View Full Version : (M-IC) Quest for the Restoration

03-14-2022, 01:13 AM
The land was inhabited with scattered cities, and villages remained unchanging between them. Some of the country between and around those was still wilderness. The society of people, the mantypes, elves, dwarves, and half-giants, remained without an industrial revolution, and always would, for metal was not abundant enough. The metal in these places was all just the exotic metal, most of that which was hard to obtain was megamite, a quite heavy but strong metal. This is a distinct world. There is no metal here but that hard to obtain exotic metal, mainly megamite, hard enough to obtain that it is highly valued, and still is used for needed things including blades, nails, buckles, and coins. Most material used is still wood and stone, and materials from plants and animals. Megamite is used with crafting it at very high temperatures at which it is softer. Such an exotic metal as megamite is in fact found from what were meteorites.

The lower class has almost nothing of metal, just a few coins they manage acquiring and using those to acquire things, and any among them having very few other small metal items of use. So homes are not made with use of metal items. The upper class will have structures still made with use of nails, and most stores will be this way. A very few privileged will even actually have a hammer with a head of megamite.

There are still stone hammers, and stone tools are not a lost art here. There were a number of meteorites coming to this world with exotic metal, over previous ages. Nothing more than one meteor hit was known in history, 1700 years earlier, where it was found by some then consisting of exotic metal and a special class working with hidden knowledge has kept this secret knowledge that objects falling from the heavens can hold exotic metal, including megamite, and are among other things that come known just to them. More metal was acquired from other previously arrived meteorites, all exotic metal and most by far megamite, so metal is known about by all the people still.

Supernatural things yet happened around this country, which incuded Triovala, Tenoba, and Terricana, which many only understood as magic. Almost no one but a very few select individuals who specialized in that could have any control over any of those things. Such individuals were regarded by all as wizards, or any of a few being trained by those.

A terrible supernatural work had fallen on a number of people in one of those cities, Quadick, changing them a whole lot in undesirable ways. They would be stuck with that, if it were not rescued from that.

In the land of Tenoba, a gang was hired a couple of years ago by a wizard, Diragusher, who meant to have the control of that city Erpedoben continue, in the wake of divisive challengers causing instability to it. Those in the gang had passed tests, that limited their membership to the most agile and athletic in the community. When that was found to not be enough, that wizard selected those most trusted to his cause to carry small powerful artifacts, orbs, or rods, each with defining ability for those using them. And they were trained for supernatural activity. But lately there was more trouble heard of abroad. Some would have to be sent off from that community, for dealing with these things, including Arapegol with his friend Eyriconer.

Arapegol carried a medallion of exotic metal on him which identifies his order, that appointed gang. He carried a rod, with a glowing tip, freshly acquired and useful for alteration, and a glowing orb, freshly acquired and useful for teleportation. He had his bag of coins on his belt, the bow and arrows with him, and carried the bag with the orb, the rod, a few food items, and a blanket adequate for comfort wherever he might stop.

Arapegol left that city of Erpedoben mostly under control with the supervision of that wizard, commissioned by him and accompanied by Eyriconer of the appointed gang, a slightly younger though large and wider man, in their travel out to where the main road went by the Primal Forest with deep dark spaces within it where no people had ever gone. Here there had been disappearances lately, and they were actually the second two sent out from the wizard this way. They would both need the devices they were trusted with, to deal with whatever danger they found in that area.

A monster surprised them on the road where it went along the edge of the forest, shooting a tentacle out and withdrawing Eyriconer before either could react, but Arapegol shot at the monster presumably killing it. But Eyriconer did not respond to his calls and came out no more from there.

After a journey some way beyond the Primal Forest, Arapegol came to another city. He saw an inn, and came to it. Arapegol came in, looked around, and walked to the bar, letting out his grief. He came to some sense, he inquired and received directions to where he could by maps, to help him get his bearing. At this time there a was an attempted robbery on a carriage as it was pulling out. As Arapegol heard noises from that as he was coming to the door of the place where he had bought maps, he saw one of the gang there about to attack a female elf riding her mount from behind, he used the teleportation to cast that attacker far away. He ran to where the robbers were surrounding the carriage, and he cast more far away with teleportation. But just then as one who was leading the robbers held up some crystal gem claiming it was a powerful artifact he would threaten those there with, there was another there with a weapon that shot right at that artifact, and it shattered, and that other shot that robber until the robber fell. Other robbers had fallen too. But at the shattering of the artifact a supernatural event happened right then, and the minds of a number of people in that area were swept into others bodies whose minds had also moved to others. The mind of Arapegol went to the body of the woman within the carriage where the robbery was attempted. Others there were affected, who with their minds in new bodies had to find their original bodies. And so one party of altered characters, after the deputies of the law came and there was an account of the events and a reward for dealing with the leading robber, needed to find a safe place for where they would spend the night. They then went to choose a place for themselves. Arapegol though had used the rod of alteration to make a duplicate of his own body on the woman's body his mind was in, and went quickly on to hurry back on the road to his home city Erpedoben, after the rod of alteration was stolen away from him by a fiend that was kept as a familiar. Along the way he found his friend Eyriconer who had been knocked unconscious but had recently crawled out from that Primal Forest, where he lay along that road, and Arapegol helped him up and continued along the way where they returned to their city, where Eyriconer was brought to his home. Arapegol went to see the high wizard Diragusher who had appointed them to go.

The wizard Diragusher told him he had information on the artifact that could reverse the exchange of minds, which could be found, and gave instruction to Arapegol for going with more power he would hold. He would have to go back north past the Primal Forest, on his way to seek and acquire that artifact for the reversal in Terricana, and where he would likely find some of those who had also been altered. With Iperanton who now went with him Arapegol again carried his bag with his items including the glowing orb, and with his bow and his arrows, and a sharp blade on him that he knew how to use, and Iperanton with him similarly equipped, they left the city of Erpedoben on the road that went past the dangerous Primal Forest. They found one of the party who Arapegol had met, Jaydeen who was now altered to the body of the female elf who Arapegol had met, needing to be rescued from one of the tentacled monsters of the Primal Forest. They went on together to Quadick, though Jaydeen in the new body had been somewhat injured. When they reached this town, they went to a healer who treated Jaydeen. They afterward went to a nearby inn in Quadick, for a meal they would need and to plan then for the needed quest the next day to reach the nearest city in Terricana to the north, which was in the vicinity of where the amulet must be, after they would sleep at the room they had provided for them. While they were speaking with each other, there were certainly others sitting nearby with an interest in what was discussed.

04-12-2022, 02:11 AM
Arapegol said to Jaydeen in the elfin body, "We really need to get on north from here in the morning to reach Terricana, where the article of power must still be, where it was taken from the great wizard there. You are clearly healing, Jaydeen, I can tell now. You have as much interest as anyone to continue with us and help us get hold of the artifact, with which we will reverse the alteration that had the minds from us and a number of other people here come into each other's separate bodies, so that we will all have the restoration to how we should be. So I do expect that after we have rested tonight, after this dinner, you will go on with us and find whoever took that artifact of power."

Arapegol then noticed again individuals from the nearby table not saying anything and glancing often in the direction where Arapegol, Jaydeen, and Iperanton sat. He considered saying something to have those ones mind their own business.

Right about then the server came with their orders, for which they were each hungry.

04-15-2022, 01:14 AM
Arapegol, Jaydeen, and Iperanton ate from their bowls of soup hungrily, not saying anything just then. They were almost done, when one woman from that same table where there were some paying attention to those three came over.

She said, "Excuse me, but we heard you would all go together somewhere in the north, and get access to an artifact to reverse the change that had some people's minds go to others' bodies. We could not help being interested. I am Lucion, I was the man you see sitting over there, and that man has the mind of this woman, who was Trysina. There are others around here with this same circumstance of being switched to other different bodies. We are not happy with this, and it seemed to be a curse. If there is a way we really can go back, well, I want that, those at the table there want that, and I am sure many others want that. I and that man there who I had been really want to be help for this really happening, and we would support it all the way."

Arapegol had stopped from finishing what was in his bowl, listening with surprise. He said then, "The three of us want to do what we can for that. This elf lady here and I have been subject to that change and understand that. But it is evening now and we have traveled on foot a long way this day, and we are recovering in some ways, one of us from really being hurt. So if you are really interested to help with our pursuit, we would welcome you joining us and your help. You would then need to plan for being here early in the morning. We will come from our place of rest provided here, and pick up refreshments here, and proceed to go northward toward where we expect that artifact could be found, that we can take it. You would then be able to join us that morning."

This woman who said she was in the mind Lucion said then, "I will be here, and will have made preparations to go along with you, that one with my body would surely want to join with you and help for this too."

Arapegol said, "Great, then. These two others have finished the meal provided, and I would finish mine, for we want to go get our rest now. But hopefully you will be here when we come back in here early in the morning, we would see you and have you join with us when we go, then."

That woman agreed to that, and Arapegol quickly finished what he had been served, and joined the two others with him who stood then, to head toward their suite for the night.

04-19-2022, 01:18 AM
Arapegol, Jaydeen and Iperanton were all led to their suite for this night, right after that meal. Once in the nicely furnished suite, Arapegol closed the door to it for their privacy that night, and looked about that large room. It had the great bed for newlyweds that would come and have this suite for them. There was now also a small bed in addition which had been brought in. There was also a small table with two chairs, a shelf, where there was a small ornament and a couple of not very large books. There was a door, open right then, to a small room with shelves, possibly to hold food items, and there was another door which would be to their bathroom facilities.

Arapegol said, "Well, we shall have to figure out our sleeping arrangements for this night. Two of us would certainly share the large bed while the other will have that small bed."

Iperanton said, "I would not want you to get the wrong ideas with me in the large bed with you. But what does Jaydeen want, for the bed to have for sleeping?"

Jaydeen reminded the two others that Jaydeen was the mind of a human male that had been switched to this female elf body. It would be to awkward to try anything for suggesting activity. Jaydeen just needed to rest and sleep to recover fully, as would happen with the healer's involvement, by the next morning.

Arapegol said, "Though really, you are very much healed already, as we can see from how you walked here to this suite. But you certainly need rest, as we all do. So I know you are mentally male, and the mind which rightfully belongs with this elf body is not here, and we should respect the body which should join with that mind, while with us before it can be restored. If I take the large bed with you, Jaydeen, you can be sure we will do nothing but get sleep we need. If anything is considered inappropriate there still, we agree you are free to trade and have the one in the small bed move out for you to take it, while that one moves to that large bed instead. Would you share the large bed, with me or with Iperanton, or do you say it is better that I share the larger bed with Iperanton, while you already get the small bed to start with?"

Jaydeen looked at the beds for a little more than a moment, and then at Arapegol and Iperanton, before knowing what was preferred and letting them know.

04-23-2022, 01:22 AM
Though none of the three realized it enough to admit it to themselves, each was tired enough to promptly fall asleep when getting to bed as they did soon, and not having energy for any activity each of them did not wake until daybreak the next morning.

Once they were up and making their preparations to leave the suite with the things they took and go on along their journey to the north, Arapegol soon remarked, "Jaydeen, you are moving like nothing happened to you at all. That is a real healing."

Jaydeen acknowledged it. "If I was still half as bad as I felt yesterday there is no way I could go on with you. But it is necessary that I do. Your quest for the restoration is too important to leave it to you when my help might be involved making a difference for success. So I will go on with you, but heaven forbid that there are any more strangler rotmonsters along our way to interfere with us any further."

Once they gathered at the tables of the inn, they found that mixed up man and woman, Lucion and Trysina, they were happy to see.

The woman who Lucion was now spoke first. "Do you think you and both of us will walk all that way to Terricana? I know where we can get good mounts, better than any which you would find anywhere. If that sounds good to you, follow us, and we will go to where we can each have such a mount to ride going there."

Arapegol, Jaydeen and Iperanton agreed to that, and right after they bought bread and drink they could carry along they followed those two who carried a bag each over a shoulder out from the inn where they had stayed.

They went along this avenue further into Quadick to corner where there was a high fence, and a gate around that corner. The man who Trysina now was called out, "Arigor, there are five of us really needing the fine urban camels you can provide us with, for our needed journey."

04-26-2022, 01:25 AM
The gate soon opened. A brawny man in overall clothing stepped into view. He looked at those who gathered, and then carefully at the one who had called out. He said, "Lucion, is that you? But what happened?"

The man who called out said, "No, I am not Lucion, but this is his body. I am one of those unfortunate ones who were affected the other day when there were minds of some people going into the bodies of others, whose minds also switched to another body. I am Trysina, Lucion is right there in the body that was mine. We are going on an important journey, and so have need of the urban camels you can provide, Arigor. This man over here who we will go with has been sent by a high wizard to obtain the artifact he knew about which can rectify this great mix up we are suffering. So it is that we must go, to do all that can be done for this great problem to us to be fixed."

Arigor said, "I see. This is really important. Unfortunately the urban camels are very costly, both to obtain them to be available for people to have use for them, as they are extremely useful, and to maintain with feeding and caring for them. I normally would let any one of them go for twenty megamite coins each. I see how this is so important. I will let five of them to you especially then for thirty megamite coins for five of them all together. I can't afford to lose more than that."

Arapegol said, "They must be really special mounts, then!"

Arigor said, "Come in, this way, and come have a look." He ushered the five there in through that gate, closing it behind them. They were now in a narrow walkway, outside of another fence which they were all able to just look over. On the other side of this fence they looked over there was a wide space. Huge animals were there, moving around in the space, some around feeding stations, with long necks with which they reached eight noble feet at the top of their heads. They were beautiful strong looking animals, with thick legs that must be really muscular.

04-30-2022, 01:29 AM
Arapegol said, "These are urban camels? I had heard of them, but had no idea they were just like this. I imagined they would be like other camels that are in desert places and kept there by people who dwell there. These must be really good mounts. But I must consider what coins I brought along." Arapegol looked into his bag for a little while. He told Iperanton, "If I were to pay half of what he asks for us to have the five urban camels, it would leave just a very few coins to me, which will not be enough for use on other things we are certain to need. What do you have for spending? You were not spending coins already as much."

Iperanton looked and counted coins in his bag. "If I spent half of what was asked for, I would have ten coins left."

Arapegol said, "That would be more than I would have left." He looked then toward the man and the woman accompanying them, Trysina and Lucion. "Unless either or both of you are also paying with coins with us for the mounts for us, we may have to consider going on in some other way without them."

The man said, "I have six megamite coins on me I would pay with for them."

The woman, with Lucion's mind, said to them she had that much as well.

Arapegol said, "That would be twelve coins from them, leaving eighteen coins needed from us. As you have twenty five coins on you, Iperanton, you need to be willing to spend ten coins if I spend eight. I don't have enough for spending more than that, we would certainly have more unexpected expenses."

"I agree there will be unexpected expenses. I do not think I would afford more than eight coins myself, and you need more than you would be leaving yourself, as well."

The elf witch with the mind of Jaydeen spoke up, and let them know that she was carrying five megamite coins as well, and those could be used.

Arapegol said, "Great then if we can all pay for these, we can get the five urban camels to go on where we need to."

05-03-2022, 01:02 AM
Coins from each were counted out to Arigor. As coins of the rare metal were of really high value, this was really a huge investment, yet the amount being less than what Arigor said the coins he might have traded the urban camels for indicated these huge strong animals were really worth it to them. And it was these that Trysina wanted and called for saying they were the best mounts for them.

Arigor then led Arapegol, Jaydeen, Iperanton, Lucion, and Trysina to a narrow gate along the inner fence, and they entered the space within where these large animals were. He selected five from the more than a dozen in this space, with reins put on them then. He brought one of the urban camels at a time to one after another of those five who would ride north for the quest for the possible restoration in Quadick, and put the loose reigns In their hands. The large animals came closer to those ones now holding their reins, bringing their muzzles near them then, nostrils open certainly for smelling them.

Arigor said, "Treat the urban animals well with compassion, permitting them to feed right when they show they would do so, for they will go quite a long way and will only show that when they really need to, and if you show kindness to them they will faithfully serve you. I have spoke to them with names, but those were not names I was told for speaking to them, you may as well name each of them as you will. Come along here where there is a pedestal stand, go up the steps and from there climb on to mount. You will ride far, but when you need to dismount pat the urban camel you are riding right back there, and the animal will kneel, and you can dismount, and when you are kind to that urban camel the animal will kneel for you to mount again."

The five all mounted soon enough, with what they carried including their much lighter coin bags, and Arigor guided them on the animals to another side, where there was another gate, which he opened, where they went out right along the road right outside.

Arigor said, "I wish you success, for the restoration is really needed. Fare well."

The five now mounted on these strong animals each spoke their thanks, and as they used the reins they held to guide the urban camels they were on right toward the way out from Quadick where Arapegol, and Iperanton had entered the previous day. No one was along this road going out from Quadick, and they saw no one that way, until they came to the intersection with that road from Erpedoben.

05-06-2022, 01:05 AM
Arapegol was answering questions from Trysina and Lucion about his search for the amulet of power that could bring restoration of the people who were mixed up in other bodies in Quadick. To the north from the city of Diodun, the Jearius' Amulet was what must be found. It had been with powerful wizard who had it and another amulet of such power hidden separately in his cart in a caravan and as he and all those of the caravan traveled on, bandits overtook them by surprise and by stealth they killed the powerful wizard before he would effectively defend himself, he apparently had been at ease sleeping. The search of his wagon produced for the leading bandit that one other hidden amulet of power, but since that was all he was working with and in his confessions at the end never mentioned any knowledge of another amulet the wizard had with him, the Jearius' Amulet must never been noticed, and taken. They had to track where the wizard's cart of that caravan went after that.

But here at the intersection of the roads, they saw that far off along the road that would lead to Erpedoben, there were some approaching, on this side from where the Primal Forest went along that road. There was one in the form of a large beast. An apparent half-giant walked along side it, while another figure was on the large beast holding on, as if riding it.

05-11-2022, 01:10 AM
Arapegol said quickly on noticing those who approached, still a pretty long way from them, on this road from Erpedoben, "Look! There are these strange others approaching! How did they come this way from Erpedoben past that dangerous Primal Forest?"

The others had stopped with Arapegol with the urban camel he was mounted on, and looked. The large beast with those others came still closer, and the urban camels became uneasy, as if preparing to bolt with their riders still on them.

Jaydeen with the female elf body, now fully recovered, said, "Hold on! They are familiar!" He paused, for a dramatic moment. He said then, "I think those are the ones I went with, ones that were also changed!"

Arapegol looked carefully. "Hey! Those are the ones I saw in Quadick?"

05-14-2022, 01:13 AM
The urban camels were all clearly agitated now. Arapegol called out to those approaching, who now must be in hearing range of Arapegol shouting. "Stop, and do not come further forward still. If you do our mounts will panic and bolt!"

The beast stopped as if understanding. That being appearing as a half-giant stopped too, and helped the one on the large beast off the beast's back, that one who was riding seemed to have been damaged. Then Arapegol noticed something, proving Jaydeen right, that one who had been riding looked like him, even with clothes he had worn. It was that one who had taken his body! Those others must be ones he had seen that remained together until now. Jaydeen had said, he now recalled, they had all gone together, until Jaydeen was separated from them at the Primal Forest.

The large beast was now changing shape. It was a lycanthrope! It must be! And Arapegol saw that shape gradually form into a man. Another familiar looking person.

Jaydeen, in the body of the female elf with the female elf's voice still, said, "That is the one with my body now. I am really glad to see they survived."

Arapegol recalled those he had seen in Quadick before, right after the alteration that put minds of individuals into others' bodies. That other one with the half-giant body must be where the mind of the female elf whose body Jaydeen found his mind in went.

05-17-2022, 01:16 AM
After that shift, it was soon noticed that the urban camels were becoming less agitated. After a few moments more, Arapegol waved to those others to come forward still. They could only do so gradually, the one with Arapegol's original body had evidently hurt it. They were eventually closer, and Arapegol recognized the two others now, along with Jaydeen in the other body still. Jaydeen's original body had been that beast, and reformed to Jaydeen's body again. It had to be the power of the mind in it, it was pretty certain that Jaydeen did not ever have that power. The half-giant which they saw was female had the mind of that female elf whose body Jaydeen's mind was in, that one did not seem to speak with the common speech of the area. And it was that woman in the carriage that was being robbed right at the time of the alteration switching people's minds to other bodies whose mind was now in Arapegol's original body.

Arapegol explained that he and those with him mounted on these large animals, the urban camels, were on a quest to find the amulet that would still restore them and all others effected to their original bodies. "But what happened to all of you?"

The one with Jaydeen's body spoke. "We followed along with this one with you, Jaydeen's mind in the elf body now, toward Erpedoben along the road. But it goes along the edge of the Primal Forest, and that is infested with tentacled rotmonsters now, which we were not ready for. Their tentacles reached out and pulled us into the forest with them, where those monsters might consume us. We lost this one with Jaydeen's mind then, and none of us ever knew what happened. But I reacted, turning into the great terrible animal and was slashing at the tentacles of the monsters that had reached us. I easily freed this one who has my original body, who was strong enough to fight the tentacle of that monster, and then we both helped this one free, who was still hurt though, with some injury to the leg. I had to remain in the animal form to carry this one, who clearly has your body, and could speak with me, while the one in my original body isn't really speaking, among us."

05-20-2022, 01:19 AM
Arapegol listened, and stared at them wondering for a moment. Then he suddenly said, "I came along this road going by the Primal Forest with Iperanton who comes along to help me yesterday and rather early in the day. We found Jaydeen in this newer body just as we were passing that corner of the forest to move on! How did none of us ever see any of you?"

The one in Jaydeen's original body said, "Well I was in the great beast form, and ran out, with Klara this one in your body, which I see you still have duplicated for yourself, riding on my back, and this other large one running after us. I did not return along the road. We came to other woods, not growing as densely, and we slowed down, realizing we did not have pursuers after us. We wandered on, lost for a bit. We did not know the way to Erpedoben, and Jaydeen in that elf body was gone and lost, with us not knowing what happened to her, who was guiding us there. I figured we would find our way back to my home in the woods further north. But it was already growing dark before we were anywhere to know the rest of the way, and we made simple shelters for ourselves, which I have familiarity with doing, and rested there through the night. We went on in the morning, and with being disoriented still we somehow came to reach this road, but still away from that Primal Forest. It really is too dangerous to go by with that infestation it has now with these monsters."

05-24-2022, 01:23 AM
Jaydeen in the elfin body said then, "You mean the Primal Forest was not with the monsters like that before, but now they are?"

Arapegol said, "That is right. There used to be some traffic on the road to Erpedoben, without that problem. But that has recently stopped. It must have been recently infested."

Jaydeen said, "But where are they coming from?"

They all had to take that as a rhetorical question, as none had any idea where rotmonsters come from.

Arapegol said, "We must go on to accomplish this quest. But you with my original body, Klara, if you have a few coins or those with you do, you can go to a healer in Quadick, at a corner on the first intersection along the way in, and with a coin get the healer to look at you and treat you to get better right away."

The one in Jaydeen's body said, "We lost a lot of coins. But I seem to have some coins still with me."

Klara in Arapegol's body, next to the one in Jaydeen's body, said, "I can't go on by myself. I was helped being carried by that animal form."

Arapegol said, "I can use the orb with me to teleport you to the gate of Quadick, it would make it much easier for you to get there, if you want."

The one in Jaydeen's body said, "I think Klara needs me to help move your original body to the healer there. So then, you might use the teleportation on both of us."

Arapegol said, "What about the other one, this half giant?"

As if to answer, that one in the half giant body came forward toward those on the urban camels.

05-28-2022, 01:27 AM
She said, "Ien illwo ogen ithwu ouyen!"

Jaydeen in the elf body said, "It seems this one, who is in Gasha's original body, will go on with us."

Arapegol waved the glowing orb he had brought, in the certain peculiar manner, and spoke his incantation for it, and the two men remaining together near them vanished from that spot. When the others looked toward the entrance to Quadick, there they saw the very far off figures of the men, dressed the same, right by the entrance.

Arapegol said, "There they are. They are set, and the injured one can get help and heal very quickly when they see the healer there. Let us go on now, to the north, and Diodun in Terricana."

They urged the urban camels they rode to go on, and they took that road leading north from there, five mounted on the urban camels, and the half giant with the elvish speaking mind following with great strides quickly enough behind them.

There were numerous groves of trees among wider grasslands this way, with a few farmsteads located not far from Quadick. They went on in more or less a straight way, until at length they came to crossroads. Lucion in the woman Trysina's body said, "That way to the right would go toward Kalavair, that place full of adherents to various cults, some of which are not found anywhere else. It was also one of the last settled places in Tenoba. The way to the left would go toward Wylacard, the place where beings in the shape of beasts are a huge part of the population there. It is a place with a history of many uprisings."

Arapegol said, "Very interesting. And straight ahead is the way toward Terricana, where we need to go."

05-31-2022, 01:30 AM
The riders went on, with that form of the half giant striding right after them. Jaydeen in the elfin body said, "It would yet be interesting to go toward that Wylacard and have a look. There would be citizens not looking even a little like humans, being involved in that society! Maybe after this quest is over?"

Arapegol said, "Whenever I have that amulet we need, I need to go right back this way, and trigger it in the way that will restore those changed the first time, in Quadick, back to the minds being in the bodies where they are meant to be."

They continued on, and Jaydeen said, "Yeah, I mean after all that."

The road they were on here made a slight curve around the side of a very low hill. Arapegol said, "Really, you would continue on with me? I don't know about going to Wylacard after all that, or to Kalavair. These settlements are the other way from the way from Quadick toward Erpedoben, where I and Iperanton should return."

They came to where they saw the road going straight ahead a long way. Some distance away on the road they saw a figure. And that one was approaching. As they came nearer to that one, Arapegol and Iperanton each put a hand near the hilt of their blade, ready for any needed defense. They soon saw this was a man who wore a robe, tied at the waist, and a hood over the head, some of his his brown hair and his brown beard hung out under the hood, not as dark as the hood and the robe.

06-04-2022, 01:03 AM
As that robed man wearing the hood over his head came near, Arapegol astride the urban camel he tried being gentle in a caring way with called to that one, "Who are you and why are you just walking this way by yourself?"

The man came nearer and said, "I am Galvishar, I live as a hermit in my shelter near this road, closer to Quadick than to Eventall that other way, near the border. I use monastic ways for my practices and meditation apart from all who would distract. A few days ago, while I was in the garden area attending young growing vegetable plants I had there, a rowdy group with a wagon came along, and they stopped along the road right in front of where I had my shelter, though it was well apart from the road and made very inconspicuous, I think. But the loudest one said, 'What is this?' They came off the road, where their wagon stayed, five men. I hid as quickly as I could, behind a small tree that grew from a mound there, with a small hole there which I could use which had a bushy growth hiding it, as I had a strong feeling this gang was looking to cause trouble. Another one among them said back to the first, 'It looks like there might be goodies left for us, Deveris!' The first one said, 'It was disappointing in Eventall where we could not get anyone to buy any of our acquisitions. But we can do well in Quadick, where there are those who have plenty! Still let us see what is here.' They ransacked my shelter, and took almost all my supplies, and the food I left there, and they wrecked the shelter as much as they could, smashing the vegetable plants right by it. They laughed as they did so, then they went further on, toward Quadick. I was out of things I need right away. But I did not want to go right after them, that I might be spotted coming behind. I made due with what I could there for a couple of days. But now I really need to get things I don't have, that I can get from Quadick, and I hope I don't run into that gang."

Jaydeen said, "It is Deveris Alvester! He and his gang are no more. They did though cause serious havoc in Quadick. You won't have to fear encountering them there."

06-08-2022, 01:07 AM
Jaydeen knew by now what kind of things were carried in pocket openings on the long green linen tunic, over which a belted armored kilt and a leather cuirass was worn, on the elfin in which body Jaydeen's mind was in. Jaydeen pulled out one of several small sheets of paper, and an inkwell and pen, and wrote out a note. Jaydeen then said, "Take this note with you. If you meet any of those there who know me, Jaydeen, show this to them. They may be able to help you there. We must go on, to accomplish a quest that can help us and help a number of others there in Quadick."

Galvishar agreed to do this. He took hold of the paper, thanked Jaydeen and those others, and went on his way, toward Quadick. Arapegol and Jaydeen along with the other riders on the urban camels and the half giant coming after them went on, in the direction of Eventall near the border between Tenoba and Terricana.

06-11-2022, 01:21 AM
The riders on these urban camels went on at length through this day toward Eventall, going at a good speed with them, still with the half giant behind them keeping pace with long rapid strides, they saw ahead where that settlement, like a small city, full of small houses, and four long prominent structures like spikes sticking out from among them, in the afternoon. They did not draw much closer to that settlement once they saw it before coming to where there was lush growth along the sides of this road, and the urban camels turned that way, looking to browse or maybe find water.

Arapegol said, "We should let the urban have their break for them to feed to, if we are going to treat them well, as we need to do."

The others saw the sense of that. They let the urban camels go where they wanted to browse, and followed Arapegol's way as he stroked the urban camel he was with.

Still it was not encouraging them as the afternoon drew on, and they wanted to go on, to at least reach Eventall before nightfall.

Finally the urban camels seem to have enough, and returned to the road, while the sun was noticeably lower.

They went on, and it seemed they were doing well. But soon afterward the urban camels acted noticeably agitated again.

Lucion in Trysina's body said, "We are being followed."

06-14-2022, 01:13 AM
The other riders turned, and saw well off from them and the half giant behind them a beast running up toward them, there were riders on that animal,, two, they shortly realized.

Jaydeen said, "It is Gasha who had my body, transformed again, carrying the one in your original body, Arapegol, and someone right behind him."

Arapegol stroked his urban camel hoping he could calm the animal he was riding down. He called out, "Do not come closer anymore now like that."

The animal, a huge wolf, stopped. The one in Arapegol's original body stepped off, and then the other, who he realized was Galvishar, who they had spoken with earlier, did. Gradually then the huge wolf transformed into the body Jaydeen originally had. Then they approached the riders, walking toward them and the half giant. None were walking with difficulty.

06-17-2022, 01:16 AM
Arapegol stroked the neck and back of the urban camel he was on, where he could reach. The three gradually approached closer. The one who was Gasha's mind in Jaydeen's original body came up to Jaydeen, in the elfin body, and drew closer. "Hello Jaydeen. I was sorry we did not join you on this quest right away. But as Klara in Arapegol's body needed the attention of the healer there and needed me to help, that had to be done first. We just came out from the healer you told us to see, and this man in the hood came toward us right then, and said to us, 'I am looking for anyone who knows who Jaydeen is. Do you know of him?' I answered that we did. He then showed that note from you saying you sent him to Quadick and he needed help after assault and robbery, requesting that we who know you would help him, as he needed to replenish for what had been taken from him. We stopped at a store where he could buy things. We told him though we were altered like others including you to others' bodies, Jaydeen, and I would transform to a running creature with Klara to catch up with all of you so that we would help you, on this quest get the item that would restore us all. I would not stay to help this Galvishar further, but if he chose to he could join us to come this way. He agreed to come, and carried both of them this way going fast that way to catch up with you still."

Jaydeen answered, "Yes, you might go on with us and be of what help you can be. But you won't go as fast that way, while we would go at a pace for you to keep up, we won't reach Eventall ahead of us so soon, but the urban camels we ride will panic if you change to that form of a huge wolf again to carry those two who you brought this way. And nightfall is not far off now."

06-20-2022, 01:19 AM
Gasha in Jaydeen's original body said, "You could still go ahead of us to get there faster. I would change again to the beast form I can have, as a wolf, and I am huge enough with that to carry both these men with me, and I can still run fast then, so when you are close to getting there I will hurry carrying these two, to come to that community ahead after you, and I will change back and we can meet you again within the gates there. There will be no alarming the urban camels you ride, that way."

Jaydeen in the elfin body said, "You are more sensible than I am managing to be. That will work. We should hurry ahead as night will fall soon. I will have us wait just within the settlement when we get there, for you." He looked still for a short while at his original body, with Gasha's mind in it, and he said to the other riders, "Let's go on, then, we can hurry and reach the community ahead sooner." He moved ahead with the urban camel he was on, as did Arapegol and the others, and then hurrying ahead faster.

06-24-2022, 01:23 AM
The riders came nearer to the settlement of Eventall, the sun had not yet reached the low horizon, but almost had, as they came through the gate which this road came through. Once they were through the gate, they slowed to an easy pace.

Jaydeen said, "We must now wait for the others who meant to go with us, right here, as I let Gasha within my original body know that they were to come after us once we were far ahead and we would meet with them after Gasha turned back into my body from the creature body she uses, for moving fast with those other ones being carried that way."

Arapegol said, "We can move to either of the sides of the gate with our urban camels, so that they won't see those following us down the road, and that one with your body should change back to it before entering through here."

Jaydeen said, "She will do that, certainly."

Arapegol, Jaydeen, and Iperanton went with the urban camels they rode to the side on the right behind the not very high wall, which still hid the view of the road behind them from their view. Lucion and Trysina rode the urban camels they were on to the left side from the road.

Rather than face the wall, they turned to look inward toward the settlement of Eventall further in, which they had come to, now as dusk was just starting. It was hoped that a nearby inn would be spotted. They had a few coins left that could afford them one night. After that they would cross into Terricana beyond it.

The houses they saw were small, and yet tightly packed together. The low roofs were very slightly slanted, downward toward the front, for each of them. One structure for a house was apparently a little bigger, Arapegol thought that they might inquire there to start with about where there might be lodgings for them here in Eventall.

06-28-2022, 01:27 AM
The houses they saw were small, and yet tightly packed together. The low roofs were very slightly slanted, downward toward the front, for each of them. One structure for a house was apparently a little bigger, Arapegol thought that they might inquire there to start with about where there might be lodgings for them here in Eventall.

They all agreed to inquire there. But they waited, and as it started to grow a bit darker, Gasha the one in Jaydeen's original body came walking through the gate with the one in Arapegol's original body, and Galvishar. They all joined and then went to that one structure which was a little bigger, at that corner.

A slightly older man with little hair on his head answered, and when he heard what they were looking for, he told them. "We have rooms with beds where you can lodge, at two megamite coins each. But we have no place for your animals. There are stalls available two blocks up the street, that way."

07-02-2022, 01:01 AM
Arapegol said, "Then we must ride further that way, for a place overnight for our urban camels, we would reserve rooms for the nine of us. Gasha, you and those with you, including this half giant who escaped from the Primal Forest with you, might wait here, while we riding these animals will go on to the stalls there, and we would be right back, for the rooms we might have this night."

The man who had met them at this place of rooms available for travelers as them said, "There would then be five rooms for you, two to a room, except for this half giant for whom we should give two beds of one room. Two megamite coins each of you, until midmorning tomorrow. Meals will be an additional megamite coin for each."

Each agreed, and Arapegol, Iperanton, and the switched ones of Jaydeen, Lucion, and Trysina, rode with their urban camels in toward the stalls further on, as the dusk grew dimmer. There were lights here, but not many.

The stalls took several more coins, and Arapegol and the others knew they would run low on coins after being here in Eventall. Arapegol said, "It is too bad you no longer have the bag of coins you were rewarded with, Jaydeen, in Quadick."

Jaydeen, in the elfin body, said, "Losing it couldn't be helped, when the monsters in the Primal Forest attacked us. At least I took some coins from that bag previously and put those into a couple of pockets."

Gasha in Jaydeen's original body, along with Klara the one in Arapegol's original body, and the elfin one now in a half giant body, and Galvishar, in the hood, waited there by the door as the light outside dimmed, until the five others returned, walking back to them. They knocked again, for that man had stepped in a little while before, and he then return to the door. He said, "Let's see the coins you brought."

07-05-2022, 01:04 AM
Arapegol and Iperanton held out coins from their coinbags, thirteen from Arapegol and fourteen then from Iperanton. Arapegol said, "We certainly want to see the rooms first."

The man of this place led the nine of them in, across a small room with a door to the side, to a hallway at the other end, which turned left right from there. There were doors to rooms along this way.

The man leading them said, "This first room here is occupied. The next one there is available for two of you, and the next four are available, but we need to put two beds of one room together for the place this big one among you can have for sleeping."

Arapegol, looking in when the first one was opened said, "This will do."

The other four rooms were shown then. They were very much alike, each with two beds looking comfortable enough.

The man showing them what was there said, "For the twenty-seven megamite coins you will all have a place for this night and a nice meal enough for all of you."

Arapegol said, "That sounds like it will be fine. I want food for myself of vegetables and not meat from animals, still."

The man said, "We can provide you very good food that way, certainly." He took their coins and led them back the way they had come, to show them where they would go into the dining area, from the front of that building.

07-08-2022, 01:07 AM
Arapegol, Iperanton, and the others were given time to set their things they brought in the rooms they took. Arapegol shared the room he had with Iperanton. The elfin body with Jaydeen's mind had the room with his original body with Gasha's mind, which they agreed to. Arapegol's original body with Klara's mind took the room with Galvishar, who brought with him things he had just bought in Quadick. Another room went to Lucion and Trysina, whose minds were in each other's bodies. A separate room was left for the half giant body with the elfin mind, where two beds needed to be put together for sleeping in.

Very shortly they were invited to come to the dining area for the meal they would be served. Arapegol got, as he expected, a vegetable soup, it was served with breads and crackers. Others there had a choice between a meal including cuts from speedy superduck, and a meal including a portion from gem armadillo. There were rice, beans, and squash servings with those meals.

There was discussion at the meal for their plan to continue on early in the morning toward Terricana, with the steep slope they would come to, where there would be some trails leading down, into the rugged canyon at that southern edge of Terricana. They would need to cross that quickly enough to reach the city further on.

07-11-2022, 01:10 AM
Lucion said, "We should have rope with us, for a possible need, if we go into the canyon to go where we need to."

Iperanton said, "I have rope I brought with me."

Arapegol said, "We surely can find where we can buy a long length of rope, in the morning before we go on from Eventall."

The others thought that was a good idea. They still wanted to leave this place early in the morning, to hopefully reach that city they would come to in Terricana that same next day.

They did not speak much more, and ate their meals without delay, though the meals were large enough for that to take a length of time.

Arapegol finished with his large soup sooner than the others finished what they were eating. As he waited still, he told them, "Diodun, where we go to from here, is a large city, larger than Erpedoben where I am from or Quadick. We will very likely get there tomorrow still but then too late for the search we need to make, until the next day after we rest again. After that we may be too low on any coins for further spending. We must still find success at our search for the amulet that will restore us."

07-15-2022, 01:15 AM
After the meal each of the travelers on this quest for acquiring the amulet needed for restoration of all the individuals who had been altered with their minds in other bodies went to their rooms for that night to rest and have adequate sleep, before rising at daybreak to meet each other and continue from that city to the cliff beyond where they would descend into the rugged canyon beyond. Lucion always stayed with Trysina, as they each had the other's body their minds were in. Jaydeen's mind in the elfin body stayed then in the room shared with Gasha's mind in Jaydeen's original body, they had things they wanted to talk about, including when they were last together and had been separated, what had happened in the interval afterward, and what things they saw were needed after the quest for the amulet and the restoration was accomplished. The rotmonsters were still a growing plague, and they agreed that would have to be dealt with.

While Arapegol had the room he shared with Iperanton, for that night, before they went to sleep, Iperanton said to Arapegol, "There were those towers in this city. Do you remember? I think we might ask about whether we might have a look from any one of those, to see what there is to see ahead of us. What do you think?"

"I think that is a great idea. Maybe none of us would be permitted but we can try."

07-19-2022, 01:18 AM
After a good night of sleep without any incident to interrupt it, all those who went with Arapegol for his quest for the amulet met in the front room, where they gathered one after another.

Arapegol said, "Iperanton and I, along with you, with Jaydeen's mind, with Lucion's mind, and with Trysina's mind, need to go to the stalls and bring our urban camels out. But I think we should have a look if we can from one of these four towers here in this city, to have a good look at what is ahead of us. After that we will go at a moderate pace that we can all continue with, toward where we would go down into that rugged canyon, to cross over to the country of Terricana."

Gasha whose mind was in Jaydeen's original body said, "Hopefully the trails into it will not be difficult or too narrow for any of us."

Arapegol said, "I don't know about that. I hope they won't be, as well."

Later they came to one narrow tower they were closest to. It had a door, but it was shut. They looked around for any person who they could speak to about entering it, to go up for observing what could be seen to the north. One man was then seen by a door to one of the homes nearby. They went toward him, and Arapegol waved to have his attention.

"We wish to have this tower opened for us, that any of us, or one of us, could have a look from the top of the tower, to see ahead where we need to travel to."

That man said. "I will need to go and have the magistrate send the guard responsible for the towers to open it. I think he will permit it."

So Arapegol and the others waited for awhile, as the sun rose from where it was yet near the horizon, and the uniformed guard returned with that man who had gone. That man said. "I explained to the magistrate and the guard that you are travelers needing to see ahead where you are going. One of you will be permitted a look from there, for about five minutes when you reach the top."

The others agreed that it could be Arapegol going up to look, then. The guard opened the door using one of the set of keys he had with him, and Arapegol entered. He found steps along the circular wall inside wound upward tightly toward the top. He carefully stepped upward along those, going upward dozens of feet.

07-22-2022, 01:21 AM
Arapegol avoided looking down, and continued to the top. There was a platform here on one side that the steps led to, and he gladly stepped onto that rather wider area. Here there was a wide view all around. But he had circled around so much on the tightly winding steps that when he saw the city of Eventall on all sides of this narrow tower he did not recognize the direction toward the north right away. He looked around in the different directions, and saw a narrow road leading off far away out from this city, on one side. He recognized soon after seeing it that this was the road he and those with him had come to Eventall on. The direction the other way from the tower was then the way they should go. He turned, looking that way, and found that a narrow road, seemingly even narrower, led on from the edge of this city on that side, and it went on past several low hills with groves of short trees among them, it came to where there was a gap, and he saw land well beyond that gap continuing. There was a forest near that gap on the other side, but open country beyond. There was sea in view far in the distance, and it seemed that there were structures that would be of a city, along the way to that sea.

He had the perspective that made him think crossing the country itself to that city could take a couple of days, with the fast animals they would ride. But he could not see the bottom of that canyon, to judge what amount of time it would take to reach the bottom, cross it, and come out from it on the other side. So he then returned to go carefully down the winding steps to where those who had come with him waited.

07-26-2022, 01:25 AM
It took Arapegol a while, likely a bit longer, to go down along the winding steps, around the empty space along the middle length of this narrow tower. He came out at the bottom finally, where the others were waiting, and he told them the other side of this city, to the north, was not far from there, and the drop into the canyon a little way beyond it. He could not tell how difficult the canyon would be, but beyond where they would come out, with riding on the fast animals they would have available, they could reach the city beyond which was surely the one they looked for within a couple of days then.

Jaydeen said, "But we would have to get the urban camels we use in through the canyon and out again. We don't even know a way into it yet."

"I could not see a way into it, up there, but I saw this road, not really used much, leads right to that canyon. It suggests that there is a way into the canyon from the edge over it where the road leads."

Iperanton said, "Then we should walk leading the urban camels to the edge, and find that way. We can bring them if the way in is sufficient for them to go with us. Whenever we go out from the canyon on the other side, we will need to divide up again, with those on the urban camels going fast there separately from those riding on the great wolf, that this one forms for that."

07-30-2022, 01:29 AM
Gasha's mind in Jaydeen's original body said, "I will willingly go separately from you when you ride the urban camels you would bring, once we are on the other side of the canyon, that after you go, far enough ahead, I can change to my form that will go the fastest, with Klara and Galvishar carried on me, without agitating the urban camels you ride on."

All agreed to this, and within the hour, Arapegol, Iperanton, Jaydeen, Lucion, Trysina, Gasha, Klara, Galvishar, and the elfin mind in the half giant body were all approaching the canyon ahead with the urban camels walking with them, as they would not be ridden into the canyon. Even as they came close the bottom was not yet seen, only the canyon wall on the side across from there. But once Arapegol, Iperanton, and then the others came to within a dozen feet, they saw that there was a very very rugged bottom, about five stories below, with it like a very toasted bread with knocks and crannies all over it, punctuated in places with tall pointy rocks jutting out from the surface. Looking from the edge, they saw that a path went down at an angle to the left side from there where this narrow road led to. The path was about five wide much of that way that they could see.

08-03-2022, 01:03 AM
Arapegol said, "Well, we are here. I am sure that those of us who rode the urban camels into Eventall should go ahead, each leading the urban camel they rode on. They all know the names you called them. Iperanton, you have the extra length of rope along still? Let's have that ready, for securing ourselves. The four others will come after, following, then."

They were secured soon and Arapegol went first leading the urban camel with him. Iperanton came after him, bringing the urban camel he was with after him. Jaydeen in the elf body along with that urban camel came next. Lucion in Trysina's body was next with that urban camel, and then Trysina in Lucion's body came with that last urban camel. The rope continued secured at the half giant form, and then to the three others, one after the other.

The five foot wide path went on from that top ledge at a gradual slope, going continuously on, ahead, and gradually they descended toward the bottom of this canyon.

08-06-2022, 01:05 AM
They went without hurry carefully along the sloped path downward, spaced well apart, especially the person behind from the urban camel in front. So they gradually came lower and nearer to the rugged rocky bottom of this canyon, without any memorable incident.

Here at the bottom of this canyon there were occasional small pebbles and smaller rocky grains scattered at great intervals along an otherwise barren rocky surface with cracks and crannies, only spots of dark green growth at large distances from one another interrupted that.

08-10-2022, 01:09 AM
They had gone well to the left from where a direct crossing of the canyon would be, if it were possible. Arapegol suggested that they just go from there directly across, and then hope to find a trail going up out of the canyon on the other side. "It would only make sense that there would be a trail on that side, why else would there be that trail we came along into the canyon?"

The ground here was really rough, with uneven small projections from the ground in places, besides the huge projections further apart, and there were the cracks in places. The urban camels stepped along carefully with the others going across, as it was challenging to their feet, even without riders on them, which would make this crossing the canyon worse for them.

Iperanton asked, "Where is water in here, that must have flowed abundantly here before?"

Arapegol said, "I did not see water in here either. But it seems you are right that water must have flowed abundantly here before."

Jaydeen in the elfin body said, "Of course there is water around here. You see the growths over there. How could they be there without there ever being water?"

08-13-2022, 01:12 AM
Those growths were odd. These dark green things were not with the appearance of being plants, they grew as small flat expanses over a certain area of rock where they were, with what looked like small hairs in places. But not being rock, it seemed to be that for them to grow, where they did, they would be alive, and to be alive, there must be water, at times, for them.

Arapegol said, as they continued on toward the side of the canyon they wanted to reach, "Maybe the growths have water from the dew in the morning."

At some distance away there was another such growth over an area of flat rock along that bottom surface, that was nearer to the way they were going, to get directly to the other side. They could see more certainly it was not like any plant. They looked at it more closely as they came up to pass by it.

Klara said, suddenly, "It's a fungus!"

08-16-2022, 01:15 AM
Arapegol stopped along with the others when Klara with his original body spoke that aloud suddenly. He asked, "So, like mushrooms? These don't look anything like mushrooms." Arapegol had strong awareness of mushrooms, he had a dislike of mushrooms in food, while there were some here who did use mushrooms in food.

Klara answered, "No. There are fungus organisms other than the mushrooms. There are psychic colonies of fungus, which will attack minds, there are fungus colonies that release enough spores to choke any who approach, and there are some that will take a lot of one's body heat."

No one then drew any closer to the patch of growth. Gasha, in Jaydeen's original body, said, "But those colonies of fungus are always yellow or brown, I know something about them too. Those are alien beings. But these patches are dark green. They are something else."

Klara said, "But we can see the hair-like growths from these, which fungus colonies have for releasing spores!"

Iperanton said, "Maybe the fungus growth is mixed in with a plant growth, to better survive in this dry environment. The plant growth works with the sun shining in here."

Klara said, "We still better avoid these things that might respond to our approach."

08-19-2022, 01:18 AM
Others had no argument against that, since none could say it was definitely something else other than what had been suggested, and they carefully backed away, and made a wide berth around the area with that dark green growth, going toward the other side of the canyon. There were spots of other such growths, widely separate from each other, which they looked at while remaining at enough distance from them. But as they looked to either side, and drew near to that other side of the canyon, they unexpectedly approached another such dark green growth straight in front of them. This one was a much greater area of growth. They noticed it belatedly, and before they backed up, a cloud shot up from it. That was certainly a cloud of spores. They all hurried away to avoid being choked from the spores. It was now definite to them all that this was a colony of fungus that could do that, for some reason it was growing with a growth of plants that masked it well.

08-23-2022, 02:22 AM
Arapegol and the others had at least been ready to jump away from any cloud of spores they saw shooting up. It spread rapidly, but they ran back fast enough to avoid it catching them. But then a voice penatrated their minds.

"How is it you dare come into our domain?"

An oppressive pain came to their heads with this voice.

08-27-2022, 01:26 AM
Arapegol sensing the pain growing in his head called out in answer to the question that entered his mind, "We were going across from the one side to the other not knowing there were any here where it seemed empty to us, because many of us and those in the place we are from are seriously changed from what we were in unsatisfactory ways, and the one way we have for all of us altered to change back is with an amulet with power to restore us back, which we must get from the other side. We don't want to stay here!"

The pain they all felt diminished. The voice they all heard still said, "Go then to take care of yourselves, as you need to do. But do not approach any closer here, keep your distance, going all around from here not any closer."

Arapegol and the other people and the urban camels they brought recovered themselves, and turned to go to the right side from the way to that psychic colony which was fungus, though it was hidden as they saw in green plant growth, to go on across keeping that distance from it, and watching to not approach any other growths.

It was a lengthy way for them. There were the rocky projections along the way including those between them and that colonial growth, but they could notice its great size soon.

Klara said, "This fungus colony is huge! It must span the width of a couple of moderate sized houses!"

Gasha said, "It is a psychic colony of fungus, we have to know to avoid them, they might be in other colors then."

They reached the other side of the canyon, after more of this time to get there. Some way off from there a narrow path led upward.

08-30-2022, 01:29 AM
They had needed to look all around them for any of those green growths on rocks that must contain colonial fungi among them, to not be to near them. Along the way there was no more than a trickle of running water that they crossed as it trickled along through the canyon. So, they knew, those growths had to use water very efficiently as they would have very little to use, where they were.

The path leading back out from this canyon, on this other side, was narrower if there was any difference. It did look like they would need to ascend along it very carefully. Arapegol went first, leading the urban camel with him right behind him. Others went with being connected by the rope again, Iperanton next leading his urban camel behind him, Jaydeen in the body now possessed with the urban camel coming behind, and then Lucion and Trysina with their urban camels each one after the other, and the others behind them. They went if anything even slower, with great care in ascending along the side of the canyon higher and higher over the bottom of it there.

09-03-2022, 01:02 AM
It did not seem like the same people had made this path who made other one they had come on, on the other side. This other one became noticeably narrower than that other one, and when they were quite high up from the canyon bottom with its narrow rocky projections reaching up with sharp points the width of the path lessened to noticeably under three feet. The human people could manage this with going very carefully, with the rocky cliff on one side and open air with no support from the great drop on the other side. But those leading the urban camels with them, connected with the rest of them with the rope, had to worry about going this way, with the greater width the urban camels had. This went on just that narrow, until when they were about fifty feet above the canyon bottom, and they could see the top end of this path, which turned in to the Iand on that side of the canyon, it widened again to a little over three feet across.

They came to the top finally, and saw the nearby forest ahead of them away from the canyon. It was nearing mid-afternoon.

09-06-2022, 01:05 AM
Arapegol and Iperanton and the others with them found there was a path, seemingly little used, going on from the path along the side of the canyon, toward the forest just ahead of them. They walked along it, and came along it to another path like it, with the growing grass and herbaceous plants one side, away from the forest reaching close to the cliff over the canyon, and shrubs on the other side leading up to the nearby forest, like the forests in Tenoba, yet less dense, which this other path went along where the side of it reached.

Arapegol said, "I remember seeing the city well beyond this forest was a little that way, to the left. This path should not be cut off from the way to that city beyond this forest, so we should follow it that way to where it would turn northward, and continue on. Yet we should go faster to get as far as we can that way. It would be best if those of us with our urban camels ride on as fast as we can, and the rest of you, with Gasha's huge wolf form he takes on, follow well behind us. I think we need to find a useful place to stop for the night, as we probably will not reach that city yet when night falls, and we with the urban camels will wait where we come to for the rest of you."

09-09-2022, 01:08 AM
This was the only plan any of them saw was good enough, to go quickly to soon approach where they would next want to reach. So, Arapegol, Iperanton, Jaydeen in the elfin body, and Lucion and Trysina in each other's bodies, mounted once again on the urban camels they each were responsible for, and with them they started off along this path going in the westward direction by this wild forest, and gradually going faster and faster. The one originally elvish in the half giant form hurried after them. They were far enough away when Gasha in Jaydeen's original body transformed to the shape of the huge wolf that Klara in Arapegol's original body and Galvishar could climb on and be taken along.

That path went nearly straight a very long way. But when the sun was lower in the west, those mounted on the urban camels saw that the path in to cut through the forest in this area with trees here growing less densely. These trees of this area were still deciduous trees, while it was known that further in the interior of Terricana there were pine trees growing more.

When they went much further and it grew dimmer in this still less dense area of this long forest, they finally saw where the trees stopped ahead, and with still going at a quick pace, they came out from the forest, seeing then the sun was low and would set soon. They all could see buildings clustered near each other, of a city, far ahead to the north going beyond this forest. There were distant woodlands on either side, but more open county along this path. Here the path seemed wider.

Arapegol said to the others as they rode on, "We have a long way to reach that city, while we have others coming still after us. It would be too long a trip to expect us all to reach it this night. We should watch for a good place along this way where we can stop for rest through the night, and then go on to reach the city in the morning."

09-13-2022, 01:12 AM
They rode quickly on, but still Arapegol and the others were aware that those with Gasha's huge wolf form following after may be well behind them, and a place for all of them was needed, before they would reach that city ahead, which was seen now, for they could only all reach it if they continued through most of the night.

So as dusk came there was a valley with hills around it seen to the right of this path, that might be a good place for shelter. The whole valley there could not be seen for it went further between hills out of view from that path. Arapegol and the others then slowed the urban camels down, so that they might turn from the path and examine this place. Arapegol rode first and the others followed, around the base of one hill and down a slight slope into the valley where it had been seen. Here there were small trees in places set apart from one another. They found where there was a very small creek flowing. They dismounted when the urban camels crouched for them to do so, and the camels went to the creek to drink.

Arapegol said, "This seems safe for shelter to us for us to stop and rest, and eat from the provisions before lying down for sleep. A couple from among us might go to the path again, without the urban camels, to be seen by the others following us, so that that huge creature can change back to that form that had been Jaydeen's body before, and those one coming after us can join us. I still think I should go further on that other way to see if there is anything else we need to know about this valley."

Jaydeen in the elf form and Iperanton went back the way they had come, to reach that path, without riding urban camels this time, and they saw the half giant running up that way, some distance away still. The urban camels had been running rather faster than that half giant one could still manage.

09-17-2022, 01:16 AM
The half giant with the elvish mind slowed down a great deal when coming to where Jaydeen in that original elfin body and Iperanton stood, at the side of the path. Jaydeen waved with a motion.

"Omeci hista aywen. Ewen acema ampca heretu."

The half giant with the elvish mind followed those two who brought her to where the others were seen in the valley a little further. Jaydeen in that original elfin body and Iperanton went back toward the path to watch for the others coming. It was dimming but it was not too much longer when they saw the form of the great wolf with those others riding on that form running along that path from the distance toward them.

09-20-2022, 01:19 AM
Gasha's mind was in Jaydeen's original body restored when they arrived to where Jaydeen in the elfin body along with Iperanton waited by the path.

Jaydeen said, "The others are already setting up their resting place in this valley, around that bend out of sight from this path and almost all of the surrounding country. We will lead you to that spot, and we will just rest there before we go on early in the morning to reach that city further on."

They continued on into the valley and along it, with Klara in Arapegol's original body and Galvishar coming along last after the others. They came around the bend, and saw where Lucion and Trysina had their blankets out by a small stunted tree having yet plenty of overhang, and with the half giant who had just arrived sitting near them they were reclining. Jaydeen and Iperanton and those who they brought wondered where Arapegol had gone. But then they saw him hurrying as he came into sight around the bend further on.

He came to them, and said, "I found a built structure, as if for a small shelter, at the far side of this curved Valley. It isn't occupied, I checked very carefully. I also saw an old used fire site right by it, with bits of old char. It has been used, not very recently, but it suggests to me that this place is possibly visited from time to time."

09-23-2022, 01:22 AM
Jaydeen said, "It seems this means that someone who has been using it may return to it again, at some time. If it were to happen at this time, while we are here through this night, I would not think it would be good if we were found while we are all sleeping. We would be vulnerable and we don't know the intentions of whoever comes, that those would be benevolent."

Iperanton said, "I don't know if it can be certain that the user would even have been human. There is that Wylacard back in Tenoba where beings with bodies of beasts are dwelling. There could be such creatures around here, too."

Arapegol said, "It would be best in this circumstance for us each to willingly sacrifice a little time from sleeping through the night, that we alternate for keeping watch for a while. There are nine of us who can do this, so a watch from each does not have to be long. We should decide now an order for when each of us would get up, the one previous waking us up for that, except the one we agree would stay up longer to watch first."

The others agreed to this. They discussed this for a while, as they ate from their rations, and after a while it was agreed that the half giant with the elvish mind would watch first. When ready to stop for the next to watch, it would be Gasha in Jaydeen's original body. Then it would be Jaydeen in the elfin body. Then it would be Arapegol. Then it would be Klara in Arapegol's original body. Then it would be Galvishar. Then it would be Iperanton. Then it would be Lucion in Trysina's body, and then Trysina in Lucion's body.

09-27-2022, 01:26 AM
When they had talked further, especially about getting the amulet to restore people to the way they were, after each had stopped eating from their rations, they made themselves a comfortable place for where they would lie down and sleep, and as they had arranged the half giant, who spoke with that low elvish speech from the elvish mind, stayed alert to watch first. Nothing worthy of mentioning to one another happened, while the half giant watched a while, and then awoke Gasha who originally had that body but was now the mind within Jaydeen's original body, who watched a while, and then awoke Jaydeen who was the mind in that elfin body, who watched a while, and then awoke Arapegol. Arapegol watched from an alert position, and very soon he noticed a being approach. His eyes were yet discerning of its form while still it was dim here away from city lights, with the crescent moon now low near where it would go behind a hill over this small valley, and the stars shining from a mostly clear sky. He recognized the creature, but really just from books, not from any encounter previous to this. It was a gem armadillo, coming along near the tree where Arapegol and those with him were.

09-30-2022, 01:29 AM
Arapegol had to remember what he had learned of these, many years ago, without giving them further thought since. These were rare creatures. One of each has in its head is a large sparkling gem, which is inherently part of the animal. One will come near to a small group of people, and can use the capacity of telepathy the creature might have to communicate to them. Obtaining the gem would have it turn to worthless dust if the creature dies. To further complicate matters, they can will themselves to die and have no fear or concept of death. It would take careful coaxing by a personable wizard to get one to give up its gem willingly. These creatures were not hostile, but while they were not malevolent they were not really benevolent either.

Arapegol considered whether to come nearer and let the gem armadillo know of his presence. He might leave some distance from the group to do so.

10-03-2022, 01:12 AM
Finally Arapegol decided to come out from under that low canopy of the small tree, where he and the others were staying this night, and sit out in the grassy area a few steps away, where that creature might take notice of him, while passing by. He had just sat down, and the gem armadillo now was coming near its closest approach, without going to that tree, when that animal looked up and clearly saw him, and looked at him for awhile.

Arapegol then heard the voice which must have been telepathic, "What in the world? How do you just happen to be sitting right there?"

He answered, "I am on a journey, for retrieving an amulet, that I must reach that further city, and surely beyond it, for helping those I came from with a needed restoration. For us, gems are very important. I came here to stop and rest for the coming night. I saw no better place for that along the way than right here. But I found there is a structure further on, that way, that has had use. Do you know anything about that? And what do you do here?"

"I have a burrow further on that way. I return from foraging. I do know about that structure. It is used by a bipedal being, sort of like you, yet larger, with more hair. That one comes and spends several nights there when the moon grows fuller, I expect that one will be coming here tomorrow."

Arapegol said, "Well I can be gone tomorrow. Thank you for telling me that, it was very helpful of you. And you know, you are a beautiful creature. And you have that nice gem showing from your head. Such a thing would be marvelous to people such as those of my kind, to whom gems can be really helpful."

"Yes. Too bad for you there are not these shiny things growing from you."

10-06-2022, 01:05 AM
Arapegol considered, and then he expressed agreement. "Yes, we, I and my people, are at a disadvantage. The nice gem probably doesn't do so much for you, it would help any of us out to have a such a gem to bear."

"You don't say. Well, that sounds sad. But I will go on, for I foraged enough and want to get back to where I take shelter."

Arapegol still persisted. "What if you had a way to shed the gem which doesn't do much or anything for you, and leave it with me? It would be very helpful to me and those I care for. Don't you think?"

"Wow. Who would think of this being done? I will give it some thought, this night. If I come to think it is worthwhile, I will come back when the daytime comes, to leave it for you, if I decide for doing that."

"I hope you are so helpful. Come early when daytime comes, right when it starts. I will need to go after that. If you come, to do this, I will leave treats for you."

The gem armadillo still went on. "I am thinking about it."

10-10-2022, 01:09 AM
Arapegol wondered if the gem armadillo really would be back early when day would break, before he went on with the others. He didn't even want the gem armadillo to know the others were there with him. The gem armadillo being alert to others with him could interfere too much with his benevolent influence with the gem armadillo.

He went back to his position under that small tree with enough cover for them, and he then went to where the one with his original body, the mind of Klara, to awake to watch next. When Klara was up and in position to watch, he went to his position to sleep. He set himself to awaken at the start of daybreak, he was pretty good at timing when he would wake up, like that. And so he then had a short dream, in which he was running to catch an urban camel that ran ahead, while a great wolf was running up behind him.

Arapegol awoke as Lucion's mind in Trysina's body was watching still, and the eastern sky was lightening well before the sun would rise. He got up, and he said to Lucion that he would not be able to sleep further. He then went out from under the small tree a little way that he was separate from them, near the place he went to earlier during the night, and he watched for that creature to come back this way.Arapegol wondered if the gem armadillo really would be back early when day would break, before he went on with the others. He didn't even want the gem armadillo to know the others were there with him. The gem armadillo being alert to others with him could interfere too much with his benevolent influence with the gem armadillo.

He went back to his position under that small tree with enough cover for them, and he then went to where the one with his original body, the mind of Klara, to awake to watch next. When Klara was up and in position to watch, he went to his position to sleep. He set himself to awaken at the start of daybreak, he was pretty good at timing when he would wake up, like that. And so he then had a short dream, in which he was running to catch an urban camel that ran ahead, while a great wolf was running up behind him.

Arapegol awoke as Lucion's mind in Trysina's body was watching still, and the eastern sky was lightening well before the sun would rise. He got up, and he said to Lucion that he would not be able to sleep further. He then went out from under the small tree a little way that he was separate from them, near the place he went to earlier during the night, and he watched for that creature to come back this way.

10-14-2022, 01:13 AM
Arapegol soon heard the sounds of others getting up as they awoke. He thought, this would not be good. The gem armadillo was not in sight. If that creature came with being persuaded to let him have the gem that grew from the head of this armadillo, the rapport he had managed could be ruined if others came out from where they were hidden under the low canopy of that small tree to be seen with him.

He heard a call, "Arapegol, where are you?" It was Iperanton.

Arapegol said back, "I am just taking care of something out here. I will be with you in just a little bit."

Finally he saw a movement in the distance. He watched carefully, and determined at last the gem armadillo was there, approaching, through grass almost as high. Arapegol got up and quietly moved rather closer, where it was coming.

10-18-2022, 01:18 AM
Arapegol waited a while still, and the gem armadillo came into view clearly pushing through the grass. The gem armadillo saw Arapegol then, and stopped, and said, "It is you!"

Arapegol said, "Yes, I chose to wait a bit before going on, hoping you would come to be helpful to me."

"Well, I gave it some thought. How would it really be helpful to you? My kind has these gems grow like this from our heads. You say it would not be of such use to us, but why would it not be if it is natural for us to have these grow from us?"

"I don't know how it would serve you, I can't answer that. It seems you are managing well without it being in use. I don't know how to tell you but among us a gem is of real value. And I would really have need for what is of value to still go on for what I need to do, among them."

"So, you have treats you were going to offer me?"

"Yes, there are treats I would give you from this bag on me, if you leave your gem for me. I would be so grateful to you."

"Very well. Let me see your treats you will give me. Put them out for me."

Arapegol reached in the bag. There were a few carrots, some small fruits, and a couple of small breads with spread put in where it was cut. He brought out the carrots and the fruit that was there, and put them on the ground.

The gem armadillo came closer. Arapegol said, "So, you can let the gem out from you, now?"

"Sure," said the gem armadillo, but suddenly added, "But who is that?"

"There you are. What is happening?" It was the voice of the elfin witch whose body had Jaydeen's mind.

10-22-2022, 01:21 AM
"Jaydeen, this is a gem armadillo, who is most at ease with just being with me, it would be well to not disturb us just right now. I will see you in a little while."

That elfin one with Jaydeen's mind looked a bit confused, and then backed away again.

Alone with each other again a couple of moments later, the gem armadillo said, stiffly, "You said nothing about coming here with someone else."

Arapegol answered, "It did not seem relevant, and I still don't think it is. I am treating you, as I said I would, and still I am in need and really could use help, and you know you can help."

"But now I see you are deceptive. You could have been truthful but you are not, I don't know if anything from you is truthful. I did not know your kind is like that, I and those creatures like me can only say what is really the case."

Arapegol remained calm, and just said, "I am the same way. I forget some things, which I neglect to say, but what things I say are the truth. We spent what we had, of value, on the way to get this far, for something needed more. But it won't get us back, without us having something more of value that we need. Still, I brought treats for you, just as I said I would."

10-26-2022, 01:25 AM
The creature said, "Let me try this out." He came and sniffed at the carrots and the fruit, plums and like stonefruits mostly, and then nibbled at those for awhile.

Arapegol soon said, "You were going to leave the gem with me, right?"

The gem armadillo munched some more on one fruit, until it was gone. Once it was all swallowed, he looked at Arapegol, and then said, "Give me some moments." He moved away a little.

10-29-2022, 01:28 AM
Arapegol watched with concern, not knowing if the gem armadillo was going to leave or what he would do. The creature bowed his head for a while, and shook it a bit a few times. Then the gem dropped from its forehead. It had depth to it that was not apparent when attached. The creature turned to Arapegol, and said, "Here it is." Now this creature looked more like one of some other variety of armadillo not so notable, but there was a remaining indentation where the gem came out, with uncovered fresh skin still there. The creature came back to feed some more, and Arapegol carefully and slowly picked up the gem.

11-01-2022, 01:31 AM
Arapegol knew he had rapport with many certain animals because of his real care for them, besides the supernatural influence that was developed with having become a wizard with his training. So though he now had the gem from the creature in his hand by persuading the gem armadillo to give it up for him, he let this animal continue to eat from all that he had offered. But as the armadillo came close to finishing the fruit and the remaining carrot, Arapegol was too concerned about those he came with waiting while they needed to go. He thanked the gem armadillo well for giving up the gem for him, assuring the armadillo it would really help him along as he needed, as those of his kind valued such things. He said then that he should go, but he went indebted to him and would thank him more when Arapegol would see this creature again, as he hoped to do. Then he got up and went back to that low tree some way from there, where those he came with were still out of sight hidden under it.

He announced when he came under the canopy of the low tree, "I am sorry for the wait, but I found this creature from which I was able to gain a gem, which has value and will help us go further and return to Quadick again, as our count of coins was too low. Now we really can go on with assurance about being able to finish this quest well. Let us prepare for going on further to reach the city still ahead of us."

The urban camels were very soon ready to mount, when the elfin with Jaydeen's mind said, "There is a creature coming this way around that bend of this valley, it is bipedal and walking erect, but that is no human."

11-04-2022, 01:03 AM
Arapegol said, "Let us bring the urban camels further in under this low tree, toward the back, and when it is closer we must be quiet and not say anything or make any noise. I think this creature will move on toward the back of this valley where the structure I saw is located, without coming closer to this tree with going by. But if the creature does approach this tree we must have been discovered, and we who use the urban camels should mount, and flee, and you Gasha should transform to the beast form wiith which you can carry the others quickly from here. We will then hurry toward that city ahead along the road."

They did not speak any more, while they watched this huge hairy bipedal creature continue along the stretch of the valley where it was level between slopes, a good way still from the low tree they were under. They were really silent as the creature walked by, and it went a little bit further, and stopped, looking around.

11-07-2022, 02:06 AM
That hairy erect bipedal creature stayed in that spot for a good while, looking in different directions. Arapegol and the riders with him had the urban camels further back on the other side of this low tree with great overhang, where they looked out from that side as they sat with legs folded under. Arapegol wondered if it these camels had been smelled.

The creature then moved closer and closer to the tree, still glancing around. It cued Arapegol and the others to each mount their supercamel who was used to them, with the things they brought, and Arapegol having the just acquired gem with his other articles carried together.

The creature came close to the tree. Suddenly Gasha in Jaydeen's original body started changing in the way that would appear as the very great beast that would carry the others. Seeing that the creature was now that close and the great beast was forming, Arapegol and the riders going with them had urban camels rise, and then go on in a hurry out toward where the valley opened near to where the road they had gone on went further toward the city they had seen. As they did the great beast that had formed appearing like a huge wolf rushed out from under that tree toward the hairy bipedal creature.

11-10-2022, 02:09 AM
Arapegol, Iperanton, Jaydeen in the elfin body and Lucion and Trysina in each other's body, all on the urban camels, were quickly far from there as the huge beast which Gasha formed from what had been Jaydeen's original body made lunges at the great hairy biped, which now backed up to avoid the attempts to bite. The five riders rounded the curve of that valley and were then out of view from the tree giving shelter where they had been through the night. The sun then had just come up.

When they came up to the road where they would continue on to the city ahead where they could see a few structures that would be buildings, Arapegol said, "I knew from talking with that small creature, the gem armadillo, that this huge creature we saw would come, but the gem armadillo did not say what it was, and I did not recognize it with seeing it myself."

Iperanton said, "I have heard of such a thing from when there was education and instruction for us, but I don't remember what it was."

Jaydeen said, "It was what the people of Quadick call the Big Hairy. No one sees it around there. But those who have traveled further north through wilderness lands as there are in Terricana have spoken of this creature that some have seen. Some just see the huge footprints from where it has been."

Lucion in Trysina's body said, "Look, there is a cottage right over there. And the road ahead looks much better, from there on, where it is a smooth surface."

Arapegol said, "If everything went right where we left the others, Gasha in that form of a huge beast would then be carrying Klara and Galvishar, and the half giant should be coming with them. So we should remain ahead of them. Hopefully nothing went wrong with that Big Hairy overcoming them."

11-14-2022, 02:13 AM
Jaydeen said, "We should not turn back now. It is better to wait for finding out when we notice them coming up when we reach the city, and not continue talking about them now."

Arapegol and those with him went on speedily on their urban camels, and they came to where the cottage near this road was right away. A couple of men were seen at work on trees in front of the cottage. Arapegol and then the others brought the urban camels down to a slow pace, and Arapegol called out to them, "Hello! We are from Tenoba to the south, and we are on an important mission. We would like to know what is the city ahead that we are coming to?"

One man there was a young man, the other man was seen to be significantly older. That older man said, "That city ahead of you is Diodun. You are strangers, and there are things you should really know about that place. There is a significant crime rate there, mostly burglary. And there is an upper class that strongly influences the rule over that city, keeping lower classed people in their place, forcefully."

Arapegol said, "This is something we should know. But it is unavoidable and we must go there."

The man said, "Then really be on your guard, and may the High Regdon be watching over you with providence."

11-18-2022, 02:17 AM
Arapegol and the other riders thanked the man who spoke with them for the information. This man told them he went at times to sell wares, but had seen such problems that he with his family here now grew things to subsist on themselves and worked on making things for themselves, so he would not go to that city so often.

The riders excused themselves for their hurry was important, and they rode on with their urban camels, which went really fast. As they drew nearer to Diodun the city ahead, Jaydeen whose mind was in the elfin form said, "I wonder what that man meant with saying High Regdon would watch over us."

Arapegol who rode nearest to Jaydeen said, "I have heard mention of Regdon by a couple of others. I understand they think there is this high being that is most benevolent among beings higher than all of us who are in this world, who would answer needs when petitioned, yet still requires observance of rules, and seeks to promote justice. Most others around them dismiss their beliefs, though there are many others with beliefs just as strange."

Jaydeen answered, "You call others' beliefs strange. But I have heard you speak at times of the Great God. Who talks like that? Most know a name of some high being they appeal to, in the cities it is mostly Citra but there are those appealing to beings of other names. And some of us just don't go with any of that."

11-21-2022, 09:22 AM
After a moment or so, as the riders on the urban camels went on quickly, now on the road here with a surface paved, drawing closer to that city they had come far to reach, Arapegol explained, "Certain of various people I know speak with faith in the higher being they trust and are ready to serve, all of them speaking of different names of that one they trust and would serve. I have really listened to them, and I became sure that they refer to the same higher being while with completely different names they use. To avoid favoring the name used by one group of people over any name of the others, while I see clearly there are other beings or images served that are not that one, I speak of the Great God, that this one I see is that same being those people of various groups trust and would serve known to them with the different names would still understand that one to be. This Great God is really greater than the other beings or what is conceived of with images with yet other names that others serve."

Jaydeen answered, "Maybe it is a composite you come up with."

They rode yet closer toward that city. Arapegol said, "Maybe. But I am sure there is the higher being that is the Great God, to trust and be ready to serve."

Jaydeen said, "Still how could that higher being you claim is there be troubled about any of the rest of us for doubting there is that higher being?"

Arapegol said, "I didn't say anything about that. I don't have any thought about how the Great God cares about those who doubt any of that."

11-24-2022, 02:23 AM
Jaydeen said, "Certainly others can believe in what is different just as much as they do, so you can't have a basis to say they are wrong."

While they spoke back and forth, Arapegol and Jaydeen along with the others riding nearby on the urban camels as they continued along this paved road at a fast pace came much nearer to this city that they were informed was Diodun. The gate to the city within the surrounding wall came to be well in their view. Arapegol then said, "Once we enter, we should find a spot near to that way in where we would stop, and wait for a while, for the others to catch up, if any of them will still make it."

The others understood to do this, and they continued at the same rate, so that not much past the middle of the daytime they came to where the road went into this city. It continued as an avenue through this part of the city, with small streets crossing it ahead at intervals, interrupting the series of small to moderate buildings along the sides. There were a few wagons going along it in both directions, so they rode on the urban camels much more slowly.

Arapegol said, "That parking area there looks like the best stop for us to wait for the others to catch up with us."

11-28-2022, 02:27 AM
It was almost a block into the city past the city gate. Still when they settled the urban camels they were riding in that bit of open space with buildings further from them, they could turn and view the gate hoping those they had left with what Jaydeen said was called a Big Hairy near them would still come, with the great beast carrying Galvishar and Arapegol's original body yet occupied. The riders could not be sure if those ones would come. But after a not very long wait, they saw the half giant with the elvish mind enter in through that gate, with looking around while going around the wagons along the avenue. Arapegol waved for getting her attention. After a little time with her looking carefully in different directions, she noticed them. She came right up then, with a look of relief. "Hereti ouyen reaen! En onderedwë."

Arapegol said, "But what about the others? They are not here still."

12-01-2022, 02:30 AM
They all waited a long while, in that lot, and wondered if the Big Hairy which Jaydeen had heard of had overcome the others they had left. The half giant with the elvish mind, who Jaydeen could understand better than any others, told him she had been running after these ones waiting here as they rode on the urban camels which were so swift. She did not know any more about the others left behind. They could only wait, all the day if need be, to not lose the others should they still come but really late.

When it was the middle of the afternoon, they saw three figures coming together into this city through the gate, and they all then recognized it was the one with Arapegol's original body, the one with Jaydeen's original body, and Galvishar.

12-05-2022, 02:04 AM
Arapegol and then the others with him waved at the three who had entered this city at the gate, and looked around. There was the block in between, yet those three figured out to look along the length of the street and spotted those others pretty quickly.

When Klara, Gasha, and Galvishar had walked the rest of the way and met with the others, Arapegol asked, "What then happened when that creature, which Jaydeen says is called the Big Hairy, came to you?"

Gasha said, "I met that creature as the great wolf form I managed taking on. I made clear with snapping to bite him that I was guarding those with me who rested under the tree. He called out, 'Leavin you alone!' This surprised us, and I stopped threatening to bite him. He backed away, and then said, 'Others come. They come bother me here.' Now I started to understand. This creature had been threatened here, and was not simply threatening us, but came to look if those of us there were ones that came after him before.

"Before I shifted back, Klara with your original body came our from under that low tree, and said, 'We are not those who come to bother you. We are on a journey and stopped here to rest this night.' "

12-08-2022, 02:07 AM
Arapegol said, "But it still took you long to get here to reach us."

Gasha said, "Yes. That Big Hairy spoke at length though with not good use of our words about what sounded like an assassin team that hunted after that creature, though he made clear to us that even if he took things that could benefit him, usually food items, he was never harming any people. He appealed to us to help to not let them catch him. So we stayed a little while assuring this creature that we had nothing to do with those people after him. We were busy with having somewhere to go, after resting right there through the night, but if we found such a team that was looking for him, we would deal with those to stop them from continuing after him."

Klara who had her mind in Arapegol's original body asked, "As we are so low on coins, how are we going to have a place to stay here overnight, until we go on to find the amulet that will restore us and all the people affected?"

Arapegol said, "I have provided for that. Now that you are all here with us, I need to go to an appraiser in town, and then we can take care of that."

12-12-2022, 02:11 AM
It was now getting close to the evening, and the group of people, with the urban camels, which had fed at the herbaceous growth around the lot and rested where those who rode had waited for the others, now went along the street which continued from the gate through the part of the city with more business, watching for a place of an appraiser. Finally they saw one, between a weapon shop and a pawn shop. Arapegol, Iperanton and Jaydeen in the elfin body entered that place.

Arapegol went straight to the man at attendance at the counter with a high screen having a small opening. Arapegol said, "I brought a gem of high value, and am interested in how many coins I will get with it."

The one attending the counter said, "Place the gem on the scale there."

Arapegol saw then the measuring scale then, which was attached to the screen, with a side of it facing the man on the other side, who could read it. He placed the gem there. The man then held a viewing glass over close enough to inspect it. He looked along a chart on his side. He said then, "This is good for seventy megamite bits."

12-15-2022, 02:14 AM
Arapegol said, "I will agree to you having this for seventy megamite coins, we are new around here too, so I ask also with this that you would point us toward nearby stables available to travelers."

The appraiser agreed with making the trade, and he said then, "A block that way turn right past the corner, where you will find a good inn with stables available." He counted out seventy megamite coins, which Arapegol gathered to his bag as the appraiser took the gem Arapegol had acquired. He then went out with Iperanton and Jaydeen in the elfin body.

Jaydeen said, "You really did know it was a gem of value."

Arapegol said, "I certainly did. It is clear flowergemstone the gem armadillos exude at the front of their heads, I could recognize it. But I do wonder about what they are eating that is enough to produce that. Let's find the inn and get the urban camels we rode on comfortable enough to stay in the stalls there overnight."

They met the others in the lot, and told them they were going on toward the inn a little further.

12-19-2022, 02:18 AM
Fortunately, they found that this place they had been directed towards was a real inn, with very adequate stalls for the mounts they came with where those animals would be comfortable, rooms to sleep in through the night, and an eating and drinking area in the front where items could be ordered. All who came with Arapegol were glad he had acquired that gem of value with which there was now enough megamite coins that they could stay here, and sleep comfortably before going on.

As they sat at a long table together with the items they had ordered, Jaydeen asked, "We have reached Diodun. What is the plan for here on?"

Arapegol answered, "The great wizard from which the amulet that altered us was taken, and who still had an alternate amulet that would undo that alteration to us and the others affected, was in a caravan train when robbed by bandits when he was killed before he might react when awoken, and the caravan was lost and then never seen again. The destroyed amulet from Jearius when he was killed was the one from that wizard, and a hidden amulet on the caravan with the wizard who Jearius had killed would be on that lost caravan. So that is what we must search for tomorrow. From what I heard it must have left from here before the bandits reached it."

12-22-2022, 02:21 AM
Jaydeen answered, "Then whenever we speak with any individuals here in Diodun, we need to ask if they know about the caravan that departed from here and did not get to its destination."

Arapegol said, "We need to learn what we can. But from a city like this there are probably many caravans that have left from here, and that have brought people here."

The server who came to the table to check if any of those there wanted anything more said right then, "I do know of a caravan that departed from this city, around fifty to hundred days ago, it was supposed to reach the village of Asterspar, but bandits oovertook, robbing a number of cars of that caravan, and then with a shot of one of the weapons the bandits carried the animals pulling the cars panicked and ran off in a wrong direction, and the caravan plummeted into a canyon, where all there would have perished. It was a big news item here."

Arapegol asked, "How recently did that news come out?"

"That must have been around fifty days ago. The caravan left here and was not seen when it should have come to Asterspar much longer before. It had just been discovered what had happened to the caravan then."

When the server had left with a few orders for dessert items, Arapegol said, "In the morning we should go on looking for that canyon near the caravan route where that caravan had fallen in."

12-26-2022, 02:25 AM
They soon had the meals they ordered, Arapegol had a bowl of minestrone which was a favorite of his. They enjoyed dinner at length, with knowledge they shared that the next day they were closing in on the amulet they needed to find for the restoration of many individuals to the way they were until only recently when minds of some switched to other bodies. When they had finished, they went to the rooms they had that night here at this inn, which they divided themselves to share here too, with three rooms, each with three among them. Arapegol shared the room he went to with Iperanton and Jaydeen.

Here they had three small beds, anyway. Arapegol still spoke of getting the amulet. Once it was found, he would go, with the others who would still go with him, right straight back that he would give the restoration to all those who had been changed from such power.

Jaydeen still said, "What if it does not work?"

"What do you mean? It is Jearius' Amulet which we would have to find, and I was shown what its appearance is like. The high wizard Diragusher who sent me knows it would work for that, it is exactly the one thing we need to find."

12-30-2022, 02:29 AM
It had been a long way, Arapegol and others rested well through the night. In the morning, Arapegol, Iperanton, and Jaydeen got up early to be ready for others when they got up. They fixed up the room they had used and took their belongings out with them to go to the dining area. There they found Lucion and Trysina there with the half giant with the elfin mind, waiting for them and the others already.

Lucion in Trysina's body said, "Our giant friend here could not lie down comfortably in a bed in our room, that was not the right size for her. She said nothing to us, but we each later noticed her on the floor with the blankets. We knew she would not sleep a long while like that, and then we didn't either. While it was still dark, we got up and moved two of the beds together and we guided her to those to sleep further, which she did. We just had one bed left for us, but we got ourselves up soon after that, and readied ourselves for this day. And our friend woke up at that time, and made her preparations to go, too."

Arapegol said, "We might expect all of you will tire out sooner today than the rest of us. When the others are up, though, we will go along that route that the caravans go on, toward Asterspar, looking for where there is the canyon that would be near to that place."

01-03-2023, 02:02 AM
The others were up soon to come out and greet the those now waiting in the dining area. They had a very quick bite, and then with directions they had received they got the urban camels that each rider had for using from the stalls, where they had been fed and had their place to rest, and all went to that road from the departure station that went right out of the city of Diodun across hills toward the city of Asterspar to the north from there. They were near the hills a little way out from the city, so the riders did not even mount their urban camels and walked with the others along the road to the hills ahead and then went up the ascent toward a pass ahead.

Arapegol said, "The canyon we need to find should be along the hilly region here, where the disaster to it was not very far from Diodun. Watch carefully for a possible way from the road that might lead to the canyon we should find."

They went quite a way up that ascent, on the road which curved to the side around higher ascents. A caravan had departed a little earlier ahead of them, and there was no other traffic along this road as they went. They came close to the highest part of that ascent to the pass between hills all around before seeing an area between hills on the right that was more level with the road, going off toward some distance away where it declined from there.

Jaydeen said, "That sure looks like a place that qualifies for us to find a canyon."

01-06-2023, 02:05 AM
They all continued forward that way, away from that road leading through the pass, with the five riders leading the urban camels behind them. The came to see further past the increasing descent, and indeed it was a small canyon below, several dozen noble feet down. They looked around carefully from where they reached just before where the descent was steeper, and there were broken pieces of wood and small amounts of metal in scattered places. There was no further sign of a caravan having been there where it would have fallen.

After a few moments of silence as they were all looking, Arapegol said, "There is no sign of bodies, of the humans or the animals, going in that caravan. The bodies must have been moved out from there when that site of the ruined caravan had been discovered. Also, it seems any valuables would have been taken already, except for the smaller bits of metal too scattered. I think we need to return to Diodun, and find out who were coming here, from whoever first discovered this to those who were taking the bodies and cleaning up anything here."

Jaydeen said, "I think I see at least as well with the eyes I now have as you do, Arapegol. There is nothing down there worth retrieving now. But some were doing that earlier. We should really go back, I agree, and find out who they all were." Jaydeen turned back, leading the urban camel which Jaydeen had been riding, the others then turned back, to return to the road where they would go back down the way they had come.

01-10-2023, 02:09 AM
There was enough of the day left to do more when the travelers returned to Diodun, they them went to the Diodun news center when they found directions. Arapegol asked those he found working there about the individuals known to have discovered the missing caravan in the bottom of the canyon and those that cleaned up salvageable parts from that. At length they acquired names. Five names were those that could be found in Diodun still. Arapegol and the others searched each one of those out, and made enough inquiries to hear their stories. The stories given separately corresponded to each other. Two individuals had gone in their small wagon up that way from Diodun to the communities beyond those hills. They had stopped for a rest and to have a view from looking spots there, they had seen the crashed caravan and bodies of the animals, and one human body exposed, at the bottom of the slope into the canyon. They returned to bring the news of that to people in Diodun. A party of four strong men who would bring bodies of any people there out, to be brought to Diodun for identification and for burial services. Some salvageable parts were retrieved also. One young man of the two who were first going that way then again was going that way, himself, to go to one village north from Diodun on the other side of the hills. There was no where in Diodun to find the amulet, and none of the stories from those they asked gave any hint that would account for it. Just that one who had gone on from Diodun to the village north from there, on the other side, had not been asked. That one, who they learned was named Kippedot, was the only one left that could be a link to the missing amulet. They would still need to go to that village to find him.

01-13-2023, 02:12 AM
After a little discussion among themselves when the travelers had learned these things, with talking to the others who had been involved, it was decided that they should go immediately to that village on the other side of the high hills. Arapegol said, "But we must go the fast way, those of us with the urban camels we ride going ahead, and the rest, besides the half giant who follows after us, with Gasha who would transform to that faster beast, so we can get there soon enough to look for where Kippedot would have gone with the amulet he must have taken."

All agreed with this approach which had been tried enough. When the urban camels hurried up the hill along the road leading to the pass, the riders saw to their relief that these animals handled the slope of the road well even as they still went quickly. The half giant went after them, pretty fast but not as quickly.. The riders were far ahead, coming toward the highest area along the road, before the shape of the great wolf started off with Klara in Arapegol's original body and Galvishar riding on the back of the beast.

01-17-2023, 02:28 AM
Arapegol and the other riders each gave good attention to the urban camels they individually rode, and were treating them well. The urban camels in turn individually served the rider that each bonded with faithfully. They continued at a fast pace, and went over through the pass to the country further north, where they saw the distinctive appearance readily. There were an abundance of pine trees here. A small village was directly ahead, still some good distance beyond the hills, other distant villages were in view. Beyond there where the road led into the distance, there was a far shore to the north, and city barely seen so far away along it.

As they stopped at one place along the descent to the other side, to let the urban camels feed along the brush there, Arapegol said to the others, "This first village must be where Kippedot who we search for had gone. We must stop there to speak with any of those dwelling there who would talk with us, to find out if they are familiar with who Kippedot is and if they know where he stays."

Jaydeen said, "Yes. And those we find would likely not know anything of the amulet so it is good we have his name to ask about, and we won't ask anything with mentioning the amulet then."

The others agreed, and they shortly continued to ride on toward that closer village with the rapid pace of the urban camels.

01-20-2023, 02:19 AM
When they were a little way outside the edge of the village, the riders dismounted from the urban camels, permitting them to feed along the hedges. They waited a while, and saw the half giant jogging toward them. Clearly even with more stamina she was tiring. Then a little later the great lupine beast that carried two riders came nearer, and before being significantly close the riders dismounted, and the beast gradually took the other shape that was recognized as the original form of Jaydeen. They came then the rest of the way by foot to where the riders and the half giant waited.

Gasha in Jaydeen's original body said, "We are here. Are all of us ready to enter the village to see if we can find out where Kippedot would be?"

Arapegol said, "Let's do this. We who rode will gather the urban camels and lead them on foot through the village. We all should spread out from one another, so any one of us can ask a villager encountered there about Kippedot without the rest of us there seeming like we might gang up on them. One who gets good information can notify the rest of us to let us know, after acquiring it."

The others understood, and they entered this village, each walking some distance from the others. They saw it was not crowded in the village now, there were not any out then but a couple of individuals walking somewhere in that area they were coming to.

01-24-2023, 02:23 AM
One young man was closer to this spread out group, and he went in one way to make a wide berth around them. Iperanton who was closer said aloud to this one, taking a few steps closer, "Excuse me. I have traveled from Diodun and will still go on. I was told I would find my acquaintance Kippedot in this community, I would wish to see him before going on. Do you know of him, and where I could try to find him?"

The young man said, "Certainly. Most in this community know him. He is the high wizard's apprentice, and he is mostly with the high wizard in the fortified edifice there near the eastern edge of Gelpindeck, this major village."

Iperanton said, "Thank you very much, my man. That will save me much time in looking around to find him."

The young man continued swiftly on and was soon out of the area where these travelers who had come were. The other person that had been seen a little further away took a turn and was quickly gone from view.

Iperanton said to Arapegol and the few others near by, "Did you hear that? Kippedot is the apprentice to the high wizard of Gelpindeck, this village, that he says is the major village. That would be with him at the fortified edifice over there by the east side."

Arapegol said, "So this will be dangerous work, we need the amulet he took and we may have that high wizard to deal with. I think I and Iperanton should come near it and decide what approach might work before we bring any of the rest of you near it."

01-28-2023, 02:27 AM
Others of the group were disappointed, but there was no argument to it being possibly dangerous to approach the premises of the high wizard. The others were willing to wait on the lawn at the village center, where the urban camels found green growth among shrubs they would browse on. Arapegol had looked at the book he brought along with the image of the needed amulet bookmarked, to clearly identify the amulet whenever it might be found. From there Arapegol and Iperanton went toward the east, where the tip of a high edifice was seen from there. They went a few blocks that way past homes and a few clustered markets, to where that edifice was in view. It presented a front appearing as a rather rectangular shape a bit longer left to right than it was high, the center with a front entrance though was a portion of a tower that reached higher and peaked with a pointed spire. There was a smaller tower with spire on the left corner of the building and another at the right corner. A great spacious lawn of grass was before it. On the right side was a small building with a door and a window seen in front of it.

Arapegol said to Iperanton, "I see no one watching out there for any approach. I will give a look at that small building. It is just the sort of home the high wizard's apprentice might have. I would leave you back here to watch, and if any would come and possibly see me do what you can to distract them."

Just then when Arapegol was speaking to Iperanton, a young man came out from that building and after closing the door behind him walked then swiftly to the main entrance of the greater building with the towers.

Arapegol said, "That must be Kippedot. So that is where he stays as the high wizard's apprentice. Unless he would have already given the amulet to the high wizard, it is most probably hidden in that small building he stays at when not being instructed. I am going there and will look, now."

That one who must have been Kippedot went into the main building there, and Arapegol hurried over to where that smaller one was.

01-31-2023, 02:30 AM
Iperanton waited by shrubbery that was along the edge, partially hidden among the growth. Arapegol looked through the window, then tried the door. As it was locked, he took out the glowing orb he brought with him, and triggered it the way he had learned to be teleported with it into that small building for a home to the apprentice. He was immediately inside, and he looked quickly about. There was a bed with the head of it against the wall that was opposite to the door, a small dresser was next to it on one side, a small low table was next to the bed on the other side. A door to the left, partially open, was to a closet, one door on the other side was to a small kitchen area, another door next to it was to a small bathroom with its facilities.

Arapegol checked the small table and around it, and the drawers of the dresser, carefully but still at a quick pace. No items for use of powers were found in those, just clothing items and items of personal use. He looked into the closet, wear warm wear for cooler weather was hanging. A few different forms of footwear were on the floor underneath. He checked the kitchen area and the bathroom area and still found nothing relevant to his search. Then he looked under the bed. It was empty space there. Yet when he looked toward the head, he noticed an open space in the bottom base of the dresser next to it. He brought his head that he had brought under the bed close enough to look in that opening to the space within the base of the dresser. There, he saw a small box. He brought it out, and seeing how he could, he opened it. There, within, he saw a very small slender structure, which must be a wand. Stuffed close to it was a small glowing amulet. He recognized it from studying to recognize it. It was the amulet. It was the one amulet of Jearius that he needed. He took it and closed the box, stuffing it back in where it has been. He stood up, and then saw through the window that same young man come out from the large building, with another man. They hurried this way to his home.

02-03-2023, 02:02 AM
Arapegol knew it was time to go, right then. He used the orb with him while he held the amulet of Jearius to trigger the teleportation just in the way that would put him just beyond the high shrubs near to where he had left from Iperanton. He had gotten away with the amulet.

Iperanton had just started to move from there. Arapegol told him quickly, "I am here already," knowing Iperanton was going to try to be a distraction to try stalling those two who were on their way from reaching that small home right away.

"Oh, good! You have it, right?"

"I do. They probably have a way to notice supernatural power being used in the area, high wizards have such abilities accessible to them. Go quickly to the others at the village center, and get them ready to go right away, and leave going back the way we came, without me, to get back to Quadick. Galvishar can become familiar to the urban camel I cared for, to ride back with that one. I will teleport myself to the city north from here, Asterspar, they would likely try coming after me so I need to go now, as you should too. I will come with the teleportation to Quadick three days from now, that everyone can be restored with this." Arapegol gave Iperanton a great handful of the coins and quickly hugged him, and triggered the orb for teleportation for a far distance away, and he was gone. Iperanton went quickly back to the village center of Gelpindeck where others with him waited, to have them go back right away.

02-06-2023, 02:05 AM
Jaydeen in the elfin body, Gasha in Jaydeen's original body, the elfin mind in the half-giant body, Klara in Arapegol's original body, Lucion in Trysina's body and Trysina in Lucion's body, and Galvishar, were waiting near the urban camels which still ate from shrubs, in that common grassy area at the town's center, when Iperanton came back, walking swiftly. He didn't dare run, any of those looking for one who took the amulet could spot him and come after him then. But as Arapegol had said to him it was probable that use of supernatural power could be sensed, and the high wizard that the apprentice Kippedot had obtained and told the high wizard it had been taken from him could follow where the the use of the supernatural power would lead. So he would avoid using his rod that was brought along. There would then be only the use of Arapegol's orb that might be followed. Arapegol would have to be careful to never be found. Hopefully that further city would be far enough.

Jaydeen in the elfin body asked, "Arapegol is not with you? Has he been taken?"

"No, he got what he went for, but it was sensed and he fled another way to not be found, and told me before he did that I should return here to you and with all of you go back on the journey to reach Quadick again. Galvishar should comfort Arapegol's urban camel, that he called Strider, and try having that one comfortable with carrying him back that way. We should go as quickly as we can. Arapegol said three days from now he will teleport to Quadick to meet with us, and cast the power for restoration there. I won't use any power I might that those who might look for Arapegol who used the power won't be drawn to seek any of us. Still we are not native to this village and should not say here."

As soon as Galvishar heard that he should comfort Arapegol's urban camel Strider, that he might bond with that one to ride back, he went to the animal, and spoke gently while stroking this intelligent creature.

02-09-2023, 02:08 AM
Galvishar did not have much difficulty, and soon the riders with the urban camels, including Galvishar with the one Arapegol had been riding before, were off back to going where they would go up through the pass among the high hills south from that country, toward Diodun. They chose to not stop there, but after a brief stop to let the urban camels rest and feed to then continue quickly all the way further toward the canyon past the wide forest. The half giant with the elfin mind ran again behind them but still would lag further and further behind, Gasha in Jaydeen's original body transformed into the great lupine beast when the urban camels had gone very far ahead, and carried Klara in Arapegol's original body still while running after those others.

The day was almost over when they reached the riders reached the canyon. While they waited for those still follow after, Jaydeen looking around carefully said to the others, "I see another path leading into the canyon, way over there. We should consider that we might avoid the pool psychic colonies of fungus with us going that way instead."

02-13-2023, 02:12 AM
It looked like it might be a longer way, to reach the other side of the canyon that way. But all there agreed that if psychic colonies of fungus could be avoided that further way, they should take it. So they went that way, to the left of the direction they went to reach the edge overlooking this canyon. It was hundreds of feet that way. And they came to it and looked at the trail there going down into the canyon. It was observed to be rather wider than the other one they had used to climb out from there. So it seemed well to use this trail instead just for that. Still the riders would lead the urban camels down rather than ride them that way down.

The half-giant with the elvish mind and Klara in Arapegol's original body and Gasha in Jaydeen's original body had caught up with them then, so they started that way down, as the sun went low nearing where it would set. They reached the rough-surfaced bottom in the canyon without issue, as the sun was now hidden from them. There were still pillars here, while they could not see growths around them, while it was clear the light would not remain strong enough much longer for them to discern any around them. They agreed to hurry across for that reason. There was a trail up directly across, that had been seen earlier, they went in the estimated direction to reach that.

Before they came to the other side, as they neared it, they saw a figure lying across that way in front of them on that really rough surface.

02-16-2023, 02:15 AM
They carefully approached this lying figure. There was no sign of movement. When they came close enough, the size of this figure indicated to them that this was a dwarf. There were no weapons seen on him, and there was nothing that would hold provisions. Iperanton and Jaydeen looked carefully over this dwarf. Iperanton let out his breath. Then he said, "He is alive still! He is not showing consciousness, and he may be weak and needing our help, If we can revive him with some of the food we have."

Jaydeen said, "He does not seem to be injured. Maybe we can set him over one urban camel, to take where he can have further help."

They tried to move him. He then became alert.

02-20-2023, 02:19 AM
The dwarf's eyes grew wider. "Who are you, where did you come from?"

Iperanton said, "I am Iperanton. We have been on a great journey, for urgent purposes, which took us through northern country of Terricana, and we are crossing this canyon to return to our home towns in Tenoba on that other side, which we have come close to. We wondered why you were here alone, unconscious. We were not sure you were alive, at first."

The dwarf said, "I am Garvendag, noble assistant to the high chief Erdenalk, with his retinue, from the dwarf town of Stenilrock. We were were at Eventall at an important council meeting, and had just left from there. We encountered alien monster beings, three of them, like high piles of gross flesh with long tentacles reaching out from them, each one had alien eyes not like those of any creature we know. They overpowered us, reaching us with the tentacles and striking us around. While some tried blocking their attack on our Chief Erdenalk, he seemed to have run off and escaped. But the rest of us were not faring well. I was struck and I don't remember more, other than you finding me here. Those I went with must be gone, though I don't know about those alien monsters."

Iperanton turned to the others with a very serious look on his face. "It is those tentacled rotmonsters, the same sort that were making attacks from the Primal Forest. They are expanding their area from there!"

02-23-2023, 02:22 AM
Klara asked, "How are we going to go up out of this canyon if tentacled rotmonsters are right up there beyond the ridge where they would attack any in their area?"

Iperanton said, "We don't know that they are still there. We would make a poor choice to stay here in this barren canyon, except for the psychic colonies of fungus a little way from here, when the tentacled rotmonsters are not remaining there in that one place they were encountered. We should still go up the way out of this canyon, and I will go first. If I being ahead see any tentacled rotmonster in the vicinity where we come to the top over the canyon ridge, I will tell you and do what I can to deal with it."

Only with the suggestion that they would remain in this canyon for nothing did the others agree they should go up along the way here to get out of it. They found that path as the twilight was coming, and Iperanton went first leading the urban camel he had with him, and others there followed, the dwarf over one urban camel holding on.

02-27-2023, 02:26 AM
They went on slowly toward the top of that south side of the canyon. This trail was a very little bit wider, but the twilight that had come was getting dimmer. Iperanton came to where he could see over the top along the cliff's edge first, and others behind him stopped as he looked around. He then turned, and said, "There are none of those alien beings around right now. We should just go on and reach Eventall, where we can have a place for overnight."

Iperanton went on where the trail turned over that side of the canyon to the country beyond that, leading his urban camel behind him. One by one the others came along behind as Iperanton, Jaydeen in the elfin body, and the others with their urban camels coming behind them moved on toward the lights of Eventall which was in view. The last urban camel that had been used by Arapegol and now by Galvishar carried Garvendag the dwarf who must have rolled into the canyon, who now held on carefully. Klara, Gasha, and the elfin mind with the half-giant body came up behind the rest.

They went on from there above the canyon when all were up there, toward the city they saw ahead. The light was dimming, but after some distance when they were coming close to that side of Eventall, Jaydeen said, "See over that way? I am sure that is one of those tentacled monsters."

Iperanton looked in that same direction, and soon saw what was meant some distance away, maybe over a hundred feet from them. And then he saw another one, rather further away. He said, "The rotmonsters are still around, just some distance away. Let us hurry on, now."

03-02-2023, 02:01 AM
They were all near the small city of Eventall, and darkness of night came as they entered the way in on that side.

Iperanton said, "Those beings might just follow the way into the city. What's to stop them?"

Jaydeen said, "Tell the guards those tentacled rotmonsters are just out there and could come this way."

They found the nearby guards, and Jaydeen and Iperanton told them of the encounters and that the creatures seen were a danger to those in this city of Eventall. They understood, and went with more guards who were around to guard that gate, with lookouts, and it was then closed with a gate there.

Iperanton and Jaydeen and the others with them found where the urban camels could stay for the night in stalls, and they went to stay at an inn, with helping Garvendag the dwarf along, who had difficulty moving.

When they were waiting for service at a couple of large tables moved close together, Gasha in Jaydeen's original body said, "We should still do what we can to deal with the strangler rotmonsters, as we were saying we would before."

Iperanton said, "They have to be coming from somewhere. We need to find out how they do, to put a stop to that, if we would deal with them at all."

03-06-2023, 02:05 AM
They suggested to one another ideas for dealing with the invasive strangler rotmonsters that were making problems on that country. But ways of destroying them if it was possible would all involve destructiveness to the country around them. So ultimately, when they had the food brought for what they would eat, they stopped talking of it for then.

Iperanton still said, "We have two days still to get back to Quadick, we should make it if there are no further obstacles, and Arapegol would then teleport there to meet us and restore all the affected there to their natural selves. This evening we can have Garvendag checked for any more serious injury than what we noticed. He might then free to go where he wants.:

Garvendag was there with them, and he said. "Where can I go? I can't just stay here, and leaving this city of the large men I might be exposed to those rotmonsters again. No one can travel freely now, certainly not alone."

Iperanton said, "We are back to the invasive rotmonsters being an issue. We cannot go off our course to help Garvendag return to his society of dwarves, we should not delay getting back for the restoration. Maybe then we will have some effective way that will deal with those creatures."

03-09-2023, 02:08 AM
Garvendag said, "Then, that would mean I should just as well go with you, or I am otherwise stranded here in Eventall with the big people and no other dwarves, with not enough on me to continue like this, and any strangler rotmonsters around outside this city and probably looking for an effective way to enter it for anything they want."

Iperanton said, "We would not keep you from going with us, but we are going on toward Quadick, away from where your community of dwarves would be, and most likely none of us would be coming back this way."

Jaydeen said, "But you also have use of an item for teleportation, do you not? Teleportation could send Garvendag back toward his community."

"It would take a strong amount of teleportation power to send him far, and we do not have any exact target we know for him to reach. And we are fleeing those who are looking for any use of strong supernatural power, who would be drawn to us if we use any of that. So we should not use any of it, without coming back to Quadick and the restoration to be effected there, which must be accomplished."

Garvendag said, "But maybe after that teleportation could be used to send me back to my people."

03-13-2023, 01:12 AM
Iperanton considered that with Arapegol being with them again and both of them casting power of teleportation together, they could send someone, as Garvendag, so far from Quadick, so he let him know it was a possibility, without giving any commitment. They went on to eating until content, and divided again to different rooms for sleeping that night.

The next morning they all left early again to go on southward to reach Quadick. Iperanton, Jaydeen in the elfin body, Lucion in Trysina's body and Trysina in Lucion's body, and Galvishar rode on the same urban camels which they each had just before, and they went swiftly ahead with the half-giant with the elfin mind ran just behind them, and when they were further ahead Gasha in Jaydeen's original body transformed into the huge wolf form and carried Klara in Arapegol's original body and Garvendag, running along behind. All were watching for the strangler rotmonsters which could be around this area now.

03-16-2023, 01:15 AM
Those on the urban camels went a far distance, and they were hoping to get to the crossing, where a little beyond that they would see a little of Quadick still further ahead. But then when they thought they were reaching it, they saw strangler rotmonsters ahead, four on the right side and five on the left side. Iperanton said when he realized it, "The rotmonsters are on the road which goes toward Kalavair that one way and Wylacard that other way. They go along the road so they come here along the road from the Primal Forest."

Trysina, in Lucion's body, said, "The rotmonsters are coming out from there and aiming toward cities of people!"

Jaydeen, in the elfin body, said, "It seems so! And it would mean there are strangler rotmonsters coming toward Quadick."

Galvishar said, "It is really time to deal with rotmonsters, if there is any way to do so!"

Iperanton said, "Our blades will not be effective enough and there are too many of them. If the teleportation is used, those who track use of such power from when the amulet was taken could then come this way after us."

Jaydeen said. "By now they must have been led toward where Arapegol, who was using power of teleportation, went to, so they were not aiming toward us then, and Arapegol has been using it."

03-20-2023, 01:19 AM
Iperanton said, "So you say it would be worth it trying use of teleportation on them. But where should they be teleported to? They might just come from where I would send them to whatever city they can still reach."

Galvishar, who had given little input along the way said, "You might teleport the rotmonsters you can manage it with into the canyon we went through, which would be hard for them to come out from."

Iperanton said, "That must be a hundred thousand feet back there. The instrument I have still has good power, but I don't know if that is past its limit."

Lucion in Trysina's body said, "Try it on these ones we see anyway. Leaving them to go on will leave those in the cities they go toward to be under attack."

Iperanton said, "Alright. I can try doing this with one, and if it works I will do this with each of the others, one after the other."

Iperanton faced the five in a row that they saw along that road crossing the one they were on, and with special vocalization and movement of his instrument, a tube with a handle and a glowing rounded portion at one end, he triggered teleportation supernatural translational thermodynamic energy at one at the end of that one line, coming behind the others. It was then gone from there.

Iperanton said, "It seems to work, that one would have a been sent to the canyon we went through. I will try this on the others now." Iperanton then focused on the one now at the end, behind the other three. After he triggered with the needed elaborate way, that one was gone too. He did it again with that one that had been in the middle, left to follow the two going in front. It vanished from the spot. Those other two stopped then, and turned about. They came back toward the road Iperanton and the riders with him, on their urban camels, were on.

03-23-2023, 01:22 AM
Iperanton had to work at the triggering fast, as these rotmonsters were moving fast, though without apparent legs it did not appear that they would. They already reached this road where the riders with their urban camels were, while Iperanton still worked at triggering his device. And then one of the rotmonsters was teleported this time. One was still there, coming right toward the riders. The urban camels were ready to bolt back along the way they had come, and these mounts could still go faster. But the riders needed to go on forward, and this remaining rotmonster had to be dealt with too instead of remaining loose. As Iperanton still worked the same way for his device to work on this one, Jaydeen in the elfin body and Galvishar, and Lucion and Trysina in each other's bodies, stayed by him ready with their blade weapons out, to make a defense against the tentacles that it would use to throw down or strangle.

One tentacle reached for Iperanton right away as soon as that rotmonster had come close enough. He continued with his triggering method as Jaydeen struck out with a swiping movement at it near the tip where it came so close to Iperanton. That tentacle withdrew as another just was reaching at Jaydeen. But Trysina in Lucion's body struck with her weapon on that tentacle, which the rotmonster then waved angrily. It reached out with three other tentacles, as Iperanton finished that triggering session. That rotmonster was suddenly gone from there, sent to where Iperanton had said he sent the other ones.

Those five were gone. But four others that had turned to go the other way were now far along that way further from them, on the way to the community further on from there.

03-27-2023, 01:26 AM
Lucion said, "That is Wylacard that road goes toward!"

Iperanton said, "The rotmonsters are now further that way. I need to be closer to them to trigger teleportation on them, though I can have them teleported much further away. We must go follow after them, and get close enough to those rotmonsters for doing that before they draw near to Wylacard to be a threat there."

Jaydeen said, "You need to be close enough for doing that. But I and maybe the others here will go along to be some defense for you again."

Trysina and Lucion said they would do that, and Galvishar said he would go along too for that.

Iperanton urged his hesitant urban camel forward to the crossroads, and turned there toward the west with the row of strangler rotmonsters a distance further on along that simple road. The others went with him, and they hurried forward to outpace those rotmonsters, to draw closer. They gradually shortened the distance to the rotmonsters which also went quickly, yet before they came to where Iperanton would say that was close enough, the hugely varied homes and structures of the community of Wylacard came into view where it sat between hills further on.

03-30-2023, 01:29 AM
There were a few individuals outside the gate of Wylacard that they saw still far ahead, though they saw those ones were not human either. There was one like a gorilla, another was a great creature like a superwolf, and there was a giant raptor. These creatures still wore items and it seemed to indicate they held respectable positions in the society there.They were in a plot near the gate gathering something there which they brought into the bags they held.

The strangler rotmonsters were quickly approaching there. Iperanton said, "I don't know if the teleportation power will reach those rotmonsters yet from here, but I have to try, or we may be too late to save some individuals from them." He stopped and started with his triggering of the device with him to send the supernatural translational thermodynamic energy at the rotmonsters.

04-03-2023, 01:02 AM
The strangler rotmonsters were quickly approaching there. Iperanton said, "I don't know of the teleportation power will reach those rotmonsters yet from here, but I have to try, or we may be too late to save some individuals from them." He stopped and started with his triggering of the device with him to send the supernatural translational thermodynamic energy at the rotmonsters.

After another moment, the teleportation power was released, and one rotmonster behind the others was gone from that spot, with Iperanton, aiming it to reach that canyon they had gone through. The rotmonsters left were still coming closer to that community, and the few workers just outside its walls then. Iperanton hurried to trigger teleportation on the next one behind the others. They were coming right up to those workers then though. When Iperanton sent that effect, the workers belatedly saw the rotmonsters close to them. The one appearing as a gorilla cast a long instrument that had been there with a spade for one end at one near rotmonster, as one behind them was teleported then. The other workers fled toward the gate, but the gorilla was caught by a tentacle then, and was waved around, as Iperanton still worked on the next trigger. Before he could finish, the gorilla worker bit right into the tentacle wrapped around him, which would strangle him while he was waved around. He still bit, and bit again. The tentacle waved him around harder. Iperanton finally triggered the teleportation on the other rotmonster, which was then gone to appear then in that canyon.

Iperanton said. "I should not have teleportation remove that last one while that one holds that worker, or the worker will also be gone teleported with it."

04-06-2023, 01:05 AM
That part made sense to the others. Yet that worker was in trouble. Being in the tight grip of that tentacle was strangling that one, who could no longer really fight after being waved around strongly. The riders hurried forward on their urban camels, which did not fear as much after more of those creatures had just disappeared and only one was left. After a little more time they were near to the rotmonster, where they could not ride the urban camels closer. Galvishar leaped down from the urban he rode on, which Arapegol had been riding on earlier, with the blade he had obtained out, toward the rotmonster but behind where the rotmonster would see it with its eye. With his blade he struck hard at the tentacle holding that worker and still waving him around in its strangling grip. The strike of the sharp blade nearly cut the tentacle off, it came lower to the ground, and the grip was released. The worker rolled away, much weaker. The rotmonster turned and seeing Galvishar quickly came at him with the other tentacles extended though Galvishar had quickly backed up after that strike.

04-10-2023, 01:09 AM
Jaydeen, Lucion and Trysina had followed from their urban camels right after Galvishar had run to save the gorilla worker from the tentacled rotmonster. When the rotmonster reached its other tentacles toward Galvishar, they went on either side of him to strike at the tentacles as they came.

Just then Iperanton finished with his motions and call to trigger the instrument he used, and the rotmonster was just then teleported, to where Iperanton told them the others had been sent. The rotmonsters were all gone now.

The gorilla worker lay on the ground a little distance away. Galvishar said, "We need to go check on that one."

He went forward, and Jaydeen, Lucion and Trysina followed, and Iperanton rode the urban camel he had nearer.

Galvishar looked over this one to see if there was indication the worker still lived. He said after a moment, "He is breathing ... heavily."

He bent down to carefully touch around him. "Can you hear me?"

After another moment the gorilla opened his eyes a little. He spoke. "Gaba doo Bana wadum."

04-13-2023, 01:12 AM
Galvishar said, "He is certainly alert, though I do not understand him. I want to be sure he is not broken anywhere and can still move around."

Jaydeen said, "There are some who are approaching right now."

The others traveling with Jaydeen looked toward where the road entered into that walled community with unique structures for homes. They saw coming from there a superwolf which must be the one they had seen previously, a giant raptor, and a great creature like a superbeaver.

These ones came from the community of Wylacard toward them. Then they heard from the superbeaver one, "You have rid our settlement of the monsters that suddenly came here, and saved this one and others of Wylacard that they would have attacked. We are indebted to you."

Galvishar said, "We understand you, but this one might have been really hurt, and I cannot understand what he is saying."

They heard from the superbeaver standing there near them with the giant raptor on one side and the superwolf on the other side, "This one is a trapper gorilla, we will check on his condition. He can speak his own speech and many words of the common speech of Wylacard, which I and the others here speak. I communicate with telepathy to you so you will each understand me. I would offer you a place here this evening, to honor you for heroically saving those in our settlement from more attacks from those monsters."

Jaydeen said, "That would honor us, though we saw we had to deal with these which are rotmonsters in any case. But we have more of our party who were coming after us, to reach the destination where we were headed, and they should not lose us. We must go back to where that road crosses this, to go that way still. But maybe at some time in the near future, some of us might come this way again to visit this place."

"I hope you will, you will not be forgotten. I wish you the safety and speed on your way."

The giant raptor and the superwolf were checking on that trapper gorilla just then. He seemed to be alright, as Jaydeen, Galvishar, and the others now on the urban camels turned to go, they saw the trapper gorilla sit up and wave to them.

04-17-2023, 01:16 AM
Iperanton said to the other riders on their urban camels, "We should hurry to that main road to reach Quadick, there were those coming behind us who would expect us to be there ahead of them."

Jaydeen said, "Yes, but it would have been good otherwise to stay with the offered hospitality at Wylacard, as we would now be going along the road as nightfall comes, and there could be more rotmonsters coming along that road, not as easily seen when it gets darker."

They rode quickly still and they came nearer to that main road, and when it was in view, they saw the half giant running that way. Iperanton and others shouted out, but that half giant one did not hear, and continued running on. The riders rode quickly on with their urban camels to reach where the roads intersected, and turned that way, to ride as quickly as they could in that direction where the half giant went, and the sun set with twilight left, to grow dimmer.

04-20-2023, 01:19 AM
It was still short of being the total darkness of night away from cities, as twilight deepened, when a strangler rotmonster was encountered. The riders, who rode faster, were quickly catching up with the half-giant who ran unknowingly ahead of them, and she ran almost right into the rotmonster who was coming up toward them. The strangler rotmonster was quickly aware and shot a tentacle out catching the half-giant who had just barely stopped short of running right into that creature. Though the tentacle was quickly around her, she kept her arms free, and grabbed onto that tentacle, with great strength, and with a jerk swung the rest of the rotmonster off the ground, and then around her as she circle around. The riders had stopped as they saw she did this as she was caught in that tentacle, which yet remained around her.

Iperanton said, "I cannot teleport that rotmonster while she is in its grip, even if it worked, she would be teleported with that creature. Yet now we are significantly further from that canyon and I might not succeed at teleporting that one that far."

They could just watch as the half-giant continued to fight off that creature with that grip on her. She had then turned to swing the creature in the reverse direction, with the grip on her still tightening.

04-24-2023, 01:23 AM
The riders could see the half giant was straining, as the grip of the tentacle around was now weakening her. Iperanton could not teleport the rotmonster away while it gripped her. Galvishar then ran up from the urban camel he rode toward the half giant, with the short sword with him, and watched the swing of the rotmonster, and right when it swung by he hurried to be closer to the half giant, and when that tentacle was coming that way again, he swung the blade with all his strength into the tentacle. It cut almost all the way through, and the tentacle released the half giant, and the rotmonster sailed a good distance away where it had been swung, with its injured tentacle along with the other tentacles.

Iperanton then spent some time triggering the teleportation on it. But when he finished, they could still see it in the little light left where it had been thrown.

Iperanton said, "We are now too far from the canyon, and the teleportation will not reach that far."

04-27-2023, 01:26 AM
This half giant with the elvish mind saw Iperanton now, and recognized him. Galvishar gestured, saying, "Come this way."

The half giant stumbled that way. Clearly she was affected by the encounter and struggle with the tentacled rotmonster, and would probably not be running right away. But as she stumbled that way, she saw the riders together with the urban camels there.

Galvishar climbed on again to the urban camel kneeling for him. He said, "She won't be able to run, and should not be left to go on by herself, but we can't have her with her size riding on any urban camel, or any animal. We should go on at a pace to be of any assistance to her if she would need it."

Iperanton said, "I could not use teleportation on that rotmonster. We should not just leave it."

Jaydeen said, "You know we cannot just stay here, we must go on toward Quadick, as soon as possible, especially if we go on more slowly. It seems that rotmonster did not land upright anyway, and is stuck where it is now, as it is not moving anywhere."

Lucion said, "And we will soon have to find a way and use that to deal with these rotmonsters, which must be increasing and are spreading out from the Primal Forest."

05-01-2023, 01:30 AM
The riders, now all on the urban camels, were going on, toward Quadick which was their destination, with city lights from it just showing between low hills ahead as night came, still went more slowly, being careful to have the half giant who had fought with that rotmonster continue with them, not being able to run now, and still stumbling a bit. After a while like this, with the riders also trying to be attentive to noticing any other tentacled strangler rotmonsters ahead on this road, which might be coming toward them, a voice shouting some distance behind them surprised them suddenly.

They all turned to see who was behind them that would shout toward them, even the half giant looked back with intent interest.

It was dark but as they stopped there they very soon saw who was coming nearer along this road. It was the figures of Arapegol and Jaydeen's original form, and the dwarf they had seen, Garvendag. They came to these riders waiting with the half giant, and Gasha, in Jaydeen's original body, said, "I came carrying these two others in the form of the huge wolf, with which I can run fast. We thought we would meet you in Quadick. But I just saw you all ahead and realized something must have happened that stopped you. I stopped for these two to climb off, and transformed back from my creature form, to not alarm the urban camels if we had come closer. But you were far enough ahead still that I had to call after you."

Jaydeen in the elfin body said, "Yes, a lot has happened. There have been strangler rotmonsters along this road, the half giant here is injured from an encounter, and there might be more this way. We can only go on more slowly and really watch out for any more."

Klara in Arapegol's original body said, "I see. But there is Quadick ahead, and we must go on. We will join in fighting any further strangler rotmonster ahead, still, that we can go on and reach that destination."

05-04-2023, 01:03 AM
Quadick came more into sight with its lights showing through the nighttime surroundings. The riders knew with riding quickly, as they could, they would be there not much later. But for the sake of the half giant who yet had some difficulty with walking, the others walking did not have the one among them turn back into the beast they would ride there, if the riders raced further ahead, and the riders went at the pace the half giant and the others could manage, this way. So they approached that city much more slowly, while they needed to watch for any further rotmonster coming their way on this road, and they would not have been very much faster anyway to watch effectively for that.

Nothing occurred until later as it came closer to the middle of the night they neared the short road from this one that continued on, which led to the gate of Quadick. There though they saw in the darkness ahead a strangler rotmonster approaching, it was on the road further on. But then it turned. It was not approaching them, then. It was approaching Quadick!

05-08-2023, 01:07 AM
The riders all saw this. Jaydeen said, "We were going to come back there to Quadick, and these rotmonsters are already attacking it!"

Iperanton said, "We do not know that more have come there, we must do what we can to stop this one, and we must catch up quickly enough. I have no good place to have teleportation put it to be out of the way. Anywhere within reach will permit the rotmonster to attack others or to return right here to approach Quadick again."

Galvishar said, "Then we must use our blades on it, together, to overcome that creature. Go, let's stop it from reaching Quadick!"

The riders all saw the need to hurry ahead, so Iperanton told the the others who walked to watch out for each other while they could go forward at their pace toward Quadick. The riders with the urban camels they were on then rushed forward to that road, where they would turn toward Quadick. The strangler rotmonster was now well ahead much of the way toward the city. The riders had the urban camels they were on run at the fast pace they could go, to reach the rotmonster before it came to the entrance to the city, as the rotmonster moved quickly as well.

Galvishar brought his urban camel nearest first, and swung out with his own blade at a tentacle left behind as other tentacles reached out toward Quadick, striking hard to cut deeply into that tentacle. The rotmonster stopped, rotating a bit to turn a large eye on those who had come. As tentacles reached out toward them, the urban camel that Galvishar was riding fled away from there, past the others.

05-11-2023, 01:10 AM
The tentacled rotmonster still approached the others then, still on their urban camels. Iperanton said aloud, "All here attack!" He hopped abruptly down from his mount, that he would not be carried away whenever that animal would flee from the rotmonster. The others saw that must be done to carry on an attack, and they quickly dismounted. Two tentacles from that creature reached out right then, coming toward Iperanton.

Iperanton swung the staff he had hard at one tentacle and the rotmonster withdrew it, as the other tentacle came hard against him, and started quickly wrapping around him. He struck at that with the staff, but the tentacle lifted him from the ground. Just then Trysina in Lucion's body struck with that one's short sword at that tentacle, hard enough that it was cut through. Iperanton dropped to the ground then, fortunately before he would have been pulled up higher.

Lucion in Trysina's body and Jaydeen in the elfin body stood ready as the rotmonster was using four other tentacles to reach for any of them, to shake them when they were grabbed and to strangle them. These ones armed with short swords, or the blade Jaydeen had, would be able to just strike at one tentacle while other tentacles would yet strike.

05-15-2023, 01:13 AM
The strangler rotmonster was not blindly waving tentacles around, they reached out with coordination with the great eye of the rotmonster monitoring them. Trysina in Lucion's body turned swiftly to strike at one tentacle reaching for Lucion in her body then, hard enough that it quivered back. But another tentacle still reached Lucion then, he just fell to the ground without that tentacle going around him. But then another tentacle reached Jaydeen in the elfin body, and with it around her before a reaction was possible, Jaydeen was lifted up.

Galvishar then came running back, and waved his blade out, and reached the tentacle that pulled Jaydeen up, and he struck it, hard, so that it released Jaydeen to drop to the ground. The rotmonster backed off, then, certainly aware most of the tentacles had been hurt, and the rotmonster no longer wanted to attack, alone without the others there. The rotmonster went left, into the shrubs beyond the road leading into the entrance to Quadick just a little further ahead, as Iperanton still shot arrows after that creature. And they saw to their dismay the sight of another rotmonster there at the entrance, and men with swords around it.

05-18-2023, 01:17 AM
Galvishar called out, "There was another, that came here. We should help those fighting it!"

The others left the urban camels, that would avoid coming too close to a strangler rotmonster, and hurried toward the city entrance, and Iperanton shot with arrows he still had against that creature when near enough. Jaydeen said, "Maybe more of these rotmonsters already came into the city!"

Iperanton said, "That would be a disaster. But we should help those here in stopping this one!" He shot more arrows into the creature.

That creature turned and they saw the great eye, and the maw of that creature. Two tentacles had been cut from it, they saw. This creature also turned from that way which would lead right into the city, moving quickly to the shrubs along the side, the same way as the other one.

But soldiers at the gate were now starting to close it!

05-22-2023, 01:21 AM
Iperanton hurriedly toward the gate, and called out to the soldiers, "Hold on before you close it. We were here helping to discourage that rotmonster from entering, and another that was on its way further back. They are both gone now, thanks to us. We came a long way, and our journey started here, to bring resolution to the mixup among people here. We think we can resolve that tomorrow for all were changed here. You owe it to us to let us in where we can rest after our journey on the long way we went to accomplish all this, before closing. There is no danger here just now."

One soldier, who stopped to hear Iperanton, said, "You really better be right. You will be held responsible if it is not true and another such monster is coming. And really, how could you and those with you walk very far from here?"

"We have urban camels for our mounts. We could just not bring them near, where we also fought against the rotmonster here. Permit us to get those again, and we can enter Quadick with them, and if you please would, there are those a little way behind us who went with us and really helped for us to accomplish what we have, let them enter in too, for them to join us again."

"Alright, I see a man and a woman back there who seem to be leading several urban camels. We will wait for those."

Iperanton looked back just then. Galvishar and Jaydeen were a little way behind him coming up toward the gate. Much further back Lucion and Trysina in each other's bodies were bringing along now the five urban camels that were serving the five riders that way toward the city entrance. Fortunately no further rotmonsters were in sight.

05-25-2023, 01:24 AM
Lucion and Trysina entered in through the gate which had not yet been closed, to join Iperanton, Jaydeen, and Galvishar there, with the urban camels they led, which knew this city. The soldier who had spoken with Iperanton said, "There is something coming, now!" He moved the gate more so it could be closed soon.

Iperanton said, "Yes, I see now. It is a huge animal creature running this way, with some figure riding on top. I know, it must be Gasha, with Klara and the dwarf Garvendag, who have traveled with us. Leave it open, soldier! The animal will not be a threat, it is Gasha who will transform."

Indeed, when the great wolf with the riders came to the gate they stopped just outside of it, apart from the urban camels within, and the riders came off the wolf's back, and the wolf change shape, until appearing again as Jaydeen's original body. With Klara, in Arapegol's original body, and the dwarf Garvendag, he came forward through the gate. Gasha said, "We had been coming along this road going here to Quadick, and we discerned the strangler rotmonster you must have fought, which hurried from the gate into the dark brush further to the side. Then we could tell you were there, and the guards left it open for you all to enter. So I hurried here with these two to catch up with you before it was closed."

Jaydeen, in the elfin body, asked, "But what about the one in your original body, the half giant?"

"I told her we would have to catch up, and tell those here to not close it yet, we would have to wait for her. She told us to go ahead. She can still walk, she just can't run now."

05-29-2023, 01:28 AM
The soldier who had spoken with Iperanton previously said to him, "If any creature like the threatening one we just confronted is seen approaching we will have to close this immediately, whether she is already entered through here or still out there. It is also late and we don't want to leave this open long to be watching. We are not going to wait another half hour."

Gasha in Jaydeen's original body said, "Look, there along the road. Do you see her? I see it must be her, still way out there, but coming this way."

The soldier said, "Yes, that must be her. But she is way out there where we can just see her, and she is coming so slowly, like she walks carefully from being injured. She would not get here soon!"

06-02-2023, 01:01 AM
They all watched the half giant form with the elfin mind of Nissa as she walked slowly along the road leading to the gate into Quadick from the distance, though at a faster pace than apparent with the great strides as a half giant than a normal size human disabled the same way would have. But time went on as she came just a little closer.

The soldier who was going to close the gate said, "Enough! This is already taking long enough, we have already been fighting against assault and attempted invasion, and this gate needs to be closed, that we can have our rest. She is big, she should be fine out there."

Iperanton said, "Are you kidding? You want the gate closed because of possible monsters and you don't want to battle anymore. She has battled one of those creatures, and injured in the course of that, and you think she will be fine while you have to have the gate closed for what you fear? Hold on! I will use my instrument, that should have power of teleportation to bring her here. It is just a little more complicated than sending someone or something further away with using teleportation."

The soldier and the others watched Iperanton as he used elaborate gestures with the instrument as he had learned to do, speaking enigmatic sounds with that, more than his traveling companions had heard before. He stopped then, and said, "I hope this is working."

06-05-2023, 01:04 AM
The figure of the distant half giant was suddenly gone from there. A voice from just behind them spoke, it was with words of elvish tongue. They all turned, and they saw, it was her.

The soldier continued with the gate and shut it. "We are not waiting anymore. We have just a little time until our replacements come for guarding the rest of the night. The gate is closed and will continue to remain shut through the rest of the night."

Jaydeen said then, "We then should go to the inn where we can stay for the rest of the night and get some sleep. Arapegol will meet us here tomorrow according to what he said, right?"

Iperanton said, "Yes, he will, near the gate."

Jaydeen said, "We are all here. Let us go."

It was a small walk to the inn where Arapegol, Iperanton and Jaydeen had stayed right before they started on the long journey with others there. They still went at the careful pace of the half giant, who yet had long strides anyway.

06-08-2023, 01:07 AM
The inn however was full with no suites still available, and the ones in charge were not seeing any who would come for making any arrangements for them. The travelers looked at one another. What could they do now?

Jaydeen said, "We need someplace to sleep, and a place for our mounts!"

06-12-2023, 01:11 AM
Trysina said, "I have my home here, where I would go. I could put most of you all there for this night, if you would sleep on the floor with spare blankets and what pillows I can give you. But where will our mounts go? And if I could make space for all the rest I am sure the half giant will not have a place to fit, there."

Lucion in Trysina's body said, "I would then let the half giant sleep in my home. Maybe another person here will have room too. But I don't have a place for the mounts, either."

Iperanton said, "We might take them to where we got them, if that place was open. But nothing is open here this late. We may have to leave them right outside the home, maybe with feed for them there, and hope they do not just wander off."

06-15-2023, 01:14 AM
Jaydeen said, "Alright, that is all we can do. But it would be good to have treats they like left out for them."

Trysina said, "Then let's be off. Follow me this way." Trysina, in Lucion's body, but still having used Trysina's home known to Trysina, went around a corner a little way from the inn there, and they went about four blocks on a rather residential way with nice homes, to where Trysina went to one good home that had windows left dark except for a slight light left somewhere inside. Trysina went to the door and unlocked it, and signaled others to follow.

Lucion in Trysina's body said to the half giant, "I will take you along to my home, come with me. Maybe another can join me too, so Trysina does not have to have too many there."

Lucion signaled to Nissa, and then Garvendag went to Lucion, and said, "I might just as well go along with you."

Lucion said, "It will just be a little further, Trysina is in the same neighborhood with me." And so Lucion in Trysina's body went on with those two, the half giant just managing to walk, and the dwarf not encumbered, but necessarily walking with short strides, past a half dozen more homes, and turning toward one there, that was seen to be not as big.

Within Trysina's home, it was dark except for a little light showing through a hallway. But Trysina then lit a lantern within that front room. It was a modest space, with two long couches there. Trysina said, "We can have two taking the couches for where they would sleep. Others will have to get floor space with blankets I can give for that."

06-19-2023, 01:18 AM
Iperanton said, "Let us bring feed to the urban camels out there, so that they are encouraged to remain out there, like we did to keep them servicing us on the long way there and back all this way. We should get plenty of carrots and fruits, along with any oats you might have here."

Trysina, yet in Lucion's body, said, "There is a bit of oats I have here still, I will have to give all of it to them, but I do have fruits here that were left, and they would have to be used right away, I can leave those to our urban camels."

Galvishar said, "I happen to have some carrots left of what I brought with me, I will spare those for them as well."

The items they would give to the urban camels were brought out to just in front of the home, where the riders had left those mounts, and they had waited there, and showed they were glad the riders remembered to bring what they could feed on.

Afterward Trysina brought out a pile of blankets. Klara in Arapegol's original body and Gasha in Jaydeen's original body were getting the long couches to sleep on, Iperanton, Galvishar, and Jaydeen in the elfin body slept with just blankets on the floor, in that space. They still got something for pillows.

All were tired and no one was going to fuss about anything still. After just having a very little to eat with water to drink it down, they went to their places where they would sleep as soon as they might. They all wanted to be up as early as possible the next day, and be ready to then go out to where they would meet Arapegol again, according to what he had said.

06-22-2023, 01:21 AM
Several of the travelers had strange dreams that night, which they remembered, even Iperanton, who recalled the vision of the high wizard who traveled with an expert tracker on a carpet that flew through the air, in the direction Arapegol had teleported to, though they had yet far to go to catch up with him. But Iperanton had to use the teleportation when strangler rotmonsters were encountered. And the high wizard and the expert tracker figured out the one who had taken the artifact of power, who they were pursuing, had now gone to that new place where Iperanton had used that supernatural power. Those two turned the direction of their carpet, which was just then on its way to the coast in that direction, and they went the other way toward where Iperanton was, a long way from there. As they flew on and on over the country, they saw more and more strangler rotmonsters in the country, and the ones they went over reached out above toward them with their tentacles. But the high wizard spoke to them.

"I summoned you to stop the young wizards from their pursuits. You are not succeeding. Let us catch them, or I will send you back to Dark Abatalys where you came from."

Iperanton recalled that in his dream the strangler rotmonsters, which could reach up to the carpet he and the tracker were riding on with their tentacles, then let those two continue on, as they still rode the way that would go toward Quadick, where the last use of teleportation happened.

06-26-2023, 01:25 AM
Iperanton yet insisted to those who had traveled with him, when they were up in the early morning, "The high wizard and whoever is with him that Arapegol was fleeing from did not get what Arapegol took but is quickly coming here to this city, after us."

Jaydeen said, "This was a dream, it did not have to mean anything other than it was but a dream."

Iperanton said, "It is an omen. There are some dreams that are, you must know it and I have experienced some. We must take it seriously. Do any of us want to be surprised by a powerful high wizard after us, when we go out?"

Jaydeen said, "And as you were saying before, Arapegol would teleport here to where we enter this city, on the morning of this day. It is then important that we meet with him. We are not going to provide the needed restoration for all who wait for it or still really need it, if we don't meet with him. If there is any threat, we will just have to deal with it, as we have really been dealing with things, all along the way."

Iperanton said, "Then we must all go out as prepared as we can be, for any threat we will encounter, even a mighty wizard."

Gasha in Jaydeen's original body said, "But you have use of teleportation with your unique instrument that you could work on even that high wizard with, Iperanton."

Iperanton said, "I do not think so. Any high wizard has powerful abilities that could counter it and prevent that effect."

"But still, teleportation could be used on some things that would unexpectedly do something to interfere with a high wizard as him."

"Gasha, you have your own unexpected ability. Don't forget that and watch for how you might use it."

06-29-2023, 01:28 AM
Gasha said, "Alright, I will make sure I remember that, though it is an option generally on my mind. It would be unexpected to an enemy wizard coming with hostility."

Iperanton said, "Then let us get ready quickly, and we can go, where we might meet Arapegol near the city entrance, as he told me we should do."

Each there finished the small amounts for what they had for eating to start with, and they checked that they had the defensive arms ready with them, and getting ready quickly they soon left Trysina's home through the front way, the riders carrying still an extra fruit along, for the urban camels still waited there, and the fruits were given to them.

Gasha asked, "What about the others who came with us, who went to Lucion's home?"

Trysina, in Lucion's body, said, "I will ride over to his home, I know that place and have been there before, and I will let them know we are going on our way to the city gate, where we entered, to try to meet Arapegol who would teleport himself there, and that they could all go there to join us. I will then be right back to ride there with you."

Iperanton said, "Then hurry, take that urban camel for Lucion too."

Gasha, in Jaydeen's original body, said, "You riders should turn your urban camels that other way, I will transform now to my fast running beast form, and Klara can ride on my beast form to get to the city gate quickly, ahead of the rest of you. Then you ride that way without my beast form agitating them."

07-03-2023, 01:02 AM
Trysina in Lucion's body had already left riding on the same urban camel as before going the other way toward Lucion's home, and the riders each on their own urban camel had turned them to watch Trysina riding off that way. Gasha in Jaydeen's body then transformed again into the fast running huge wolf form, and Klara in Arapegol's original body came and climbed on again for the ride, and the huge wolf ran then off along the way to the thoroughfare leading toward the gate that they had gone through before, while the urban camels had yet not turned again.

Before they did turn, Trysina had come to Lucion's home, in view from there, and the riders all saw Lucion in Trysina's body and the half giant, giving the dwarf Garvendag a ride on her shoulders, come out right then like they were ready to go. So they came back that way, and the urban camel Lucion had been riding, the one without a rider now, recognized Lucion, in Trysina's body, and then came forward, and kneeled to permit Lucion to climb on. Lucion then rode back with Trysina riding alongside, and the half giant still carried Garvendag along, behind them. The urban camels went faster though, and reached the others in a couple of moments.

Iperanton said, "Let us get going now, to be there as soon as we can be."

The riders who waited all had their urban camels turn back to face the way they would go, and together the riders had the urban camels go and speed up then to go faster, to then go that way toward the city gate. The half giant would have to lag behind, still, walking but in no condition to still run. But the riders saw as they came nearer that the gate was being left closed.

Galvishar said as they rode nearer to it, "No one will be able to come in or go out with the gate being left closed!"

Jaydeen in the elfin body said, "There might be strangler rotmonsters out there still."

Galvishar said, "Arapegol is still not there yet, where he would come back to as he said to you, Iperanton. Can he get back while the gate remains closed? What about if any strangler rotmonsters are out there beyond the gate?"

They came near the gate and Iperanton said, "It probably should not be a problem to him with strategic jumps with the teleportation he could use."

Someone was walking from that area in the direction they came from. But it was a woman. Still, something was familiar about her.

07-06-2023, 01:05 AM
As Iperanton and the other riders slowed as they neared the closed gate and stared at this woman, the half giant, with the elven mind of Nasa, carrying the dwarf Garvendag, came from far behind yet walking slowly.

Jaydeen in the elfin body that belonged to Nasa originally said, "I know you! I saw you before!"

The woman coming toward the riders said then, with the womanly voice, "It is I, Arapegol! I am here. This is the body that was transferred to me, when the alteration was affecting those of us who were here in Quadick at the time. I had traded with that one standing there who has my original body. But I should tell you all that has happened. I escaped pursuit in jumps with teleportation I can use, that reaches to fifty thousand noble feet, until I came to a coastal town further north. I knew from signs there was still pursuit after me. So as I hid in between loads sitting by the docks to be shipped off, I spotted one ship that had just left its port. I teleported then to that ship below the deck, to stow away. I avoided detection as I hid there, but I did manage to catch a view from a portal and saw a vessel traveling hard at a fast clip. I then teleported myself back further on shore beyond buildings."

07-10-2023, 01:19 AM
Klara in Arapegol's body said, "So you are back in my original body, I certainly recognize it. How did that happen to you?"

Arapegol in her body said, "I was coming to that explanation in the sequence of the events I tell you which were happening. I knew that every use of teleportation was being monitored, and each use of teleportation from my orb could just reach fifty thousand noble feet at most. I would have to keep moving, using teleportation for further steps, south now away from that coast, to be far from it before those who pursued after me came back to the shore again. I reached near the edge of that canyon on the other side, and figured out that I could use teleportation again that would reach past the other side, without me having to cross through it. Beyond that, I went past Eventall, but it was late in the day, and it was then the day before this day I should meet with you, and I still needed to go to the high wizard in the community Iperanton and I are from, the city Erpedoben, so that I could be instructed for using the amulet I found and brought back. I had to reach him still before he would retire. Once I was there, and only then, did I feel relief that I had escaped from the ones pursuing me.

"It was quite a different way of using the amulet, that I still had to learn, and it was not easy for learning and having it memorized. While the high wizard was using great supernatural power there while it was learned, that I could use it here, the alteration on myself was undone, and I then once again had your original body, Klara. I assure you it is in fine condition now. But after I learned the right use of the amulet, which is really powerful, I now can restore the altered people here to their original bodies. This morning I came once again to the high wizard who would help with his greater power to have me sent again immediately to this city, where I arranged with Iperanton to meet you all together. I see that other one is just coming, but can't move fast the same way. I do not know that one she is carrying, though."

Iperanton said, "That is an injured dwarf we found in that canyon, a strangler rotmonster had attacked him. His name is Garvendag and we let him accompany us until there is a way for him to return to his dwarf community. Now, will you restore the people here in this community?"

07-13-2023, 01:12 AM
Arapegol in the woman's body said, "Of course I would do that as soon as possible. This amulet might be really powerful, but maybe we might need all the individuals in Quadick who were affected to be in the nearby area for having the restoration. Can there be a notification for all those who were altered at that time to come here right away for the restoration this day?"

Jaydeen then said, "It seems to me that some of us should meet with the deputy to have a public notification arranged right away, that those in this city can know about this right away."

"Then you should go to him now, as you have spoken with him on previous occasions. Any of us might go with you, but I should stay right here for this place I stand to be known as the place all who need restoration should approach very soon today."

Iperanton said, "I will go with Jaydeen."

Gasha in Jaydeen's original body said, "I will go along for that too, we can each speak for your preparedness to restore all those needing that."

07-17-2023, 01:16 AM
Jaydeen, Gasha, and Iperanton went to the deputy in his office, where Jaydeen had seen him previously, and each said something of the account of the long journey they made with Arapegol to retrieve an alternate amulet that had been stolen from the wizard that the one amulet had been taken by Deveris Alvester was from, that caused the alteration to a number of people. The deputy was told that the way to restore the changed individuals was now ready and available there near the gate, where Arapegol in the woman's body he had been altered with was waiting, and that there should be a public notification promptly for any of those needing the restoration to come there for that.

The deputy told them, "There is no need to notify all the people of this city of Quadick. I have seen all the individuals who were changed, at that one time a number of days ago. I remember them all and know how to gather them for that in a short while. Go back to Arapegol, I will bring them to where Arapegol waits near the gate, as soon as I can. Everybody wants this!"

The deputy closed up the office when Jaydeen, Gasha, and Iperanton had exited, and he went in the other direction to start gathering the changed individuals.

When those three returned to where Arapegol with the others, including the half giant form that was originally that of Gasha's, who had come, Jaydeen said to them that the deputy understood the importance and that restoration to the changed individuals would happen, and he was gathering them, as they had all met with him and he remembered who they were.

Arapegol said, "It sounds like it was rather fortunate, the change did not then affect many people."

Jaydeen said, "Apparently, but we will see, however long it takes the deputy to come back with all of them."

So the travelers all stood, with the urban camels at the sides of their riders, waiting for a while for the deputy and those who would come with him. Then Klara and others wanted Arapegol to tell them more about when he returned to Erpedoben and then saw the high wizard Diragusher, and the change Arapegol had to the woman's form that Klara had before.

Arapegol began to explain. The last use of teleportation brought him right inside the city of Erpedoben. Arapegol thought of probable pursuers still, so he did not worry about going to check on Eyriconer, but hurried by foot rather than use teleportation further to the high wizard's hold, to speak with him while it was still possible. Once there, Arapegol felt safer, and the wizard Diragusher had him admitted to see him.

07-20-2023, 01:19 AM
Arapegol went on, saying how he had presented the amulet that he had snatched away, where another high wizard oversaw that one who had taken it, as his apprentice, and that high wizard seemed to have sent a tracker after him. Diragusher gave his assurance to Arapegol that there were barriers there through which that or any other wizard or anyone sent by one would not pass through. It was late, but Diragusher would stay up to help Arapegol be ready for use of the amulet to restore the people who had been altered. But there were many forms of triggering a release of supernatural translational thermodynamic energy, and Diragusher had to use a large book with many of the possible triggers listed in it. The right way of triggering it would be found just with trying many of the possible ways out. And so that evening Diragusher was trying that. Some of these triggers released other effects, but not what was wanted. Finally he uttered one part of a trigger with his one hand holding the amulet jerked around a J curve, and there was a significant flash. Diragusher cried out, "That was it."

The deputy came then as Arapegol told that part, and he had about two dozen more people with him. All of those people seemed miserable, with their clothes on just not quite right.

07-24-2023, 01:23 AM
The deputy said to those he brought, "That one is the one, who will restore you all, the one like an elegantly dressed woman, who gave the claim of bringing an amulet that was from the same one that other amulet was that changed you all earlier, which will work for that restoration."

The woman who was really Arapegol called to them, "I need to be sure it will work so I would have you all in the same area here. Each and everyone should stand near to one they exchanged places with, where three were involved in an exchange those ones should stay close together. When you are ready, being in position, I will trigger the power of the amulet, for that restoration to work."

The people who had come did not take long to arrange themselves for the exchange for restoration. The guard Arapegol had seen earlier when first returning to Quadick at the gate, with Iperanton and Jaydeen, was there too. Klara in Arapegol's original body came near to where Arapegol was, Jaydeen, and Gasha in Jaydeen's original body, went to where the half giant stood, having just set down the dwarf Garvendag, who then stood further off as they stood together. Very soon everyone was ready.

Arapegol while still in the woman's body with the woman's voice waved the amulet in a quick jerk making a J formation and called out loudly, "Ibbererititti penadadi faladaass ho!"

There was then a sudden very quick flash.

07-27-2023, 01:30 AM
The people were all seen in the same position where they had been standing, in view of each other, no change was in view then, at all. The woman Arapegol had become looked at the amulet held in one hand, and then at what she was carrying strapped on her person. She said then, "That worked on me! Amazing!"

Others were then heard, "It worked on me," one after another. The bodies had not moved from their position. But the conscious minds of the individuals who had been affected were now back to their original bodies. The elvish female body that had been Jayden speaking from there now spoke with elvish words. And the half giant said, "I know I am not as attractive this way to others of you, but it really pleasing to me to be back to myself again."

07-31-2023, 01:30 AM
It seemed to be a very pleasing finish to a great quest that Arapegol, Iperanton, Jaydeen, Gasha, Klara, Nasa, Lucion, and Trysina had gone on, with finding Galvishar to help them and later the dwarf Garvendag, for getting the amulet needed and restoring the people who had been changed to being in the bodies of others among them.

There was a high watchtower that was very recently built and installed right by the entrance gate to this city of Quadick, with its wall surrounding it, while the gate remained locked closed. One on guard stationed above on it called out, "Ten of those monsters with tentacles have approached Quadick and are now gathering in a group right outside these gates!"

Arapegol had come forward for Klara in the womanly body Arapegol had just been in to hand him his possessions that were on her just then. He said, "We accomplished this one very needed thing, but we cannot just neglect this issue of these monsters that are now becoming a plague to here and to people in this country, if we can do anything about them, we must!"

Iperanton said, "I just had what seemed to be a very meaningful dream, it was with a wizard who was pursuing where supernatural activity that would likely be from the one who took this amulet was happening, which was leading him here, and the rotmonsters were brought here by him and cooperated with him to let him continue here."

Arapegol answered, "It is likely there really is something to that. A wizard summoning them might explain how they are here!"

08-03-2023, 01:02 AM
Iperanton said to him, "If it really is a wizard then behind these rotmonsters coming at us and at our communities, how would we find the wizard, and even undo the problems he is causing?"

The others who had traveled with them drew closer to hear what Iperanton and Arapegol were saying. Arapegol answered, "I do not know everything to do for all of it, but I am quite sure that the rotmonsters were brought into this world within the Primal Forest, and the wizard who brings them must have a place within there where they enter this world. To look for him will involve looking within that forest. Of course we need a plan for how to deal with a powerful wizard doing all this."

Klara said, "And that forest is infested with plenty of the rotmonsters. I was glad to have gone along to assist in any help, that you accomplished retrieving this amulet with which you restored us to ourselves, as well as these others in this community. But I am not willing to go near that forest again, or even near any of these rotmonsters. In fact as soon as I find the opportunity for it I should make my return to my own home and my people there."

Arapegol said, "May you do so soon. As it is there are many rotmonsters about out there, and it will remain that way until someone, like some of us, do something to put a stop to it. I have artifacts with power anyway, that may be used. I thought that even you have power of your own available to you."

08-07-2023, 01:06 AM
Klara said, "That is right! I should have my innate power back. I would be able to use it, though you never had access to that. I yet think the people of this community need immediate help against the monsters at their gate, and I will assist those of Quadick against those monsters, while we must be here. I can then continue where I need to go, when I manage to have transportation again available to me."

Arapegol looked at the other fellow travelers standing nearby. Others there who had been restored to themselves stood still a little further away but had not left, some were happily talking with others there. Arapegol said, "We must all take part in helping others defending Quadick against the rotmonsters outside the gate who will attempt to break through to enter, when there are enough of them gathered there to do that. Those of you who would come with me will go with me to find that wizard who must be summoning these tentacled strangler rotmonsters through a gate, there in the Primal Forest, where these rotmonsters spread our from. Can any of you tell me now you would go to assist in stopping that wizard?"

Lucion in his own body now said, "I was glad to come with you and the others affected as we were to assist you for you getting the amulet that you learned would restore us and all affected here to our own selves. But further pursuit against the invading alien monsters is beyond any of what I think I can help you with, so it would not be good even for you to have me continue with you."

Trysina in her own body now said, "Likewise, I was glad to go and help in any way for the restoration we needed. But the further purpose is far beyond what I can help in as well."

Arapegol said, "I understand, you both are very appreciated, and I commend you each to the deputy, who may reward you for assistance to this restoration to all these individuals in Quadick!"

Jaydeen in his own body again said, "I do not have powers to work against a wizard great enough to bring these rotmonsters through a gate, but I am so indebted I wish to help in some way."

08-10-2023, 01:09 AM
Arapegol said, "Jaydeen, you have indispensable knowledge that we need, even if Iperanton and I have power that can be used, I hope you consider yet to be involved to save this country from the alien monsters with stopping the wizard that must be involved with summoning them. And even if Klara who could really help with power available to her does not join, I have some hope to have this elfin Nasa persuaded to come with us against the wizard and the summoned rotmonsters, with use of her powers to help. You Jaydeen, who I must get used to seeing this way with your natural form, can communicate with the elfin better than the rest of us, another reason we would value you coming so much, even that Nasa might come with us to help because you do."

Jaydeen said, "That is most persuasive, and the summoning of the rotmonsters must be stopped. I will speak with Nasa about this, then."

"Ask her to join with us, we would have need of her with what she can do, for stopping the summoned rotmonsters."

08-14-2023, 01:13 AM
Jaydeen came closer to Nasa, whose body he had become accustomed to being in after all these days of the traveling to get that amulet that resolved the issue of all the switching, just now. He said, "Nasa, ouyen erewa mportantio oten llaen foen suen vené ithwa heti iantga ormfa. Ouyi aveha bilitiesau hatta akemo uorya elphi eallyra eededna oten suen. Leasepi omeca ithwa Arapegol ndaen suen oten elphi gainstau heten onstersmo eingba ummonedsa."

Arapegol and Iperanton looked at them watching to see if Nasa would indicate willingness to come help and be of use still. But just then, unexpectedly, Gasha said, "I would be of some use going along with you, so I will come for doing that."

Galvishar said just then, "I will also be glad to still help you."

08-17-2023, 01:16 AM
Arapegol said, "I will be glad to have both of you work with us to interfere and stop whatever wizard is there having the rotmonsters gated into this country. Gasha, you will have an especially useful advantage with the shape-shifting you have ability for. And Galvishar, I have learned that you are far braver than any of us guessed when we met you, and this mission for us needs those who can be heroes, so I know you would be real help to Iperanton, Jaydeen, and myself. I would just like knowing that any one other person could still come along to help us in this needed work." Arapegol looked around at those still standing near.

08-21-2023, 01:20 AM
Others did not show interest in joining with Arapegol and those who still would be with him, even though this mission would save this country along with Quadick from more and more monsters coming in this invasion, and as Arapegol looked with expectation toward all of those around in sequence, they left from there, even after Arapegol had brought them their restoration.

Arapegol finally turned to those still there. "I guess it will be us who are here who will do everything to save this country."

Jaydeen said, "There are all those monsters gathering right outside the walls of this modest city. We have to deal with them before we go anywhere out from Quadick."

Arapegol said, "Then all of us with powers to use on them need to climb up where the lookout is stationed, to strike the rotmonsters out there which we will see with what we have."

08-24-2023, 01:23 AM
Arapegol went to go up first. The urban camels each had been riding, who had bonded with them, waited near the lookout construction, as those others went up after Arapegol. Lucion and Trysina had left already on the urban camels they had been riding, and Klara had gone to the inn to wait for a riding wagon that would be sent for her. Garvendag the dwarf followed after her there.

Once on top they saw it was with a view of the country along the road into Quadick, out to the long road along wooded areas beyond it, and there were a dozen tentacled strangler rotmonsters just outside the closed city gate, pushing against it. Far off along that road half a dozen more of those rotmonsters were coming along the road towards Quadick, and about ten others were seen continuing on along the long road going beyond the one that led to Quadick.

Arapegol said to the rest with him, "We really have to deal with these rotmonsters quickly, as soon as we can. They would destroy the lives of very many people."

08-28-2023, 01:27 AM
Iperanton said, "I have my instrument of teleportation, and you have your orb for that, Arapegol, but we can only move those creatures away from here, while we would not get rid of them doing that."

Arapegol said, "I can cast fireballs at any of them, as well, but it seems that doesn't affect them so much. We need what Gasha or Nasa can do, or Jaydeen if he has tricks I do not know about."

The restored half giant said, "I have several druid abilities, such as casting acid, besides metamorphizing into a beast form, that may have some effect on them.

Jaydeen said, "The only thing I can think I might manage doing is using a projectile weapon and hitting any of them with the good aim I have."

09-04-2023, 01:03 AM
Arapegol said, "I am thinking your aim could be better than my own, Jaydeen, and I have the orb for teleportation, that I might use anyway, besides the amulet still that I would not know how to use in anyway for this, having just learned what to do with it for the restoration we had sought. I will hand my bow and arrows to you, to use against them. Gasha, you might still use the acid you can cast against them, or else any other druidic power you have that can be used offensively."

Gasha answered, "I could, but in this case my ability to cast moonbeam or maelstrom at any of them could be better."

Arapegol said, "See, there are more gather here. I am sure when a large number are here the gate in place as strong as it is will not hold them. Gasha, it is best to not wait, get started on casting moonbeam right away, for now. Jaydeen, shoot at any rotmonsters in reach that are not diverted from their attack on this gate." Arapegol looked at Iperanton. "It looks like we will still probably have some teleported, there are the half dozen further on that are getting closer. Where is it best to have them teleported to?"

Iperanton said, "I sent earlier ones encountered to the bottom of that canyon, but here it is too far away for that. Shall we try sending them near the Primal Forest again?"

09-07-2023, 01:06 AM
Arapegol said, "If there is nothing else left to rid them from this gate, but they had been there and had come this way, they will just come back this way again. I would be more effective blasting at them a few times with fireballs, but that might not do much to them. A moonbeam cast at them by Gasha might be the best strategy, and arrows shot at them might be the most supportive to really injure them."

Jaydeen said, "When we were down there outside of the gate dealing with a few, some tentacles were cut off by sword. That limits them the most."

Gasha said, "Still the tentacles could grow back. We never see any missing tentacles after that."

Arapegol said then, "Then you should use a druidic power that you can cast, right away, Gasha."

09-11-2023, 01:10 AM
Quadick in Tenoba was a walled city, to be sure, which was making it safe still except for this strengthened gate still kept shut where Arapegol and the others with him above on the lookout post saw a dozen tentacled strangler rotmonsters crowded together on that other side banging at that side of the gate with certainly sturdy tentacles, while the gate vibrated greatly with noticeable shaking.

Gasha said, "Very well then!" The half giant then pulled out a few seeds from a pouch she had on one side and a small unique rock from sort of a pocket, and spoke a strange phrase over those, and cast them over the gate among the clustered crowd of rotmonsters.

Immediately a cone of light appeared, as if shining from a point further above, to a wide base below that enclosed all the rotmonsters there. And they stopped banging then, waving the tentacles now frantically, while weird sounds came from their open toothy maws. Smoke appeared in places on their bodies.

09-14-2023, 01:13 AM
Very soon tentacled rotmonsters on the edges of the cluster of them moved foward, waving tentacles desperately, and started coming out from the base of the moonbeam cone. As they left it, Jaydeen was shooting the arrows he had from Arapegol at those. Still they tried moving away, others moving out after them.

Arapegol then triggered his orb with the right motions and his arcane speech, and teleportation was released to put those further from the base of the moonbeam cone right back in within open spaces among those still within it. More left the moonbeam cone, were shot at by Jaydeen, and then sent back into the cone before they got far.

After a couple of times going through this, Arapegol, Jaydeen, and the others saw a curious thing. One after the other the strangler rotmonsters disappeared. This kept happening when they were cycled around until the last of those dozen rotmonsters was gone.

Gasha said, "I am sure the moonbeam does not cause them to disappear from there! What was happening?"

09-18-2023, 01:17 AM
Jaydeen shot a couple of arrows at where the last rotmonster, pieced with many arrows, to disappear had been, just put back into the area of the moonbeam. The arrows both hit the ground there, and fell on their sides then. Jaydeen said, "They did not just become invisible!"

Arapegol said, "I did not have them teleported anywhere else. I would not have any good place to teleport them to."

Gasha said, "So they actually teleport themselves, then."

Iperanton said, "That would not explain it either. We were cutting off tentacles from them before, and then when they did not prevail, they would just move quickly away, without teleporting anywhere."

Galvishar said, "Yet they are not at all there! They must have moved from teleportation."

Arapegol said, "So it is not teleportation from what I can do, or what they can do even when tentacles are cut off, it must be teleportation from somewhere else, or, someone else. But who?"

09-21-2023, 01:20 AM
They all looked out from the top of that lookout construction with one guard there too. Iperanton said, "Arapegol, it seemed to you that the vision I spoke of suggests that there is a wizard with a station he uses in the Primal Forest, where he has a gate made to bring in these rotmonster beings from somewhere else. It seems to me now that the rotmonsters could be teleported back to where they came from. They are certainly not around anywhere within sight in all that country we see from here. The wizard you think is bringing them here could do that. But why would he? It does nothing for his motive to bring them here. Someone or some things is teleporting them back, though I can't tell who or what."

Galvishar said, "It has not occurred with any rotmonsters we encountered and even fought, except with these ones, with a moonbeam cast on them, and being shot with arrows and being teleported back into the cone of the moonbeam when they move out to escape it. It is like that is a threshold, while tentacles being chopped off was not, that they would be teleported."

Arapegol said, "If any of them are going to be teleported out to where they come from, with that being done, that is what we should do with all the rest that we encounter! And there are many of them, which we have been seeing. Even more can be seen coming this way now!"

09-25-2023, 01:24 AM
The others with Arapegol at the top on the lookout construction with the guard stationed there saw the half dozen strangler rotmonsters still coming that were now getting near to the gate, and agreed with him. They planned to again for Arapegol to have these ones teleported into the moonbeam that Gasha had cast, and Jaydeen would shoot arrows still at those escaping from that while Arapegol would keep using the teleportation to return those ones into the area of the moonbeam.

If this was going to result in the rotmonsters disappearing from there, they could be sure this was an effective way to get rid of the rotmonsters that had been invading this country. They would still have to stop what was allowing them to come into their world.

And in a couple of moments, the rotmonsters were close to the gates, and were avoiding the area of the moonbeam that they were apparently seeing, going around it right to the gate.

09-28-2023, 01:27 AM
The tentacled strangler rotmonsters had come to the gate and had started pounding on it, as Arapegol said aloud to Jaydeen, "Shoot at these still, and I will be using teleportation to put each of them into the area of the cast moonbeam."

Jaydeen did not wait further but put in arrow after arrow to still shoot at these newly arrived monsters. Arapegol then was waving the orb while using his triggering voice to cast the power of teleportation on each of those. Soon they were each within the moonbeam area and moving to come out from there.

10-02-2023, 01:01 AM
It took rather longer, for reasons that Arapegol and those with him, fighting for defending that city Quadick from the rotmonsters attacking, did not understand, with more teleporting and arrows used, for getting these newer rotmonsters there to disappear from there with the strange teleportation that did not seem to leave them in that world. But those rotmonsters were finally gone, with the same methods used.

Arapegol said to the guard with them on the lookout construction, "The gate must be opened up now. There are no rotmonsters coming this way just now, while all that did come to the gate are removed. We here are going out with our urban camels where we will use the same strategy, which we found is effective, for removing more rotmonsters we find, and we will search for the one who is making the way for these alien beings to come into our world, which must be in the area of the Primal Forest."

The guard said, "I see. I will call for help and have the gate opened for you to go out. But after you are all out the gate will be closed again, as it needs to be through this crisis."

10-05-2023, 01:04 AM
While the guard was busy, Arapegol turned to Gasha now back to her half giant self, and said, "If you have other useful abilities that can help against the rotmonsters, it would be good now for you to tell us about those. I will still use the teleportation while Jaydeen uses arrows and the bow I provided to him."

In a little while the guard came with another, and between them they worked to get that strong gate open.

10-19-2023, 01:18 AM
Gasha told Arapegol, as they and those with them came down the steps of the watchtower to where the urban camels left to them waited, that there was only the ability to cast acid to be thrown, or cast a maelstrom, besides the shape-shifting into a beast that she could do.

There was the urban camel for Arapegol, the urban camel for Iperanton, and the urban camel for Jaydeen, while though he tried assuring that urban camel he was the same rider, he was needing Nasa the elfin rider that the urban camel recognized to mount on to ride first and have Jaydeen permitted to ride along with her. This left Galvishar and Gasha, the half giant, without mounts, but Gasha was still able to shape-shift into that beast form, the same huge wolf, which could run fast. The gate was then open for them, and they rode out for the mission to deal with the alien rotmonsters, and then the gate was closed behind them.

10-26-2023, 01:26 AM
While those who would deal with the invasive strangler rotmonsters were going out from Quadick against them, Klara was already in the inn to which Garvendag had followed where she could stay in a comfortable room. The deputy had come and handed award money to her, as he had already to Lucion and Trysina, for the quest they had aided which accomplished restoring all the changed individuals to how they had been before. He had wanted to award the others, but they went up on the lookout construction at that time, and when he went back again, they had just left and the gate was closed right after them. The guard there told the deputy seeing he had been coming up, "Those ones daring to go out there say they will deal with all those monster creatures out there which are a threat."

The deputy said, "If they do return successful with that, they will each be abundantly more rewarded."

Klara worked her little blade through the small dried fruit with a face depicted on it. She said, mainly to herself, "This should get their attention, and they will have someone come for me."

The cleaning maid said, "The gate is closed, no one comes into this city now."

Klara said, "Oh, I forgot you were here. They really won't open it for anyone?"

11-03-2023, 01:02 AM
The cleaning maid said, "No ma'am. There are monsters out there now which are a real threat. We are an isolated city and will remain so unless there really are the heroes who will defeat them and get rid of those monsters."

Klara said, "Oh! This really is not my home, anywhere in this city. It would have been better if I did not have to come back here from that long journey for the restoration. But that had to happen, leaving me now stuck here, maybe until all the coins I have with the reward given is all gone."

"Yes, I heard something about those who wanted to go out and be those heroes that would deal with the monsters and get rid of them all. If they are going out to do that, I do hope they really have great power they can use against the monsters, it needs such great power to do that."

11-10-2023, 03:09 AM
Klara said, "They really better accomplish getting rid of the monsters so the gate would be open, and I would not be staying stuck here. Why, what if they can't? They do not even have the power I have! It would be hopeless for me then!"

The cleaning maid said, "You have a more power to work against the monsters out there than those who would be heroes do? But you stay here instead and fret that they might not accomplish that, because they don't have power that you do?"

"Well! You are saying it in a way that makes it sound like something bad."

"What do you think then?"

11-17-2023, 03:16 AM
Klara was silent for a while. It should not be her problem, should it be? She had already gone far out of her way, with others to help for getting the way for restoration, which she benefited from too. Yet this was her problem, as monsters she might be able to deal with were keeping those who would come and take her home from this confined place from even coming. Drat it all! Could she still do anything about that?

Meanwhile, Arapegol, Iperanton, Jaydeen, and Nasa, on the three urban camels, and Galvishar on the huge wolf that Gasha had transformed to, were leaving the closed up Quadick behind going along this road that led to it, and coming to the long road which it met, that they had gone far on previously. They were all watchful for the alien strangler rotmonsters which had the threatening tentacles, but none were right there, though some had gone on in the distance, there were also a couple of them the other way, near the Primal Forest from which they and any previous ones emerged. That was the direction Arapegol knew they should go towards, which he let the others know. Whoever was causing all the rotmonsters to come, and migrate out from there, would really have to be dealt with, that it would stop.

11-24-2023, 03:23 AM
Gasha spoke, after they silently observed all that they could all around themselves as they went on. "Arapegol, you can throw projectiles of fire at the monsters, can't you? Why wouldn't you have yet?"

Arapegol answered her, "I had doubted that fiery projectiles would have significant effect on them. Now I am sure I have been right. I think they might be immortal. They can be hurt with continuing a harmful attack on any of them. But then they just dissappear, being possibly transported instantly to a place in another realm, likely that being where they came from. We should use the exact same strategy that we have been, whether they are immortal or not, it gets rid of them probably from all our world."

Jaydeen said, "Well be ready, we have those ones to encounter before we even get to the Primal Forest."

Iperanton said, "We will not have the advantage of a higher place to work our strategy with them this time."

Jaydeen said, "We must work the strategy from yet a further distance away from them, that they would not have a chance to come at us and attack before we effectively get rid of them."

Gasha said, "They are moving this way faster now."

01-12-2024, 03:11 AM
Gasha, Galvishar, and the riders then took positions in a row facing those two that drew closer, seemingly gliding along the ground. When those tentacled rotmonsters were a little nearer, Jaydeen launched a half dozen arrows into each very quickly, and Gasha summoned another moonbeam cone over that area where they had just stopped, went they moved around and found the edge where they could leave the moonbeam cone, Arapegol again used the teleportation again to move these ones back into that area where they were affected more.

02-02-2024, 03:01 AM
Everything they did was with more coordination this time, though now the group was on the same level with the monsters and they had to keep acting at their ways of attack to keep those rotmonsters from getting any closer. Indeed, they again managed to make the alien creatures, showing behavior indicating pain as small flames appeared in places on their bodies, vanish from there one after the other. They saw this was an effective attack they could keep using.

Arapegol said, "I think it is certain that the wizard summoning them has his hold on the other side of the Primal Forest further from the road. We should make our way around that horrible forest, to reach the other side opposite to this one along the road." Arapegol indicated with his body for the urban camel he was again mounted on to turn from the road. The others then followed Arapegol on his urban camel away from the road, Iperanton on his, Jaydeen and Nasa on the one they rode together on, and Gasha and Galvishar on foot, keeping their distance from that edge of the Primal Forest, and being watchful.

Galvishar stumbled on something along that way. To his surprise, and the surprise of the others, there was a sound, a sound of a voice uttering something.

Galvishar exclaimed, "What's this? Oh my cosmic watchers!! It is a detached head! A small head that still speaks!!"

Moonlit_Fae; and Enigma; you can join here.

02-23-2024, 03:22 AM
The others on their mounts all stopped. Each looked around for anything approaching, and then when certain there was nothing around threatening to them they went a little closer to where Galvishar had stopped, where he pointed with his finger straight down in front of him, with a look of complete horror on his face, his eyes bulging out.

Arapegol asked, "What is it you found? You said a detached head, that speaks?" He looked carefully toward where Galvishar, who seemed to be no longer capable of answering verbally, pointed. There was a very unpleasantly colored round bundle there, but it did seem to have a face showing on it. And it was a face with sort of a familiar look. Arapagol looked, until he discerned movement from the object. He told the others also still mounted on the urban camels they rode, "You all better come look at this!"

The others came nearer still riding, Iperanton, and Jaydeen and Nasa the elfin still on their urban camel together.

Iperanton came, and just said, "Wow!"

Jaydeen and Nasa the elfin rode nearer, and then each made a strange noise right then when they saw the object clearly.

Enigma; roleplay here.

04-02-2024, 02:01 AM
There laying on its own not attached to anything was a head, a rather small head, looking kind of deformed and more like that of something not quite human, and colored in an ugly way. And its eyes and mouth still moved! Strange sounds came from it, and then the words heard, "Why must these fairdomten ones find me here this way?!"

Nasa then jumped down from the urban camel which she had been on with Jaydeen, to approach more closely.

05-10-2024, 01:09 AM
This detached head, for that is what it was, jibbered in words that some of which were understood and others gave no help to understanding. But this part was heard by those there, "Some team of forlorn losers to stumble their way over me after being left like this in forsaken empty wilderness for over a dozen days!!"

It was certainly not a human head, with its colors all wrong. It was alien. But Nasa quickly recognized it as one of her own possessions, lost for some time. And this thing would help her understand the others there, as they would soon realize. Nasa was now especially pleased.

06-20-2024, 02:20 PM
Nasa soon had the aware detached head that was her possession again with her, tied securely to not be lost, and was back again on the urban camel with Jaydeen to ride on further with the others. With this head that would speak every now and then, she could understand any of what the others were saying, when she instructed that head to give her the translation for her to understand. She would do that when Jaydeen said something to her too when understanding him was difficult though he meant for her to understand trying to use the elvish speech she knew the best that he could manage.

07-15-2024, 02:15 PM
Nasa did not say much after that, but the others riding along also on the urban camels saw that she was happier, something she had shown no evidence of before. It did not even seem to matter that they were going toward where there lives could be in greater danger.

They were riding along the northern side of where the Primal Forest reached, where there was a gap where few trees grew along this way of slightly higher elevation, and the edge of the less dense forest seen further on toward the north from there, that one reaching near Quadick where these riders had just come from.

Arapegol soon said, "We are getting closer to the side on the west away from the main road we were on. We must enter the forest on that side where we might find the hold we would search for that the wizard who summons the rotmonster beings would be working from."

09-09-2024, 05:12 PM
Jaydeen said, "I hope this was figured out right, and it is not a wild goon's chase."

Iperanton said, "It is a wizard's prophetic dream showing there is this wizard behind the appearing of more and more strangler rotmonsters from here. It follows that the wizard behind this would work at bringing them here from some hold that wizard already had here all along. Isn't that right, Arapegol?"

Arapegol said, "That is basically it. You and I are wizards, Iperanton, but we are just starting off. We would have no ability to summon one being after another from a realm beyond us. So we are against a wizard a lot mightier than we are. We need the active help of each with us. It is a shame this was left to us out of those who had been going with me, to be helpful."

They all on these mounts saw they were nearing the other end of the Primal Forest, facing the west.