View Full Version : Interest check - Dungeon Keeper

05-08-2020, 01:56 PM
Once upon a time, under the mountains where snow never melts there was a cave.
Deep inside the cave hidden under the mountains was a rich seam of gold and so a single monster found its way to the cave making it as its lair. Soon another joined and before long the cave came to known by its riches and safe haven for wandering monsters.

The players in this gave would be various monsters who find their way inside the cave dungeon building it as their lair and stronghold against goody good and greedy humans.

05-09-2020, 03:32 AM
Hm. If other people are interested, I might join.

Highland Sniper
05-09-2020, 03:33 PM
sounds interesting
any limit to what we may be? interactions we can have with the other players and NPCs?

05-09-2020, 04:53 PM
I haven't done any clear listing what you can or cannot be, however i would like to have the monster size and power in reasonable limits. (Let's not have Smaug or similar scale creatures there unless you have very good reason for that and it don't make you totally op) Also all players and NPCs can talk and understand each others.

05-09-2020, 06:53 PM
Would a lich be within reason? I have an idea for a lich character, but they can get pretty destructive.

05-09-2020, 08:06 PM
I can accept that.

But for everyone who will be joining and making a strong character. Make some flaw with your character.
Example: I would play (when I will play) as dragon but this dragon is extremely fat and therefore unable to exit the cave/ dungeon.

And make that flaw someway personal to that character. You get what i mean.

05-09-2020, 08:20 PM
I've got just the thing in mind. Also, he needs to protect his phylactery, so he really can't leave it alone.

05-10-2020, 07:20 AM
It could be fun. Got room for a banished vampire?

05-10-2020, 08:06 AM
absolutely. Have you thought what would be your personal flaw?

05-10-2020, 03:50 PM
You mean besides being vulnerable to sunlight? I had this crazy idea that she was a handpicked servant for a queen who died and was mummified. Her servants were brought with her to her tomb and given poison before they were sealed in, but a vampire managed to penetrate into the tomb and decided to drain her before she died - "waste not, want not." She's been trapped inside for an unknown number of years, living off of the rats.

Anyway, another family winds up ruling the kingdom, and they decide to engage in a little grave robbing to refill the coffers after realizing they'd gone a little overboard with all the partying and excesses.

When they broke into the queen's tomb and a workman was thrust inside to search for traps, he ran into the vampire. Except, half-way through her trying to drain him, she became violently sick and threw up. All those years living off of rats have spoiled her thirst.

Of course, hearing the workman's cries, the people outside thought he'd run into some garden variety death trap and sent in a dwarf. Figuring the first guy was a fluke, she attacked the dwarf, got her teeth into his jugular and got a mouthful - and got sick again. While she was off in a corner spitting out the dwarf's vile blood, he ran out screaming.

She can't stand humanoid blood.

Someone sent for the king, and someone suggested he could banish the spirit defending the tomb. So rather pompously, a somewhat drunk king went up to the hole and demanded that the spirit defending this tomb to get out of the kingdom - and found himself face to face with a grayish woman who told him in scorn there was no way that she was going to leave her queen behind.

He looked at her in contempt, then turned to berate the workmen for being scared of a small 'chip of a girl' - only to freeze when he felt her fangs at his throat. Suddenly he was more than willing to give her a cart and men to load the queen's sarcophagus and a good portion of the treasure and send them off to the river where his royal barge laid in wait for his return.

Needless to say, the barge with the vampire, the queen's mummy and her treasure were never to be seen again by the kingdom or the Yellow King, so named for the stained garments he was wearing when she had him by the throat.

As far as the mummy is concerned, one of the prayer spells used on her was inscribed with an extra character (the artist signed his work), and this is keeping her from rising. (However, his curse keeping her bonded to the queen is working just fine.) Even if she's revived, she's more than likely to demand her handmaiden take care of it while she goes looking for wine or falling for one of the handsome invaders, despite the fact her heart is inside a jar, second shelf, third from the left.

So the vampire servant and queen deep sleeper are looking for a safe place to hole up, away from prying humans. And the vampire is forbidden from abandoning her. Have you any idea how hard it is to move a sarcophagus?

And Salty? No courting my queen.

05-10-2020, 07:04 PM
Don't worry. The only undead that interest my lich are the ones he makes himself. He's an organic necromancer who supports small businesses.

05-11-2020, 09:51 PM
Is my being a vampire who can't drink humanoid blood a problem?

Highland Sniper
05-12-2020, 07:02 PM
would a shapechanger or something of the sort be fine?
OP potential, I'm sure, but what if they only had a tiny bit of control over what they are? like it's on instinct or reaction, and it could be good, but if they get freaked out or feel a certain way, they change whether they want to or not. like if they felt small compared to someone else, they might accidentally change into a mouse.

05-12-2020, 07:15 PM
Why limit yourself to animals?

Highland Sniper
05-12-2020, 07:32 PM
just as a generalization.

05-12-2020, 08:05 PM
That sounds so much fun, As long as he is in control he can take the form he wants but if he is not... he takes the form most unfavourable. For exampe you enter a shop full or ceramics and absolutely must not break anything. But all of a sudden you lose your nerve and boom you become a 3 meter tall gorilla.

Highland Sniper
05-12-2020, 08:30 PM
sort of the idea, yeah

05-13-2020, 07:19 PM
If one more player could be found I think we have enough for start.

05-14-2020, 01:22 AM

05-15-2020, 06:11 AM
I was thinking my lich could be partially losing it. Like, most of the time, he's pretty sane (for a lich), but some of the time, he's like an old person with dementia. After 2 & 1/2 eons, the soul can get a little wonky. He's trying to cure himself of this affliction, and that's why he stays cooped up. He needs to perform experiments and find a cure for his seemingly unstoppable problem.

Highland Sniper
05-15-2020, 12:35 PM
cue the adventurers for experiamentation