View Full Version : [M] Tides of Vengeance [UshimaXLleona]

12-29-2018, 06:48 AM


A ship with red sails floated in the Southern Seas. No wind to catch their sails. But this was not a problem for the crew of the Sanguine Wind. You see the pirate ship was busy licking their wounds. After securing a hefty haul, the bowels of their ship loaded with booty, they were attacked the next day. They were assaulted from below. Strange creatures (https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/dungeons/images/9/9b/Illithid.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140301153034) climbing aboard the vessel. Faces with tentacles and even a large octopus managed to climb its way on board. They had managed to kill of the crew before the alarm was raised. Swords clashed, pistols fired filling the air with smoke, spells flew across the deck as the crew of the Sanguine Wind defended their ship and treasure with their lives. No force or creature would ever get their loot without first taking their lives.

Michael Ravenholt sat on a crate watching his crew clean up the mess on the deck. Before him lay another creature. His sword was still stuck in its belly. Black liquid, what he assumed to be blood, oozed out and pooled around it. In the captain's hand was a was a twisted horn decorated with gold trimmings and red, green and yellow gems inlaid on it. "What a strange thing for them to be carrying. No coins or other gems. Just this."

An older man (https://www.nowgamer.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/skyrim_mage.jpg) approached the captain and broke him from his musings. "It is interesting isn't it. This was a strange attack. Never before have I seen such creatures."

Michael secured the horn to his belt. "Indeed Arturos. How are repairs coming along?"

Arturos stroked his beard. "The only holes in the ship are our missed shots. They'll be plugged shortly. All we need is the wind and we can proceed." Michael nodded at the report.

"Captain Ravenholt!" A member of the crew shouted. Michael turned at the call seeing a large octopus and laying on the deck was a merman. "This beast spit out a live one!"

"Medic!" Michael yelled, rushing to the merman's side. "Turian hurry up!"

Another older man (https://i.pinimg.com/736x/bc/9c/46/bc9c46a7b1628c64dee215e7d77674c2--character-concept-character-ideas.jpg) rushed up from below deck carrying a bag. "What do we have?"

The captain answered, "Merman. How's your knowledge on other species?"

"Perfectly fine. Lets see what the damage is." Turian examined the wounds. "Extensive. We need to stop the bleeding."

"Hey." Michael patted the merman on the cheek. "Do you speak common? Can you understand us?" Michael got in return some muttering in the merfolk language. "Shit. We! Are! Going! To! Help! You!"

"He's dying not deaf!" Turian yelled as he stitched up the merman's chest. "That takes care of that. We need to get that one on his neck by his gills, we don't need blood in them. I'm out of bandages. Someone go get more!" Michael took off his coat and ripped off his sleeves. "These'll do for now." Turian dabbed at the wound.

"These guys got hit hard. He's probably the only survivor." The merman's blueish green scales had scrapes. Patches of his dark hair were missing. "What are these things?"

Arturos spoke up. "There are all manner of foul creatures beneath the waves. Remember our encounter with the Leviathan?"

Michael suppressed a shudder. "I try not to."

Turian finished his patchwork. "He'll live."

"Crewman!" Michael yelled. "Bring out that scrap from our last job and a tarp." Some of the crew below deck and returned with a large piece of wooden planks all secured. It was a piece of the ship they had to replace. Michael had kept it to use the wood for small patchwork. "Put it in the water." The crew tossed it overboard and it floated to the surface. A larger member of the crew picked up the merman and carefully climbed down and set him onto the debris. "Here's the tarp. Put it over him so the sun doesn't dry out his scales while he regains his strength." Once the man was back on the ship Michael told them to get back to work. A breeze cut across the water. "Seems the gods are favoring our good deed! We have wind! Navigator! Take us to Port Tarsus!"

From the floating debris the merman watched the captain from beneath the tarp. The captain who went out of his way to save him. The captain who had their people's most treasured artifact hanging from his belt as if it were some common treasure. The Horn of Tranquility glinted in the sun. He needed to report back to the Emperor about the attack. About the human who managed to fend off the creatures who slaughtered his comrades and gutted the great whale Posedion, whose carcass floated beneath the waves now a meal for all manner of creatures. The human who had the head of a raven on his right shoulder.

"Men! Sing me a shanty as we sail!" Michael yelled as he ascended the stairs to the next deck level.

As the Sanguine Wind sailed off, leaving the merman floating and recovering, singing reached his ears. "Come all you young sailor men, listen to me I'll sing you a song of the fish in the sea; And it's...Windy weather, boys, stormy weather, boys. When the wind blows, we're all together, boys; Blow ye winds westerly, blow ye winds, blow. Jolly sou'wester, boys, steady she goes. Up jumps the eel with his slippery tail. Climbs up aloft and reefs the topsail..."

Leagues away in a cave deep beneath the ocean a beautiful elf looking woman stood in front of a large gold trimmed mirror. Her gaze was angry, she was not pleased. "What do you mean the retrieval team was slaughtered?"

Another creature with a face full of tentacles was speaking from the other side of the mirror. "They had ssssssucceeded in their misssssion but as they were done they sssssssspotted a sssssship and wanted to feasssst." A scream from the woman was the only reaction. "Missssstressssss Azria (https://i.pinimg.com/736x/94/fc/65/94fc65712384945982daacf591dca277--drake-art-elf-art.jpg) we already have more ssssssoldierss going to retrieve it. It isssss only a matter of time."

"This shouldn't have happened in the first place!" Azria yelled, causing the mirror to crack from the sheer force of her power. "The Dark Master will not tolerate any further failure! Secure the Horn of Tranquility and return at once! If you fail again you might as well take your own life as it'll be quicker and a lot less painful than what I will have in store for you."

The tentacle faced creature bowed. "It will be done Misssssstressss Azria."

12-29-2018, 08:08 AM
In the port of Tarsus, a tavern named the "Broken Sail" was bustling with activity in the middle of the night. Rambunctious noise of the said tavern can be heard five streets away making some of the locals sigh in annoyance,but since this always happen every night they cant do anything about it. In the morning Broken Sail acts as a meet up for those who want to request work for the docking sailors or wants to buy information at the current happenings in the sea. At night it became a place where all kinds of being went to unwind.

"Ey! Aria my dear, looking so fine tonight. Can i have a mug of beer and a little bit of you to go along with that?!"

A random regular merchant called out to the girl who was carrying a lot of mugs in the both of her hands. When Aria heard the teasing, she just rolled her eyes making the merchant and the others guffawed in laughter as she walk towards the table the merchant was in.

"You old scrooge, you came to tease but you're not willing to spend thats why you'll never find a woman in your life."

Aria teased back making the merchant's mouth close as the other drinkers laughed louder than ever, and pat the back of the poor roasted merchant.

"Ata girl!."

"That's aria for you!."

"Our girl is not as easy to sway as the other tavern girls!."

The people jeered, making aria release a laugh from their support as she place the mug of beers down at the table. The activity at the bar continued for a few hours before it began to slow down. When the last of the customers left, aria and the other workers cleaned the mess that that the bar goers made so they can prepare for the morning business when the sun started to rise up a little, the morning waitress finally arrive to change shift with the night waitress. When all of that was done Aria picked up her things and said good bye to her co-workers

Aria walked towards her home greeting the people that she meets along the way. Some of them gave her part of their wares since she was known to be a lovable girl. Her home is a little bit further away from the port but it is a walking distance. When she arrived at her home her hand was brimming with food. When she was at the door it swung open and revealed her adoptive parents.

A smile bloomed in her face as her father helped her to her things.

"How's the work at the bar?"

Her father asked as her mother urged her to come inside.

"As you know same old same old. Still as noisy as ever."

She released a gentle laugh.

"Before you rest. Let's have some breakfast first."

"Ay! listen to your mother, look at you so skinny."

Her mother sent her father a glare when he commented at aria's figure. She was actually not skinny she had a healthy body. Making aria shake her head at their antics.

"Ay this old man is trying to plump you up dearie, dont listen to him. You're fine the way you are, those men cant take their eyes if you."

Her mother teased making the old man slam his hand on the table in anger.

"Before they get to aria they have to go through me, I'll gut them like a fish you hear!!! those brat thinking they can have my daughter, they'll see what i have for them in store.!"

Her father huffed in anger, crossing the both of his arms in anger.

"Now now father, that won't do. This daughter of your also won't let those boys touch me easily."

Aria assured him in laughter while her mother finally finished preparing up their meal. After eating aria bid her parents good bye as they headed towards the market to sell the fishes that her father caught and the wares that her mother made. Finally aria can have her awaited rest, fortunately for her, her work schedule is every other day, but she still have to drop at the tavern later since it's her long awaited pay day.

As she laid on the bed her eyes landed on the ocarina beside her table and remembered her mother once more. It;s been a long time since she went directly to the sea, maybe its time for her to at least face her fears. Her real mother was strong, so she doesn't want to run away continuously. As she was lost in deep thought, the fatigue finally caught up to her lulling her into a deep sleep but not before deciding that she will finally face the sea and enter its embrace once more.

12-29-2018, 06:02 PM
Port Tarsus (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a5/90/8e/a5908eb762097a29359a5a7d935e04d9.jpg) came into view in the mid afternoon sun. It was an old port the built up in the middle of the southern shipping lanes. It wasn't the biggest, that was Port Fortune, but Tarsus was one of the liveliest. All manner of folk, human, elf, dwarf and merfolk, passed through. "Dock on the horizon captain!" The watchman called out.

Michael emerged from the captain's quarters. "Excellent! Lower the colors!" Crewmen went to the main mast and undid the ties, pulling the rope. A black flag with the traditional jolly roger came down. Beneath the mast was a hatch that quickly was opened and the skull and crossbones flag was stowed away. As the ship approached the dock the crew made preparations, sails were trimmed and the anchor was prepped for dropping. Dock workers emerged and were ready to assist the Sanguine Wind. Once the pirate vessel was close ropes were tossed to the dock workers. They pulled the ship in and tied it down. "Anchor!"

The sound of metal chains rattling filled the air as the anchor dropped into the water with a splash. Once the ship was secured and not going to drift off on its own crewmen ran out and lowered the gangplank down to the dock. At the bottom stood an angry plump woman. Her dark red hair was secure in a black bandanna, a half smoked cigar was in her mouth. Her emerald green eyes squinted at the red sails, a unique feature if she's ever seen one. In her hand, gripped tightly, was a clipboard with several pages and a quill was tucked in her bandanna. "Wheres your captain!?" She bellowed, clearly impatient.

The young captain appeared over the crest of the gangplank and descended. "That would be dock master." The dock master cast an inquisitive eye over Michael, noting the weapons tucked away in his coat. There wasn't a ban in Tarsus but it was good to note who may or may not be a problem. And judging by the captain and some of the dent and marks on the ship it was clear they saw a fair bit of combat. "Happy to be here in your lovely port Mrs?"

"Clair." She clicked her teeth "How long will you be staying? What are you here for?"

Michael scratched his chin, thinking. "Shouldn't be more than a day or two. We're here to restock some supplies and be on our way." Clair handed over her clipboard and quill. On the sheets of paper it outlined the dock fees for different lengths of stay. Seeing the prices he nodded, they were acceptable. The Sanguine Wind had a belly full of loot after all. Finding an empty line on the bottom of the third page Michael signed his name. "Thank you for your hospitality." Mrs. Clair said nothing, just gave Michael an annoyed snarl and returned to her office. The captain went back up the gangplank. "Hospitable indeed. Officers gather in my quarters!"

Inside the captain's quarters around a large rectangular desk Michael met with his officers. The captain sat in a large chair. Arturos and Turian were there along with three others. His first mate, boatswain and quartermaster. "Quartermaster Gimil (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/10/48/17/104817f0a92fc6086ebfa41736c04e30.jpg) give us a rundown on our current stock."

The quartermaster was a short dwarf with long braided red hair and three braid beard, the center a dull red showing a bit of age, or stress. Some of his beard was even styled to resemble boar tusks. He wore armor with his trusty axe on his left side. Currently on his back sat his hammer. Dwarfs love hammers and axes. "Gunpowder is a little low. Cannon ball are fine we managed to salvage quite a few from the last raid." So they had ammo and nothing to fire it with. "Fruit and veg need purchasing along with some meet. One of the chickens was eaten the other day so we might want to get another one. As well as more drink. Can always use more drink."

Michael nodded. "Turian how are our medical supplies?"

"We could use more bandages. When we were patching up the merman I noticed we were low. Along with some herbs, salves and a few other things." They had been in combat a lot. But worth it though. "I'll get everything we need and more no worries."

"Excellent." Michael stood. "Pick your crews, grab some coin and get to work. I'll head into town myself and see what trouble I can get into."

12-30-2018, 06:45 AM
Aria was jolted from her slumber by the midday heat and groggily got up from the bed. With a yawn she stretched the kink away from her body and went towards the bathroom to refreshen herself, as always both of her parents were still at the market selling their wares.

After finishing her routines and making sure that she looked tidy aria went towards the kitchen and prepared a simple food for herself. After eating she washed the dishes and took the things she need before going out. When she was finally ready she went outside , locked the doors and bid the house good bye.

She started her semi-long walk to the port by taking the route of the main highway, humming a tune to make her feel a little lively. As she walk a sound of a cart behind her reached to her ears.

"Aria! Good afternoon, wanna ride with us?."

A voice greeted her as the cart stopped beside her. When she turned to her side, she saw that the person on it was the son of their neighbor who live a half an hectare away, steve he has a slender built body, skin tanned from the sun has a black hair and always sporting a goofy look on his face. He's from the same trade as her family, half fishermen and half farmer that's why there are plots separating them.

"Good afternoon to you too steve, i don't want to be a bother."

Steve frowned when aria rejected his offer but he decided to continue to persist. His crush on aria is like an open secret maybe the only person who doesn't know he likes aria is aria herself.

"Ariaaa! Please come with us, its been a long time since you visited us, we missed your stories!."

"Yup we did! and i missed you too."

Before steve could open his mouth his younger siblings sheena and mark opened, with mark slightly blushing. Steve mentally cheered at the help from his siblings but frowned again cause his younger brother seemed to like aria to fortunately he was young. When aria heard the pleas of sheena and mark she released a soft giggle. She had a soft spot for kids in her heart.

"Aw you two are so adorable, for the sake of you two ill ride with you."

The two kids cheered and steve helped aria get up to the cart. He felt a little triumphant cause he got close and touch aria. The two kids immediately clamored at aria and steve drove towards the port. Aria told the kids a story and steve was listening to the chatters of a three.

After driving for a while they finally arrived. Steve was reluctant but he can do nothing as aria bid him and his siblings goodbye. Aria headed towards the direction of the tavern to pick up her wage and maybe after that go visit her parent stall. As always on her way she was greeted by the people and likewise she greeted back. She finally arrived at the tavern and went inside using the side entrance for employees. She saw the day shift waiters and cook moving busily since its also peak hours for the tavern since a lot of people came for lunch.

"Maddie! Do you know where the manager is?"

She asked as a waiter with a long blond hair almost passed her. Maddie was a little shock since she was rushing when she heard her name being called when she turned around she saw that it was aria.

"The manager is at the second floor, currently in his office right now, i think i heard that he was sorting some papers."

Maddie rushedly replied and wave aria good bye, aria wasn't able to thank her cause maddie already disappeared. She went to the second floor and went to the side were the managers office was located. When she reached there she knocked on the door and when she heard the reply from inside she opened it and proceed further. It didnt take her some minutes before her wage was given since she was a good employee after discussing something with the manager she bid goodbye to him and went down the stairs and decided to use the tavern's main entrance.

12-30-2018, 09:30 AM
Michael left the dock and went into the main part of town. Of course the first place he went was the market. Markets and bazaars were the best place to pick up on news and drama. Sometimes he'd hear tale of another ship or two that just left and they'd chase after it and steal it's haul. And sometimes he'd find a trinket or two that would catch his eye. Something did catch his eye. A bright shiny apple. Walking by Michael grabbed it and flipped the stall owner a coin for it. He bit into the apple with a satisfying crunch as juice trickled down his chin. As he meandered through the streets he passed a donkey drawn cart. Two kids, a young man and a girl with shocking red hair passed. But he paid them no mind as he had other destinations in mind. The seedier part of town called his name for now.

"Hey there sailor." A voice called out to him once he reached the more rundown part of town. Michael turned his attention. A large tank full of water was positioned outside a building. It had a glass front which showed a long dark blue mermaid tail. The tail itself was attached to a busty woman who was twirling long blue hair in her fingers. Her heaving breasts rested on the edge of the tank, a bit of sag to them. "You look tired. And a bit pent up."

Michael smirked at the mermaid. "Maybe later love. I'll be in town at least a day." Giving her a wave Michael passed by the brothel, catching the name, Siren's Hollow. "Fitting name." Unsavory types of all sort were littered about. Thieves and cutthroats. Mercenaries from all walks of life. But Michael needed the best. He settled for no less. As this was not his first time in Tarsus the captain of the Sanguine Wind knew exactly where to go.

The Broken Anchor was the port's renowned fitting pits. All manner of fighting happened here. And if you were a pirate captain who needed to replace some dead crew there was no better spot in Tarsus to look. With a flash of some coin Michael entered the building. A mediocre bar was what he walked into but it wasn't the place's main attraction. No one came for the piss quality of drink. The main event was in the basement. The volume was loud as people cheered for the fighting. Two large men beat each other senseless in a pit, people stood above them cheering. A pair of dwarves were running the gambling. "Odds for Bludge the Brutal two to one! Aramil "The Bearmil" Merkal Twenty to one!"

An elf (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c8/1b/5a/c81b5a76bcc6f4ad220f0a732a1dbada.jpg) caught his attention. Long blonde hair and green eyes. Red bandanna and green cloak over a leather corset and white dress. A large belt and pistol was on her waist and she was carrying around a rather large sword. Next to her, covered in scale armor and fur with an axe hanging of their belt was a human from one of the Skċal Clans (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/08/82/c8/0882c80954f7204c3e71541e24bfec6f.jpg). He was pretty far south. Normally Skċal roamed the frigid Northern Sea. The man spoke first, his northern accent thick and a dead give away if his outfit hadn't already. "Something catch your eye boy?"

"I hope so." Michael approach the two. "I'm looking for people to join my crew. Two of my men were killed in a surprise attack."

The elf then spoke. "What sort of crew?"

Michael looked around, making sure no one was looking. Quickly he rolled up his sleeve. On his left wrist, as well as his right but that wasn't as important, was a simple dull brown leather band. He lifted it, showing the P stamped on his wrist. The two showed him similar marks on their arm. The man and one on the top of his right hand which he kept hidden with his gloves and the elf and one on her right index finger which was easily covered by a large sliver ring she wore with a purple stone in it. "So it must be tough getting work. Join me."

"How good is your crew?" The Skċal asked. "You're a little young to be a veteran captain."

"Jorgmand?" The elf spoke, seemingly knowing where her companion was going.

Jorgmand brushed her off. "Relax Vera."

Michael did too. "I'll show you." The crowd cheered as the fight came to an end. Bludge the Brutal won, again. Once the ring was cleared, Aramil dragged out by his ankles. Two new fighters entered.

"Ladies and gentlemen! We have two men who want to go a few rounds!" One of the dwarves was hyping up the crowd. "From the North! Jorgmand!" Jorgman entered the ring, shirtless just like all the other fighters. "And his opponent. From the west! Michael!" It wasn't the best introduction but then again these weren't pit fighting regulars. Just two men who wanted to throw their fists around. It didn't seem fair at first as Jorgmand was much bigger than Michael and he landed a few solid blows to the chest and face. Michael's lip was bleeding. But the captain had much more training thanks to his princely upbringing and quickly turned the tide. Both men were tired and bleeding by the end of their fight but in the end Michael was victorious which upset most of the patrons who wanted to place the safe bet and put money on the large Skċal man.

The captain offered his hand to Jorgmand. The Northerner looked at it for a second before he took it. Michael pulled his new crewman up. "We're docked in port. Only ship with red sails. Can't miss it." After Michael redressed he left the Broken Anchor and made his way back to the port markets.

"Captain!" Turian spotted his battered and bruised captain. Michael smiled a bloody smile. It saved him time tracking down the doctor. "What happened to you?"

"Recruiting." Michael sat down on a barrel. He was near a fish stall. "Make this damn pain go away."

"Alright give me a moment." The old man reached into his and pulled out a herb. "Eat this." Michael popped it into his mouth and chewed, grimacing at the poor taste. Turian wiped the blood away from his captain's face. "You'll be fine by tonight thanks to that. Here drink this, wash that blood out of your teeth."

"Shit. Our new crewman can hit hard. He's a fighter. Elf could probably hold her own too if that sword of hers is anything to go by." Michael took a drink of water, swishing it in his mouth before spitting it out. The liquid was tainted red with is blood. "How goes shopping?"

"All done. I was headed back when you dragged your sorry looking ass this way." Turian chuckled. "No captain I've ever heard of till now have ever vetted their potential crewmen personally."

"Glad to be the first." Michael took another swig and spit it out. This time it was much clearer. "Lets head back. I want to see the cargo loaded before we let the men slack off and start their night on the town. Saw a tavern on my walk we might deposit ourselves in for the night later."

12-30-2018, 10:29 AM
Aria was about to step out of the tavern when a staff caught up to her. She was a little startled since she tried to rush to her as if her life was on the line.

"Aria i'm sorry for stopping you, but can i ask you for a favor?"

The pettite short haired waitress named delia asked making aria tilt her head in confusion. She wondered a little why delia was rushing for her so much.

"My sister can't make it to her shift later, and i'm not available to substitute for her."

Delia continued looking at the floor a little as aria listened attentively.

"I'm not that close with the other waitress so i can only ask these of you. It was said that a new ship had docked on the port and the possibility that they will drink here is high so she can't file a leave. Please substitute for her."

Delia grabbed aria's hand with the both of her hands as she looked up at aria with puppy eyes. Aria was little bit conflicted since she wanted to try heading at the sea later, but it seemed like it was not possible. With a resigned sigh aria patted delia with her free hand.

"Tell your sister that i will cover up for her."

A big smile bloomed at delia's face and she hugged aria tightly, caughting aria off guard. She giggled a little and separated from the petite woman.

"I'll show up later but i'll be dropping by the stall of my parent's first."

Delia nodded and the two bid good bye to each other. Aria let delia inform the manager about the substitution between her and delia's older sister. After walking for a while she finally arrived at her parent's stall. When her mother saw her from the distance she waved her hand enthusiastically making her father shake his head in embarrassment but she saw him send her a small smile. When she arrived in front the stall her mother walked out, hugging and fussing about her.

"It seems like i won't be able to help at the stall today. I need to substitute for someone at work today."

Her father frowned and looked at her with a disapproving gaze while aria sported a look of apology.

"But it was supposed to be your day off today, you should be resting. That's why i don't want you to work in a tavern before, but you're so stubborn."

Aria just laughed away her father's scolding and grumbling. She reached to her bag and took the coin pouch inside of it out and decided to gve it to her parent's.

"This is my wage for the week, please take it."

Aria extended her hand and placed it on her mother's. Her mother looked conflicted and was staring at her uneasily, feeling bad that their daughter decided to give her money to them again.

"Like i told you before, i took my share so there's no need to think about it. Please use it for the expenses for the house and i want to help. Please don't reject it "

Her mother was unable to refute her and just took the money quietly. Aria bid her parents a good bye after accomplishing what she came for. She once again started her walk towards the tavern. The setting sun shone some of the lights in her red hair. She was always wondering how her hair became red. When she was young and lived at the sea it was in pink color, the same as her birth mother. Though when she wash her hair with normal water it stays red, so she thought that what she need was sea water. But she never tried submerging herself once more at the sea or going near it for a long time. What is a mermaid that doesn't swim. For 10 years she avoided the sea even though it was just near her, But she really cant bring herslef to get near it once again. Every time she stare at the deep blue water she felt like it will kill her.

But for her birth mother, she cannot reject what she truly is. She shook herself away from the depressing thoughts clouding her mind. when she arrived at the tavern the night life was about to begin. She went towards the employees room and changed to her uniform and got herself ready to serve the customers coming tonight. With a new ship docking it would surely be a battle at the tavern floor later.

12-30-2018, 10:11 PM
Michael changed out of his long jacket, setting it on the back of his chair. His quarters (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/45/24/2f/45242f3e3ce072b95fe428bc1107a450.jpg) were large and lavishly decorated. A table sat in the middle with two chairs, one bigger than the other. The left side had a dresser and chests for his things along with a globe. His bed was on the right tucked into an alcove that had numerous shelves that contained various books and other trinkets. He was getting ready to head back out. Once he had returned to the ship he supervised the crews bringing the supplies on board. Then the new crew members arrived and Michael made the quartermaster give them a tour. The two seemed to adjust well, especially when they were showed the treasury and how much they had. From their reactions the previous crews they had been a part of hadn't been too successful. "Ready to go captain?" Gimil's voice called from outside his door.

"Just about!" Michael called, pulling out a smaller red jacket. After putting it on he exited his room. He was standing on the top deck. "Let's go relax." Gimil hefted his hammer onto his shoulder and followed after his captain.

"First mate led the rest to the Broken Sail Tavern earlier." Gimil said as the two walked down the gangplank. "Seems like it's a nice place."

The two walked in silence as they made their way to the Tavern. Gimil entered first and held the door open for him. Someone shouted, "Lets er' it fer the cappin!" The crew shouted and banged their tankards on the table. They weren't the only ones in the Tavern, several locals were milling about. But the place was packed with Sanguine Wind crew. "First drink is on me captain!"

"Nonsense!" Michael yelled back approaching the bar. "Everyone's next drink is on me!" That got another round of cheers as Michael placed a large amount of coins on the counter and took a tankard for himself. After taking a sip Michael moved to the center of the room. He started singing. It was an old song that he's known his entire life.

"Cloaked in folds of midnight waters.
Side by side, we sons and daughters.
We set forth for no king's orders.
But we'll sail together."

The rest of the men and women of his crew join in until the tavern was filled with the hauntingly beautiful sound of a unified drunken crew.

"Hold fast! Tides are turning.
Flames roar, fires are burning.
We'll all be returning If we sail together.

All on the waves shall know our story.
Sing of the battles fought ashore we,
all shall thrive on fame and glory.
When we sail together.

Words of warning have been spoken.
Ancient creatures have awoken.
Still, until our bond is broken.
We shall sail together!"

"To the finest crew!" Michael toasted. the tavern quieting down now as the captivating captain spoke, addressing his crew. "And to those who didn't make ashore with us. Smith. Hemsey. Good men whose spirits were called back to the sea. While we may no longer have Hemsey's stories or Smith to loose money to in cards they are watching over us now. They are in the wind our sails catch guiding us to good fortune and safe travel. So long dear friends." Michael raised his drink, the others did. A round of here here's and ayes went around as the crew toasted and touched their mugs together in solidarity. Michael took another larger sip of ale. He didn't want to bring the party down too much but they had lost two crew members and being captain the first night ashore he had to toast the first round to them. Quickly enough the party picked back up and Michael took to leaning against the wall by the fire, watching his crew's antics with an amused smirk while casually drinking.

01-01-2019, 02:47 PM
As expected the business tonight was booming especially when the crew of the new docked ship entered the tavern. When they entered they were rowdy, when they sat they were still rowdy and when they drank, ah praise the heavens they became rowdier if that was possible. Then suddenly their group of people burst out a song and the sound of their merry making made the tavern more noisier. Fortunately the people were used to it and some of them treated the crew of men and women as entertainment and for the other seafarers looked at them with understanding. Aria didn't mind the atmosphere and continued to deliver mugs of beer to each table. When suddenly she saw a person from the bunch of people spoke when the song finished.

The place quieted down when he spoke. Aria shook her head and cant understand why some people choose to live in the sea. It is cruel and travelling is usually filled by hardship but these people can't seem to stay away from it. Lot's of table called her attention to order more beer which she complied then one of the other waitress asked her if she could pass more beer to the people who were creating a racket earlier. Aria nodded and took several beer mugs and went towards the table. When she arrived she placed the beer down and smiled at the people sitting down.

Now that she took a closer look at them she noticed that a younger guys was the center of all attention. When she scrutinized him, he seemed to be a dashing young man that she can't help but judged the man. If he weren't a seafarer she was sure that he could pass himself as a noble and he surely would be loved by those pretentious aristocrat womens. Aria felt that she stared for too long. A blush immediately bloomed on her cheeks hoping that no one there saw or notice her staring. She immediately turn and tried to get away from the table berating herself from being rude.

01-02-2019, 02:46 AM
As the night wore on Michael relocated himself to a chair. A crewman pulled out a deck of cards and got a game going. Some of the crew seemed hesitant to gamble against their captain. Most feared taking gold from their commander and saw it as a sign of ill will. "Oi come on it's just a game of cards. There's always more treasure out there anyway."

Gimil was the first one to move. "Captain knows the risk of gambling as well as anyone else." The crew sat around the table while the rest of them partied in the background. Michael won a few hands but lost more than that. The pile of gold coins and gems in the center grew ever larger. "You sweating a bit captain?"

The young captain was staring at his hand. It wasn't looking good for him. As he stared at the cards in his right hand, his left hand held a gold coin. He was passing it between his fingers. The coin trick, a feat most sea faring folk new. "I'm in and I raise."

But the dwarf saw the the bluff. "Ok." Gimil threw in more coin. They continued the game and Michael lost.

"Damn it." He threw his cards on the table with a huff as the dwarf laughed loudly. His tankard was empty but thankfully a lovely barmaid came over. And he was surprised. The girl had bright red hair, the same one he saw earlier on the wagon when he was walking in town. "Excuse me love. I seem to be having a fair bit of bad luck. Would you like to sit here and be my good luck charm?"

01-02-2019, 04:00 PM
Aria was carrying mugs full of beers and was about to brought it down to the table when a voice called out to her. When she took a look at the person and saw it was the young man surrounded by the noisy seafarers. As a worker of a tavern she learned to cope up with teasing and harassment of the customers. Sometimes they are required to tease the customers back to make them more lively to make them order few more drinks.

Since the young man was exceptionally charming, she saw no loss in accepting his teasings and besides its for work since this guy seemed like a well paying customer especially he brought a lot of companions with him, it will do her good to comply. Aria reasoned out to herself, she was not a little bit attracted to the natural aura that the man exuded, not a little but attracted!.

"Well if its for you good sir, this lady wouldn't mind."

Aria replied, she stared at the pile of coins and at the young mans coins and clicked her tongue. Aria boldly sat on the lap of the young man.

"It really seemed like your luck was down. You really could use some charm."

She added giggling a little. Aria raised her arms and placed it on the young man's shoulder adjusting herself a little to make her feel comfortable and leaning on to him a little.

"Do you think this will do good sir?."

Aria teased her eyes glinting with amusement as she felt the firmness of the young mans body, it really does seemed that he maintain his body to be fit .She was a little bit attracted since he radiates a magnetic like aura that pulls everybody to him, but aria doesn't want to fool herself, because guys like this one is no good for her.

If she will ever find a man, ofcourse she wouldn't want the guy to be related to any sea trade, if possible she just want a honest man who works on land, though she still have requirements. Anyways she thinks that this type of guy will not fancy her. After all for seafarers the land is nothing but a passing entertainment and that the sea is their life.

01-02-2019, 05:08 PM
Michael smirked and wrapped his arm around the girl's waist, resting his hand on her hip, dangerously close to her rear.
She was beautiful. A slim waist, round hips and rear, long legs and ample bosom. She could probably tell exactly how happy he was to have her sitting with him. "Best good luck charm I've ever had. Deal again dwarf."

"As you say captain." Gimil laughed as he dealt out the cards. "Let's see what you got now that lady luck plopped herself in your lap. Don't be disappointed if your ploy doesn't work alrioght captain?"

"You're just jealous I have a gorgeous woman in my arms." Michael smiled as he picked up his hand. His smile grew even wider as he saw the cards. After a few rounds, several people folding and raising, Michael threw his hand down. "Now that is better." With a laugh he pulled the barmaid tighter against him. "You really are lucky." Michael picked a red gem off the winning pile. "This is for you." He held up the stone, the ruby glinting off the fire light. "More if you tell me your name." He was gonna give her more anyway, Michael just wanted to know her name.