View Full Version : Seeking Answers (IC)(Wheel of time)

12-01-2010, 03:59 AM
It was late afternoon when Artemis saw Caemyln drawing close. Her eyes were wary and thoughtful as she pushed long wavy auburn hair out of her eyes. She had made the trip from Tar Valon alone as she had no warder and she didn't trust anyone else to aid her in this. She had been Aes Sedai only a few months now and she had also lost the man who had bonded her before she'd entered the Tower on the night she had taken the Oaths. It was very bad luck to become Aes Sedai and have the father of her twin children die on the same night. Yes, she was a mother. She'd been pregnant when she'd entered the Tower as a novice which was unheard of but she hadn't known she was with child at the time. It would only be a couple more hours before she reached Caemyln but she swung down from her chestnut stallion and brushed her long brown skirt off with a sigh. She was suddenly wondering if investigating her mate's death and finding out if the rumors of a Black Tower were true was really wise. She was dressed simply like any farm woman or peasant but it would certainly be noticed that she traveled alone with only a stallion and a pack horse.

She took a couple of deep breaths doing her best to ground and center. she brushed her long hair with her fingers before pulling it back into a loose ponytail and tying it with a piece of leather. She had a wild air around her and to a wolf would smell like roses. She wore a long brown skirt and a simple white linen tunic under a leather bodice. Over that was a gray cloak of material brought from her father's home world. Her pointed ears were hidden now by her hair thankfully but there was no way to hide the golden eyes she had. She had already removed her ring when she'd left the Tower instead placing it on a silver chain with a heavy man's ring. She led the stallion to which the pack horse was tied toward Caemlyn with a quiet sigh. She hated the thought of being in such a bustling city but she had to find out what was true.

After a couple hours she approached the gates of Caemlyn and soon was inside the city trying to remember what her Sisters had said about some of the inns here. She was from a small village in the Two Rivers so didn't know the cities very well. She soon found an inn and a stable. She paid to stable the horses before going into the Inn and renting a small room. She settled in the common room ordering tea while she tried to think of where to start. She was going to have to try and stay away from other Aes Sedai since she didn't want to explain what she was doing here. She'd managed to keep most of her opinions under wraps that involved the male half of their existence. But most didn't trust her because of the gold eyes.

OOC (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?p=397508#post397508)

12-05-2010, 11:16 PM
In the middle class district of Caemlyn, the inn named the Barefoot Lass was quiet as always. The Lass never got many patrons - mostly due to the steep prices and intimidating men standing guard out front with large curved blades strapped to their backs. Inside, the humble room was empty for the most part; very few patrons to speak of other than a few fair faced and ageless looking women in silk dresses and the very vision of death in the darkest corner of the den. In that corner, a tall man with broad shoulders and long black hair sat. His skin was sickly pale and dark circles surrounded his golden eyes. His beard was unkempt and his hair disheveled. He had the look of a rabid animal that had been backed in to a corner and to make matters worse, he was still very well armed.

The women in the tavern tried helping him, but with a single glance from the man was so cold it could curdle the stomach of a Fade. He wanted nothing other than to be alone and to die. He had failed his sole purpose and let his Sister die. His Aes Sedai was dead because of the Black Ajah traitors, and now he suffered from the dreaded Gaidin Madness that drove him closer to his self destruction every day. Roaer had survived nearly a year with the madness, but his condition was visibly worsening - he was cutting off his connections to the world, slowly cutting away his own humanity so that he may take his final revenge and die a glorious death. No matter how much the wolves tried to soothe Roaer with their songs, his rage and sorrow was brimming, and it was finally, after such a long time, beginning to consume him.

12-05-2010, 11:25 PM
She had almost decided to leave the Inn finding it so full of Aes Sedai but she couldn't avoid her Sisters forever. That she was even here in Caemyln was perhaps something she'd hidden but she hadn't really been asked what her purpose for leaving the Tower was. She'd left to find a Warder or that's what her entire Ajah had seemed to think. She sighed as she looked over the Aes Sedai in the common room and shook her head a little. She didn't look ageless yet so she seemed a bit out of place but she still found herself a seat after having dealt with getting a room. She noticed the strange male and her gold eyes glinted as she sniffed the air trying to hide her actions of course. Strange behavior never made you friends. Especially not among the Sisters. She sipped her tea when it came trying to make a plan. She pulled out a scrap of parchment and a small stubby pencil so she could make some notes. She wasn't sure how she was going to approach the so called Black Tower but she had to find out. It was important to learn more about what was going on even if the others didn't see the need. She wasn't feeling threatened by the arrogance of the Dragon Reborn but then again, she wasn't a Red either. Men didn't bother her as much as they did some but she hadn't been out of the world as long as some of her Sisters either.

She took no notice of most of the Warders although she felt eyes on her. She didn't even flinch when the strange fellow glanced over toward her. She could only guess what his problem was and his eyes made her curious but she didn't want to intrude. After all, she knew what it was like to be a private person sometimes. And well, she honestly had enough problems to worry about. When one of the Sisters approached her she glanced up and sighed. "No, I'm not a scholar." She said politely. "I'm just making some notes and trying to work out some thoughts. I apologize." She wasn't really sorry to disappoint the Brown who was probably just looking for companionship or to garner more information. When she hadn't been looking, the chain around her neck had fallen out of her top revealing the Great Serpent ring and the heavy man's ring that had once belonged to a Shinearian. She could feel almost every Sister's eye rivet on her as if gauging what she was and trying to figure out which Ajah or if she was a runaway Accepted or something. And this was why she'd wanted to avoid Aes Sedai but going in search of an inn when this was the one recommended to her by one of the mild browns she considered a friend, well...what was a girl to do but dig in and try to play nice.

Her scents were a confusing mess, just like her emotions. She smelled of nervousness and the flowery soap she used. She smelled of curiosity and a need to know things. There was a scent that said she was lonely, if the other chose to recognize it. And it was clear she was very uncomfortable but it wasn't the male's fault, it was the Aes Sedai and everything that had been happening recently. Just being in such a large city made her want to run as far as she could and stretch herself and find a pack to talk to. She had survived losing the man who had bonded her by focusing on adjusting to her new life. She was thankful Rieran had died only a few months ago versus when she was still a novice or Accepted even though she hadn't seen him since she'd entered the Tower. Golden eyes met the eyes of the male as she felt him moving toward her. Maybe he was curious to find a female with her eyes. Interest sharpened in her scent as she watched him, unconsciously licking her lips. She would not bolt, she refused to bolt. After all, she didn't want to attract any more attention than she already had. She could sense the Warders looking even more wary, especially those belonging to the Green Sister who was sitting by a window.