View Full Version : "Delta" (TW: Abandonment issues, depression, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempt)

It cannot last
05-29-2022, 06:11 PM
Entry one
I found this old computer in this place’s library. I should be able to write down my thoughts in here as time passes.
I should probably introduce myself in case someone finds this
I My name is Delta. Ive been stuck here in this lab place for
not like anyone’s going to find this

Entry two:
I’ve gotten better at typing! I can do stuff like this now! Or even stuff like this, this, this, or even all of them at once!
I also found the old pair of headphones Astra modded for me
Having music again is nice

Entry 3:
Ever since that human went through here things’ve been quiet. Puro and Astra went with them. I miss talking to people.

Entry 4:
I don’t know how ling it’s been
Ignore the typo

Entry 5:
Someone new is here! They say their name is Apollo and even though I don’t know much about them I’m really grateful that someone’s finally here!
We’re staying in Puro’s section of the library because

Entry 6:
I know you’re watching me type this Apollo.
Anyway, he taught me some new things about typing-- like how to use different keys to space out my typing or even emoticons! I didn’t know you could make faces with text! :]

Entry 7:
:000 Apollo can play guitar!!! I didn’t know there were any in the lab but he just picked up a guitar he found in the library and just started playing! You'd think given his musculature he’d accidentally badijfskl-
That was him pressing my fingers onto the keyboard because of my comment. Fair enough.

Entry 8:
Another person came!!!!! That’s almost more people than there’ve been here since that human went through!
That I’ve seen at least.
She says her name is Pegu, which is an interesting name! Not in a bad way though.

Entry 9:
We’re making a band! That’s what Apollo and Pegu call it at least. I’m playing keyboard, Apollo plays guitar, and Pegu has a really nice singing void=ce
Wow I had a stroke
Anyway. Pegu can also play the keyboard and is learning guitar from Apollo; so am I actually! We’ll be able to perform in any of each other’s spots and make our own kinds of music.

Entry 10: (2/7/????)
I managed to find out what day it is! I’m gonna be using dd/mm/yyyy because it makes sense. Not much has happened since I last made an entry, but I’ve been doing a lot better! I’m prett
Actually wait how do I say this
I feel the same way towards Apollo and Pegu as I did towards Astra
I haven’t seen them in a while. I wonder what they’ve been up to? Astra I mean Pegu’s practicing with Apollo right now

Entry 11: (20/7)
Removed the year section since I don’t know what year it is.
Apollo and Pegu are out on a scouting mission. Have been for the past 3 days.
… that’s what they said anyway.
I think they’re starting to get annoyed with me.
It’s becoming less and less motivating without people around. I’d forgotten how crushing it is to be this lonely.

Entry 12: (23/7)
Fire is effective against our kind. That’s why I still have the lighter.

Entry 13: (24/7)
The music’s the only thing keeping me going.
And while some of the new songs I found are good, it’s not gonna last.
(I still sometimes want to burn myself away. Maybe that’d make the others feel better.)

Entry 14: (1/8)
Apollo and Pegu are back.
I still don’t think they want me around.

Entry 1A: (3/8)
Holy shit.
It’s me, Apollo. Pegu just found Delta about to…

I knew they were depressed and lonely but I didn’t know it was that bad.
We’re keeping Delta in whitelab. They should be able to recover in there; Pegu’s keeping an eye on them to make sure they don’t try anything.
We took the lighter from them. We can’t trust them right now.

Entry 1P: (5/8)
Pegu here.
Looks like Apollo already put what happened here. I don’t think either of them realize the whole deal with this… doc, journal, thing.
It’s like a liveblog to whoever’s out there.
And, yes, I know people are watching this doc, weather live or in post-processing.
(Is it weather or whether? I don’t remember which)
I’ll be using this font and a “P” on my entries here. Apollo’s gonna be using an A and this font.
We’ll get back to you once Delta’s in better condition.

Entry 2P: (11/8)
It’s been almost a week, and Delta finally spilled everything.
Turns out they’ve been in this lab, alone, maybe for years. They miss their old family and we’re pretty sure they have really bad abandonment issues.
Apollo isn’t taking this well. He’s been blaming himself for Delta’s current condition since he wanted tocontinue our expedition.
I’m stuck here just as much as those two, but I need to be the leader.

Entry 15: (17/8)
I’ve been getting better. I can start making music again; i made my first solo track in months since they’re letting me use the keyboard and guitar again.
I’ve decided to call our group “Team Meteor.”

We’re all stuck here right now, but we’re keeping each other stable.

Entry 16: (23/8)
I’m gonna be taking a break from making these entries. I was let back into the library recently, and we’ve recently found some more people to share our works with. Maybe we could even become a real band!
I still feel the same way for Apollo and Pegu as I was before my “relapse”, that’s what they called it.
I’m not sure what I’d do if they got hurt.
Pegu recently found a gun, so I’m pretty sure she’s fine, and I’ve been teaching Apollo some of my tricks. Maybe we can make a home here.

- - - Updated - - -

Kudos if you know who Apollo is from, though I didn't give many hints