View Full Version : OC's

10-16-2018, 06:15 PM
Character One:

Name: Nimmy / Nomi
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Sexual orientation: Bi-sexual
Species: Werewolf but never looks fully human

Appearance: She has long black hair, coming half way down her back with bangs over one eye. She's around 5ft 6inch. Her eyes change colour depending on her emotions and she has black, grey tipped wolf ears with a black, white and grey tail in her human form. The reason she can't get rid of the ears or tail is because she was cursed the first time she killed an innocent in her wolf form. She has a small figure but has big thighs, her cheeks slightly chubby with a snout like nose, adding to her dog-like look. Her wolf form is a 4ft tall wolf with black fur, grey patches and a small bit of white on her tail and belly. She appears very weak but is strong when adrenaline kicks in.

Personality: She's very shy until she gets to know people, preferring to stay in corners or in the shade of trees, she will very rarely approach anyone first but she's very friendly. She's also a romantic person, loving anything to do with affection. It doesn't take much for her to end up falling for someone but once someone returns those feelings, she's extremely loyal. She can get angry but it's rare, however if she gets to that point she will fight and won't stop until someone pulls her away or she realises what she's doing. Her wolf form is much like her human form with the exception that she will run and hide more since she can run faster as a wolf.

Background: Her parents died when she was very young, she never really found out what happened to them but a few people told her they were in a fire. She often wonders what it would've been like to grow up with them in her life since the adopted family she lived with abused her mentally and physically. They made her feel worthless and often hit her when she'd speak without them telling her she could, leading her to become mute a couple of times in her life. Because of this she's also scared when people suddenly touch her or when people shout. She had her first transformation into a wolf at age 12 when her adoptive father became sexual towards her, she was so scared that it triggered something inside of her. She changed and murdered him, when she turned back she was horrified with what she had done but knew he deserved it. A few transformations later she was beginning to get the hang of how to transform and understand how her wolf form worked. It wasn't until she transformed unwillingly during a panic attack that she was cursed. She was in the woods and a loud bang triggered a panic attack, she turned and a young girl happened upon her path, throwing rocks at her. She got angry without meaning to and lunged at the girl, she never meant to hurt her but the girl fell and hit her head, a woman came over, placing a curse upon Nimmy that everyone would see the monster she is, even when she turns back. Including that everyone would be able to see her emotions through her eye colour. When she turned back, her ears and tail remained, she was so ashamed that she didn't turn for months. When she finally turned again it was because she met a werewolf girl named Alyssa, they fell in love but Alyssa died in a pack war. Nimmy doesn't belong to a pack, or at lest she doesn't know which pack she comes from so she spends most of her time alone. She misses Alyssa and still aims to make up for what she did to that girl every day.

Eye colour and meaning-
Blue: Sad
Red: Angry
Purple: Loving/Affectionate/Thinking of someone she likes
Brown: Calm
Green: Cautious
Yellow/orange: Happy
(More added as needed)

Character Two:

Name: Aurmia Stormorin
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian
Species: Elf

Appearance: She has dirty blonde hair that comes to her shoulders and is usually put up into a plait (braid). She has tall elf ears and golden skin that shimmers slightly in the sunlight. Her eyes are a golden brown and she's around 5ft 11inch. She's quite skinny, her collar bone and cheek bones showing. She has a button nose, her chin isn't sticking out or too pointy and she has a scar on her left cheek that looks like three claw marks. She will often wear leather armour that's light but also looks quite nice, only wearing a helmet if she needs to. If not in armour she will be wearing a simple blue dress that comes down to her mid thigh and some tall boots.

Personality: She's quite open about anything that bothers her, preferring to get her opinion heard than sulk in the shadows. She's wary around new people but quickly warms up to them. She loves to swim, finding calm in the water. She's quite friendly and will do anything to protect those closest to her. Although scared to love at first, when she falls for someone she will show her love in quite subtle ways, often doing small gestures than being very open and public about it. She can seem quite rude and stuck up but she's nice when you get past the initial cautiousness. She's open to talking to anyone, of any species as long as they don't try to hurt her or anyone she cares about. She also loves the outdoors, preferring to be outside than crammed inside somewhere.

Background: She grew up in a small town with her father, her mother left when she was a child. She has very few memories of her mother but from what she remembers, she hopes to never turn out that way. Her mother was horrible to everyone and made sure that Aurmia was isolated from the other children. Her father did his best to raise and provide for her on their small farm. They never had much money but she was happy. At age 14 she developed a crush on the girl from the next farm over, Ramdiir, but hid her feelings, scared they weren't normal. She eventually opened up to her father who told her that he's proud of her for being open and that as long as she's happy, he'll support her decisions. She decided that night to go and talk to Ramdiir, they'd talked a few times while working but never spent any real time together. While talking, some bandits broke into Aurmia's house and she ran back home to find them about to kill her father, she screamed and tried to fight them. One of them slapped her across the face, scraping her cheek with some spikes they had attached to their glove. She fell to the floor and Ramdiir came with her family, carrying weapons. They managed to get the bandits to leave but Aurmia had been poisoned. Ramdiir tried some magic and managed to heal the poisons damage but the wound remained. After a year Aurmia and Ramdiir got closer and closer, swimming in the lake near their farms on a regular basis. Aurmia had always found comfort in the water and was a very strong swimmer. At age 16 Ramdiir's family were moving to another country so Aurmia had to say goodbye to the first girl she loved. She continued to work on the farm and missed Ramdiir every day. At age 18 her father got sick and died soon after, with the loss of her father there was nothing left for her at the farm so she packed up what little she had and found work with traders all over, hoping to one day find love again.

10-17-2018, 06:31 PM
Plain Character Profile if anyone wants it

Sexual Orientation:




Other Information (if any):

10-17-2018, 08:05 PM
If this is just a collection of your characters, I believe it should go here: https://role-player.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=280

If it's something else, there's not really any specific indication of it. Unless this is something privately prepared with others.