View Full Version : Star Wars: Bureaucrats [Hannelorian x Kach] OOC
Star Wars universe. Boom, the Republic is kaput. Empire rolls out the grey carpet. Suddenly there is a while lot of 'transitioning' that needs to be done. That's where the Logistics Core comes in, a government is only as good as it's paperwork. (Yes, I am pitching bean counters as an RP)
Enter a two-ish person team traveling all over the newly formed Empire to determine such things as: do garrisons need to be created, re-enforced or withdrawn; is the native population desirable for 'labor drafts'; are there natural resources not being fully exploited; are the locals paying enough taxes?
Of course, it's no easy feat, you can't just show up with a clip board and check boxes, unless maybe you were 'persuaded' too. Of course there are pirates, rebels, local unrest, and the cold dangerous void to contend with. And don't get me started on the beings that think the Logistics Core's duties are a waste of time. (They are the worst!)
So I am thinking humans, unless you wanted to go with an 'accepted' Imperial race. To clarify which gender do you prefer playing? I would read it as male from your ad. I'm perfectly fine filling the other half either way.
I am thinking characters need to be flushed out a bit personality wise, because interpersonal conflict and how the team reacts to situations will be important.
I personally don't usually make huge character bios but I am thinking along the lines of:
-name, gender, age
-some personality traits
some bonds
Some flaws
Anything else you think is important enough to get in stone before starting character wise?
It makes sense to me that they would low level officers, to get a least a hint of respect and maybe fear from the rank and file. From the quick research I have done, (On the starwars combine website. Not too worried about how Cannon stuff is.) Imperial Security Bureau seems to be the the organization it would be under, unless we want to make up our own Logistics Core organization.
I guess we will need to determine a scope of duties. Don't want to dump too much info, so I will stop there and eagerly wait what you have to say!
Lt Corwin Fisher - M - Human - Imperial officer - Logistics
caught you!
Early 30's
Homeworld: Coruscant
Personality: Curious and cordial, he wants to get through the day with as few hiccups as possible. Once something catches his interest though, he sometimes forgets when to give up or where to draw the line.
Working for the Republic before the transition, he served in a government administrative position. With the end of the war, he was looking for a change. He had never gotten out and seen the galaxy and tired of office work. Having no interest in being shot at, he joined the intelligence branch and sent to the Logistics Core.
Has an older sister, Captain Terisa Fischer stationed aboard the Star Destroyer Overseer.
Likes Gatalentan tea
Close relationship with his family
Capt Teresa Fisher - F - Human - Imperial Pilot - Imperial Navy
Currently around Gatalenta
SGT Grag "Scar" - F - Human - Imperial trooper - Infantry
Maj Norton - M- Human -Imperial Officer -Infantry - DECEASED
Capt Winters - M - Human -Imperial officer - Infantry
Capt Geslain - M - Human - Imperial officer - Technical - DECEASED
2LT Speers - M - Human -Imperial officer - Infantry
LT Andrews - F - Human Imperial officer - Naval
Senior Agent Gina Cross - F - Human - Imperial trooper - Intelligence
Lt Marienna Beren - F - Human - Imperial officer - Logistics
07-04-2021, 04:09 PM
OKAY! Let's do this!
To clarify: a) I prefer to play the female role, when offered the choice. b) I don't see why the Imperial Security Bureau couldn't have a division that is solely devoted to logistics. So it would be something like the Logistic Corp of the Imperial Security Bureau. It definitely falls under the greater umbrella of "intelligence."
I would agree that we don't need to flush out every last detail of a character's life with a big ol' sheet, but rather - the information you've requested seems more than reasonable to get the proverbial ball rolling as it were! Although it might be fun to add a field for home planet, just for kicks. And yes, human imperials works just fine!
In terms of rank, I was thinking something along the line of Lieutenant. You've gotta figure there are just legions of those folks within the Empire. Not the bottom of the ladder, certainly not the top, but could potentially lead a unit/team etc...
I would think a good place to start would be in the field, the pair starting off on a mission, on a new planet (new meaning old. But what is old is new again. so new really meaning, just falling in line with the Empire). Starting perhaps with surveying the locals, gauging degrees of compliance. Intelligence gathering and the like. Thoughts?
Blast! In my haste, I have indeed made a grievous error. This should be in the private rp board. Please accept my humble apologies. I will see if it is something a mod can relocate, or we will burn it down and start anew.
Excellent, I can work with that. Now the real question! Black or grey uniforms? Or perhaps something different for Logistics alone?
Home planet, good idea! Lieutenant was along the lines I was thinking. What do you think about one being the team lead if not in rank, in title? Might add tension?
On mission sounds like a good starting point, I am thinking they have already made introductions, so we can skip over that awkwardness, but they haven't worked much together yet.
How does Qilura sound?
The leg work is the fun part! Then submitting all the reports, endless reports!
I am leaning toward a naive man who worked for the government logistics on Coruscant under the Republic and wants to get out and see the galaxy, and is not so eager to get shot at.
I am thinking a droid or two as well, just clerical and utility. Possibly the little floatie dudes who I am having a dickens of a time pinning down.
07-04-2021, 09:19 PM
Thanks for looking into that, Kach! I am completely amenable to one of the duo acting as Team Lead or mission leader, or whatever we really want to call it. And if they're both the same rank, it's just a first among equals kinda deal.
I like the idea of grey uniforms. I find it to be just such an exceedingly pleasant color. Though I speculate they would have assorted patches indicating their department/purpose.
Definitely agree that they have worked together on at least one prior occasion. Though this might be the first time the two were actually put together for a mission. Also, Qiilura had me at luxury foodstuffs. (so what if it's only the raw materials! The idea they might one day be delicious foodstuffs, I'm in).
As for me, here's what I was thinking -
Name: Marienna Beren
Age: Mid-Late 20s
Homeworld: Alderaan, later (we all remember the big boom)Per Naboo
Personality: Serious, generally described as no-nonsense, however shocking to most, she isn't exactly the rule follower the Empire wants her to be.
The Alderaan thing was just a thought - homeworld destroyed during her youth, she now finds herself in the civil service of the Empire. Emotional conflicts, repressed trauma, all of that. Mysterious past, possibly some minor resistance activity. I guess it sort of also depends how far into the Empire's life span we are. Before her current position, she served the Empire in a number of locations, transferred around for various reasons, maybe the occasional misstep or two.
Okay! Did you have a preference at all?
Haha! The notion of grey being a pleasant color is an amusing one. Not the word I would have expected but I can dig it!
Excellent! LT Beren indeed looks like an interesting person. I dig the Alderaan link.
Corwin Fischer
Early 30's
Homeworld: Coruscant
Personality: Curious and cordial, he wants to get through the day with as few hiccups as possible. Once something catches his interest though, he sometimes forgets when to give up or where to draw the line.
Working for the Republic before the transition, he served in a government administrative position. With the end of the war, he was looking for a change. He had never gotten out and seen the galaxy and tired of office work. Having no interest in being shot at, he joined the intelligence branch and sent to the Logistics Core.
I am thinking a utility droid. KV-2 for piloting and accessing/ correlating data. (Space Math)
And a shuttlecraft of some sort. Speeder bikes? Got to have speeder bikes.
07-05-2021, 01:18 AM
Nope. Fischer can be the commanding officer if he's up for it!
Always speederbikes. Also I imagine there are shuttles are Empire HQ down the planet to ferry people back and forth from near planets or the lovely ever present Star Destroyers orbiting the planet.
Anything else we need? Do you want to start? Do you want me to start? Oh I'm just so excited!
What is the worst that can happen if we missed anything? Not like a planet will just blow up!
If you want to start feel free! lol I am still keeping a low profile after my last fiasco. :p
Maybe be tomorrow by the time I can reply, just a heads up.
07-05-2021, 01:29 AM
I will kick us off then and post a link here. Also no worries if you can't reply tonight (or whatever time zone you are currently experiencing)
07-05-2021, 02:25 AM
Just gonna leave this here for ya:
Wow-wee! That is a beautiful word picture! *performance anxiety kicks in* back to you! Oh BTW let me know if Berens is carrying a sidearm as well plz!
07-05-2021, 02:03 PM
Whew, glad you liked it. All is well! And yes, she is carrying a standard issue blaster pistol. Always best to be prepared!
I have replied, in case you didn't notice this thread has been moved.
She is so hard to read! I am glad she seems to be slightly warming up, but I can't tell if she is amused happy or amused watching for him to be crestfallen.
07-06-2021, 01:56 AM
I saw that! I'm working my way through it now. I think, ironically, the approach to her rather serious demeanor is to not take her too seriously. Marienna looks at world through a very cynical lens, she isn't waiting for him to fail, nor does she want that. She's just taking her time in figuring Corwin out.
Update: I'm sorry if this is a bit slow in terms of what is actually happening in each post. I'm a bit deliberate and like to focus quite a bit on the environment and character development.
No worries there, I completely understand!
No apologies needed. Need to walk through that world so we can run later! I'm enjoying the details and it is engaging. Lol I didn't really expect to be making such big replies, but I am enjoying the challenge and chance to stretch out the old greybox.
Just a heads up I am used to shorter reply length so forgive my awkwardness if you notice any in character interactions. But feel free to be as descriptive as you would like. I will let you know if I need more breathing room once we get into more of a rhythm.
Two other things!
You read my mind about the storm! Get outta my head!
I love your choice that Corwin is a speeder guy, it felt true when you said it every though I didn't know it yet.
I am working on a reply for you today.
07-06-2021, 06:22 PM
Ahh Kach! I appreciate the honesty here. First and foremost, thus far no awkwardness is detected. You're doing just fine. I would also be remiss if I didn't point out that you don't need to match the length of my posts. Do what feels right and or comfortable to you. I do appreciate you pushing your own limits and encourage you to keep going if you can, but you know, do you. So long as the lines of communication are open all is well.
Also if there is anything else you would like me to do, I would be glad to work on it.
I'm glad you liked the storm reference! Also, he's totally a speeder guy. I mean, who wouldn't be... but it's always the ones you least expect. It just works for him.
My goodness, that reply took me a long time to get together. I need to go to bed. The middle of the week I will generally be slow for replies. Running games midweek.
Did you have any thoughts on what you wanted to do for an arc for this planet? I am definitely thinking lean hard into discovery and each character finding out what their own and the other's boundaries/attitudes are.
I really want to "Hans Landa" a farmer who is skimming crops and selling them to the Nemodian syndicate that has kept a foot hold on the planet.
I feel Corwin is generally nice but has a real issue with thieves, and doesn't believe people can change or be redeemed. A real carrot or the stick type. He does his best to resolve things as painlessly as possible working with people most would bulldoze over, but if a solution can't be agreed upon he swings a REALLY BIG STICK, and having already tried to be diplomatic he has little mercy to offer.
Need to country cruise all over the place! Top down!
Maybe a run in with the outpost Commander?
Look forward to your reply!
07-08-2021, 01:08 PM
You're absolutely fine. We all have things to do outside of this, so no worries at all.
Yes, my central goal was character development. Like dude got testy about travelling the galaxy. I am really enjoying how this is going so far.
THEFT. Yes, lets do it. Barq is highly profitable, given the tumultuous transition period to imperial rule, it makes all the more sense that people are taking advantage of that while the Empire gets their feet dug in. Especially something like a syndicate, or hell, even the Trade Federation (that's still around, right?),
We can start to figure things out when we have KV analyze the data we've been gathering.
It's actually kind of interesting because I'm not even sure how Marienna would respond to the "swing the big stick" approach (also hey ghost of Teddy Roosevelt, if you're reading, this one is for you buddy).
Yeah, I am thinking his naivety has been tempered a bit by ribbing previously from his comrades that may not have been in the best of spirits.
I hate doing this stuff in mobile...
Hmm, I imagine if the TF isn't gone already, it's on its way out. The Empire would not allow someone to compete. I would expect it to have been dissolved.
Corwin has worked for the government so he is pretty sure someone is talking advantage of the system.
I thought it would be interesting.
Teddy Roosevelt, what a legend.
07-09-2021, 07:50 PM
That checks out with me. Of course, now I have looked it up and the TF was nationalized at the end of the Republic and had all its accounts drained. Sooooooooooo you are very much correct. Generalized rogue elements are clearly at work. Who doesn't want to make a profit?
That's something I imagine Marienna would rather understand, as part of her own conflicting feelings about the Empire. Which is would be in opposition to Corwin's sort of hard line reaction.
Either way I am looking quite forward to it. I hope you are enjoying everything!
Working on a reply for you!
07-12-2021, 10:03 PM
Woohoo! Can't wait!
Finally done!
I am thinking we turn up some low level criminals stealing material from the warehouses then when that is resolved we look a bit deeper we find some more sneaky people tied to an organization.
07-14-2021, 01:29 AM
Well worth the wait!
It isn't a proper investigation if we don't follow it all the way to the very top! I'll try to get something for you up tomorrow.
Replied for you good Ma'am. Did you want to do a time skip or did you have more you wanted to do around base?
07-20-2021, 10:55 AM
Nope! I can wrap it up and time skip to the next event in my post.
Sounds good! To the spaceport?
07-20-2021, 12:48 PM
I had imagined that they would sort of find our resident front man for no-good at the space age equivalent of shipping docks, but if you prefer, I can certainly just advance them to the proverbial spaceport.
I have no intent to stifle your creativity! You go with what feels right!
07-20-2021, 11:11 PM
No stifling detect
Do you mind playing Syko? Feel free to do your worst. I have some rather stern cards up my sleeve.
07-27-2021, 12:51 AM
Don't mind at all.
My apologies for the long wait! I hope it was not too arduous.
What is with Beren and the Kuna??!! She is too nice!? Where did ice queen go? :P
Seems to be a good hint at how she sympathizes with the locals. A good friction point for later!
08-04-2021, 03:16 AM
No need for apologies! Though I suspect my "best by" date might have been close!
Hahaha, I contemplated that interaction a bit. Yes, she's an ice queen, but here she has a pretty stark opportunity. She can be the ice queen and be meet with Syko steeling himself up, or she can be a bit more congenial and hope for a degree of cooperation. Also, very much yes, she absolutely sympathizes with his situation. Nail, head, hit there.
Thanks again for your patience! I had to try really hard not to start a confrontation there. But it is going to be worth it! Pew Pew! Lazers!
08-09-2021, 01:12 PM
It's always worth the wait for your posts, Kach. Really it's no worries.
Damn, I'll have to use better bait next time!
Glad you picked up on the bread crumbs I was laying about Syko. Nice work!
08-15-2021, 03:15 PM
Why thank you, good sir! I am working on my reply now.
I hope you're in the mood for casual mention of arms dealing!
Oh, I can assure you madam, I'm always in the mid for arms dealings
I leaned into the time skip, feel free to fill in any gaps you wish.
08-19-2021, 11:20 AM
The angle of the rising morning sun painted long harsh lines of shadow across Marienna's face, it reminded Corwin of a sunrise back on Coruscant. Her nose, chin and cheekbone buildings against a porcelain skyline.
Smoooooooooth. Nicely done.
Sorry for the wait, probably going to be Friday before I can get back to you.
Thanks for the compliment! Glad you liked it.
Where do you think we should go from here?
08-25-2021, 11:13 PM
Once again, no need for apologies. Friday is totally fine, really whenever you can. Time marches on, things happen. No big deal.
I was thinking perhaps one of our characters can go rogue! So, what if we send the patrol by the house, and there is predictably nothing? So one of us goes to scope it out, finds a hidden tunnel entrance, takes it and maybe gets into a bit of hot water, smuggling upon a much more serious smuggling operation than first thought.
Or we can go the slow route, up the game by tailing Syko, now intrigued by his visit to an empty house, to find out who it is he is meeting. Then follow that one up, sort of slowly pulling at the threads and trying to determine what it is that's happening.
But if you have any particular thought, I am more than happy to hear that. These are just my musings at the moment.
I think a hybrid approach would make the most sense.
The maintenance logs show up. They show the last calibration was yesterday, but it was a few days overdue, so no concrete evidence there.
He's is quietly kept under surveillance for a few days but the only a it suspicious lead is the abandoned house.
A patrol checks it out, but nothing is turned up.
I could see one becoming frustrated with the dead ends and checking out the only lead they have.
I'm not sure which would do it. I could see either.
I imagine Marienna going, but I'm not certain of her motivation.
Getting caught and using her understanding of their problems to start calming them when Corwin busts in with the Cavalry? A bit cliche
I could see Corwin's curiosity making him go, but I'm not sure how to resolve him discovering the bad guys.
Another question I have is- are the arms being smuggled into, or off of, the planet?
08-26-2021, 06:17 PM
I see your point on cliches. Noted.
If Corwin were to go, perhaps he is captured and Marienna has to save him. Or perhaps he can manage an escape before being discovered to report back. I think it's open ended. Again we could also go in another direction all together if you had something in mind.
I would say smuggling in. Perhaps smuggling in, in exchange at least in part for the stolen barq, a luxury commodity. Perhaps they are planning something bigger, there's always rebellion a foot. That is something that Marienna would be intensely sympathetic toward.
It's totally Friday right??
Boom! lets character develop?
08-30-2021, 12:16 PM
Sunday is just Friday part 3. So technically a Friday.
And you say character development like it's a bad thing.
The context of text communication. We need a way to denote emotion in text, it's almost 2d compared to talking in person.
08-30-2021, 01:25 PM
Haha, I know. I'm just giving you a hard time on a Monday morning. I guess my coffee hadn't kicked in yet. We're getting there though.
Whoa! An unexpected encounter!
Are you giving me carte blanche to make something on fire?! I dig it! Out of the frying pan as it were! I will cook up something.
09-09-2021, 12:23 AM
You have free rein! Go forth and do something wonderful
Okay, I have a battle plan. You do any reading up on Qiilura and it's shapeshifters? They are still around, a bit upset, and tired of being diplomatic. They have gotten to the point they want to take their planet back by force. They don't have numbers so they are going to resort to attrition. The best part is they can use the rebel humans as a means to their end.
09-12-2021, 01:35 AM
That's right! The Gurlanins. I read about back when we were first starting out and that fact had completely slipped my mind. That works rather nicely. Well met!
You know that feeling when you go to post a reply and it didn't save so you loose all that work.
09-12-2021, 10:10 PM
Oh Kach. I am unfortunately all too familiar with that feeling. I'm not sure this makes it any better, but at a time like this my mother would say "it's sho' nuff easier the second time round."
Or it goes to show that spending a week with my family is probably a little too much time.
I'm sorry, that sucks, but it'll be okay!
Your mother sounds like a wise woman, and is that an accent I detect? :P
It's hard to believe we lived with our family so long yet have trouble going back. Speaks to how much we have grown as people I guess.
Thank you for your sympathy. I needed to take a break after the soul crushing despair and anger of loosing those carefully crafted words. With any luck it will be a better reply reply than before.
Better, longer, more detailed; I will rebuild it. I have the technology.
Be ready for some PTSD inducing imagery.
09-13-2021, 02:24 PM
She is many things, wise, on occasion. Yes, I am indeed from the South (though I've lived life amongst the Yankees for some years now) If you a imagine a family of incredibly pale/vaguely ghost like people on a veranda drinking sweet tea, you have my family. I enjoy seeing them, but there's just stuff going on to complicate things. Such is the nature of life.
You have the technology indeed! I also hear that your second attempt might even be stronger! I look forward to it either way, and appreciation your dedication.
Bring. It. On.
Well that is a wall of text. I just wish it didn't take me so long to make. :/
The south is where the flavor is at I am told. :P
Say no more about current events and complication, you have my sympathies if you wish for them. I understand.
09-15-2021, 10:45 AM
And from that wall of text hanged the bodies of the traitors to the Empire.
It was a post well worth the wait. Corwin the action hero to the rescue!
I am still working on a reply. I'm trying to decide how in deep the attack has gone.
09-24-2021, 07:55 AM
Sure thing, if you need me to adjust anything, let me know.
I love the background by the way.
09-26-2021, 10:42 PM
Oh? I'm glad to hear that!
My head cannon is that the guy that Kuna syko met with is one of the shape shifters.
09-27-2021, 12:09 AM
I like that because it really speaks to the idea that this movement is truly everywhere. The Empire faces danger from every possible angle, some more extreme than others. How deep does the conspiracy go? Is it one united Gurlanin effort, or are there multiple things happening?
I have left my reply there incase you want to dialogue on the way back. If not, let me know and I will add.
They base will be nearly empty. Just as they 'bad guys' planned.
Now that, is the right question. I am thinking only planetary in scope. They just want their world back. I would think their is a general agreement among the Gurlanin that they can't win a straight up fight and need to resort to gorilla tactics. Manipulating the unhappy human population is a convenient tool to have access to as a force multiplier. With that being said, there is likely no formal structure. I have so far only considered this one pair's actions.
I hope you find the background tid-bit interesting.
Awesome word picture, I will hang it on my wall!
I love the duality of her feelings and how they will come across to Corwin.
Again, thanks for making an awesome story with me.
10-04-2021, 12:39 PM
Kach! That was brilliantly done! I loved the back story on Corwin there, it fits so perfectly. Also the bit about her looking like a corpse. That was just well executed.
I can certainly add a bit of dialogue for their ride back to a largely empty compound.
And thank you! It's been a joy to write with you!
Sorry in advance. It was a necessary evil.
His drives are conspicuously missing. We will need to recover them to fix him up.
Added an edit to add a scene.
10-11-2021, 01:35 PM
Not KV!
I'm kind of gutted at how Marienna writes off Corwin there at the start. I am thinking I may make you edit. I want to interject something into your scene. I hope that is alright.
I feel bad! Marienna is crying! :'(
10-15-2021, 01:49 AM
Thinking about a few things:
1) It's an emotional a moment on an emotional day. So what she's thinking and feeling in the moment isn't necessarily a fair portrayal, at all. However, that doesn't mean she can't take a step back and come to her senses when she's had time to process everything she is feeling. She's upset. She's just opened herself up, and Corwin hasn't acknowledged anything to her, and won't look at her. Sure he has his own reasons, but she feels a bit off but can soften in time.
2) I am more than happy to edit, just let me know where abouts.
3) Obviously interject anything you want to in your own response, it can totally be open ended like that. Between the two of us we create a completed scene.
I am flexible here! Just say the word!
1) Understood, I get that.
3) Woot! Woot!
Let me know what you think of that.
I wanted to try and capture Corwin's emotional reaction to her expressed feelings without it feeling like a 'romantic' scene if that makes sense. I don't know if I quite did that.
10-15-2021, 12:56 PM
Hallo! I think you did an excellent job at showing a softer, more emotional side of Corwin. It definitely reads as one human showing compassion for another, rather than a romantic tableau.
Instead of editing my previous post, I'm just going to re-write the post, which will encapsulate your added scene. I'll soften up the beginning tones a bit.
And then you can post after progressing to events and the like.
Sorry for the long wait. Working on getting that reply back to you.
10-21-2021, 01:03 PM
No need for apologies Kach! All is well, and I look forward to your reply! I hope my re-write worked for you.
Kept it a bit short in case you want to have some dialog before we dive into the hive. Feel free to ask the Sergeant any questions.
10-31-2021, 02:45 PM
I am so sorry that took forever to reply. I was out of town at a conference for most of this past week so I had no time. Hopefully it's sufficient!
Looks good!
I kinda went over board with name dropping. Sorry?
And sorry for the long wait, been crazy.
I made this to try and keep a running record of the now bloated cast. :P Not sure if there is a better place to put it.
Time for some grillin!
11-17-2021, 08:14 PM
No worries, it was a good post. The dramatis personae isn't a bad idea!
Ah! I am so slow!
Reply made! Thanks for your patience. I am working to keep that quality up.
Here is what I am thinking from here, let me know your thoughts.
They head back to the Barracks cause there is nothing for them to do and they are waiting anyway.
Corwin can get cleaned up and we can do some character building/background reveals.
One of them can come to the other's room? We can get some personal life glimpses
Then the report comes in that the compound is secure and the C.O. is on the way back. And they can accompany Agent Cross to pick up Syko.
12-15-2021, 03:44 PM
No worries, Kach. I am very patient and apologies are unnecessary.
That sounds like a good plan to me!
I am thinking Syko is dead, killed by the shape Shifter to cover their trail.
Or is in the process, and being hunted by them.
I am not sure on the impersonated man. Possibly a bystander with a close physical proximity to the rebels but no actual involvement?
Give me a heads up if you feel I am taking over too much of the narrative direction.
I personally like surprises or discovering plot points in the story, but I understand not all may like that, and it cannot always be done that way effectively.
12-17-2021, 12:57 PM
No, no this is all wonderful stuff Kach. You're just perfect here so no worries (I say that a lot).
I like the idea that Syko is dead, or perhaps in the process of dying. The Gurlanin resistance is cleaning up their lose ends as they move toward their ultimate goal.
Boom! Reply!
What did you think in regards to who you want to go where?
I have moved the Character list to here so I can add information as it comes out, and so I can remember what color Corwin's eyes are. :P
01-04-2022, 01:52 PM
Hello! Apologies. I've been with family and am just getting home and back to work etc... What do you mean, who goes where? I would have Marienna go to Corwin, but I might just be confused after two weeks away!
No worries! That's what I figured so I was being patient.
You are 100% correct, your memory serves well.
Has it really been two weeks already??
Just checking in! It's been a while.
Just incase it wasn't clear, this:
"I would never hear the end of it from Captain Fischer. She can be a hard ass, but you didn't hear it from me. " She let out a chuckle as a wide grin crossed her full lips. "So I might let that one get away."
refers to someone other than Corwin. Just wanted to clarify.
06-01-2022, 02:34 AM
I assumed it was his sister. I can clean up my post in the morning if you’d like.
06-01-2022, 02:01 PM
I removed my last paragraph in favor of an inquiry about Captain Fischer. If that needs to be edited further please let me know! So sorry to come back after ages and be lack luster!
I assumed it was his sister. I can clean up my post in the morning if you’d like.
You would assume correct. I just wanted to make sure that came across, and kinda what I was eluding to with this encounter.
It is all good friend, no need to apologies!
What do you think for the next plot point? A mad hunt to find the guy from the freight terminal? He is running from the empire that wants to grill him for information, and the Gurlanin who want to tie up the loose end.
06-06-2022, 06:06 PM
We probably do need to have them track down the guy, so they can get a lead on where the Gurlanin resistance is, or if they know of any others disguised as Imperials. That seems like the logical most step to me!
Geez, it really has been a long time!
07-01-2022, 06:03 PM
I'm told patience is a virtue, and you are worth waiting for.
I, a humble writer, bask in your majesty. You are too kind. You have my thanks.
I have moved the Dramatis Personae to my first post on this page. I have some more to add to it. Post incoming.
I definitely did not expect a speeder bike. :P
What a scene!?! Well done partner! Sorry for the wait! Need my A game to keep this level of awesome!
Reply incoming tomorrow
01-03-2023, 03:26 PM
Apologies for the delay, the holidays have had me all turned about! I am so pleased you liked it. A reply to come soon enough!
It is all good! I eagerly await your reply!
Happy New Year friend!
Looking forward, we will need to decide how to continue if the worst should happen to the forum.
In terms of the bad guys they now have them self a vehicle that is an imitation of an imperial vehicle they can use to get into places a normally wouldn't be able to get into, but they have lost their hideout.
How do you feel it is going anything you would like to explore?
01-09-2023, 11:55 PM
Happy New Year!
I think overall it's going really well, and there isn't too much I can think of for additional exploration at this particular juncture. I think as this sort of mystery comes to an end there is just room for more, different. But that could just be me, I shan't speak for you.
Without a hideout, they'll have to act sooner than they'd like.
How do you feel about Marienna being abducted?
I'm wondering if the counter Intel the shape shifter snatched needs an imperial decryption code they were unable to acquire, so now they need someone on the inside.
Perhaps Marienna thinking quickly leaves little clues, or evidence of the danger she is in?
01-20-2023, 02:53 PM
Oh yes. I do quite love that! I’m down for it.
Excellent! I am planning a reply for today.
01-20-2023, 07:08 PM
Really well done Kach! That was lovely.
Glad you liked it! Took long enough but I'm glad I took my time. It defiantly benefited
My apologies for the wait. :(
Shorter reply incase you want to escalate the situation, otherwise they will make it to the office and the big reveal!
02-20-2023, 01:02 PM
You needn't apologize, it's really alright. I can't help but wonder if Marienna should notice and sort of guess that it isn't Corwin. At which point they have to hurry her down and away before anyone can notice?
I definitely think she knows something is up.
My train of thought: it's not a very wise idea to call out a shapeshifter in the middle of everyone and risk getting shot in the crossfire she would likely want to look for an opening to turn the tables or covertly alert someone to the danger.
I'm envisioning they are able to make it to the office perhaps Marienna is a little bit curious about what they want?
They reveal themselves in private and they have a bit of a conversation.
02-22-2023, 01:40 PM
A private confrontation/conversation of sorts works for me! I'll post when I can!
How's it going? Been a bit.
04-06-2023, 12:25 PM
Getting it together!
Glad to hear. Been tough, slipping back into less than optimal habits and feeling pretty... apathetic...
04-15-2023, 01:15 PM
I'm sorry Kach! I think it's pretty normal for a lot of us to fall back into that from time to time. But I know you'll come out the other side.
Thanks, working up the steam to get over the hump. I have a fresh reply for you! Let's see how Marienna handles this sitch!
04-25-2023, 12:46 PM
Typical Marienna gamesmanship, hoping not to get herself killed, the usual, hah.
I have a thought for the next post.
Long and short of it is Corwin knocks out Marienna and says that he found her in the office and triggered the alarm himself to get her off the hook.
It maybe a bit much, let me know if that is something you are comfortable with.
I feel it could add some drama and tension to the situation without Marienna getting thrown in lock-up.
I have posted the reply, let me know what you think and if you want anything changed.
05-23-2023, 12:20 PM
It's perfect! No changes needed!
Shorter reply, don't want to commit too much and want to encourage interaction before cross shows.
How do you feel about weird dream sequences? I have the inspiration that our Gurlanin friend establishes a slight connection with Marienna to influence her dreams.
Force users and all that.
10-31-2023, 11:57 PM
Go for it.
Yeah! let me know if you can wrap your head around that.
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