directly. With this attack, he could tell this one was much faster then the other two as it closed the gap between the two much faster then usual. The beast sunk it's teeth into Blake's shoulder causing him to shout in pain. "Fuck!" He said feeling the blood quickly ooze from his shoulder. The pain was excruciating and nearly unbearable. But he barred it and drove his blade into the creatures throat aiming right for the spine. As the connection was made a loud crack was heard before the snapping of the spinal cord was made, during this time the creature bit down harder and Blake only pushed the blade through severing the connection completely causing the body to drop as Blake made the final cut.

As the body drop, he grasped the head and watched as the girl was still running off. He made his pace quick, blade in his right hand while the severed head was in his left being held by it's hair. He darted in front of the girl stopping only ten feet away holding the creatures head up. If she didn't stop her pace she'd clearly run into him but he didn't care either way. "Hey look! Dinner!" He shouted with a laugh.

08-26-2018, 02:27 AM
Raven managed to slide to a stop with only a few inches separating her from the crazed hybrid. She quickly backed up a few steps, her eyes darting to the dripping vamp head then to the man's face. She was panting heavily, but not to the point of struggling for breath. She'd only had another quarter mile to go before she would have come to a narrowing between two rock shelves--a perfect place to wait to ambush her followers. The hybrid had made that unnecessary--a fact that she had only noticed when he took out the final creature by removing its head. The three breaking apart to chase her was a new tactic, one she had not been expecting, and she was tired, her adrenaline keeping her alert as her breathing finally slowed. She stood her ground though, trying to appear brave and unconcerned.

With Blake's laughter making her on edge, Raven kept her eyes locked to his, a scowl on her sweaty face. "What is it you want from me?" she asked. She did not have a weapon drawn and his exposed blade stayed her hand. He could have killed her at any time and trying to fight him now would be suicide. He obviously was faster and stronger than her, attributes from the vampire side of him no doubt. Her only chance against these creatures was surprise...or luck...if she was alone. She really must have given too much blood tonight, as she wasn't usually so reckless. She put up her hands, palms out, to show she wasn't going to fight. "If it's blood you want, you can have it. Whatever... Just let me go." Her mind raced with the possibilities...perhaps he enjoyed the chase just like the vamps and was looking for a blood meal, or maybe he wanted to fight to the death, or he could just be bored and she was his entertainment for the evening. Whatever it was, she was at his mercy, although she wouldn't go down easily.

A thought coming to her, Raven knelt down and removed her pack, trying to keep an eye on him as she did so. She put her index finger up to signal him to wait as she opened the flap and reached inside, rummaging around for a few seconds. "Do you eat 'real' food? I mean stuff other than blood...cause I have some chocolate." It was something she was saving, but if it saved her life, it was worth the sacrifice. She held the bar wrapped in brown paper out to him. He had mentioned "dinner" and maybe that meant he was still hungry. It was worth a try. "I also have some crackers and dried fruit." She quirked her eyebrow up at him as she waited for his answer.

Kiro Akira
08-27-2018, 09:31 PM
Blake watched as she slowed to a stopping point and frowned as she didn't seem to happy to eat the head of a Vampire. "Awww so no head on a stick?" He said with a wild grin before tossing it to the side. "You're something else you know. Most humans would be attacking me in an attempt to 'save' themselves. Of course it ended horribly. Not saying that I killed all of them but hey, you try to kill me I atleast you know." He said with a shrug giving her a moment to let her mind race with multiple thoughts. The most he ever really did was break a leg.... Sometimes Two but that was if they were that stupid and persistent.

After the girl questioned what he wanted from her he blinked and sheathed his blade. "Hey you're the idiot provoking demons who could off you in a moments notice. You're the one who wants death not me. I'm just here for the fun of shit. And hey you provided a fun chase and the chance for me to kill some stupid creatures." He responded only for her to follow up asking if he wanted more blood which had thrown him for a loop. "Hey if I drink anymore of your blood after you just donated your life away, then you'd be dead." He said with a shrug before taking a step towards her.

When he did she knelt down and pulled a chocolate bar out asking if he ate 'real' food his eyes focused on the chocolate bar his mouth nearly watering. Blake couldn't remember the last time he had actually had chocolate. It was a while for sure. "Chocolate! Oh I love Chocolate!" He said and reached for it before pausing pulling his hand back. "Nah that's yours. Shit's hard to come by now adays. Enjoy the chocolate while you can. And do I eat real food? Of course! My favorite? Human arms! The beefy ones ar-" He paused and held up a finger. "Ohhhh! You mean like.... Not people. Of course I do. I am part human you know."

After speaking Blake laughed and nodded. "Yea, I eat steak and shit too. Honestly? Never really eaten human either. Of course I've drank their blood but that's cause you know...." He said and poked his own teeth with his finger the fang puncturing his finger tip causing it to bleed slightly. "These fancy little teeth. But yea I do. As for crackers and Dried fruit? They still dry those things?" He questioned before shaking his head. "Sounds just as terrible as the fruit themselves. Nah I'll pass, if I eat anything my stomach wouldn't be too happy. Gotta wait a bit before I eat real food, blood is still flowing through my system and what not, gives me a tummy ache."

08-29-2018, 05:56 PM
Raven listened to the ramblings of the hybrid without comment, wondering if he might possibly be insane. There was no way she would have attacked him with his blade out and ready, not unless he had struck first. Only a fool would have done that. And his bragging about what would happen if she did go after him only reassured her that her decision to stay put and watch him was the right one. She had no desire to be rendered into multiple pieces.

He made it quite plain with his explanation that his decision to join in the chase was merely for fun. He probably was a bit off--it couldn't be easy to deal with being a mix of human and vamp. Maybe he should consider just taking himself out so he wouldn't have to suffer through it--although she wasn't going to be the one to suggest that.

As he continued talking, she really did not know how to interrupt his words. He seemed to be a contradiction in and of himself--saying one thing then refuting it in the next sentence. It took a lot of energy just listening to him. When he refused the chocolate despite the fact he seemed excited about it, she merely shrugged, mimicking his motions from just a second before.

"Okay...I think. So, yes you eat food, but only meat, but not human meat, although you like to joke about it. Very funny...yep...indeed it is." She shook her head, rolling her eyes at the same time. "Since it seems you have no intention of drinking...or eating...me, I'll just be on my way and leave you to your ramblings. Seems you have a lot to work out with yourself." She took the candy bar and split it in half, putting a portion in front of him on the ground with the wrapper still clinging to it. "That's for you. Think of it as a thank you for the vampires. As for me, I am heading to a safe place for the rest of the night."

She turned from him then, knowing it might be a risk to have her back to him. She would stay in a place not far from here, an abandoned basement. It was safe enough. There was no way she was heading home now. She had not gone far before she turned to him again and sighed. "Come with me if you like. I owe you that at least. I know you don't need any protection, but maybe some company is what you crave." She wasn't sure why she made the offer but she knew he could easily find her even if she had not invited him. She didn't trust the half breed, but maybe having the enemy close was safer than not knowing his whereabouts. "It's just for tonight though...afterwards you go your own way."

Kiro Akira
09-01-2018, 12:38 AM
Blake frowned at her when she mocked his joke and shrugged. "Stupid humans never find things funny." He spoke to himself muttering it, but he was sure she could hear him. He didn't care either way tho, he was having fun and even if she wasn't she wouldn't let her ruin his fun. "Hey I eat other things too you know. Carrots or a nice apple is nice some time. I don't need it but it's still nice. Makes great in a pot roast you know."

When the girl placed half the chocolate bar on the ground and blinked moving towards it before picking it up dangling it in the air for a moment. "Ewwww! You got dirt on it." He said before laughing and took a bite of it before devouring the thing. It had been forever since he had eaten chocolate. With a half full mouth he shrugged at her. "Meh I have everything where I need it to be. I can be as human as I want, or as monstrous as I want. Win win for me." He spoke before swallowing the chocolate and gave a half chocolate smile. "It works both ways and it's fun."

Blake nodded when she offered him to come with her. It was true he really didn't need any protection, yet he was sure she did. "So what you're saying is, not that I'm craving company. But you're worried some of those ass wipes are still floating around and you need protection from them cause you wouldn't stand a chance. Right?" He said with a small laugh before hearing the rest of her statement. "Yea yea, you need protection for the night. Sure why not? Could be fun hanging around something aside from vampires for once."

09-07-2018, 01:20 AM
Raven shook her head and grimaced at his statement. "No...not right...I do not need your protection. I can handle myself pretty well...usually." She pulled her hoodie up onto her head and pulled the zipper up to her neck, wrapping her red scarf tight under her chin. She surveyed the area quickly, then stood still to listen for any unusual sounds. Satisfied that they were alone, she started moving deeper into the underbrush until she came upon a stretch of broken asphalt. There was a zigzag crack at one edge of the long-abandoned road and she turned at the spot and pushed her way through some overgrown bushes. Once on the other side she got on her hands and knees and pushed at the loose soil and leaves, her fingers grasping a buried metal handle which she pulled on with a groan. The ground appeared to open up, the hole below not reflecting any of the light from the star-riddled sky.

"In here," she said just above a whisper.

Putting her hand on the wall, Raven moved down the steps slowly, using her foot as a guide. She allowed her eyes to adjust to the darkness, knowing the hybrid would probably see better than her in the dim light.

"Do you need a light?" she asked quietly. There was a bare mattress on the floor, the surface pitted and torn, but considering it's age, it was relatively clean. A wooden table with three chairs sat in one corner. There was a smell of dampness and dirt, the floor covered with a layer of dust and debris from years of neglect. The only other useful item in the room was an oil lantern sitting in the middle of the table.

"Can you close the door behind you?" she asked as she made her way to the table. She sat facing the entrance, watching as he entered the space. It was one of her many "safe" houses...this one merely four walls with a low 2 x 8 ceiling. The house above it was abandoned and had crumbled to the ground years ago, the interior entrance no longer accessible.

Taking out a bottle of water she drank deeply, then set the half-full container before her. Narrowing her eyes, she stared at Blake openly, still not trusting him, but also not picking up on any threat. She still wasn't sure about his sanity, but he seemed harmless enough...unless you were to ask the three vamps...

She gave him a slight smile. "My name is Raven, by the way."

Kiro Akira
09-07-2018, 06:46 PM
Blake shrugged at her words."I don't need no help blah blah blah." Mumbling in a mockery towards her statement before looking off at the sky. "Yea, usually but you tried to kill yourself. Explain how you can 'handle' yourself against three of those dudes, would've eaten your ass alive." He spoke before following her through the brush all the way to the street. "And we're left at a dead end. Nothing but op-" His words paused as he glanced down at her lifting a hatch. "Well.... Nevermind then."

The man followed her into the hole and shut the hatch behind him. "So uh, when you come down here. And hide and what not. What covers that hatch back up? Some automated thing or? Cause that spots kinda obvious now." He pointed back to the top of the hole they just entered while following her down. As they stepped, his pupils slowly grew in size to compensate for the lack of lighting. It was a mere moment before he could see it as if it was day, but it still held a grey haze over it in his vision.

"A light? Why would I nee- Oh riiiiight! You're blind as shit in this darkness aren't you?" He spoke before giving himself a laugh. He knew instantly she wouldn't be able to see but figured it'd be fun to tease the girl at the matter. He actually enjoyed humans. They were all so squishy and their bodies didn't adapt to the nature of things as easily. He was sure they were fascinating creatures.

As the two entered the room, he shut the door as asked and looked around the room before moving over to the lantern. He then stared at it for a moment before picking up a piece of rubble that had fallen from the wall and his blade. Next he pulled out a crumbled up piece of paper from his pocket and opened it up. On the paper was an old news article which he shrugged at. "Eh, article sucked." He spoke before placing it down. Using his blade and the stone, he sparked a small flame on the article before using it to light the oil lantern and turning the little knob on the side. He waited a moment before it caught on the lantern itself and shook out the paper throwing it to the side. "And god said let there be light." He spoke before focusing back on the girl who was sipping at water.

Giving her a soft smile he nodded. "Ah! So you do have a name! I knew it. I knew it all along. Raven. Sounds like a fancy name." He spoke before nodding in agreement, he then moved over to the bed and sat down feeling the springyness to it. "Bed sucks." He spoke before staring up at her. "As said before....I think I said it...." He thought for a moment before shrugging. "Eh doesn't matter. Blake. Name is Blake."

09-10-2018, 12:11 AM
On the walk over Raven had mostly ignored Blake's banter, deciding it was better to be silent than to argue her point. Besides, if he liked to hear himself talk, then she'd let him. Even the mention of a light sent him on another round of pointing out her human disadvantages. As he lit the lantern, she blinked her eyes, squinting in the sudden brightness. She reached out and turned the knob which lowered the wick, essentially reducing the light it emitted in half.

She shook her head, then started removing her scarf and hoodie. "I can see fine in the dark, just not as well as you...or the vamps. As for the entrance, it doesn't cover itself back up. My only hope is to get through the bushes before I am spotted. I cover it back up when I leave...at least that way I'll know if someone...or thing...has been inside. It's not perfect, but nothing really is." She placed her removed items over the back of the chair and ran her fingers through her hair, pulling it forward over her shoulders when she was done. All the while she watched him, a bemused smile on her lips.

"You really are an odd one," she commented as he bounced on the bed. Seeing him there brought back other memories, old memories which she pushed aside before they could grip her. "..and yes, you already told me your name. Blake. If anyone has a fancy name, I would say it was you. Mine is after the bird...a carrion eater with a croaky song---nothing nice about it at all. But it suits me...with the black hair and all...don't you think?" She tilted her head to the side when she asked him, letting out a raspy "caw".

She allowed herself another smile, then leaned back in her chair and kicked her feet up on the table. "Not much to do here other than talk and since you seem to enjoy it, why don't you tell me about yourself. Or we could each say one thing each about ourselves until we grow bored."

Kiro Akira
09-12-2018, 07:54 PM
He ignored her comment about the light figuring he'd just simply, leave it alone. But continued to do a small bounce up and down on the bed as if he were a young child and this was his new toy. A old, but springy bed. A few moments into the bouncing she spoke again with a whole thing on her name in which he could only nod before showing her his right wrist to her. On his forearm she could see a small black bird. It was similar to a raven but was a simple black bird. "I wanted an actual Raven but figured I'd just settle for something simple. Raven's my favorite bird you know?" He said with a soft smile and watched as she cocked her head to the side and let out a cawing noise. "Oh I get it! So you're part bird part human. All makes since now." He said and gave a few nods of realization. He then let out a gentle laugh and fell back on the bed with his arms out staring to the darkened ceiling. "And you call me the odd one? You're much more odd then me."

He laid there for what seemed like forever and was only a mere two minutes before she spoke again mentioning they could talk since he seemed to enjoy it. "Hey!" He said sitting up quickly. "Theres nothing wrong with someone who talks alot. It just means I'm a better vocalist then you." He said with a fake pout before cracking up in laughter. "One thing about each other until we get bored..... Right ummmmm. I'm a half breed?" He said questioningly before shrugging. "I'm bored....." After speaking again he let himself trail off before looking around the room. "Theres not much to talk about me really. I mean what do you want to know? I'm half breed, I'm like ancient compared to you, only a hundred something. My body just kinda stopped aging when I was 'killed' at my high school many many years ago. Got jumped by a group of kids and then one pulled a knife and stabbed me. Well.... It wasn't really my high school anymore seeing it was like a 5 year reunion and what not. But yea, a group of dudes who used to bully me back in school took me around back and jumped my ass." He paused for a minute thinking about his situation and how horrifyingly terrible it was. "Beat the ever living shit out of me until they stabbed me a few times with a knife."

As he finished the last bit he gave a few nods. "That's when they realized 'we done fucked up.' I laid there for like five minutes with them staring down at me, felt the blood drain from my face and what not. Soon enough.... BAM! My eyes opened again, and hell shit seemed so damn slow. They were laughing and congratulating each other saying 'we finally got him!' and shit like that you know? They wanted to do shit like this in high school but yea, I never gave them the chance. Beat the shit out of one of them before the other two jumped me then got stopped by the Principal and what not."

Blake paused and let everything he said sink in for a moment. "Shit I guess there is some things I can say about me. Huh... Who knew." He said with a small laugh and nod to go with it before speaking once more. "But yea, anyways. So I opened my eyes and laid there watching them in what seemed like a dazed state to me before one of them pointed out I opened my eyes. Shouting like crazy. 'He's still moving he's still moving! I thought you killed him! The fuck dude?' and stuff like that. They were really freaking out. Then one came over and kicked me in the side, I really didn't feel much of it. But yea, I stood up, apparently rather quickly cause they freaked out harder talking about how fast I had gotten up, but to me it just felt..... I don't know, slow and easy? They ganged up on me again, but this time I grabbed one kids wrist, snapped that shit in two instantly, broke the other ones leg. And nearly the neck of the third one. It happened so god damn fast I was surprised myself. And scared really. Freaked me the fuck out cause I had no idea what was going on and what not. Just know I was a lot stronger. Anyways, it was a long time from there and shit went down. Left the kids behind the building and they freaked the hell out. Me on the other hand? I split the fuck out of there and went into hiding. Worried I was going to get taken to jail or some shit."

09-12-2018, 11:45 PM
Raven stared at Blake with her mouth open, surprised and disturbed by the story he told her about his Becoming. She knew most hybrids were birthed into this world as infants, but there had been so many mutations over the past century that most things were possible now. His beginning was so brutal by fellow humans that she almost felt sorry for him...but she didn't allow herself that...he was still a hybrid with a taste for blood. It was only while telling his story that he did not seem amused. She had come to think of him as a smiling, laughing maniac, but now she understood some of that. He was old...and all that time spent as a hybrid was sure to make one a little unstable.

She nodded after he finished talking, rubbing her hands together as though cold. "I'm sorry...that sounds awful...what they did to you." She offered a small smile as she stood, unable to sit still any longer and walked close to the stairs, looking up. Once again she cocked her head as though listening, then turned away, looking at Blake on the bed.

"I'm not sure I can provide as interesting a story as you told. My life would seem boring to you I am sure, even though I am 'odd'. Hmmm?" She raised her eyebrow at him in a mocking way, then turned and walked around the room again. "I must admit, I never expected you to be so aged, like old enough to be my grand-papa plus some. You hardly look older than me...and I'm 24 or so. Don't really know...kinda started life over when I was 5...at least that's where my memories start. I guess that's the story I'll tell you...as it was told to me."

She stopped her pacing when she got close to the mattress and pushed her hair back to reveal an ugly scar on her neck. The scar was thick and ragged, the skin healed but imperfectly. "It's not as pretty as your bird, but it defines me. I got it from a crazed vamp that had killed my parents and was working on me until I was rescued by another kid...a teenager. He said the beast was gnawing me over like a pork chop---whatever that is...and he killed the vamp with an arrow to its black heart and saved me by feeding me its blood. He burned everything except for a picture of my parents which he gave to me. I don't remember them or the attack...only everything afterwards." She shrugged, then pulled her hair back over her shoulders.

"It's not as tragic as your death I'm afraid...mostly because I didn't die." She laughed lightly and sighed, slipping her hands into her pockets. She could feel a rusty key in one and a blue stone in the other--the smooth surface of the gem helping to relax her. Kicking at the debris beneath her shoes, she looked at him closely for a moment. "What does it feel like? To die, I mean."

Kiro Akira
09-13-2018, 09:57 AM
He shrugged at her comment on how awful they had been to him. It was true they were terrible. But that had been almost a whole decade ago. "Eh, it is what it is. That was to long ago for me to care much less worry about." He gave a nod in agreement with himself thinking over the occasion once again. When she moved around the room he simply watched her curious as to what she was doing.

As Raven tilted her head he watched as if she was listening to the above area. Blake only glanced up with her and shrugged. "It's quiet up there." He spoke towards her as he motioned at the ceiling. He could hear the crickets chirping above them the rest was silent. He didn't care tho, he was fine either way. Even if someone else happened to find them, he could easily lop off their head.

When she mentioned the story she had he sat back and looked up shrugging while sticking his lip out. "Hey, humans always have a great story. Then on top of that they always have a fear of dying so it makes the story so much better. I'd love to meet up with a person who's like in their sixties and listen to them explain their entire life." He said with a grin and leaned against the wall before she began talking about his life again. "Well honestly, I'm technically only like twenty three. I stopped aging when...." He trailed off before motioning to himself. "Life took it's toll and well. Here I am."

His mind brought him back to his middle school days where his father made porkchops and he smiled at the thought of it and listened to her story. "Porkchops are a pig meat, they're really good. Should have some at one point." His eyes soon focused on the scar on her neck. He cringed at the sight but continued listening.

Blake gave a soft clap sounding almost as if it was a saddening one. "Well, it's an interesting story and who cares if you didn't die. It's a sad one and it must have really sucked. But what can you do yea?" With the finish of his statement he watched her kick the dust and perked hearing her question.

"Death? Well...." He responded and blinked thinking back to the situation. "Well..... Hm. For me? It fucking hurt. Like a bitch. Being stabbed is painful as fuck. Surely you would know seeing you get blood drained. Just imagine like a beast clawing your chest multiple times. The blood slowly oozing from your body as it goes cold. While this happens, the entire sky you're looking at slowly seems to just fade into an inky like blackness before your eyes close for good."

Blake had only assumed it was a good explanation before sighing. "That was when I found out I was a half breed. Only needed to feast on blood if I really want to and to gain the abilities of said vampire thing. Other then that I can go a month or so without it. Sucks ass really I feel really drained. Yet this blood stuff makes me feel energized and full of so much power. I'm really strong then and what not. As you can tell, I dropped those vamps in a few moments really. When I'm not fueled on blood I'm squishy like you." He said with a laugh and grinned softly. "But yea, I didn't have a mom and when I first met another half breed like me they explained some process on how my mom was infected just before giving birth and what not. Then well, here I am. Dad took care of me as best as he could and the rest is I guess history."

09-17-2018, 12:38 AM
Raven took in a deep hissing breath and then let it out after listening to the hybrid's description of death. She wasn't brave enough to say she was not afraid of death, but she was more afraid of becoming a blood-sucking parasite. And while she was no stranger to pain, she wasn't sure if anything that she remembered resembled anything akin to a beast ripping into her chest. Having a vamp draw from you was painful, but many of them used their ability to hypnotize to lessen the effect--it helped to keep the victim from struggling and ruining their meal.

As Blake began to explain his need for blood, she narrowed her eyes then looked away. She couldn't begin to understand this part of him. She found it repulsive, but also understood the effects blood could have on a person. She was not above drinking a small quantity of vamp blood to help with healing or just to elevate her senses and mood. But it was the difference between having a piece of chocolate and eating a whole bag.

She sighed, then shrugged. "I am not squishy," she murmured under her breath, after he finished talking. In truth, she barely had any fat on her, only eating enough to get by so the others of her group could also have some food. It was a trying time and nourishment was hard to come by. It was the main reason why she started donating.

Shifting from one foot to the other, Raven looked around the small basement then shifted her gaze to the stairs once again. "I'm going to go outside...just for some air. It's a bit stuffy in here," she said suddenly, following through with her decision and heading for the steps. She looked over her shoulder to see if he was following, wondering if he felt obligated to continue "protecting" her. She pulled out her knife and carried it casually as she reached for the door. There were no sounds coming from above as she pushed it open, not even the sounds of the benign night creatures...insects, rabbits, owls. That could mean only one thing...there was someone, or something, about.

Kiro Akira
09-19-2018, 12:10 AM
"Good I'll follow, it's small and cramped in here anyways." Blake said as he followed the girl as she moved towards the top poking at her side a bit when she passed him. "Sure as hell feel squishy." He spoke with a small laughing grin. While the girl did feel rather small for her size, he didn't really care either way. Humans all felt squishy to him whether or not they wanted to admit it. He could easily crush one especially one her size.

Upon reaching the surface, he sniffed the area and shook his head cringing a bit. "Smells like ass out here." He said as he blew his nose, covering one nostril and simply blowing through it sending a small section of snot onto the ground. It was a nasty sight for anyone else but once again he was in an uncaring mood. He did it with the other nostril and then looked about frowning. "Something is around here and it smells like shit. Keep a look out would you and, just I don't know? Scream or something like that." He said with a nod. He really didn't know what to tell the woman but if she was attacked by another Vamp she'd likely need his help. And if she didn't he'd love to watch the show of a human beating the shit out of a vamp. He'd seen it once or twice but that was about it, and the human still usually died.

09-21-2018, 02:36 AM
Raven was looking at the hybrid with a mixture of surprise and revulsion as he cleared his nose in the worst possible way. She actually gagged a little before turning away with disgust, shaking her head at his display. Pig, she thought, then grunted at his suggestion to scream in case she was in trouble. "Yeah, I'll just yell out 'help'...not a chance." She moved deeper into the shadows, away from Blake and the smell he had mentioned. It had reminded her of unwashed bodies, more than 'shit', but neither were pleasant. She had heard that beastly vamps could smell that way. They were vicious creatures that only cared about hunting and destroying their prey. She doubted they spent much time bathing. She shuddered at the thought and unconsciously rubbed at her neck as she walked.

Once upon a time this area had been a subdivision and a few foundations could still be made out amongst the rubble. There was little to show what type of homes had been here, but Raven liked to pretend they had been grand estates filled with carefree families and their belongings. She grew up without a real family, with only her rescuer Rowan to guide and teach her, and she wondered what life would have been like in the 'olden' days...with a mother and father...and maybe some siblings. Kicking at some crumbling bricks, she sighed then moved beside a makeshift shed. It was a newer structure made from the scraps around her. She had seen it before, but never ventured close enough to need to worry. It was currently vacant, but the smell she and Blake had detected was also present inside it to a lesser degree. Was it possible someone lived here? Or died here? She cared only enough to explore it in daylight, when it was safer. For now she continued moving through the crumbling architecture, working her way to the other side, where rocky cliffs jutted out into the landscape. It was here that she had been heading when the vamps...and Blake...had been chasing her. To a narrow passageway through the boulders where a trap could be set. She had no intention of doing so now, but there was a ledge nestled inside where she often sat. It was a perfect lookout and the stars always seemed closer from up there. Without further pause, she slipped through the gap and climbed up the rocks as easily as a mountain goat--the hand holds and foot holds as familiar as her own face.

Once on the higher mount, Raven could see the area below more clearly. She picked out Blake easily even with the shadows, but it was the one behind him that was of concern. Something was tracking him and it wasn't human...or vamp. At least not any type of vamp that she was aware of. She considered yelling down to him but figured with his heightened senses he didn't need her warning. Plus, it would only make her seem like a damsel in distress...and that was the last thing she wanted. Instead, she watched closely, curious as to how the hybrid would handle himself. ...and if he got hurt or killed, well, that would be just one less nuisance in her little world to worry about.

Kiro Akira
09-23-2018, 10:27 PM
Blake blinked at her response to him telling her to yell out help. “Well unless you got a better idea. Then not sure what to tell you.” He spoke before shrugging and going back to looking around the area. It was an interesting smell indeed. Almost familiar to what he’d smelled in the past but couldn’t quite put a finger on it. His heightened senses were one thing but with all the different odors and what not he couldn’t pinpoint this one.

When the girl took off in her own direction, Blake only watched her and noticed her moving in and out of rubble and what not. She was an interesting person for sure. And likely one to get themselves killed. He’d always been a hybrid and he knew it deep down, so he always used it as an advantage. Testing death to its limits and what not. But this woman was a mere person. A simple person and she was playing with the horrifying demons themselves. Giving a soft sigh he went back to looking around the area. The smell was closer he just couldn’t see it visually but knew if they had planned an attack it would be soon.

A few moments had gone by and he watched the girl scale the rocks and perch herself on top of them. But in doing so the smell drew closer, quickly the man turned grabbing his blade and drew it. Before him was a young looking woman. Someone he’d recognized before. She was in a few of the blood banks he’d seen but never really took notice to her. But here she was staring him in the face. “Yo.” He spoke and watched as the woman gave a smile.

Taken aback by the reaction, he only blinked staring at her. “I’ve finally found you.” Were the words that came out of her mouth and she moved closer to him placing a hand on his chest. “Eh? The fuck you mean you finally found me?” He asked and the girl only smiled, but within a few moments he was caught in her gaze and Blake felt a small needle like pain going into his chest as she pushed her sharpened nails.

Jumping back, Blake cringed and touched his chest. The nails were sharpened and dug into his chest going straight through his clothing. As he eyed the woman he shot her a glare. “The fuck did you just do woman?” He asked before looking down seeing blood. Clearly she wasn’t human, but she smelled like one, a very unbathed one but that was aside the point.

Without another word she moved in quickly, much quicker than a regular person and made an attempt to claw him once more. Blake in return dodged and swung his blade in her direction missing by only a few inches. “You’re a stupid fucking brid aren’t you?” He asked and she only laughed giving him another grin. Clearly he could tell this woman was psycho.

10-03-2018, 01:29 AM
Raven sighed loudly, drawn into the encounter between Blake and the other person...a female possibly, but it was hard to tell from her perch. It was almost as though they were sword fighting--with the fancy foot steps--although the stalker was only using her hands as weapons. Raven was surprised the 'brid was not attacking more aggressively, like he did with the vamps, which only led her to believe that he was dealing with another one like her or himself. For a brief second she considered climbing down to help him, but she changed her mind. What really could she do other than act as a distraction...and Blake did seem to have everything under control. She scooted closer to the edge and swung her legs down, placing her elbows on her knees and her head in her hands. She began humming tunelessly to herself and split her attention between the dueling couple and anything that might try to sneak up behind her. It was night after all. And although she did like the cool air and dark sky, it was not a safe time to be out..and yet here she was again.

It had been two years prior when Raven last took a night stroll by herself. She had gone to donate blood at dusk and had been intoxicated with drink by the time she decided a walk in the crisp of autumn would do her some good. She had been aware of the shadow following her, but her confidence was high and home was only a mile away. If it had been a vamp that had trailed her she could have handled him, but it was so much worse. A hybrid disguised as a human approached her, begging for shelter and safety. She had been leery and refused to lead him home, but she showed him compassion and gave him her provisions and a place of safety. When dawn came he followed her to her safe haven secretly and started making his plans. In a week's time half of her group was dead, and she was responsible for leading the man there, even though it had not been intentional. She too had suffered at his hands, but she didn't consider the pain punishment enough. She could only hope to make amends through her future actions.

Movement below her perch caused Raven to gasp, then place her hand over her mouth. She had been lost in her memories and had almost missed the lone vamp creeping towards Blake and the stranger. So far she had been missed, but another sound or movement might give her away. She would have to risk it. Without delay she crept from the ledge and inched her way down the rocky slope. As soon as her feet hit the ground she had a stake in her right hand and a blade in her left. The blood sucker turned on her, her descent not as quiet as she had hoped. It lunged and she spun in a half circle, bringing the weapons to chest level. With its dodge she parried, swinging again and striking it across the chest with the knife. A screech escaped its lips as it dove for her. Raven dropped...rolled...and came up swinging behind the creature. Her knife sunk deep into the vamps neck and she pulled it with a twist...and was thrown to the ground with a backwards thrust. Gasping, Raven watched as though in slow motion as the vamp came for her again. "Bitch!" she grunted as she prepared herself for the assault. Her stake took the brunt of the weight, the "bitch" impaling herself with a squeal and outpouring of blood. With a grunt of disgust, Raven rolled the body from her, knowing her presence had been announced, vampire style. Without further pause, she turned from the fallen subdivision and headed deeper into the rocky hills, deeper into shadow and further from home.

Kiro Akira
10-11-2018, 12:07 AM
The woman reacted to Blake’s movements quickly when he tried to step to the side. Dashing towards him again the woman let out another laugh and hacked at him again with her claws causing him to jump back and pull his blade out swinging quickly to counter her only to catch the side of her hand and provide a small cut. “For fucks sake woman! Back the fuck off.”

Blake watched the woman as the two squared off once more, this time when she lunged to claw him, he avoided the attack with a quick dodge and countered by striking her with the back of his blade. He wasn’t trying to kill her more then simply reason with the woman but she turned and bared her fangs going in for another lung. This time when Blake dodged she countered the dodge and managed to gash a hole into his arm.

Cringing, Blake swung his blade back in response only to miss the woman completely. The two squared off once more moments later. This time, Blake took the first strike darting towards the woman and swung heavily with his blade making contact with her arm leaving a gaping gash in her arm. Yet his attack didn’t go unphased as she used it as a chance for him to be in striking range to slash at his arm where she had cut him before opening up the wound more.

Just when he thought the situation couldn’t get much worse, he heard rustling a few feet away. Taking his attention off the woman in front of him he saw Raven fending off a vampire. The woman taking advantage slashed Blake’s chest wide open causing him to cringe and grab his chest in pain. “Don’t lose focus boy…” She spoke finally and Blake only looked at her and hacked at her trying to strike her. She moved back and laughed at him.

Now, he did his best to split the focus between Raven and the woman before him his movements becoming slower yet he was still able to dodge and counter. Within a few minutes of getting tangled up in battle Raven had managed to fend off the vampire and then take off running towards the town not to far from them. Blake fended off the other hybrid for a few moments before finally he got a lucky shot and hacked into the woman’s leg. Watching her drop, Blake took advantage of it and slashed at the other leg attempting to leave the woman unable to walk. “You’ll heal, I need to go. So fuck off would you?!” He said before turning and cringing at the pain and darting towards Raven.

10-15-2018, 03:09 AM
Raven kept a steady pace as she moved through the rocky terrain. It was getting cooler as the hour approached midnight and her exhaled breath was visible in the brisk air. Despite the vamp's cry, she had not detected any other creatures as of yet, but she knew it was only a matter of time before she would have to find shelter. She quickened her step, knowing an old mining town was just around the next bend. For a brief moment she let her thoughts drift to Blake, wondering if he had managed to put his adversary down. She would have enjoyed watching the end of that fight--just her luck she had been interrupted.

With only the moon's glow upon it, the town of Tannersville looked like a ghost town with its dilapidated buildings and dark empty streets. It was a well-hidden façade for a small population that eked out a living in the underground tunnels dug by miners a century before. It was not a safe haven--not for humans or vamps--a fact that Raven hoped to use to her advantage. The people that lived here subsisted on whatever they could trap--rats, dogs, deer...even humans. If they were lucky enough to capture a vampire, they would drain its blood for profit. It was a dangerous place, but it also was a great way to lose a trail, as long as you knew where the traps were.

Once she was within the town's limits, Raven slowed to a brisk walk. There were trip wires to avoid and bear traps to step over. She knew there were several hidden nets set on the ground with hopes of scooping up a wary traveler, but although they were cleverly hidden, their location never varied. And it was this fact that allowed her to make it through unscathed every time. Even the scouts watching the town and traps were positioned the same. Raven often wondered about the strategy of this plan, but doubted she would ever know.

Slowly, almost painfully so, Raven continued to navigate the streets. Despite the dropping temperature, she felt sweat breaking out on her brow as she moved deeper into the dark shadows. She felt the hairs on her arms rise as fear crept along her spine, causing her to pause. She was no longer alone...someone was following her. Holding her breath, she withdrew her blade and sunk further into the gloom.

11-01-2018, 08:06 PM
Blake had the chance to catch up to Raven but quickly lost it while dealing with the woman. When he bolted after her she was sadly too far away for someone even with his speed to catch up. Focusing on the small ant like person in the distance he honed his vision in for a bit better sight of what he was looking at.

When she reached the outskirts of the town, Blake could only sigh. More in frustration than anything. Out of all the places she would go to it was the one town almost no creature of any type ventured into. He was nearly caught up in their traps one time, but luckily he managed to get caught in one based for a regular human. He cut the ropes and high tailed it out of there before they could catch him. It saved his ass for the night but when he told another of where he went he got the luck of hearing numerous tales of that horrid place.

As the man reached the edge of the town he slid to a stop pausing a few feet away from one of the landmines set. He could only faintly smell the gunpowder under the ground. Focusing, Blake made his way through the various traps, even set off one or two of them 'accidentally' and watched as arrows laced with silver would dart past him causing him to snicker at the miss. He was too smart for most of the traps but knew carelessness would kill him or trap him. Whichever came first.

When Raven came into view once more he gave a soft whistle towards her and in a whispering shout spoke out to her. "Raven! Get your ass ba-" Before his statement finished she had pulled a blade and rushed off even further from him causing the man to groan in annoyance. "Stupid fucking humans making me follow them for stupid ass reasons..... Could be at the bar sipping away at some alcohol or even more blood but noooo~ I'm to busy following a damned human around. Could easily be doing something else but fuck!" He grumbled on to himself in whispering shouts and continued to slide around traps and move at quicker paces in sections where there was none.


Like the hybrid, Raven moved as quickly as she could through the maze of traps. She had heard Blake's whistle, but his words were lost to her as she doubled her speed at his approach--as it wasn't only him that she was detecting on her tail. There was another, most likely one of the cannibals that was keeping a low profile, but not enough that she wasn't aware of a presence. She ducked into a concrete building--an old factory--and wove through the rusty piping and machinery until she came to a small recess where she could wedge herself without worrying about being snuck up on from behind. She heard noises above her, but was not able to determine the location, as the only light available came from the moon filtering in through the damaged roof. She made herself as small a target as possible by crouching low and only then did she organize her thoughts enough to work out a plan.

As soon as she heard the creak of the building's metal door she called out barely above a whisper to what she hoped was Blake's shadow, hoping his hearing was superior to anyone else who was near by.

"Get down..." she warned, "...there's someone else in here." Just then there was the report of a shotgun, buck shot spraying out towards the entrance. Raven let out a squeal, not of pain, but surprise.

Blake heard the warning but before he could react a blast came from behind him. Instantly lead peppered his back causing him to cringe and turn to the man in front of him. "For fucks sake! Watch where you point those things! Do you know how much damage you can do to a human shooting them with that? God....." He said and placed a hand on his bleeding back. "This shit hurts you know? You ever been shot with one?"

The man who shot him in the back, had a sly grin on his face up until the point where Blake turned around. Of course from any angle they would assume he was human. A rather pale human but a human at best. That would be until they saw his eyes at least before it would click in and this man had horribly fucked up. Instantly, his sly grin turned into fear as he saw that Blake wasn't a human like he assumed originally and nearly pissed himself as Blake questioned about being shot with one. The gun was ripped from his hands and tossed to the side.

"Ever hear the tale of the Vampire who fucked a humans world up? See there was this human." He said and took a step towards the man who stumbled backwards. "Who saw a vamp this one time. Thought it'd be a great idea! To shoot him with fucking bird shot in the back. No not to kill him. But to damage him to the point where he was in to much pain to do much." Taking another step he grinned at the now 'prey'.

"Now you see, that human didn't know that shooting a vamp with lead doesn't do shit. It's all about that silver. And this human..... At that point in time realized that he done fucked up. Cause the vamp turned..... And looked at him." At the end of his sentence, Blake cocked his head to the side with a crazed look in his eye. Clearly toying with the man as he took another small step. "And then that vamp..... Decided, that on that day, he wanted to know what a person who was scared shitless tasted like. Cause you know. Your emotions cause your blood to pump weird and shit and gives it a different taste."

At this point, he could see the trembling in the mans eyes and he simply licked his fangs. But as he went to reach for the man another spray of rounds went flying past him only to graze his hand, this one on the other hand burned with a wild sensation. This one was silver, while it didn't hurt as bad as it would a regular vampire, seeing he was a hybrid it still stung like a bitch. "Woooooo-Wee! Lookie what we got here boys! Been a while since I'd seen a fucking brid in my parts." A man with a hill-billy accent came from one of the scaffolding as he reloaded his shotgun grinning wickedly. Blake looked at the one he was toying with and nodded. "And at that time there, the Brid realized he done fucked up and took to long to kill his prey." He said but with his other hand, that wasn't burning he quickly pulled one of the blades from his back and hacked the man's arm off at the elbow watching as the blood squirted out quickly coating Blake's face. "But no matter. Whats the fun in playing with you if you don't put up a fight right?"


As the events were unfolding with Blake and the two cannies, Raven crept from her "safe" place and moved towards them. She had been content to let him deal with the one man, but with the advancement of the other she became a bit more nervous that he might be outnumbered and overpowered, which meant that she was next. The fact that he had come to her aid earlier that evening had nothing to do with it...or so she told herself.

While the man holding the shotgun with the silver pellets was occupied with his friend's demise, Raven made her move and leapt onto his back, wrapping her legs around his abdomen and squeezing. She let out a grunt as she bit into his ear, grinding her teeth into his knobby flesh until she tasted blood. Her hands tore at his face, his hair, his chest. She was like a wild cat, even the sound coming from her throat was like a growl.

The surprised man peddled backwards, dropping his weapon and tripping over his own feet in his attempt to dislodge the crazed woman. His screams melded with that of his friends as he fell, Raven taking the brunt of the impact with her back. As the air whooshed out of her lungs, she gasped, her grip faltering with the shock. The man shook himself loose. But she wasn't done, not by a long shot...as the man regained his feet, she drew out her knife and pounced on him again, this time a frontal attack. Her knife sank deeply into the man's stomach and she wretched it sideways, effectively disemboweling him. As he dropped to the ground clutching his abdomen, Raven turned to face the hybrid. The look on her face was comical, a mix of revulsion and pride. She still held her knife before her, now aimed in his direction.

"Can't leave me alone, can ya? This isn't like a date or anything. You can go home." She raised her eyebrow at him, then a smile formed on her lips, followed by a chuckle.

"Sorry...I shouldn't laugh...are you okay? I mean, you were shot and all. Want me to finish these two losers off while you go heal or something?"

Blake watched the girl take down Silver man a lot quicker then one would expect, in the midst of watching him he looked to the man who was screaming before him holding his missing arm in his hands. Staring down at the man he shook his head and kicked him in the jaw. "Shut up would you? God it's just a missing arm, it isn't THAT bad you know." He said shaking his head before returning to watch Raven and Silver man, but in the time he took to focus on the one before him she had a knife plunged into his stomach gutting him.

Watching as she covered herself in blood and what not he felt his half beating heart speed up and his eyes dim slightly. The sight of so much human blood caused him to be.....Thirsty so to speak. But he quickly snatched his mind back to reality as he looked down at the man who was on the ground screaming in pain from his arm and now a throbbing and swelling pain in the jaw.

Giving a heavy sigh, he did his best to re-collect himself closing his eyes softly only to hear Raven's voice come across to him causing him to look at her. "A date? Please, I'm here saving your ass. Theres two of these fucks here, one has silver and the other had fucking regular shotgun rounds. You wouldn't survive either." He said and shrugged placing his blade back in it's sheath.

When she apologized about the laughter he shrugged and looked to his hand which still sizzled a little from the burning of Silver on his skin. "I was shot twice actually and it's mainly this silver shit that fucking hurts." He said and pulled a small pocket knife from his pocket and stabbed himself in the hand cringing in pain as he popped out one of the small BB's in his hand. "Fuck! That shit hurts, Good thing I've got this fucking human blood in my body." He said cringing again as he attempted to pop out another one. "Any regular dude would have lost his fucking arm likely."

Next came a question about finishing off the losers in which he peeked over to the disemboweled man on the ground. "Is he even still alive over there? Gutting a dude normally kills em you know? So is there more?" He asked and quickly looked around trying to double check, yet the silver burning his skin threw his senses off so sniffing them out wasn't really an option.

As Blake continued working on his silver-laden injuries, Raven glanced over at the man she had stabbed. Sure enough, he was dead, and so would the other one be in time...but not soon enough, she surmised. Side stepping to get around the brid, she made her way to the one-armed man. Using the toe of her boot, she nudged him in the side.

"You be a good boy and tell me if any more of your buddies are hanging around...yeah? ...and maybe I'll let you live another day so you can eat your own flesh." She pushed into his ribs again until he cried out, finally responding with a shake of his head. "Good," she said, then moved behind him and slit his throat with her knife. She shrugged to herself then turned to face Blake again.

"I guess I lied..." She gave him an appraising glance then moved over to his side. "I could help you with that," she offered, "...and then we can call it even. I really don't need your help in staying alive...mostly...I've stayed kicking and breathing a long time without you."

Blake shook his head when she mentioned helping him. "Nah I got it..." The last word was stretched as the pellet could be seen sizzling in his skin just before it popped out. "Son of a bitch that shit hurts." His eyes soon focused on the man who was missing his innards and frowned. "Should have kept that one alive." He said as he motioned towards the man. "I Would have enjoyed stuffing these small ass pellets down his throat and then snapping his neck. Would have been more enjoyable to see him suffer after blasting me with that shit."

As Blake finished off he shook his hand fiercely as if trying to shake the pain off and sighed. "That's going to take a good week to heal properly but it'll heal. But hey we're even enough. I'm still going to annoy you tho, I need some kind of fun."

At first Raven frowned, then snickered. She too found ribbing someone enjoyable. "Okay, but let's get out of here first. These dead cannie bodies are creeping me out...and I don't want to be here when their friends come knocking for meat." She spared one more glance at the men...both bled out and still. Yep, it was one hell of a way to end this night's adventure.

"Come on..." she said gesturing towards the other end of the factory. "...the night awaits."

11-13-2018, 12:32 AM
After leaving the factory Raven worked her way around the few remaining traps in the town, and in no time she and Blake had left the raunchy cannibal town in their wake. She looked over her shoulder, staring into the darkness for a few seconds, then started out again. The place had always made her skin crawl, but it served a purpose when she was trying to shake a tail. She turned east, heading in the general direction of the donation bar, but taking a longer route that would take her past her current home, and all the people she cared about. Whether or not she stopped there would depend on the hybrid.

She turned to him as she walked, looking at him closely before diverting her gaze back to the path. "Tell me...where do you live normally? I don't think I've seen you before, and I have been in these parts for a few years now." She didn't mention that she frequented the bar a few times a week for provisions and information and was aware of all the "regulars"--namely vamps and 'brids. The three that Blake had killed were new in town...and good riddance to them.

Raven let her mind drift to her true purpose--finding the queen vamp. She was always on the lookout for any information on her, but there had been little word lately. Which only meant that she was a good distance away. If Blake was a traveler, he might have heard something. The question was whether he would be willing to tell her. She still wasn't sure if she could trust him, but she was warming up to him. He had proven himself several times this night. His being a bit odd was actually a good thing. If he was too nice or ordinary, she might think he was trying to fool her.

Kiro Akira
11-24-2018, 08:25 PM
Blake nodded at Raven at her mention of the night awaiting. "The night always awaits. Best time of the day if you ask me." He said with a nod before following her out. Even before he knew he was a hybrid he had always favored the night over the day, but after his 'change' he only assumed that was why.

Blake thought it had been a quiet trip but soon enough the silence was broken with an odd question, odd to him any how. "Where do I live? Thats a funny question for someone who doesnt like 'my kind' " He grinned at his own teasing matter and turned it against her for the fun of it. "Well if you want to know we can you know...... Go back to my place and well..." He trailed off with a shrug.

Letting the silence sit for a mere moment he laughed at himself and shrugged. "You really think a brid like me can stay in one place? Shit humans hate me, Vamps hate me. My blood is what some see as 'Special' So I'm hunted by both sides. I stay wherever the hell I can get a nap in at. When I do sleep anyways. Other then that I walk and travel about."

11-29-2018, 08:56 PM
Raven stopped dead in her tracks at the suggestion of the hybrid. She stared at him open mouthed in the space of the moments that passed. She literally closed her mouth with her hand when he began talking again, her brow furrowing as he continued to speak. Without warning, she hit him on the upper arm as hard as she could. "It's no wonder everyone hates you...don't you have a serious bone in your body? That was not funny!" ...and then she bent over at the waist and a sort of snorting sound came out of her, which suddenly exploded into laughter. She put her hand over her mouth to try to stifle the noise. "I almost thought you were serious there for a second...but you can't...I mean...hybrids and vamps don't do that...do they?" She tried to make a straight face, then started giggling again. "I'm sorry...I don't mean to laugh."

A few snorts later and she was composed. She started walking again at her normal pace, which was a fast walk, but her mind was now spinning. Was that his way of flirting, she wondered? ...and what of his traveling ways? It was what she was hoping for, but she did not think now would be a good time to question him. She would need to make a show of friendship...perhaps allow him to see where she and the others stayed. If she remained alert, nothing bad could happen. She would not allow it. But what would the others say? Maybe she could convince them to let him stay one night.

"I have an idea lover-boy. We are almost to my home...and I might be able to get you a safe place for the remaining hours of night...or day. Whatever you need. You just need to let me talk to my brother first."

Kiro Akira
01-04-2019, 02:37 PM
When Raven struck him he let out a horrible cry trying his best to sound as if he was dying, in reality tho it felt as if she was a fly hitting a closed window to escape. "Ow! You have defeated me! Noooooo!" He spoke before bursting into laughter giving her a grin. "Damn cant humans hit harder then that?" He spoke before rubbing his shoulder in curiosity but shrugged it off. "Can Vampires and Brids do what? Fuck? Damn right they can, except..... Well ever seen that shit show of a movie Twilight? Its like that, fast as fuck and pumped full of stamina, they xan go literally all night. But shit gets painful after a while so." He cut it off with a shrug. "Once you go Vamp you never go back."

When she snorted it only made him laugh harder at her and smile. "Nah its a valid question I guess...." Soon after the woman had composed herself and once again. Yet he readied for another question but instead she had taken off in a quickened pace and in return he followed examining the surroundings.

It seemed quiet for a bit and he stared at the girl assuming she was either lost in thought or confusion. Perhaps both but finally she spoke up again. "Lover boy? Please you couldnt handle a night with me if you tried. Your too....... How do I say it?" He pondered before perking up. "Squishy would be the word. Yep Squishy..." He laughed once again for a moment before continueing. "Sounds good to me I'm fine with whatever I guess..... You're interesting enough for me to bug for more then five minutes."

01-09-2019, 12:52 AM
Raven's cheeks heated up at the hybrid's answer to her question, not expecting him to go into such detail. She turned her face away, hoping her blush was not evident. Sex was not a subject many in her group talked about...it happened...but not often...always too many people around. No one wanted to bring children into this world and the struggle to survive was usually enough to keep things platonic. She waited until she was able to look at him again without embarrassment before she answered his question about the vampire show.

"I've never seen a movie...read a few books--although Twilight was not one of them. Not many of either of them around."

She stopped at a chain-link fence, the gate open and hanging from one hinge. She was just starting to walk through the opening when he started in again about sex. "I never said I wanted to..." she began as his laughter stopped her mid sentence. Once again her face reddened. "You really are awful...you know that? ..and I am not squishy."

She was halfway across what was once a paved parking lot when she stopped again. "You will need to wait here. I can't walk in with a 'brid without every weapon pointing your way. Not sure I can pull this off anyhow...but give me five minutes. Okay?"

Kiro Akira
02-01-2019, 03:00 PM
Blake frowned at her words and shrugged. "Right your...... Nevermind" He said and sighed remembering he was as old as dirt could get around here.

"Dont have to say it for it to be known Squishy." He said as a poking matter once more smiling afterwards. "I shall call you! Squishy and you shall be mine... Oh! and you shall be my Squishy." He grinned widely laughing once more. Squishy would be a fitting name for her.

As Raven stopped once again her groaned when she mentioned going alone and him waiting. "Oh come on, I'll turn to dust before you get back your so slowwwww." He huffed and plopped onto the ground before puffing up his cheeks and crossing his arms. "Fine...."

02-06-2019, 09:40 PM
Raven looked at him and rolled her eyes. "Oh for God's sake, I won't be that long." She picked up her pace, only stopping when she reached another fence. "And I won't ever be your Squishy, brid," she called over her shoulder with a laugh before opening the next gate and going into a small patio-like area that contained metal playground equipment that had long ago lost it's vibrant colors. Most of the swings were hanging from one chain and the slide was cracked and sagging. It was a sad reminder of happier days, ones which Raven had not been a part.

She pulled her eyes away and quickly slipped inside the building that had once served at an elementary school. Empty hallways stretched out before her, the sound of her footfalls echoing along the narrow space. She called out, making the sound of a raven, her signal answered in kind as another door was opened before her to allow entry.

Inside a large room, several cots were lined up along the walls, some spaces even having partial cloth-lined screens serving as borders. Raven made her way over to the one farthest from the entrance, stopping in front of a large oaken desk where a sandy blonde haired man sat. She waited patiently, knowing Rowan would address her when he was ready. Just as she was starting to get antsy he looked up from his book, raising a brow at her, then motioning for her to sit down.

"Awful early...or should I say late...to be getting back, isn't it?" he asked

Raven smiled. "I kinda ran into some trouble...but all good now. Just need to ask a favor. Also surprised to see you are up."

The light chuckle that came from the leader of the small group was anything but pleasant. "I never sleep when any of my soldiers are away from the nest. You know that Raven. Now what is this favor?"

"Well there is this guy..." she started, while scuffing her shoe along the floor nervously, "...and he needs a place to stay the night. ...and I thought...maybe...he could stay here." She looked up at Rowan and smiled. "He's nice...kind of...and funny...sort of...but he seems trustworthy and I kind of owe him a favor....so...what do you say?"

"I say there is a lot of hesitation in your statement. What are you not telling me?"

She brushed a stray bit of hair her from her face, tucking it behind her ear before looking at him. "He's a brid…" and she put her finger up before he could comment, "...and I know how we all feel about them. But...he saved my life...maybe twice tonight and I owe him one night of company."

When Rowan raised a brow, she laughed nervously. "Oh no...not like that," she corrected, "...wouldn't survive that encounter...I just meant talking...playing cards or something of that sort. I'd be fully responsible. Keep my eye on him all night. Promise." She sounded and was acting just like a child, she thought. Totally nervous. Why did she always feel this way when she asked for something. She deserved to have special compensation for all she did for everyone around here...unknown things, sure, but whatever, she was deserving.

When Rowan finally nodded his head, she thanked him and left the room, heading back outside to meet back up with Blake.

"Hey," she whispered, "..are you dust yet? You can come inside. Come on."

Kiro Akira
02-19-2019, 12:28 AM
Blake, almost as quick as she had left started moving around the area. Keeping a quick walk to his motion only to pause looking towards the back gate and frowned. A small hole beneath the gate was propped open by a box and he could see two men slipping their way in. They smelled different from this place and clearly were human, but what did he know? They may have been on a supply run? Shrugging he kept his distance standing on the top of the fence.

The two men had taken no notice to him and he liked it that way. The less attention he got the better, not to mention standing on a fence was one clear way of saying 'Look! I'm not human! I can balance on a fence with no issues!' Or so he thought. As the situation crossed, he took a quick wiff and smelled the presence of Raven coming closer to him. Taking a quick mental note of the two guys he nodded and quickly moved back to where she left him, yet he was laying on the ground when she opened up the fence and reached out to her. "It's been years! I'm hungry! Need....Water..... Turning to dust...… Help me! I don't feel so good..." He said before letting out a fake cry trying to sound like really was dying before laughing and rolling over. Quickly, the boy sat up and grinned. "Yep, a dusty as an old ass dude like me gets!"

As he finished speaking, he got up completely and followed her into the fence and made his way towards the building. "By the way, your friends are back from a supply run, Saw them coming in caring two big ass boxes. So looks like you're eating good tonight yea? It had metal in it from the smell, so I'm assuming canned soup or some shit like that." He said with a nod and looked around the area. "It's an ok home here ya know?"

03-19-2019, 01:33 AM
Raven shook her head. "Aren't you ever serious?" she asked, the smile on her face betraying the seriousness with which she asked the question. She led him into the old school building, moving through the hallway quickly. She nodded at the guards, Blake's presence not questioned while he was at her side. "Might want to keep it down...most everyone is sleeping."

She opened a door on their left, entering a dimly lit room with a few beds scattered within it. "This is our spare room," she said. "Kind of like overflow for when our numbers are up...or if someone wants some privacy." She laughed lightly. "...or in this case when we have company that may not be welcomed by everyone." She pointed over to the sleeping area. "Just grab a bed. I can get you something to eat if you are hungry. If what you said it true, then we should be having a nice breakfast in an hour or so."

She sat down on one of the beds closest to the door. It was actually an old cot, the canvas threadbare but useable. She didn't lay down, remembering her promise to keep an eye on the hybrid to make sure there was no trouble.

"I'll introduce you to my brother Rowan in the morning. If he likes you, he might even invite you to stay for a few days. So try to be on your best behavior until then."

Kiro Akira
03-22-2019, 07:38 PM
Blake frowned when she asked if he was ever serious and shrugged. "Why the fuck should I be? The only thing that can really kill my ass is the average Vamp shit and you know, losing my fucking head. Literally....." He trailed off and shrugged before following her in. He never planned on being serious in his entirety of life. He was who he was and that was just how it was going to be. If his childish actions got him killed then he'd come back as a ghost and just fuck with someone the rest of his life. Or so that's how Blake saw it.

Upon entering the inside of the school he looked around at the inside and shrugged slightly. It wasn't that bad for a 'lair' or hide out as they would call it. But it was still rather run down like everything else around him. Taking a look at the two men upon the entrance, he could tell they dared not question him at her side but the looks they gave him were. One would say not so inviting as they shot him the worst looks they could.

After they traveled down the hall for a few moments his locking eyes with the two men was broken as she spoke up grabbing his attention. And almost as if on cue he inhaled deeply and reeled back like he was about to shout. But as the voice came out from his throat it was a mere whisper. "Everyone! Look out! Wake up! Wake uuuuuup!" He spoke in a loud whisper then cackled to himself upon grinning at her. "Nah, you....Squishy things need sleep I get that. I've been around humans before you know. I know what it's like when you disturb their slumber."

Soon enough they entered a room that had very smooth and soft lighting, but he simply had the clearest vision ever thanks to his 'dark' vision. He gave it a quick look over and shrugged it off before playing off her words knowing damn well she didn't mean close to what his thoughts portrayed. "Oh so you wanted some privacy for some you know... Private time with me..... I get it now. I mean if they're ok with it and you don't mind the......Pain then I mean I guess I can give a human a shot or so..... Up to you." He then continued on with the rest of her words and plopped down on a bed in the corner. "Hungry? I ate before I started to bug the shit out of you. I'm good for now, if I get hungry enough theres plenty of 'food' around." He said giving an emphasis on the food portion of his sentence. Of course he wouldn't do that to her but it was still fun to poke.

Blake watched as Raven sat on the bed and seemingly watched him, while it wasn't much he could tell she was making sure he made no sudden movements. But the some what tense body language gave him a fun idea to jab at her some more. "I mean I know I told you it was rough sex and what not but no reason to be so tensed up I promise to go gentle...… I mean you can even start if you want...." He grinned widely before standing up and giving a stretch listening to a few of his bones pop before staring at her.

Giving her the almost same tense look she gave him he waited a few moments before sighing. "Right right..... Brids not trusted. Here." He said and within a moment he stepped forwards using his speed to be standing at the bed beside her. With that, he dropped the backpack only half filled with blood packs onto the ground beside her and then removed his rather smelly black and blood stained hoodie before revealing a combat style vest with an X'd strap harness holding his two swords. Under the vest was a black shirt with a old tattered skull on the front. Unclicking two buckles in the center, the harness for the swords came undone and he unshouldered them as well dropping them on the bed beside her.

"Better?" He questioned and perked before holding a finger up to shush her if she tried to answer his question and pulled a butterfly knife from his back pocket showing it to her and then placing it back where he grabbed it from then pulled the dagger out of his boot strap dropping it on the bed as well. "Knife is for if shit gets complicated. As for the rest of it, you lose it then your ass is first...." He said and peeked around her looking at the upper area of her ass the rest being concealed from the sitting position. "What little of an ass you got that is. But none the less. Your ass...." He said and then backed up before turning and darting back across the room and plopping down on the bed once more.

"Show you're people that as well, maybe they can shut the fuck up about brids for once yea?" He said and motioned to a small commotion of possibly three men speaking. While he was sure a normal human couldn't hear their words, he heard them loud and clear. 'she brought another fucking brid dude! Doesn't she remember the last one? Like seriously what the fuck?' Was one of the statements from the men before he was hushed by another. 'shut up dude! he'll hear us then eat us first! You want that to happen? Fuck we just got back from a run and you're already asking for death? Give it a day before you ask please? I wanna say bye to everyone first.'

Blake knew they weren't going to be as 'inviting' as some as it was normal but one could hope and it still really annoyed him hearing people place all hybrids into one metaphorical jar of sorts. After adjusting himself in his bed sitting up in the corner he gave a soft smile. "So as long as your brother doesn't throw me into the pits with everyone else I'd be glad to meet him. As for behaving? Please, you act like I never behave. I'm not a child." He said before crossing his arms and making a face as a child would do when scolded.

03-28-2019, 03:34 AM
Raven still did not know how to take the antics of this man. He succeeded in making her blush again by talking about having sex, and she averted her gaze...but when he brought it up once more in the space of only a few minutes she decided she had enough of his teasing. It was time to get even. She remained on the cot while he stripped off his weapons, only flinching slightly when he moved so quickly to her side. Beyond a doubt she knew if he decided to take on the residents here, they were screwed. He was fast...just like a vamp...and his weapons were not what made him dangerous.

She looked at the pile beside her and lifted up one of the swords and turned it in her hand. "Nice edge on this. I'm impressed. ...but no worries brid boy, nothing will get filched, you got my word. The people here are just a little scared...last encounter with one of your kind took out over a dozen people and let a vamp in for snacking. Can't blame them for being paranoid. 'Sides, they don't know you like I do." She laughed, giving him a wink. "That is, if one day with someone qualifies a person to have such an opinion."

She set his weapon down, getting up and pacing the room before moving over to his cot. "Don't worry though, there are no pits...so can't throw you into one." She sat, sighing heavily, making sure her leg touched his, then gave him a soft smile. "You know, if you stopped acting like a child, like being serious for once, then I might treat you like an adult." Trying to act nonchalant, she shrugged her jacket off her shoulders, followed by her red scarf. The black tee beneath was form fitting, showing off her gentle curves nicely. She took a quick glance behind her and then shrugged. "I was always told I had a nice ass...but I guess until you've experienced it first hand..." She laughed nervously, every ounce of her self control needed to continue with her charade without breaking character.

She stood, positioning herself before him and giving him a knowing smile. "You said I could start...right? And you would be gentle? Cause this will be my first time. I want it to be special."

Kiro Akira
03-29-2019, 06:40 PM
He grinned at the sight of her blushing as he had his fun of toying with the girl. Never had he been serious as he wasn't even interested in sexual activities, he had a full on life time to have them and in his past he well. Did enjoy such activities. But one can only do it for so long when the average for him was an hour straight if not longer. Upon her lifting his blade he watched her closely not sure what she was going to do with it but only watched as she simply examined it complimenting him on the edge.

Smiling, Blake gave her a nod and reached into his bag pulling out a basic sharpening stone. "As long as you know what you're doing it'll always be sharp. Been using these blades for about two years now. Found them on the dead body of one of those things when it came at me. I think they picked them up from a human tho, cause that dude.... He didn't know shit about swordsmanship."

Giving her a nod he only looked at his blades once more trying to re-assure himself in his head. He didn't like being far from his weapon, as shit almost always went down. But he took a few steps back and frowned slightly. "Last encounter took out over a dozen? Well shit, that sucks." He spoke waiting for her to finish her statement taking note of her wink.

Blake hated eaves droppers and took a wicked smile before turning things into a joking matter. He had to at least make himself laugh to ease his mind. "I mean if it were me. I'd make sure I'd get at least two dozen.... Maybe three. How many people you got here again?" He said before grinning and holding up a finger as if asking her to wait before shifting his appearance to the door and pointing at it. "Besides!" He said this time being a bit louder this time trying to be sure the people right on the other side 'listening for screams' as one put it. Stood there waiting. "If! And I do mean if.....I don't kill your entire group, you have to do something for me. Or I start with you first." He said then took his hand and with a not so hard smack to the door he continued. "Or! I will begin feasting on them in the next hour!" He said with a grin before hearing a group of men make the girlish scream he could imagine take off running down the hall.

With a heavy laugh he grinned. "Fucking eavesdroppers and their annoying selves. Anywho, I'll explain to....Your brother later right? If he has issues. But I mean anyone is qualified to their own opinion, I can't say who and who doesn't. As for pits? I'll just simply climb out of it...." He spoke and watched as she shifted to his cot raising an eyebrow at the movement actually confused at this point. His eyes shifting down to his leg where she brushed it. "Watcha?" He said and paused as she spoke again.

With a complete finish of her statement he was even more confused his face for once holding a 'what the fuck is going on' look to it. Yet he continued listening to her seeing a side he never quite imagined her having. Was it something he had actually done? "Acting like an adult wheres the." He cut himself off once more seeing her jacket drop a bit, then her scarf before blinking a few times this time holding a more shocking look. Her figure to him really wasn't all that bad for a human. Not like vamps had any other shape to them. They rather looked the same as well.

His face had a soft glow to it as she mentioned her own ass being nice and how he wouldn't know until he experienced it. Yet he tried to shake his mind out of the gutter and hearing the nervous laugh he attempted to take control of the situation. "Well.... If it is your first time then I can be softer if that's what you wish. Besides." He said and motioned towards her ass once more. "You got clothes on over that ass and." He paused with a reassuring nod. "Clothes do cover up a lot of ones figure."

Giving her a soft smile he felt his face hold a soft warm glow. Of course his hybrid blood made it a lighter pink then a humans would be but it was some what there. "As for special? Hey, a night with a brid for your first time? That's special in it's own way. But by all means start er' off if you plan on starting it off." He said and lifted his shirt slightly letting his pants sag a little. He wanted to call her bluff but was honestly curious on if she wasn't bluffing.

04-03-2019, 12:48 AM
Oh fuck, this was not at all what she had been expecting. He was calling her bluff as she had his. At least she thought he was bluffing. Who would get the last laugh now? The blush on his face was something at least. Maybe he was a little embarrassed...or excited...by her offer. If the latter, then she was really in trouble as she had no intention of making him her first. Her mind reeled trying to think of her next move. He seemed to expect her to remove her clothes...show him her ass. Stupid...stupid...stupid. How could she be so naïve?

She let out a heavy sigh, trying to meet Blake's gaze and return his smile. "I really don't think..." her words cutting off when she heard the sound of echoing footsteps coming from the hallway. "Oh fuck!" she said, remembering the hybrid's taunt at the nosey people outside the door. She knew whose shoes made that noise. "This could be bad...just wait here." She ran for the door, getting to it seconds before her brother, his hand on the knob as she opened it into the hall. She squeezed through the opening, putting her hand out to stop Rowan from entering the room.

"What is going on Raven?" he asked in a loud tone, his eyes taking in her attire...or rather what it was lacking. "Where is your hoodie?"

"Nothings going on...and my hoodie is inside. Was getting ready to lay down." When her brother quirked his brow at her comment she shook her head adamantly. "Alone...I was going to lay down alone."

"Is he making you do something?" he asked in a quiet tone. "Barnes said..."

"Barnes is an ass," she interrupted, "...and anything he said was bullshit. Blake was just giving him and his sidekick something to stew on. He heard them at the door and went all crazy with.. Jesus Rowan, he was just trying to get them to leave. He is very sarcastic and has this odd sense of humor. There is nothing going on...no threat or danger."

Rowan let her finish, then with a firm hand pushed her out of the way and wrenched the door open, stepping inside and slamming it behind him. He turned the lock then shifted to regard the hybrid warily, sizing him up before noticing the weapons laid out on one of the cots. Perhaps a peace offering?

He kept his distance, his hand resting over his sidearm and his eyes narrowing. "Raven speaks well of you...so that is something. If anyone has a bone to pick with your kind it would be her. So what's your deal? You into scaring people who have a reason to fear you...or perhaps it is the innocent girls you like to fuck over? Either way, I recommend you start explaining yourself or I will personally escort you out the door...whatever the cost."

Behind him, on the other side of the door, Raven could be heard spewing a string of curse words, her hand pounding against the wood ineffectively. "Open the door! Rowan? Open the fucking door now!" In a quieter, yet still strained voice, she called down the hall for Barnes to get her a key.

Kiro Akira
04-08-2019, 01:30 PM
Blake could see the some what panic look on her faced and smiled gently before taking a few steps back. He was going to comment and tease her about the situation when he heard the footsteps approach with quick haste. Either someone was really excited....Doubtful, or someone was pissed. Generally the two emotions Blake felt from the sounds of the steps. Looking to Raven he went to speak but froze at her cursing only confirming his mind.

He really didn't understand humans anymore, people from his time were a bit more.... Rude, and took more actions. Being scared wasn't a common thing as nobody cared whether they lived or died. Raven on the other hand seemed quite terrified by the one who approached the room. On top of that she left him alone in the room while she slipped out and tried to reason with them. "Anger, I figured." He muttered to himself before stuffing his hands deep in his pockets and pacing around the room.

A moment passed and then he heard the hissing words come from a mans mouth and then shortly after questioning her attire which caused him to giggle to himself. That would be interesting if she would actually tell them what she was doing but none the less he kept his mouth shut letting her do the talking. While he had a few things he could say to screw with her from the other side of the door the man sounded angry enough and for once he figured it was better to keep his mouth shut.

"Alone my ass." Blake muttered making sure he kept the comment to himself, she technically was alone but didn't mean he couldn't tease her for that later. Giving a heavy sigh, Blake flopped down on his bed and leaned into the corner waiting for Raven to return already growing bored with the situation.

Blake sat quietly and took note of the name Barnes, that was likely the first individual to speak out. Which meant he would be an easy one to screw with. Listening to the conversation Raven was having he only smiled at his 'odd' sense of humor. While he knew it was odd, it was also hilarious and funny. Most people laughed or they simply got annoyed and ran off from him. Either was fine to him as he could care less.

Hearing a soft shifting of movement his eyes quickly focused on his blades across the room but before he even moved to grab them a man had not only pushed himself into the room but locked Raven out. Instantly, he took a quick look around the room. Focusing on windows and any means of escape, even the ceiling looked as if it would be easy to get into. That was if things got worse and he needed to flee. Blake never was good for humans anyways.

There was a brief moment of silence as he watched the man glance at his weapons and then look directly to him speaking but not before his hand laid on the gun at his side. Blake looked at him narrow eyed and pulled out his small knife letting the man across from him, see it. While the blade stayed closed Blake wasn't about to let the man believe he was unarmed.

After Rowan finished speaking Blake chuckled at the numerous responses he could give, but settled with the first set of ideas. "My deal? Don't know dude, don't have any cards. My favorite is a royal flush tho. Gotta take the high ones. Jack, Queen, King, Ace. Innocent girls I like to fuck? Dude!" He said and motioned behind Rowan at the door. "She's got no ass! I don't wanna fuck that! At least gotta have ass, or tits. Tits are great too...." He paused to let his asshole response set in and then continued once more. "Explaining myself for what? Your asshole friends? Nah I'm good, I shouldn't have to explain myself for your uh.... Friends? Family? Whatever the fuck you wanna call them. They started shit so I played with their little game and left it at that. I didn't hurt Raven, Didn't hurt anyone simply screwed with him because he was being an ass."

On the other side, Blake could hear Raven banging on the door spewing a few words and then calling for the key. With a grin he leaned over looking at the door. "One minute Raven! Daddy and the big man are talking!" He let himself laugh at the matter before looking back to the man and motioned towards the gun. "Let me guess. Silver bullets? Made to 'take out my kind' Shit hurts you know that right?" He spoke as he held the closed knife out motioning at the gun a second time. "Burns like a son of a bitch, and often leaves holes in a body. Takes longer to heal." He said and then showed off the half healed holes in his body from the incident earlier. "Ass shot me with a silver embedded shotgun round. Still stings."

As Blake finished speaking he only stood up and stretched. "Got no intention in harming anyone here. I hate dealing with people anyways and Raven dragged me here to give me a spot to stay, but believe whatever the hell you want, your kind is all the same anyways. All hybrids are bad, All vamps are bad, humans are superior to everything, even tho they can't even defend themselves. They are entitled to the world and nothing can stop them now! Right? Everyone looks to a 'leader' figure who half the people hate but dare question his authority. Why? Because he's powerful and they know speaking out means getting killed, or worse, kicked out and left to fend for themselves."

Blake paused holding up a finger before side stepping across the room on the opposite side of his weapons. "Or let me guess. You think that you know best. That you can defend everyone from doom. But if I." He took a serious and rather scary looking grin before snapping his fingers. "Snap my fingers just like that! A whole horde of things comes running. Just watch." He said and snapped his fingers a few times before looking at his hand. "Fuck.... It's broken. Fuck fuck fuck damnit shit." He grumbled and shook his hand and snapped his fingers again as if thinking it would work. "Oh right.... I don't have friends it's just me!" He said then bursted out in laughter. Surely the man had a look of fear on his face and would shoot Blake but he was ready and keeping an eye on the gun in case he did fire. When and if he did grab the gun Blake was ready to dart to the side and defend himself with the knife in hand.

Giving his stupidity a moment to settle in he looked to Rowan and shrugged. "Look dude, I don't eat people, they're tasty yea. I guess. But your group isn't my type. They're too.....Squishy. Boring. Don't put up that much of a fight. I atleast like my dinner to give me a challenge. So instead how about this, you throw away that gun. I don't care for it. And we both drink a beer or whatever you people do now adays. You do have beer right?"

09-26-2019, 03:20 AM
Rowan waited silently while Blake rambled on, never changing his stance or cracking a smile at the hybrid's attempt at humor. He even managed to ignore Raven's ranting behind the door, not even looking in her direction. He raised his brow after a short while, then shook his head.

"You sure are full of hot air...and pretty into yourself...aren't you?" He said as he moved his hand away from his weapon, instead resting it at his side. He took a few steps forward, standing by Raven's bed, that was also littered with Blake's weapons. He folded his hands in front of himself, looking directly at the other man sitting on his bed in the corner.

"First off, I am not going to discuss Raven's attributes...or lack there of. She is like family to me and I am not comfortable with that topic. That being said, I realize Barnes is an ass and is quick to judge. So maybe, he mistook your 'joking' for a threat. I will give you that. But that kind of humor is not really in your best interest. It makes the natives restless. And while I know that not all hybrids are bad, I have to say the same cannot be said of the vamps."

He pulled his gun from the holster and knocked out a full bullets, showing them to Blake. Like anticipated, they were silver, the only kind any of the members in the group carried. Silver worked on human or vamp, but the same could not be said about the other kind.

"Listen, I don't want any problems and the only reason you are still sitting there is because I get the feeling your words are mostly fluff. I am the leader here, but don't think for one moment that I would kick anyone out to fend for themselves...not even you...unless you are a threat."

As Blake rose and walked towards him, Rowan tensed, his hands dropping to his sides again...and this time when Raven hit the door he glanced back. "You are wrong you know...I can't protect everyone...but Raven is my highest priority. That is something you need to keep in mind. I will not choose who she does or does not sleep with, but I will hunt down and kill anyone that hurts her intentionally. The last hybrid that graced our doors is proof of that."

Despite the situation, Rowan did allow the slightest of smiles to grace his features when Blake started in about his friends coming at the snap of a finger. "For once I would say it is good to be boring then," he said in response to Blake's claim. He shook his head again, then gave the 'brid a serious once over. "I won't be tossing the gun...but I won't draw on it either if you keep your cool. And though we are a bit low on beer, like we have none, I do have a full case of brandy." He turned to the door again and sighed. "I think we have to let her in...there is no way Barnes is going to get the key for her, but she may very well pound her way in. She's very persistent."

He lowered his voice and gave the man a solemn look. "I know where she most likely met you. She thinks I am ignorant of her little jaunts to the donation bar and the brand she hides under the wrist band. She helps provide for the people here...and I worry about her every time she goes out. If you really did help her out tonight, then the least I can do is extend our hospitality, but it'd be easier if you didn't scare the residents." He warily glanced at all the weaponry before him again, thinking it was a lot for one person to carry. "There's no reason for you to disarm yourself, you are a lethal weapon in and of yourself. Go ahead and gather your things up."

Blake looked to where his weapons were and watched as the man moved in front of the bed, to Blake's knowledge he was clearly guarding them and hoping to stop Blake from retrieving them. Giving a soft sigh he leaned back into the wall looking to Rowan as he spoke.

"Lack of? Oh come on so you noticed too so you looking as well." He grinned leaning in a little motioning him to come closer. "Dont worry I wont tell her if you are. You can tell me." He spoke in a half whisper before trying not to laugh by biting his lip and then letting him go back to what he was saying.

When he finished Blake only smiled and shrugged standing up and spreading his arms open. "Not in my best interest? Oh come on! Live a little, you're like what 30? In this time you have like 20 more years to live at best. And dude? That goes by fast like 20 years ago? That's like 5 years ago for me and it's not long at all. And bgg innit makes them restless, maybe they should live more too. Cause damn it's boring here. Wheres the music? The party! Blood all aro- oh wait..... Beer all around!"

Blake cackled in laughter and plopped back down. When the gun was pulled his eyes shot to his weapon, if he tried to fire and went for the kill this man would die too, but to his surprise a few rounds were knocked out and he looked them over. "Oh noooo silver! Owwww ooooooo.... Ah it bur- Oh wait it's in your hand never mind. That shit hurts you know, it burns like.... if you touched acid. Not like you know, heavy bone rotting acid but the kind that gives a nice burn? Battery acid in a way." He said and held up his hand which still had a few Mark's from earlier. "See it takes forever to heal, so throw them away yea? I'm not hurting you, so... If like you said you dont want problems then." HE trailed off letting Rowan finish again.

Giving a shrug at the statement of fending for themselves he shrugged. "Been doing it for years so it wouldn't bother me I'm here cause Raven offered. And fluff? Oh come on would I bullshit you? The leader?" He said and stood up once more taking a step to the side, as he stepped his image blurred asbhe dashed across the room standing still again. "See not allll fluff just mostly cause fuck you I dont care."

His eyes focused on Rowan and stared at him. His eyes narrowed and he focused as if he was actually getting serious for once. "Who she sleeps with? Kill me? Last one?........... Ew. Just...... Ew why? Just no." He said mainly referring to the first comment. "Nah, I dont care enough all of you are the same. Humans, vamps, all the same really. Hate each other and think your better then the other. Both was bbn peace but want to be dominant. You all suck."

Blake looked to the door and shrugged but nodded. "She'll get in if she wants to that badly, she takes what she wants." Soon his eyes looked to the man as his expression changed and frowned. This just got super boring and lame.

When he finished speak Blake did as mentioned and grabbed his weapons and resheathed and set it up again. "I am very lethal, and jokey cause shit gets boring, but I'll try not to eat... I mean joke with the residents as much.

Rowan ignored Blake's jab about him "looking" at Raven in a sexual manner, instead moving towards the door and resting his hand on the knob. "I'll be lucky to get twenty more years...but I suppose you know that already. It's one of the few things about being human that I regret. As for your party idea, that would only lead the vamps to us...and as nice as it would be to hear music again, few here have the desire to appreciate it. It is not the best time for us humans." He shrugged as he watched the hybrid pick up his weapons and strap them on. Whether the man had an interest in Raven or not wasn't any of his business, as long as his ward was not hurt physically. Emotionally, she was on her own.

With the slightest of laughs at Blake's last comment, Rowan opened the door, Raven nearly falling into the room. She had a scowl on her face, and her attention shifted from Rowan to Blake, trying to get a feel for any tension in the room.

"What the hell? she exclaimed to no one in particular. "Why'd you lock me out?"

"Boy's talk," Rowan explained with a smirk. "Have your boyfriend explain if he feels so inclined. As for me, I am getting back to sleep after I have a talk with Barnes." He stepped out of the room, with one last look over his shoulder at the two. "Blake seems to be thirsty," he added. "Why don't you get him a bottle of brandy Rave. It might loosen him up a bit. He's wound really tight."

Blake grinned as Rowan walked away 'ignoring' his comment sexually. Or in his mind Rowan was lying about it. But that didn't matter to him, giving a nod he agreed with his comment on the time of humans. "That's why humans need to step up! Be better! Show them long tooth freaks! Yea!" He said and did a fist pump into the air only to notice it was only him doing it.

As the door opened for Raven Blake watched her burst into the room questioning the two. "Boy's talk? Awww come on you don't see me as a man yet? I'm a big man! Manly....man? Wait...." He paused in thought and nodded. "Yea, Manly man. That's the phrase right? Or is that too outdated?"

Blake puffed his chest up as if he was trying to show off how big he was and frowned at the boyfriend comment. "Nah no boyfriend. Done told her she can't handle a hybrid like me. I mean.... Who could?"

When Rowan went to leave he plopped back down on the bed and watched as he walked away nodding at the alcohol comment. "Blood wine if you've go- Oh... Wait right... Humans....Humans don't drink blood mixed with wine...." He said at the last attempt to bother Rowan before the man disappeared. His eyes instantly shifted to Raven in which he grinned. "So how's it going?"

There was no verbal response from Rowan as Blake carried on, merely a disinterested shake of his head. Upon his leaving, his footfalls could be heard moving down the hall, then just the hint of his voice carrying as he spoke to Barnes. Then nothing.

Hands on hips, Raven looked at the hybrid with disbelief. "You're not starting that 'can't handle me' shit again...are you? Manly man? Pfft! ...and who said I was interested?" She rolled her eyes at him and when he mentioned the blood wine, she huffed out a sigh, grabbing up a key that was hanging from a nail in the wall.

"Brandy...that's what you get. And if you have blood in your pack, you can add it to the glass. Make you own mix. My veins are off limits!" It bothered her to think of him drinking human blood, but she tried to hide it, knowing that he wouldn't care one way or the other about her preferences. He would most likely laugh at her and make a show of adding it to his drink. She moved to the far corner of the room and opened the door of an antique-looking liquor cabinet, taking out a bottle and glass, which she brought over to him, her hands stretched out in his direction.

"It's going just lovely Blake," she said sarcastically. "I hope you're having a good time. Once you're done there you can go ahead and get some sleep. No one will bother you. At least you managed to weasel your way into Rowan's favor. Don't know how...you're such a smart ass." As soon as the hybrid took the offered items, she slipped back to her bed, sitting down while facing him.

"If you don't mind, I'm going to just close my eyes...but not sleep. Just speak up if you need something. I don't recommend wandering the halls...but I can't stop you." With that, she laid back, folding her arms under her head. Even though she had mentioned closing her eyes, they remained open, focusing on the cracks in the ceiling as she pondered her choices made this night.

Kiro Akira
10-05-2019, 06:00 AM
Blake grinned seeing her hands on her hips and laughed giving her a wink along with two finger pistol shots to her "Ayyyyyyy but you never said you werent interested now didja? Huh?" He said standing and cocking his head to the side with one eye out towards her giving a side look. "OR! Did you? Ah fuck I dont remember...." He said sittting down and pursing his lips to the side. "Cant keep up with it anymore i dont remember."

He took the drink and pulled out red food coloring as a mere joke always having something in his hand to screw with 'norms' or humans so to speak. Then put a few drops in his drink, tho if one looked close enough it was obviously just food coloring. But regardless it did make the drink as black as night. "A good time? Please I always have a good time. When youve lived as long as me you realize shit gets boring and old REALLY REALLY fast. Gotta spice it up, live a little. Make something fun. As for Rowan? Noy the slightest fucking clue, I'm just doing me can give a fuck less what others think and not changing me for anyone."

Taking a few gulps he motioned towards the key she grabbed a few moments before. "Atleast i know where the alcohol key is." He said and leaned forwards smiling. Blake was enjoying himself quite so, he loved the thrill of everything going on mainly the drama he caused but everything was better now.

Watching Raven, he shrugged and watched as she laid dowm for the night and nly giving a soft smile as one last chance to poke at her before bed. Or possible last chance that is. "Well, if you need a cuddle buddy I'm all game...... But i do sleep naked next to others and do bite sometimes at night." He paused for a moment and perked. "Wait not like ow or ouchie bites..... more of...... well love bites. Just saying, its pretty nice." As he finished he smiled to himself and grinned before laying himself down for bed only half expecting a reply.

10-08-2019, 12:35 AM
After dealing with Blake's sense of humor and sarcasm all night, Raven would have thought she was used to him by now. She said nothing when he put something red into his brandy, and grimaced when he mentioned knowing about the key's location--now she would have to worry about the liquor supply. But the last straw was his cuddling comment, and she was unable to stop herself from reacting, sitting up in her bed and turning to face his cot.

"What is it with you 'brid?" she asked, her face flushed a bright red. "You don't want to curl up next to me...I heard you make the comment about my lack of tits and ass. Which was so crude by the way." She scoffed, swinging her legs over the edge of the cot and giving him a disgusted look. "And I don't want you naked next to me...or is that another one of your jokes? No cuddling. No love bites. Jeez...can't you just shut up and go to sleep?" She stood up and walked over to his cot, grabbing the brandy and taking a swig right from the bottle. With a deep intake of air through her teeth, she shook her head, her dislike of the flavor obvious. Grumbling, her hands went to her knees as she leaned in close to his reclining form. "Better yet, if sex is on your mind, you can go and just...take care of yourself. Leave me out of your fantasies."

She had a smirk on her face as she straightened up, cocking her head to the side as she awaited his reaction. ...and she knew there would be one. She had baited him...and he never seemed to back down. If she had been smart, she would have ignored his comment, but it didn't seem that intelligence gene was running very deep in her tonight. She had made lots of stupid mistakes out there...and now in here. She supposed dealing with his banter was better than being bored...like she was most nights. And she kind of liked him...not in a girl/boy way, but as a friend. At least that was how she thought she felt. It was all too confusing...especially with the way she kept getting flustered whenever he talked about 'those' things. The worst of it was, she could feel her cheeks heating up again. Damn the hybrid...this was all his fault!

Kiro Akira
10-08-2019, 04:34 AM
Blake grinned widely seeing her sit up and face him from her cot. He had gotten her reaction finally, it was the thrill of the night before bed, sun had a rough 4-5ish hours maybe which meant it was almost that time. His face soon frowned when she asked what was wrong with him. Wrong? Blake never imagined anything wrong more of he just played too much.

"Oh come on why cant I want to be up against you? And who knows I may have been joking. Not like I can see up under them clothes anyways, could be a magical piece up in there I dont know about." He spoke puckering his lips and looking to the side trying to be serious enough to look offended.

When she asked about him being naked ornif that was a joke he took his grin back looking to her. "Only one way to find out huh?" As he began laughing ignoring most of the rest ofnit. "Sleep is for the day night is for the awakening." Before Blake could react to much more the half empty bottle was whisked away causing him tonfrown. "My blood whiskey thats not fair." He said and watched the long sip before blinking. "Be careful bloods addictive you know..."

As he spoke he watched Raven lean in close and give him a response to his so called sexual desires and leaving her out of them. "Wait....... Ohhhhhhhh! So you dont want me, not while others are around. I gotcha no worries, secret safe with me." He gave another poke and grinned standing up.

"But I think I'll take them out on you anyways ok?" He said and stoodnup approaching her slightly gathering a wicked looking smile. But that appearance only lasted for another minute before he quickly turned away to hide the smile trying to break out, he then fixes his blankets quickly and adjusted the sheets for more comfort before plopping back down. "Maybe tomorrow." He said before looking up taking his bottle back.

10-10-2019, 09:18 PM
"There's a magical piece all right...asshole." Raven interjected, knowing she was allowing him to get to her, but unable to stop herself. "..and the only way you are going to find out about it is if I decide to let you."' She scoffed at him, looking at the brandy in her hand when he mentioned the blood. It was too late now, she thought, the burning liquid already in her stomach...and the smart comment about blood being addictive...well she already knew that. Although in her case, it was vamp blood which gave her a jolt.

When he stood up, she held her ground, not backing away despite her desire to do so. She wasn't going to let him intimidate her...or continue with this insidious teasing. Once the bottle was back in his hand and he was lying down again, another jab was tossed her way. Throwing her hands up in the air, she growled at him.

"You know what Blake? I call you on your little brag. To hell with tomorrow. We have what--a few more hours of night before everyone here starts getting up and moving about. Let's have some fun. You show me what a 'brid is really made up of and see if I can handle it. Are you game?"

This time it was her wearing the grin, even though she was not sure what she was getting herself into. She suspected he was all talk...bragging as boys will do. Plus, he had not shown any interest in her...just the teasing which seemed to please him when she blushed. Two could play at this game she thought...and this time it was her putting up the challenge.

Kiro Akira
10-15-2019, 02:28 AM
Blake blinked at her in confusion not quite getting where she was going completely when she spoke aloud. But as her statement finished he frowned and shrugged. " Now you just soind mean you know, not interested in meanie butts." He made a rather sad face and took a swig of his drink then set it down besidenthe bed. "Well fine....."

The man patted his leg and smiled. "Fine I can show you what a 'brid' is made of. Sure I'll be game. Surenwhatever you want. People do wake up soon tho so its on yiu if they can hear anything. And I'll just let you explain." As he finished speaking he simply sat back leaning on his arms staring up at her. "Now this ass you apparently have and chest. Show me. Show me that Raven bird here really means what she says. And we can dance as they say."

10-15-2019, 09:55 PM
This was the second time tonight Raven had called his bluff...and both times he had managed to turn it around on her. She was done playing his games. She scoffed, giving him a look of reproach. Her hoody was still off and she was only wearing a t-shirt and jeans. There was no way her figure was not well displayed. Nearly growling in her frustration, she put a finger in his face, shaking it at him.

"If you think for one minute that I am going to strip naked and parade around here for you to judge me, then you have another thing coming. I am not your little toy. You can see me well enough... If anyone is hiding something, it is you...and I bet you are just a twiggy thing under all those clothes. Nothing but a big mouth that can't stop bragging about his love bites."

She reached down and grabbed up the brandy next to his bed, once again taking a long pull and crinkling up her face. "I need this more than you do...you can just lay there. In a few hours you can do your sleep thing. Whatever."

She went back to her cot, bottle in hand, glancing at him over her shoulder before she sat down. She continued to drink, only setting the brandy down once it was finished. Fluffing up her pillow, she laid down on her side, her back to him. He could stare at her ass for all she cared, she was going to sleep for real this time.

Kiro Akira
10-17-2019, 09:15 PM
Blake frowned when she growled in frustration. Did that mean no? He then blinked as a finger was thrusted in his face and shook. "So that means no? Well fine, I didn't wanna see it anyways. You're the one who offered in the beginning." He said and frowned more huffing. That was quite rude of her in his mind. "Why offer if you're not gonna own up?" He asked and watched as she snagged his bottle of alcohol "Hey! That's mine...." He said and crossed his arms listening to her words. "I'm not saying you have to parade around, it's just for me and nah that shirt is way to baggy for me to see enough."

After Blake made his comment he leaned over and peaked at her ass and stared for a moment trying to calculate it in his mind. "I mean the ass isn't bad you know I can go for it I guess.... But." He said and paused and shrugged. "Nevermind that idea you already said no. As for me? Obviously you don't know vampires. Ever seen one naked? All they've got is blood and man it flows through the body a lot stronger then it does the living. And." He whistled with a sigh. "Man they're a bit bigger then what you humans call big." He said and then turned around grinning. "But no mind, keep the blood brandy. I'll get more later if I feel like it."

After laying still for a few minutes and Raven had made her means to go to bed he sighed and sat up in a dramatic fashion. "God this bed so uncomfy I can't sle- Oh right.... I don't sleep..." He said with a laugh to himself assuming he'd get no reaction. Instead of poking at her tho, he decided to go have fun. "Well night night Raven." He said and dashed to the door and out to roam the halls and maybe step outside. He just wanted to explore at this time.

10-23-2019, 04:17 AM
Raven balled her fists, her eyes tightly squeezed shut...but she heard every word the hybrid threw at her despite her feigning sleep. She had expected him to gloat and he had not disappointed, but that didn't mean she was immune to it. All her life she had fought to stay alive, facing one danger after another, but tonight the threat was against her sanity, Blake the dagger that kept pushing deeper into her psyche. So, he wanted to play some more...couldn't let sleeping dogs lie...as the phrase from so long ago went. She listened intently to his footfalls, waiting until he was past her and to the door before she rose.

Stepping into the hallway a short distance behind Blake, Raven cleared her throat to get his attention. There would be no sneaking up on the half vamp...it wasn't even worth her time to try. She walked briskly to him, her face set in a blank stare as she put her hands to his shoulders and grimaced.

"I have seen one 'brid naked, if you must know. And he wasn't much to look at. ...and I doubt you are either. But vamps? I don't know. Not really my type." She shoved hard against his shoulders, attempting to push him into the wall. "If you insist on continuing with this game Blakey, I will eventually cave...and you will have to either show it...or shut it. Your choice. For all I know you might be able to see through my clothes...but if not, then I suppose I am putting myself in the same situation."

She moved closer to him, close enough that he could smell the brandy on her breath...and sense the slight wavering in her stance. She was good and buzzed, her inhibitions lowered with the alcohol streaming though her system. She would regret it later, but for now her hackles were raised. "It's your call pretty boy...do the games continue? Or are you done with your flirting?"

Kiro Akira
10-28-2019, 07:13 AM
Blake looked around the abandoned and empty area around him glancing down a few halls peeking into a few classrooms, watching the humans sleep. Sleep was still fascinating to him tho he rarely did so only did ao when he was that bored or simply wanted to resr. It qasnt like he needed it but it felt nice to be human.... Or atleast part........Sometimes. No he was sure being human sucked. But the thought sounded nice rarely.

Giving a soft sigh he went to flee through a few more halls only to pause at a sound. Someone else awake at this hou- 'Oh.... simply her' His thoughts completed his sentenece as he smelled Ravens scent and her obvious drunken manner. Yet now she walked with confidence this time and even touched him which in its oen was a surpeise. "Hmm?" He questioned blinking as he looked to the female before him

"The fuck..... Are you talking about?" He asked staring her down. This Raven was much more assertive and actually seemed to be able to stand up to him. Blake then frowned and smiled softly moments later with a laugh. "Please dont tell me you wanna do this here. It will literally ruin your oh so great status here cause we both know i dont go small..... Thats me, everything about Blake is big." He said only to slowly raise his voice with each worr. "But! Raven, if I coul see through clothes we wouldnt have doubts with that body of yours cause damn id love to check you out up under there. You know for human anatomy stuff and what not...."He said and laughed at his own joke regardless of being the only one laughing.

Blake loved screwing around and well.... Screwing in general, his thoughts may have even crossed his mind at this point and how she was acting yet he kept his mouth quiet for once on that thought. He even stated quiet as he looked down at the girl feeling on his body even letting her push him against the wall before finally.

"Look how about this, as much fun as it would be to fuck the shit out of you, your fucking drunk. And really dont wanna listen to you bitch at me tomorrow for 'taking advantage of you' so lets go to bed and I'll even sleep too, tomorrow if you decide you wanna fuck then hey lets fuck. But when your sober. Besides, alcohol in a bloodstream isnt as tasty." He said this with no cares if anyone qas listening and simply sighed before picking her up by the waist with ease and carrying her himself. "Lets go drunky...." he said before going towards the room doing his best to carry her by the waist, even bridal style if shed let him. He didnt like taking advantage of drunk people, just wasnt his way of doing things cause the next day it was a lie.

11-06-2019, 03:24 AM
Raven grumbled...Blake was talking shit again...and her mind was spinning...circling around her in waves of dizziness when he lifted her up. She didn't struggle against him...his hands on her sides were...distracting. She stared into his face, her eyes narrowing, but not angrily...more inquiring...or perhaps just trying to focus.

"Fuck the shit out of me?" she repeated with a laugh, her arm going around his neck clumsily for support. "..and taste my blood? Is that part of your love-making game too?" She allowed herself to be lifted into his arms, not resisting as her legs were brought up also. She giggled lightly, tucking her head into his neck and nuzzling him.

"So 'big' boy...you sure you wanna wait 'til tomorrow?" she asked, "...cuz we have a more private room a few doors down. Bigger bed and everything." A part of her was teasing...but another part was hoping he would say yes. Normally she was too shy to make this sort of offer...and with her life style, tomorrow wasn't guaranteed. Killing vamps was a dangerous business, especially when she encountered them almost daily.

Tucking herself in a little tighter to him, she tugged on his shirt. "Not drunk Blakey...just a little tipsy. Can still think straight...ish...and I know when someone is dodging. Tell you what...let's call this one a draw...but I still want the bigger bed so I can stretch out. You can sleep in the other room on the cots for all I care...just drop me off in there." She pointed to a room several feet away, the door to the room ajar. "..and bring me another bottle of that brandy. I want to sleep like the dead." She giggled again then shifted in his arms. "Sorry hybrid...no offense meant."

Kiro Akira
11-08-2019, 12:57 AM
For once, when Raven stared into his eyes he seemed as if he was mostly serious on the manner. While he would enjoy a night with someone, more or less a human at that, he didnt want to take advantage of her when in this state of mind. Giving a soft sigh he did glance back into her eyes and shook his head before bouncing her in his arms for a better grip.

Blake sighed heavily ae she mocked his words with a laugh and grumbled softly only to feel a bit of color come to his face as she nuzzled him, she eas cute he would give her that. But he did have to push the thoughts away. "Yes, stamina for me is different for you, tasting youe blood is something else, kinda like a vampire hickey if you can process that."

As the two made a few feet down the hall he paused in his tracks as if certainly thinking of it. It wasnt often where a girl was practically begging for sexual encounters. But most of the time they were drunk and hated it in the morning. Shaking his head, he continued walking only to feel the tug as they reached the hall to the room.

"Yea, only tipsy and here you are calling me Blakey. Sober you would never call anyone like me Blakey or have any nickname aside from 'brid or some shit like that." He said half poking at that being the only name she calles him aside from his real name. Yet even despite the efforts of her actions he did comply and took her to the room with the larger bes half setting half tossing her on the bed. As he turned away he shook his head strolling off. "I'll bring the alcohol and then maybe we discuss where I'm laying tonight if i do at all." As he spoke he slipped out of the room ignoring the dead sleeping comment. "If she only knew....." He said before sighing and fetching the alcohol she asked for. It only took him a moment to use his vampire speed to dart down the hall and grab the key then to the area where he smelled alcohol. Hisnonly pause was examining the cabnit for a tasty brew before settling with whatever one he grabbes first and a small bottle of crown he had found. Taking it upon himself to relieve the cabnit of the two drinks rather then just one he fled back to the room with a larger bed and looked to Raven on the bed tossing the bottle to her. He then took a swig of his own and shrugged. "Not my absolute favorite but theres one for you and one for me."

11-12-2019, 02:54 AM
Raven rolled over onto the far side of the bed when Blake released her, laughing lightly at the trouble she was causing him. Normally she wouldn't be this brazen, but his constant teasing had left her with a desire to strike back...to create as much discomfort for him as he was for her. It was only fair...and she was enjoying the game in an odd sort of way...especially now that she was scoring some points. Propping her head up on her hand, she watched him run out to get the alcohol, thinking she would have a few moments to get her thoughts in order. But she was wrong, the time it took surprisingly short before he was back in front of her, tossing a bottle her way.

"Blakey..." she said with a grin, "...that was fast." She patted the bed next to her after rescuing the bottle, encouraging him to sit. "You must have missed me." Scooting backwards, she used the headboard to lean against, pushing herself into a sitting position. Taking a moment to open the bottle of brandy he had brought her, she took a drink then sighed heavily. "To friendships...and perhaps a little more," she toasted, winking at the 'brid before taking another swig.

She drank in silence for a few minutes, letting the heady aroma assault her nostrils as the fiery liquid burned its way into her stomach. She was going to regret this...she just knew it...but the brandy was suppling her courage...and hopefully would allow her to sleep deeply...something she rarely had the opportunity to do. Once she felt the buzzing in her head strengthen and the numbness creeping into her face, she capped the bottle and turned her attention to Blake.

"I'd like that vampire hickey you were talking about...in exchange for some of your blood...really kick this party into high gear." She had no idea if a hybrid's blood would give her the same jolt as pure vamp, but she was willing to try. Worse case would be no high...just the salty coppery taste to deal with...something she was used to well enough by now. She wondered if he would be game. If nothing else, she could claim something had occurred in here tonight at least...and would have the mark to prove it.

Normally this room was reserved for lovers...the open door meaning the room was available. Raven couldn't help but notice that was often the case these past couple months. The group was getting restless...and nervous...the time for another location imminent. She knew they rarely spent more than six months in one place, a year at the most, but she had grown used to the old school and would miss it...and the location of the donor's bar. But the lack of bonding...and the high tensions...were a sign of discontent. Moving time. Raven had other ideas...some of which she hoped to discuss with the hybrid once her head was clear. But first she would have tonight.

Kiro Akira
11-12-2019, 06:05 AM
As Blake showed back up and tossed the bottle he stayed standing there only to sogh when she sat up patting the bed. "Fast? That was slow. The hell do you think I am? Huma-" His words cut off as he realised he was indeed speaking to a human. "Oh right I forgot my bad." He spoke and then shrugged plopping down beside her as she suggested. He could handle alcohol much bettee but even he was beginning to feel the effects starting. The tingling numb feeling starting in his chest and running up his body.

He sighed as she mentioned missing her and shrugged. "Was gone literally a minute, but yea I guess." Blake then took a swig just as she spoke of being to friendship. And as she finished the sentence he choked in surprise nearly losing some of the drink. He then gave a heavy shiver blinking in near surprise as he glanced to her catching the winking eye. "And wai..... What? More? Like fucking what?" He questioned and was answered with her chugging the alcohol. "Ah fuck it." He muttered and tilted his bottle back matching her speed. He pulled back before her and simply watched as she finished her gulp. His own face heating up from the drink in his system feeling the good kind of buzz that made you giggle at every little thing.

The boy grinned widely as she mentioned the vampire hickey licking his fangs slightly in a teasing way. "Great I love leavi- wait..... you want my blood?" He said and let his small smile slowly grow before letting out a giggily drunken laugh and smile at her. "Oh so you want to be all wired up on my blood? Someones a cute little blood junkie arent theu?" He said giving her a wink letting out a goofy looking smile, he then shrugged and nodded. "Tell you what, youve got a deal I'll let you have your hickey and you can get all excited by my blood, but two things, you gotta take the blood from me, and you also gain the pleasure of explaining anything to everyone who asks." He said then smirked before placing a fang on the outside of his lip and quickly dragging it across causing it to cut open a wound, it would heal in only a few minutes but it was more of a temptation to call her bluff. Andnhe was starting to have fun with this.

Blake took a quick swig of his drink and smiled softly cappinh the bottle and pulling out his small knife setting it on the bed. "Here a knife to make it easier. Your taking it if yoh want it."

11-14-2019, 02:52 AM
Raven could tell Blake was feeling the effects of the alcohol too, his giggling bringing a chuckle from her. He even called her a 'cute little blood junkie', perhaps some sort of term of endearment from the hybrid. She was enjoying her buzz...and the flirting way they were behaving...something that wasn't typical for her...and most likely would be regretted tomorrow. But she refused to dwell on it, instead watching Blake closely as he split open his lip and offered her a knife.

He wanted her to cut him...and then take his blood. It was a challenge...and one she'd bet he didn't think she would follow through on. She had never done this sort of thing before...sure, she had used a knife to slice a vampire, but it was with the goal of killing it. Her 'drinks' always came from a donor bar...vamp blood on tap...in a shot glass. This was different...and she paused...feeling Blake's eyes on her...waiting...thinking she was bluffing...

"Okay," she said, reaching for the blade after the short hesitation, "...I agree to your terms. I will take your blood...and explain everything if anyone asks."

She took his hand in hers, turning it so the inside of his wrist was facing up. Swallowing hard and licking her lips, she put the tip of the blade against him, her eyes shifting to his for just a second. She pressed down, puncturing the skin just above his hand, then drew the sharp edge along his lower arm until a two inch opening was created. Blake's blood began to ooze out of the wound, droplets falling onto the bedding before she lifted his wrist to her mouth. Her tongue came out first, licking at the line of scarlet before she clamped her lips against the laceration.

Raven tried not to think about what she was doing--she felt like an animal--a vamp. But she also felt the effects his blood was having on her...not as strong as a pure blood's...but she was feeling the high. It was erotic in a sense, her lips pressed against his flesh, and the sensation of euphoria that was filling her. She moaned lightly, having to force herself away after a few moments, the intoxication she had been feeling earlier mostly wiped away. The viral blood healed...it was what it did. Which meant she also would not suffer a hangover.

Embarrassed, she wiped the back of her mouth with her hand, blood smearing along her skin. Already she could see the wound healing on the 'brid...the mark she had made would be invisible by dawn. She took in a deep breath then scooted closer to Blake, pushing her hair away from her neck--the side that was not scarred. "Whenever you're ready," she said, both dreading and looking forward to his part.

Kiro Akira
11-17-2019, 03:30 AM
[HIDE=Kiros WIP Post]

Blake gave a goofy grin smiling atnRaven, the effect was giving him a full buzz yet but he quickly took another swig knowing his body would soon try to 'heal' the drunken state and cure him of it. But as long as he kept the alcohol in his system it wouldnt do so.

His eyes watched Raven close as she scanned him, looking at the blade and him all together. Even through the drunken state, he could almost smell the slight fear and worry in her. But he was quickly taken back when she finally spoke, not only agreeing to his terms but also taking the blade in her hand.

"Sure you d- fuck!" He spoke and was cut off by the blade dragging his skin and actually cutting him. A slight sizzle came off as the blade did have a silver lining in it but before he could react the girl was on his wrist sucking it rather hard. While it was interesting to see he only blinked and let out a small laugh. "Thats what humans feel then.... Huh weird being on the opposite end of the suck." He let out a giggle and a smile watching her.

Moments later, the drink was over, and she was wiping the blood from her lips making Blake laugh even harder then he was before. "Damn you almost make a good vampire. The thing you seek to hate and here you are feeling the fun effects of one." He spoke with a grin and watched her adjust for the second part of the deal.

When she had finished adjusting, Blake focused on the bare skin of her neck and then before he could let himself snap out of it, he made a slow move until he was nearly right on the girl, then before one could blink the fangs were sinking into Ravens neck, two puncture wounds would now be there, but he only added to it by applying soft pressure when he went to suck on her neck making not only a set of holes but a red mark on her neck to follow through. He drank slowly for a good minute then pulled back blinking as the alcohol mixed blood ran into his system giving him a weird buzz but enjoyable. Yet unlike her there was only a smudge of blood on his face, in which he didnt even wipe off simply leaving it.

11-22-2019, 01:55 AM
Raven braced herself for the bite...the piercing pain only lasting for a second before it was replaced with something else. An almost pleasurable sensation. The feeling of nirvana she had gotten from Blake's blood intensifying until she was in a stupor-like state. She suspected it was something in the saliva because it had been the same when she had donated blood in this manner. The last thing she wanted from a vamp was a good experience...and she had denied herself the experience again...at least until now.

It wasn't the same with the wilder blood suckers. They tore out the necks of their victims, their goal to kill and in some cases transform. Thankfully, the most common type to encounter were the ones like those that hung out at the donor bars...almost a docile species in comparison, due to their sated appetites. ...and Raven had killed enough of them to know they were not the main threat. Unlike most humans, she had survived an attack from a more aggressive vamp, only the administration of its viral blood making her recovery possible. ...and as a result, she now craved it...

A sigh escaped her lips when Blake released her, Raven allowing her body to fall back on the bed as he backed off a bit. Her hand went to the puncture marks and she rubbed at it absently. "That's about as intimate as it gets...Blakey..." she said with a laugh. "Too bad I'm losing my buzz...but at least I am relaxed and all tingly just the same." Folding her arms under her head, she looked up at him and offered a smile. "I'm just going to lay her for a while and enjoy the silence. Maybe get a few hours of sleep. Lay with me?" Her request was not sexual in the least, but she knew how he could be and was interested in how he would interpret it. Allowing her eyes to close, she listened to the night sounds...so much louder than before. It would only last for a few hours, but with her senses heightened, she could see the appeal to being a vamp. It wasn't that she wanted to be one...just that there were advantages which she envied...and craved. ...and if this relationship with Blake continued, whatever it was, she may just get to experience it more often.

Kiro Akira
12-22-2019, 09:15 AM
Blake stared at Raven still feeling the adreneline pumping in his blood. Drinking from a human was easy, stopping was the harder part. But just a bit of humanity that lingered inside him would never let him take that so called next step. That was what made him different, or so thats qhat he told himself.

Finally after staring into space for a moment he licked the drying blood from his lips now not only feeling his drunken state but pieces of her alcohol laced blood. It was a different and much more special kind of high. One he oddly enjoyed more then a regular drink.

He heard her speak and shook from hisnthoughts smirking. "Oh no it can get much more intimate, but hey I told you.... Maybe another night. As for your uhh." He let out a soft drunken style laugh. "Buzz. Im feeling it just fine." He grinned widely in a teasing manner and stretched feeling a few bones pop in the process. "Lay eith you? Nope to drunk to fuck." He said and plopped his figure in a laying position beside her. "Now lay beside you I can do for now.

After a few minutes of laying beside her, he glanced over and blinked. "Tell me bird lady. " He giggled to himself as he came up with a hilarious joke of her being named after a bird. "Tell me what is it you like about being fed on, and drinking vampire blood?"

12-29-2019, 04:41 AM
Raven had been starting to drift off when Blake made his crude statement, her lips pulling up into a smile at his sexual reference...at least he did not disappoint...twisting her words as expected and making them about fucking. She shrugged her shoulders, opening her eyes and catching a glimpse of his sharp canine teeth as he smiled...the teeth that just a moment ago had been buried in her neck. Shuddering, she felt a chill run down her spine...but not from revulsion.

As his body dropped beside hers, Raven turned her face towards him, her elbow jutting out from under her head defining the space between them. Gracing him with a scowl for the nickname, she chewed her lower lip before considering the questions he posed. Just how direct should she be, she wondered, a light blush coming to her cheeks before she spoke.

"It's like I said...being fed upon is very sexual...so I assume you can see the appeal to that?" She lifted her brows in question, turning her head away afterwards to look up at the dark ceiling so he couldn't read anything else in her expression. "It doesn't start out that way...it's more calming at first...something in the vamp's saliva that acts as a sedative maybe...enough to take away any anxiety. After that, it's like being seduced...so all those feelings that go along with that."

She paused briefly, letting out a long sigh. "It was not quite as intense with you...but almost. Main reason I only allowed it to happen once with a full vamp. Don't need to be addicted to anything else." Crossing her ankles and pulling her arms out from under her head so she could fold them in front of her, Raven cleared her throat, wishing she had the bottle of brandy in her hand right now. Her face flushed redder at her admission, but she had determined to be direct...and so be it.

"As for drinking vamp blood, it's like getting high on alcohol or drugs. My head buzzes and my senses are heightened. For a few hours, I feel super-human. I run faster...longer. My body heals...if anything is ailing. Really, what's not to like?" She shrugged again, knowing she was addicted to the effects of the viral blood. She could do without it, but the cravings were constant. Aggravating...although not debilitating.

Rolling over onto her side, she looked hard into the hybrid's face, trying to gauge his level of intoxication. "Tell me Blake...would you consider traveling with me...or the group...if we headed out soon? There's talk of moving...been here over a year...which is about the longest we ever stay. Risk is too high at being found otherwise." She appraised him openly, allowing a smirk to cross her lips.

"Besides, it would give us time to finish this little game we started...plus I think it might benefit us both to have you around."

Kiro Akira
01-14-2020, 03:09 PM
Blake stared at her giving a long one at that. "So aside from you getting off to the high, you enjoy getting attracted to vampire powers temporarily. I guess that makes...... No sense but sure." He grinned widely and giggled to himself.

He let himself fall silent as he spaced out for a few moments before snapping back to reality at the sound of her speaking once more. "Travel with you? Like everyone? You still drunk lady? Cause uh dont know if you noticed. I am partially what they despise. Nobody in your crazy little group would be ok with it, much less try and shank me if i attempt to rest. Besides, where you moving to? Cause its kinda dumb to move if you dont have a location."

Blake eyed Raven closely before blinking trying to focus. "What game we talking about again? I dont recall."

02-03-2020, 02:14 AM
Raven huffed. "That's not exactly it," she disputed. "I mean...who wouldn't like the feeling of superior strength and speed? It just the whole being a blood-thirsty vamp thing that I can't stand. They are evil sons-of-bitches!" She rolled her eyes at him in mock exasperation, the slightest hint of a smile on her lips as she regarded his intoxicated state. When he questioned her thoughts on having him travel with her group she just shrugged.

"I'm sure it would be difficult at first...but they would get used to you after a while. Besides, I wouldn't allow anyone to shank you while you rested. Neither would Rowan..." she laughed, giving the hybrid a quirky look. "...like you would let them shank you anyhow...god...you really are drunk."

Rolling over onto her back, she took to staring up at the ceiling again. "As to where we are going...west...nothing more specific than that. We follow the stories of the queen vamp. Rowan and I have this stupid pipe dream of one day taking her out. Doubt it will ever happen...but a person has to have a goal...right? We used to have a lot of fighters with us...mostly just civilians now...not worth much...but Rowan feels responsible for them. So they travel with us...and we keep them as safe as possible."

She went silent for a moment, collecting her thoughts, his next question catching her off guard. He had forgotten the game he had been playing with her all night? She thought it might be best if she let it drop...ignore all the flirting and sexual suggestions he had thrown her way. There was also the sharing of blood...almost as intimate as sex itself.

"Forget it Blake," she replied. "Why don't you just lay there and enjoy my high for a while...you little thief." She missed the feeling of being intoxicated...but there was still the slightest buzz coming from his tainted blood and she focused on that. Her fingers wiped at the smear of blood around the puncture marks at her neck, idly putting them into her mouth to suck them clean.

"The night is never really quiet...is it?" she said softly, her head turning towards him.

"Think on it tonight...okay? Coming with us...I mean. I'm not sure just how long I will be staying with the group myself...I might just strike out on my own...could use a side kick." She chuckled, giving his side a quick slap. "You could be my watch dog."

Kiro Akira
02-24-2020, 12:00 AM
"Uhuh..." Blake muttered smiling to himself. "So if theyre so bad why flaunt yourself like a snack to them? I saw you hours before and remember you showing yourself like that." He grinned this time and stretched the feeling inside begining to fade. Raven was quite odd and different but interesting all the same. Blake couldnt help but see some interest in her and her will to have him join the group.

"Shank me? Id bite their ass if they tried. Not drink or anything just scare the shit out of them." Blake this time grinned and flopped on his side a little. "Not I am drunk!" He half shouted and began laughing at his stupidity. "Get it? Not I but I am?" He giggled to himself and huffed laying back.

"West?! Fuckiny nuts are you? Going after that queen bitch will get you killed!" He said and quickly sat up and rites himself before blinking a few times. "Shes in fucking L.A. last I fuckin heard and she is very well guarded. Wanna talk about fucking dangerous? Vamps on every fucking cornee. In her home? Six on every corner. Death run it is."

Blake sat there wrapped in his own thoughts, his questioning of the game 'forgotten' in which he frowned. "Fine forget it....." He mumbled to himself then sprawled out beside her. "My high? Me thief? Psh as if." He said getting his same goofy demeanor back. "Only thing Blakey is stealing is your heart." He beamed to himself while giving a sly smirk before turning to look at her. "And you got your own little high too birdy. Playing with my blood and what not.

As the two laid there he fell back again and stared at the ceiling of the room. The odd tiling the schools always had. Easily broken through and soft to him. The large squares to him spun slowly moving in a seeming right direction before fixating as he refocused his eyes. Moments that to him felt like it was three times as long went by before she asked about the night. "Quiet? The day isnt really quiet either. While the 'vamps' sleep, you play. Then at night, while you sleep..... They well, you know...." He said losing his train of thought for a moment as everything continued to move.

Giving a soft smile to her follow up he shrugged. "Look, I can chill out with you guys for now ok? And we can talk about this vampire queen bullshit. But hey who knows." He in return faced her and stared at her. "And if your dumb ass goes off alone, I may follow you then too, but there wont be no sidekick bullshit. You'll be my blood bag for when I need some juice and in return I guess I can eatch you." He said as serious as he could, his face not breaking as he focused on.... Her nose? Or he thought so til it ran off to the side where he found himself unable to keep focus. That was when his seriousness broke and he bursted into laughter. "Watch dog, blood bag? Hah!" He giggled grinning to himself before falling back and gave a heavy huff going quiet for a moment.

03-17-2020, 02:11 AM
Raven continued to look at Blake, her eyes half closed in her exhaustion, but her lips lifted in a smirk as she listened to him rant. Humorous...that was a good word to describe him in this...and his normal...state. She put her hand on his arm gently as he lay down beside her, shaking her head when he called her nuts.

“It’s not crazy to want to kill the queen...just nuts to try...I suppose,” she said softly. She didn’t respond to his quirk about him stealing her heart, she wasn’t sure that was even possible any more. She didn’t picture herself loving anyone, it would be too hard to get over something like that when they died. She had learned to respect others and look up to them...care for them as family, but nothing more. She had always thought that would be enough.

Sighing, her brows lifted as the ‘brid continued with his banter. “My high from your blood has faded. Maybe you’d like to donate more?” she suggested in jest. What she really needed was sleep, the man beside her be damned. She didn’t have his stamina or his ability to stay awake for days. The two of them had run all night and her legs muscles were tight, her mind swimming with thoughts of the next day and how she would broach the subject of Blake staying with the group to Rowan.

As Blake agreed to try the arrangement, she smiled to herself. He would make a good ally, although he would probably drive her crazy with his sense of humor. She would have to play referee with the other members of the group as well...they were not going to settle in well with a hybrid in their midst.

She laughed lightly at his continued antics, then pulled her arms into her sides and closed her eyes. “You’re not funny Blake...just high as a kite. Let me get some sleep...and tomorrow I will take you into the deep caverns beneath the school. If nothing else, you might enjoy exploring down there. It’s nice and gloomy...perfect for a vamp.” She elbowed his ribs before rolling onto her side, putting her back to him.

“Wake me at first light...okay?”

Kiro Akira
04-17-2020, 08:43 PM
Blake looked to her hand on his arm and blinked staring up at the ceiling. It was an odd feeling for someone to actually touch him in a calm manner. His eyes focused on the ceiling and Blake listened to her speak before sighing. "Nuts, crazy, same thing in the end. You need an army to even touch her. Imagine me..... But like a hundred..." He paused and shook his head. "At least five hundred in the lair, or catacombs. Whatever you wanna call it. Either way you'll need an army of humans and blood suckers."

He let silence fill the air for a few moments and just relaxed in an awakened state. It wasnt like he could sleep even if he wanted to. No5 only was he too paranoid but the last time he let himself nap around others he was almost stabbed. Giving a soft sigh, the silence was broken with her asking for more. Giving a wide grin Blake laughed softly. "You keep on and you'll become a ghoul you know that? And trust me, you really dont want that. So sleep for now, maybe some blood later?

Soon enough, he watched as the girl passed out. Rather quickly after she relaxed and let the slumber take her. "Sure whatever youd like" He muttered watching her.

A few good hour passed and Blake waited around the room before he got bored and rushed out to explore. He didnt find much aside from a few groups of people sleeping. Only two men were awake. Patrol? Or that was his assumption. Blake darted through the halls letting his silence steps take the halls, slipping through shadows and avoiding the two people he did see. Wandering about, he stopped once he found a room with three people in it.

One of the men was a target he seeked. Just for fun, he snickered silently to himself and quietly entered the room moving over to Barnes. With a sly grin he nicked his finger on his teeth so it would bleed and reached over placing the tip of his finger on the mans neck before lifting and moving a few inches over and pausing for a moment when the man stirred. Blake waited and then proceeded to tap his neck again leaving two circular-ish spots and then squeezed his finger where the blood would drip across the marks and run down his neck.

After a few moments, Blake inspected his work, and for sure it wasnt percect but one who didnt know much would think he was bitten. Tho he was sure if a regular saw it, like Raven they would clearly see it was BS. With his job complete, he dashed back to the room and sat in a chair across the bed from Raven, and waited til first light to wake her as asked.

As the morning came, he nudged her awake rather half forcibly. Shaking her figure slightly. "Aye, wake up the suns rising."