View Full Version : The rhyming game

Highland Sniper
01-07-2020, 01:38 AM
everything you say must rhyme
your raps might be worth a dime
and poems might take some time

as long as it rhymes
is what matters here this time

alliteration is the name of the game
nothing here should sound the same

the basis here is also an example
let's just hope the explanation is ample

so, let's enjoy this game
and I'm really glad you came

04-02-2020, 09:40 PM
I was scrolling the downtown area looking for forums to revive then I saw something about rapping and rhyming that really reminded me of wanting to get a co-sign. I took some time to think over this matter, like yo, there is obviously someone way-way better.

that can put you to shame?

Like yeah, it's kinda insane and when I clicked on this white box dedicated some part of my brain. Why I do this? I don't know, is it because I think of this place as a second home? or maybe I have these thoughts of one-day putting words with words like everyone else and not being an. odd. one. out.? I wanna create fictions for others to enjoy but yet something is stopping me and it's ending my own.

( I- I really hate myself right now, surely this isn't at all good... I know. Hence why it is shorter than what I was gonna make it. Sorry if this doesn't match the criteria. Throws self into nearest trashcan.)

Highland Sniper
04-02-2020, 11:38 PM
I can see some rhyme here
your skill seems different, but almost clear.

it's nice to have someone with whom I may rhyme
I've been waiting on this for a long time.

so let's see what you got and attract some attention

and to let you know
a rhyme can begin at any time

at the end or the beginning
but let's go for the winning

let's make this a good time with the rhyme

08-23-2020, 06:15 PM
Nick-nack patty wack

give that dog a bone

this old man is coming home

08-23-2020, 09:53 PM
"For as young as you are
It's much better by far
Not to steal that car."

08-23-2020, 09:57 PM
Hickory dickory dock

That mouse blew up the clock

08-23-2020, 09:59 PM
"The clock was done,
Down mousie'd run.
Hickory-dickory fun."

08-23-2020, 10:04 PM
Fun on the run

Mouse does so love to go

But will that mouse have finally beaten it's time weary foe?

08-23-2020, 11:02 PM
"The Sin & the Mercenary went to sea in a beautiful pea green boat.
Says Sin to the Mercenary, "Why kill me, you goat!?"
And she punted him out by the throat."

08-23-2020, 11:03 PM
The boat did sway

The boat did rock

But what does all that have to do with a clock?

08-23-2020, 11:13 PM
"Sin & The Mercenary went to sea
To escape their larceny.
Their penance due,
What could they do?
So they ran away with the Spoon."

08-23-2020, 11:16 PM
The spoon dips and dives.

the fork stabs and jives

But what does the knife do with all it's lives?

08-23-2020, 11:19 PM
The spoon dips and dives.

the fork stabs and jives

But what does the knife do with all it's lives?

"The knife has lives all buttery
And clout amongst the cutlery.
The spoon evades.
The fork parades;
But the knife lives life in spades!"

08-23-2020, 11:23 PM
The knife seems proud

The knife seems loud

But where does the spork have it's own cloud?

08-23-2020, 11:31 PM
"Indeed the knife is proud!
Amongst the silver set endowed
To butter bread both yeast and sweet;
To sever tender, juicy meat.
It has no need of feigning pride
While sporks - no table should abide."

08-23-2020, 11:33 PM
But why be cruel to the noble spork?

It has the spike of the fork

And sloop of the spoon.

What an easy tool to use when you awaken a noon.

08-23-2020, 11:37 PM
"The spork, though trendy, noble's not.
The bastard kind of plastic rot.
Unless at noon in a barn you wake,
Use real utensils for heaven's sake!"

08-23-2020, 11:38 PM
But barns are breezy!

Barns are fun!

Besides breaking into someone else's barn is quite easy.

Highland Sniper
08-24-2020, 04:27 PM
Well, nice to see some is playing this game of mine
Really, those place is gonna shine.

Hope you're having fun
I don't think we'll ever be done

08-24-2020, 05:43 PM
"Thank you for creating it!
A lovely place to play and sit
And craft a little silly rhyme
With others here from time to time."