View Full Version : Higurashi's Characters

12-15-2010, 03:27 AM
Mortha Varxis
Race: Werewolf
Build: well built but not apparently so, looks frail
Hair: Blonde hair in wavy curves.
Eyes: Blood red eyes, with slitted pupils
Distinctive features:*
Tanned skin that has flowing/never-ending wave tattoos


Crimson red trenchcoat with gold lining, like in the picture. White leather vest, Steel Boots, Steel vambraces, Alchemic metal right arm.

Valruin: A white length of oak about five feet long. The end is encased in a blunt metal spike, which can be used for offense of mountain climbing. The grip, around three fouths of the way up , is made of soft leather. There is a steel sycle moon at that top which can be used as a scythe or a conveintent head rest. Note: the core of the staff is made of metal highly conductive to elemental energies.

Alchemic Right arm: A large bulky peice of power armour made by alchemy. It has many pistons and gears visible under a strangely hard yet clear metal. The end of the fingers are spikes, and a white crystal is in the palm.

Alchemic Cloak: A blood red trenchcoat made of an unknown material; colored blood reed. It is harder than kevlar and with stop low velocity attacks in their paths. Vunerable to blunt weapons and high velocity fire-arms.

Bag of Alchemic supplies: An assortment of alchemy supplies from tin samples to posion. Usually contains useless junk, but there may be a battle changing suprise.


Staff Flurry: Do to is versatile nature, the staff can be used for either blunt pole attacks, stabbing, or scythe like tactics. Staff flurry contains all three, being a blur of movement and attacks from all directions. It requires the uses total concentration and is all offense, no defence. Mortha becomes slower after using this, usually for about ten seconds. He can only use this sparingly as it requires large amounts of stamina

Elemental casting: The user uses his energies/mana/magical stamina to cast a bolt of pure energy from any element based on energy as it's base. This includes: Lightning, Fire, Light, Dark, Conversion, and Sound. The different bolts have varied effects. Lightning is pure electricity, and assaults the nerves and bodily functions. Fire is fire, it sets you on fire. Light assaults the eyes, potentially blinding you; Dark does the exact opposite, but the same effect. Coversion changes you in some unpredictable way. Sound assaults the ears, most likely to pound your eardrums and occasionally disorient you. Most attacks go in a straight line with a spread effect, like a shotgun. USed maybe once per battle, or twice if he builds up enough energy.

Alchemic energy burst: Using the Alchemic Arm, the user uses some of their magical energy to give them a burst of viatility, or when used right as an attack. The energy boost simply makes you move faster, while the attack is as this: The user grabs his target, pumps magic into the arm, and the arm dis-charges the energy into the target in a strong burst. This is mostly conveyed in the form of electricity, but occasionally produces pure energy, which is far more dangerous, and can kill both the user and the target in an mini-attomic explosion.
Once per battle, maybe three times if he wants to win.

Other abilities/attributes:*
Alchemic Enegy: Mortha has infused into his body a netowrk of alchemically controlled wires, centered in his blood stream. This makes his energy flow faster than traditional mages. Of course, this has a backfire. If to much energy is used, the wires corrode, with possible contamination of the bloodstream being a risk.

Alchemically enchanced vitals: Mortha has carefully self surgered bits and peices of alchemically created machinery into almost all of his vital organs (only excluding the lungs.) These bits and peices are non-corrosive, and will stay active as long as he is living. Each machine bit is designed as a temporary backup in the case a vital organ becomes damaged. The backups are only limited in their effectiveness though, only being able to support living and little movement.

Unlike some werewolves, he can be affected by all metals and elements.

Mortha is a logical thinker above all else. In fact, its almost like he has gotten a Lobatomy and had his emotions nixed. Well, that may be exagerating, he does have a soul. But, he cares very little for others that arent close to him. To him the general populace may as well be cartoons or meat-sacks, simply moving in no relatence to him.

As such he often does things rashly, not thinking about how his actions effect those who surround him but do not know him personally. It gets pretty extreme sometimes, where he considers some people below hisw notice, or less than nothing. Women in general may as well be pets, not like a trusted dog, but like a cow. To him they are to be used and then disgarded.

This isn't to say that he doesn't care at all. When he sees injustice, he makes a beeline for it to stop it. Mostly though, he becomes distant as soon as the deed is done, ignoring mercilessly all thanks and praise, even scorning the original victim for their getting into the situation at times.

Mortha wasn't always an alchemist, it is rather all that he can remember. His earliest memory is when he was supposedly seven. Waking up in his mentor's home was quite a shock if he recalls correctly. His mentor was named Venquist, and was a wizened old man. Venquist never told him how he had come to live with him.

Over the years, Venquist taught Mortha the wways of alchemy. Mortha learned fast, and was a good student. But, as the years went by, Mortha's heart hardened. however tender Venquist was, He was never able to teach Mortha how to be a proper human. Mortha as such had no friends from the nearest village or anywhere.

There then came a night, when Mortha was turning fifteen, that he went out into the forest to When he called for help, Venquist came to his aid. He managed to save the boy, but was unable to stop the boy from being infected by the werewold taint. As such Mortha became a halfling. Halfing being the term used for those humans infected by werewolves. They could learn to control their occasional transformation cycle, turning it into a lethal weapon.

Mortha chose to conceal his infection however, going through a great deal of hardship to keep it secret. In eventality, Venquist died when Mortha lost control during a full moon. Mortha brutally slew Venquist in a battle that scarred the landscape with giant eternally barren craters. When Mortha came to, he learned of his deed, and his heart hardeneed further.

Having learned all that he could from Venquist's various records of the following week, Mortha set out to travel the world. Since then he has become a great alchemist, and can now control his transformation a great deal, though he never uses it.