View Full Version : Edge of Sanity

The Magnan
12-19-2010, 07:30 PM
Username/Character: Magnafire - General Magnafire (http://role-player.net/forum/showpost.php?p=419841&postcount=1)


Username/Character: Kamakazikid8 - Alron (http://role-player.net/forum/showpost.php?p=422344&postcount=1)
Battle Arena description: The Dead Forest, filled with dead trees, and a thick mist makes things barely visible, the setting of day is night, its a clear sky, and deathly cold.

Magic/Superhuman abilities allowed: Yes

Conditions for battle (eg- fight to the death, etc): Fight to the brink of death.

This is my first attempt so bare with me. I'll do my best.


'I am your mortal Blade, and sanities Edge'

Firstly Magnafire ignored it. He sat throwing sticks into the fire in an attempt to cling onto the little heat in this place. He wanted to leave quickly. But darkness and mist had made things impassable. He was also exhausted. He placed his helmet on the dirty ground.
'I am your blood. As you are my spirit'
Magnafire looked up at his sword Blade Edge, it was stabbed into the ground, and seemed to be looking at him. He continued to ignore it.
'How long can ignorance last?'
Magnafire grumbled, he hated having a bound sword. It was bound to him, his thoughts. And that alone gave it a bloody voice.
"What do you want?" he muttered almost inaudibly
'To ease the boredom'
'Sword gets bored?" Magnafire wondered if this was his mind playing tricks on him.
'My voice is very real Magnan. You keep that anger conserved. Save it for the tournement. I sense your resentment of those who banished you.'
"I wanted them all to burn!" he said clenching his fist.
''They will...'
Magnafire sighed. He was talking to a sword. A knowledgable sword. Like life couldn't get any more silly. He unclenched his fist. Looked into the flames and smiled. 'Fire can burn forever. It can't die. It can't stop. It is.... an essence. Raw and...' thought Magnafire.
"Stop finishing my thoughts," said Magnafire
'What happened to your mind, in that trial. That trial of intent.'
Magnafire looked blank, overcome by fear. He stood up and walked off
'Stick to the sanity road, Magnan. Once you step of this path...'
"What happens?" Magnafire hissed with malice.
"The edge of sanity, is your inner most fears.'
"Without it, I'd cease to be sentient. A mind trapped in a prison of my own demise. Hungering for blood, to spill.... to drink. What happens to a mind when it loses its reality. Its sense of security," said Magnafire bleakly.
'That I don't know.'

Magnafire stopped and looked around. The forest air tasted stale, and bitter. He could feel death, it struck silently. Malevolenty, then he realised this was what his mortal sword sensed. Long ago blood had stained his path. The sword had said this was his way of reaching the RPA tournement. He returned to his sword, looking down at it. He trusted it. It had saved his life. It was his friend. Companion. He folded his arms.
'I thought i'd lost you.....'
"You could never lose me. Mortal Sword Blade Edge."

12-19-2010, 09:48 PM
Alron was thankful that he had the foresight to add heat enchantments to his clothes. However, despite the enchantments, he was still uncomfortably cold. "Damn forest with its damn fog and its damn cold," he muttered. Ahead he spotted a fire. His eyes narrowed behind his mask. Someone out in the forest with this cold? They were either crazy or waiting for something.

Alron felt the killer in him cry for blood. He quietly drew his crossbow and loaded it. He winced as the magazine made a loud chack! noise and cursed under his breath. "Damn it all!" No doubt the stillness of the forest allowed his weapon to be heard. Forgetting all stealth, he leveled the crossbow and fired four bolts in rapid succession.

The Magnan
12-19-2010, 09:58 PM
'Someone joins your path'
Magnafire heard the crack, and then something slam into his armour, although not penetrating it, but with the momentum it carried he dropped to his knees. He quickly grabbed his helmet which was nearby and placed it on his head. Magnafire grabbed his sword. He saw them through the trees, bolts from the crossbow. He guessed, and used his Blade Edge to disperse the remaining ones. He had been caught off guard. He searched for the assassin in the fog, and cursed. "Nothing," he muttered.
"Can you see it?"
"Guide me..." said Magnafire as he charged up a Magnaball, the fire raging, building up around his clenched fist.
'As you wish General."

12-20-2010, 02:31 AM
"Damn!" hissed Alron. "He's wearing armor. And now the helmet." He stood still and began building up energy. He body glowed with a faint white outline before it faded. "Lightning rod, check." He grinned. His target still didn't see him. Alron fired a single bolt before running and firing another, repeating the hit and run tactic until he emptied his crossbow. "Damn!" The word was soon becoming overused.

With his crossbow now empty, Alron drew one of his axes and ejected the magazine, using the axe's blunt side to send it flying at his enemy. He didn't even wait to see if it hit before putting away the crossbow then running and climbing a nearby tree.

The Magnan
12-20-2010, 08:08 AM
Magnafire managed to evade the bolts, using trees as cover. However, even with light armour, it weighed him down. Then he saw it. And threw his fire ball towards the axe, it tore through trees, shattering them and leaving a ploughed a path of destruction. Magnafire searched again from his enemy.
"Can you see him" asked Magnafire
'In a tree....'
"Helpful" said Magnafire.

He began walking towards where the initial shots at come from, " a game of cat and mouse....." whispered Magnafire. Treading carefully he looked up, knowning he would be assailt from above. He saw it vaguely, a man rushing up a tree.
Magnafire had an advantage. Fire.

12-20-2010, 12:21 PM
Alron's eyes widened when he saw the fireball streak past, narrowly missing his tree. "Oh now that's just not fair." Knowing that he would be flushed out with more fire, he loaded his second and last magazine into his crossbow and dropped down. He could see his enemy, and his enemy could see him. "Hide-and-seek is fun and all," he called out, "but I have other things to do." He pulled the lever and fired three bolts.

The Magnan
12-20-2010, 01:26 PM
Magnafire ginned from beneath his helmet, as he used Blade Edge to block the first two but the last seemed to dance beneath the edge of his sword, and then it struck him, making him a curl back a little.The bolts were carving away his armour another hit and it would penetrate it. But It would take more than some crossbow to defeat him. He twirled his sword a little, and said, "Other things.... So did i, before you shot me" shouted Magnafire.
'Dragon's Breath....'
"Good idea" thought Magnafire to himself. The Dragons Breath was enchantment, a fiery one. First it took shape of a dragon and then it would breath flames upon the enemy, then swallow them before exploding. If it didn't kill them, it crippled them.
Magnafire advanced forward, "So tell me what things did you have planned?"

12-20-2010, 08:38 PM
Alron laughed. "Oh, so it's casual conversation now, Mr. Burn-Everything? If you must know, I was planning on heading home, having a drink, and saying hello to my children. You wouldn't kill a father of three, would you?" His voice was dripping with mockery. "Now enough talk. We play." He fired another bolt before taking off into the fog. "Is it worth burning the whole forest to catch one man?" he called.

The Magnan
12-20-2010, 09:04 PM
Magnafire backed up against the tree as the bolt tore through the bark, grazing his helmet in the process. "If I recall - you attacked me. I have a family as well."

I need to get close.... remove that damn crossbow, and strike him down. He has a family. I won't spare him the grief. I know how it feels to lose a father. If only there was a way of dispersing this bloody fog. thought Magnafire to himself. He weighed up all options.

"Well a brother and an sister..." Magnafire's voice trailed.

"But there gone now, and besides im entering some tournment. I need to do some training," Magnafire grinned and came out of hiding. The dragon stirred inside.

"Mr burn anything.... where to start? I'm Magnafire. But people call me the Magnan. That's Magn - ni - an."

Magnafire searched the fog, but sadly came up short. Magnafire lost his path.
'Sanities edge, be warned.'

Magnafire noticed his sword shimmer, "Come out, come out where ever you are!"

'You were never supposed to survive the trial!'"What?"'The Trial of Intent'

Magnafire began to sweat as memories of the trial reentered. That was the day. He entered.... hell. Well something close to hell. He composed himself and continued to where the voice was coming from. And began to maneaouvre himself around the man. He treaded carefully, avoiding dry leavesm and twigs. He could see a figure vaguely and crouched. What will you do next?

There was no doubt the fog hid Magnafire. But Magnafire was fighting his consciousness, he did not want to kill the man. But cripple him. But then mankind was always stubborn. Break one arm, they use the other. Break both arms and legs, and they bite you. Decapitate them and they die. He sighed silently, and waited to pounce. Magnafire could sense his mortal swords anticipation.

12-20-2010, 09:59 PM
Alron spotted the other man's shape through the fog. "The Magnan, eh? I'll be sure to dress up your corpse." He tossed up a rock and smashed his axe's blunt side into it, sending it towards his enemy. "As for my name, I can't say. Names are power." He sent another rock flying and charged.

The Magnan
12-20-2010, 10:13 PM
Magnafire stood up, and glowed a fiery glow. He let the first rock slam into him, forcing him to stumble back. But that only intensified the power surging with in. The Dragon inside was stirring. He deflected the second rock into a tree with Blade Edge, the fire surrounding him, had fallen on the sword causing fire to drip like rain off the swords tip.
"Confident. I'll give you that."

The empty slits which hid Magnafire's eyes lit up. Then there was a ear splintering roar. As the dragon took shape. "Dragon's Breath...." it read his thoughts and flew forward, its fiery tail whipping trees, and sending splinters flying. It unleashed flames in the enemies direction. It was now close enough too.... explode. The explosion tore through the trees nearby. Magnafire had never planned to kill the man, but he planned to kill him. That changed everything. He could see the forest burn around him... all this smoke could help.

12-20-2010, 10:29 PM
Alron's eyes widened as he saw the Magnan glow. "Shit!" he hissed and dove to the side hind a tree. The dragon rushed by and exploded soon after, the force of it destroying his cover and knocking him aside. Alron groaned and sat up. "Agh, you don't like to play, do you?" He picked up his crossbow that had fallen to the side and steadied it. "Then play time's done!"

With a clearer view of the enemy, Alron emptied his crossbow and again sent the magazine after it. He tucked away the crossbow and charged again, using his superior speed to maneuver behind the Magnan and placed his hand on his back, releasing all of the electricity he stored into his enemy's body in a burst before swinging the blunt end of one of his axes at the head.

The Magnan
12-20-2010, 10:39 PM
Magnafire let out a agonizing scream, as lightening encapsulated his body, siezing his muscles in a grip, tightening them like a screw. He coudl feel it breaking him inside. He dropped his knees. All that he could think was how... how had he?

Magnafire had to reassert himself, then he he heard something else shouting inside. Blade Edge. Whether it was instinct or possession, he raised his mortal sword as it collided witbh teh axe. Flames burst from Blade Edge. Magnafire attempted to stand, and as he spun round his knees buckled under the pain traversing his body.
"So are we going to.... kill... eachother.... because your good. Very good. You.. no..... has dogded its breath. Well one...."
Magnafire got up and readied his sword, readying to parry the next attack and strike for the chest, with a quickfire stab.

12-21-2010, 12:05 AM
Alron leapt back from the Magnan after his axe was blocked. "An elemental weapon?" He grinned behind his mask. "This will be fun. A fight to the death it is." He spun as he moved forward, adding momentum to his attack as he brought around his axe's blunt side once again and at the same time aiming his other axe at his enemy's leg.

The Magnan
12-21-2010, 08:49 AM
"A fight to death..... really?" said Magnafire with a sigh.
The Magnan Dance. Magnafire timed his movements, blocking the first axe's strike, and immediantely stepping back, it didn't completely miss, the tip of it grazed his greaves, but he knew he would have to be quick in countering, with the sword still burn intensely he went to stab the foot of the man, before stepping back. Searching for a blunt weapon. Even though the breath had failed, it still left an aftermath.

He knelt down and picked up an branch which had been alight, and through it like a spear towards his enemy. Next he retreated into the smoke, masking his movements. He then charged a fireballl. He could see through the smoke, having a gift over fire meant such things were possible, for his enemy, he wasn't sure, it would be thick. The fireball was nearly ready. He temporally sheathed his sword and picked up three sharp branches, and used the flames lying around to set them a light. He then then used all momentum he could to throw them at his enemy.

12-21-2010, 12:32 PM
Alron growled as his axe was blocked. He needed to do something to that helmet. He saw the Magnan's sword raise, heat radiating off of it as he brought it down. Alron jumped back, the burning blade grazing and scorching his boot. He watched as his enemy searched for something. He had time.

Alron's body began to faintly glow white again. Just as the glow faded, something sped towards him. He quickly brought up his axes, the projectile crashing in to their heads. The roles were reversed now. He quickly ducked behind a tree as three more came, one cutting a gash in his right arm. "A fight to the death it is!" he called.

He moved from behind the tree and spotted the barely visible outline of his enemy; those spikes were unmistakable. He rushed forward axes ready to deflect anything as he zigzagged between trees. He moved to the Magnan's side and swung his axe, transferring the Lightning Rod to the axes blade. Should it be parried, the charge would move through his enemy's sword; if not, his armor.

The Magnan
12-21-2010, 12:47 PM
Fire and lightnening collided. Magnafire had blocked, but the lightening traversed his sword, and hit his armour like a jagged knife. But he hoped as he stumbled back somemore that his fire had connected. He could feel his muscles tense. He hated lightening. He hated it so much. He was in a decent range. He lowered sword a little, and pretended to look seriously wounded, and then he unleashed his fireball towards the man. He hoped it hit. He then kicked what ashes remained towards his oppenant. To blind him. Magnafire wasn't fussed how he would end this, but as fire died down around them, he had make some use of its remains.

12-21-2010, 08:55 PM
Alron dropped his axes. He had underestimated the Magnan's fire magic and paid the price. His hands, while not extensively damaged, were singed. He could still fight, but it would be a bit painful. He saw a flash from the corner of his eye and looked up, seeing the fireball speeding towards him.

Alron ducked and rolled away behind a tree, but the fireball had caught his sleeve. The cloth lit and he was forced to tear away the offending garment and stomped it out. When the fire was put out, he quickly tied the gash on his arm and charged again, only to receive a face full of ashes. His mask kept most of them away, but he tore it off in a furious attempt to clear his eyes. Then, everything slowed down.

Alron had activated what he affectionately called Rush Hour. His eyes clear, he tucked away one axe and drew his crossbow in the other, holding it backwards. With those weapons he charged. He dashed behind his enemy and struck. His axe swung blade first towards the back of the knee where armor was weaker and his crossbow butt attacked his enemies head, hopefully hard enough to make his head ache and his ears ring.

The Magnan
12-22-2010, 09:53 AM
Magnafire felt something in the back of his knee, slicing through the armour, slamming a bit into his leg, he crumpled. He went to block the second shot to the head, but is sword moved up so slow that in training, a Magnan black legionaire would have been sent back to his barracks but how?.

Then realised as the final hit left in a daze, the back of his head stung vicsiouly, the helmet cracked, and Magnafire then landed on his back looking up at the man who slowed down time. And smiled a triumphant smile, "Impressive, should have saw it coming."

Magnafire had relinquished grip on his sword. He did something stupid. He removed the ring of fire and saw it dissappear. Since both were bound to him. They attracted like magnets. He turned and scrambled for his sword, he picked up to hilt to see lodged in it was the ring of fire. He looked at the man, and stumbled. His none sword hand was glowing intensely. Raw power now flooded him. Engulfed him. Fire dripped off his hands. Without the ring to control his power he would have to hope for self control.

He raised his sword one last time knowing, inside. He might be beaten. But this man had fought valiantly, and frankly he had been worthy oppenant. He didn't want to kill him. But it seemed this man felt overwise.

(I think this battle is finished)