View Full Version : i just want to do an encanto rp

08-26-2022, 08:24 PM

hello! im looking for someone to do an encanto rp with? id like to play isabela but i can play alot of characters however isabela, dolores, and pepa are the 3 im the best at. im new to roleplaying this fandom so please be paticent with me

also sorry if the tags arent right
things i need:

semi-longer responses (preferably like 50+ letters/ characters
someone whos both good with angst but can still have lighter/ funnier moments (im doing an encanto rp with a friend and its hilarious) but if you cant do much angst thats alright
you can play ocs or canon characters
this CAN be romance but only if your character works apropriatly, no inc3st orr p3doph!l!@ you will be blocked
the age of your character doesnt matter unless your doing romance, ill even age down characters to work better if youd like
im good with alot of different rps but angst is my favorite,
CROSSOVERS ARE JUST FINE if you want to play a character from another fandom you can
i prefer not to rp with adults but i will however if you get creepy im not letting that happen
and adding to that if you are an adult and want to do this with me i will not be doing romance with you because thats just uncomfy
i can do canon or non canon or a mix, but im better an non canon to non canon with canon undertones
NO inc3st, p3d0ph!l!a, ect
NO smut/sex any of that sort
this probably belongs in the what i need from you but please dont be a jerk, i know its obvious but youd be suprised, as youd imagine ill be nice to you no matter what, its just what i stand by espsically if your also nice
hate the character NOT the person

also editing post the plot we can disuss based on what you are comfortable with/want to do!
i also tend to respond fast but my computer is broken so please be paticent with me

Lady Celeste
08-28-2022, 12:27 AM
Are you looking for 1x1 or a group RP? Either way, I am definitely interested in this!

08-28-2022, 12:32 AM
hello! im looking for a 1x1 if thats alright! i can also do small groups if thats what you prefer!

Lady Celeste
08-28-2022, 04:31 AM
Either way is fine by me. I did have one raw concept that may be somewhat more Camilo-centric, but I could see the entire Madrigal family becoming involved as well to varying degrees. No romance or anything like that is needed, so no worries if you're not comfortable on that front. (Also, don't worry about P-E-you-know-what; RPA has strict rules against that sort of thing, and frankly, I don't blame them.)

Now that that's out of the way, here are two plot ideas that come to mind. As some of them may contain spoilers, they will be hidden accordingly.

Before she married Pedro Madrigal, Alma was not the only woman in their village vying for Pedro's attention. Unfortunately for the Madrigals, the woman Pedro rejected in favor of Alma turned to witchcraft out of jealousy, betraying the village by offering her services to the guerrilla forces that would ultimately destroy it. In the years that followed, the witch rose through the ranks and even built her own familia of sorts, training her children and grandchildren in the dark arts, all in the hopes that someday she could find the Madrigals and take her revenge.

In the present day (either before or after the events of the movie), the witch discovers where the Madrigals have been hiding this whole time, and she and her allies set out to wipe out the Madrigals once and for all: the witch and her clan to seek revenge against Abuela, and the guerrillas to try to conscript the Madrigals as their own personal weapons. They get more than they bargained for at first, because neither the witch nor the guerrillas were initially aware of the Madrigal family's gifts, but the witch and her familia use their own magic to fight back, sparking a clash that threatens the village on a whole new level.

One Camilo-centric prequel variation of this would have an 10-11 year old Camilo, whose shapeshifting gift has been labeled "useless" due to having seemingly no conventional use in community life, witnessing as Pepa and Antonio (either a newborn baby or still unborn at this point) are kidnapped by the witch's allies, and tagging along in secret to try to save them. While doing so, Camilo witnesses firsthand the suffering of the victims of the witch's cruelty, and learns to use his gift to help ease their suffering in different ways. (Essentially, this would serve to explain why Camilo regularly uses his gift to make people laugh/smile in the movie.)

As the title suggests, this would be a crossover between Encanto and Kingdom Hearts, although no spoilers are needed for the latter. The plot here can be easily adapted to either before or after the events of the film. (If after, I may even consider giving Mirabel a Keyblade.)

The storyline here would boil down to the main villain (maybe or maybe not Xehanort) learning about the Madrigal family's gifts and deciding to investigate how the Miracle that fuels their powers could be harnessed in service to the darkness. To that end, the villain starts systematically kidnapping gifted Madrigal family members and experimenting on them, save only for a few who either avoid capture or were simply left alone**. Sora and his allies would arrive in the Encanto world at around this time, and team up with the remaining family members to rescue the rest of the family and put a stop to the main villain's plans.

On a side note, this idea is based on one that I recently did with another player, who also has an RPA account ( Yamimoon; ). If you're up for it, I could see if she'd be interested in joining this RP too.

**In the original draft of this storyline, the villain primarily focused on the gifted Madrigal family members. Those who had no apparent gifts (Mirabel, Felix, Agustin, and possibly Abuela) were left alone because they didn't have any of the power that the villain wanted. Julieta was also spared because her gift was so passive that the villain didn't see her as a threat.

08-28-2022, 12:19 PM
i kinda like the second one! how ever ive never seen kingdom hearts is that alright?

Lady Celeste
08-28-2022, 05:47 PM
That’s perfectly fine. :]

Then before we start, here are a couple more questions:
Would you like this to be before or after the events of the movie?
Are you up for bringing in Yamimoon as a third player as I mentioned before, or would you prefer to keep this RP 1x1? Either way is fine by me, but I wanted to check with you before sending out any messages.
About how many family members would you like to have already kidnapped by the time Sora and company arrive on the scene? Also, aside from those who would’ve been left alone, who would you like to have avoided capture so far?

08-28-2022, 11:00 PM
1: probably before
2: yeah sure!
3: im not sure my apologies

Lady Celeste
08-28-2022, 11:12 PM
Alrighty! I’ll start setting it all up!

Would you like to use this as the OOC thread, or set up a new one?

08-28-2022, 11:48 PM
i can set up a new one!

08-29-2022, 12:00 AM
here ya go! https://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=97455&p=3113787#post3113787