View Full Version : [M]The wizard and his bride

12-17-2020, 10:02 PM
1x1 between SecretShadows and Cfavano

As the last fall leaf fell to the ground and the soft cool wind of winter brushed through the city streets, Amanda couldn't help but enjoy a warm cup of freshly brewed coffee from her favorite cafe as she made her way down the streets in the rush hour of getting home after a king day of work. Then again today was a shorter day seeing the weekend was the very next day but never the less everyone was excited to leave for home to their families. Amanda didn't quite share the same excitement besides seeing her cat again, she had no family or lover to return to, nor was the weekend very promising to her as she couldn't quite dig herself into work as she usually does.

Tightening her black scarf as she left the main road away from the busy crowds all rushing to catch a bus or tram, she herself was only a walk away from her apartment. Still in her black heels and formal work attire that was a white blouse only a little visible under her warmer dark blue jacket with a formal black skirt and some thin tights that helped keep her legs from freezing in these last days of fall into winter. The young woman glanced at the road ahead, taking a sip of her coffee once more as she watched the forming clouds in the sky, in her own world with little attention paid to her surroundings.

Her peaceful state of mind was quickly broken as she was slightly pulled forward by her bag, snapping her out of her daze as she watched a man dressed in a dark hoodie that hid his face try and take her bag which she quickly just gripped on tighter and ended up dropping her coffee to the ground making it splatter over her shoes. She didn't expect a thief to jump out at such a time of day within these parts, but she certainly didn't plan on getting her most valued thing from getting stolen just like that. "Thief!" She cried out quickly to try and get attention from any bystanders but most paid little mind or completely ignored such a cry of help and it left Amanda to chase after the man as he managed to get her bag from her grip. The chase started, she certainly had a harder time catching up as running in heels was never an ideal thing to run in but she refuses to have this criminal get away with her things so trying was the best option she had.

Following a stranger into a dark alleyway was certainly a stupid idea, and true as that logic was Amanda wasn't just going to give this thief her belongings but neither did he plan on giving it back to her. Soon one man turned into two, and that is when the young woman realized she had dug herself into a dangerous hole enough to stop her in her tracks. She watched the two no longer running but facing her with clear bad intentions in mind with a shiny small blade to prove just that as she took a few steps back then reached for her phone only to remember that it was still inside the bag of hers which they currently held. She felt her annoyance turn into worry as her heart started beating quite a bit faster while her mind tried to find a way to dig out of getting in deep trouble with the wrong muggers on these dark streets.