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Thread: [IC] Jeremy Kelly "Passion Kiss" Lightfoot's Pokemon Adventure is nigh. (Group RP)

  1. #751
    Member Macie Lightfoot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Davy View Post
    "I accept your challenge," Donald rebutted tapping something on his phone, "Use that time well, Team Aqua for I just unfurled a contingency. The clock is ticking!" He had released a time bomb computer virus he named Perish Song that would execute at the time the battle at Grand Circus Park would take place; uploading all of Team Aqua's data to the FBI, CIA and Interpol including their location, purging their devices of all data and bricking their equipment with an EMP.

    As that was being done...

    The Leader of Team Aqua appeared and faced off with the crew. But was focused all on person... Donald.

    Archie: That's what you think, Pipsqueak. You're not gonna have it work so easily. Because while we are having to reprogram and recalibrate all our systems thanks to you... We managed to put up a Hacking blocker. Countering everything that comes through. So... While you were unleashing a contingency... Our new system unleashed a corrupt Nuke Internal meltdown virus upon all of your gadgets. It's set to go off by the strike of the clock ringing 6PM. It can't be undone. Although... if there is any consolation... i must thank you because for all the times you tried to shut us down... One of our backups managed to insert a DNA intel Data cloak within your attempts copying your programming for just an occasion like this. So... We'll now know your every move. *Guffaws at Donald* How's it feel to know that you're about to face a lifetime of unending devastation? Sucks being you... Doesn't it? Ha ha ha ha!

    Nova... Macie's faithful Camerupt came out suddenly and saw that his trainer's family was being threatened. It drove him mad and that wasn't a good sign...

    Archie: *Panics* What... what the heck is that Camerupt... doing?

    His temper started to rise and shoot up which peaked to a violent raging level... It scared the reporters a little... However they were more intrigued than scared. They wanted to see how exactly different this one was... compared to all the rest...

    Camerupt: *In Fury and with Rage over possibly losing his trainer* Camerupt! CAMERUPT! *Unleashing a blast of Lava into the Air and emitting a Loud Roar* CAAAAMMMMEEEERRRRRUUUUPPPPTTTT!

    Archie: Holy SHIT! Grunts... Stop gawking at them and put out that pokemon's fire... NOW!

    Jeremy: Nova. Calm down. This is not the place to let loose... We're too close to buildings and homes... Calm down. Please!

    But it was no use...

    However as it was letting loose... it started to reflect and realized that it knew to sing. Within seconds...

    Nova: *Singing to calm himself down* I was born in the wagon of a travelling show
    My mama used to dance for the money they'd throw
    Papa would do whatever he could
    Preach a little gospel
    Sell a couple bottles of Doctor Good
    Gypsies, tramps, and thieves
    We'd hear it from the people of the town
    They'd call us gypsies, tramps, and thieves
    But every night all the men would come around
    And lay their money down
    Picked up a boy just south of Mobile
    Gave him a ride, filled him with a hot meal
    I was 16, he was 21
    Rode with us to Memphis
    And papa woulda shot him if he knew what he'd done
    Gypsies, tramps, and thieves
    We'd hear it from the people of the town
    They'd call us gypsies, tramps, and thieves
    But every night all the men would come around
    And lay their money down
    I never had schoolin' but he taught me well
    With his smooth southern style
    Three months later, I'm a gal in trouble
    And I haven't seen him for a while, uh-huh
    I haven't seen him for a while, uh-huh
    She was born in the wagon of a travellin' show
    Her mama had to dance for the money they'd throw
    Grandpa'd do whatever he could
    Preach a little gospel
    Sell a couple bottles of Doctor Good
    Gypsies, tramps, and thieves
    We'd hear it from the people of the town
    They'd call us gypsies, tramps, and thieves
    But every night all the men would come around
    And lay their money down
    Gypsies, tramps, and thieves
    We'd hear it from the people of the town
    They'd call us gypsies, tramps, and thieves
    But every night all the men would come around
    And lay their money down
    Gypsys, tramps, and thieves

    Archie: What... *Gasps* Wh-wh-what did it just... do? That Camerupt... It Sang?!

    Jeremy: Surprised?

    Team Aqua #1: uh... that... that was an understatement.

    But there was still the torment that now befell Donald. How on Earth... How in the wide wide world was he ever gonna undo what was done on him in a brash counter?

  2. #752
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    "Don't underestimate my brilliance, Archie, they don't call me the Digi-Enforcer for nothing," Donald rebutted, "You still want that battle? You know where at you know when." He knew that even the world's best firewall could not block one fool with Internet access. He typed something into his phone and sent his Porygon-Z off into cyberspace.

  3. #753
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Davy View Post
    "Don't underestimate my brilliance, Archie, they don't call me the Digi-Enforcer for nothing," Donald rebutted, "You still want that battle? You know where at you know when." He knew that even the world's best firewall could not block one fool with Internet access. He typed something into his phone and sent his Porygon-Z off into cyberspace.
    Archie snickered as Donald spewed that last line. What Donald didn't see coming and yet was about to... was something he would never expect...

    Jeremy: *Voice-Over* I was watching as Archie was trying to torment my brother Donald... Coming up with blocks to his every move. It was as if Team Aqua finally came up with an ace and finally got with playing it. It has been some time since the last we had dealt with them as for a while... a lot of our encountering was against Team Magma. But it was starting to come very very clear that Team Aqua was laying dorment... Biding their time... Waiting to play their card and it was against Donald. From what it seemed... there was something going on... They were recording every interference that was being perpetrated by Donald and his technical knowhow. Tracking every occurrence that came to them by him. Waiting for the moment where they could trump him. Donald may have had Porygon... but... something was gonna be revealed that would out rank him relentlessly.

    Archie: You talk a good game... Digi-tal enforcer. A rather tough game. But you're in for a surprise. You might have sent your Pokemon Porygon into cyberspace to outwit us. But... We also have a Porygon... Ours is a Porygon-Z. It can outdo your Porygon. Now... seriously, give it up. It's over. Okay? Really. You've lost. You can't out do us. We've trumped your ace. Out-ranked it in every way possible.

    Jessie: That's what you think. Just because your Porygon-Z is one that outranks... it doesn't mean that it can't be still beaten. It's got computer... technical capabilities. And everyone knows... that computers are susceptible to viruses. Computer Viruses.

    Abigail: *Gasps* Wait... That's right. It's a pokemon capable of technical stuff. It can't be immune to Viruses.

    Archie: *At a loss for words* ...

    Was this about to look like a light at the end of the tunnel of Donald's plight? Was he gonna finally be able to have a way to fight back?

  4. #754
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    "My cyber operative is also a Porygon-Z," Donald corrected, uploading some programs to his Porygon-Z, "You're not the first person to mistake it for its basic form."

  5. #755
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Davy View Post
    "My cyber operative is also a Porygon-Z," Donald corrected, uploading some programs to his Porygon-Z, "You're not the first person to mistake it for its basic form."
    It was only a moment later when the tables were turned on Donald... At least for the moment because as his Porygon was trying to hack in and get into the systems of Team Aqua. Copying their data and siphoning it and sending it off to the higher authorities... Archie had their Porygon place a blocker which shielded their systems from being breached again. Although...

    Jeremy: *Voice-Over* What Donald didn't happen to foresee... was that as his attempts were being blocked... His systems were also being made to self destruct. But wait... That's what one would conspire to see... One that we would perhaps expect with all that cyber-blocking. But this is what really happened...

    The phones began to glow... The window into Cyberspace showed the cyber realm start to implode and collapse and within a moment... All the systems... That of Team Magma... Team Aqua... Team Galaxy... And unfortunately... Donald's Self-destructed and Imploded. At least... at first... that's exactly what Donald might have... planned to have happen. But there was a surprise that not even a Digi-Enforcer could have seen coming...

    Simisear: *Coming out of his pokeball and Dancing to strange music*

    Wow... Something was going on... But what could the unforeseen surprise for Donald have been?

    Jeremy: *Looking to see his Simisear dancing suddenly* Something's got my Simisear feeling jubilant. I wonder what's come over him? He's so happy.

    Lisa: No idea. But my Crawdaunt is feeling happy suddenly. Not sure as to what brought that out... Just out of the blue.

    What was going on? Surprises that would leave a digi-enforcer speechless and a mysterious cause for just dancing in Jubilation... Something was going on.
    Last edited by Macie Lightfoot; 09-20-2024 at 02:26 AM.

  6. #756
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    Even Donald's Espeon started dancing in jubilation while the Digi-Enforcer himself was speechless with his mouth hanging open as his phone shorted out and smelled of ozone and burnt electronics. Reuben's Sableye and Ray's Amped Form Toxtricity caught the dancing bug after popping out of their Poké Balls. "What is that music?" Ray asked, watching the dancing Pokémon.

  7. #757
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Davy View Post
    Even Donald's Espeon started dancing in jubilation while the Digi-Enforcer himself was speechless with his mouth hanging open as his phone shorted out and smelled of ozone and burnt electronics. Reuben's Sableye and Ray's Amped Form Toxtricity caught the dancing bug after popping out of their Poké Balls. "What is that music?" Ray asked, watching the dancing Pokémon.
    Jeremy looked around to find out which direction the strange music was coming from. It was bad enough knowing that Something was going on and that all the electronics... Such as phones and tech gear was literally fried. At least from how it seemed... but now there was the strange music that was sounding off. Something was going on and now they had to wonder... How did the electronics being fried tie into the sudden strange music.

    Team Aqua couldn't tell what it was... But it was a sound that they happened to have heard before and knew what was about to happen. Within seconds... the two grunts fled. The showdown match was gonna happen... but at that time... They were primarily thinking of one thing. Survival.

    It was nearly an hour later when the battle was to happen and it was time for Donald to take the challenge and battle the two grunts.

    Grand Citrus park...

    What was next? Was there an ominous danger coming... or was the music just a odd occurrence and only a scare tactic for team Aqua... to chase them off?

    The battle was set to happen. But where were the two grunts?

  8. #758
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    Donald made his way to Grand Citrus Park with his Espeon at his side. He had put up a brave front, but Espeon wasn't fooled as she was actively managing her trainer's anxiety. "Espeon, do you sense their presence here?" Donald asked.
    "They're nowhere close," Espeon answered, "Keep your guard up, though."

  9. #759
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Davy View Post
    Even Donald's Espeon started dancing in jubilation while the Digi-Enforcer himself was speechless with his mouth hanging open as his phone shorted out and smelled of ozone and burnt electronics. Reuben's Sableye and Ray's Amped Form Toxtricity caught the dancing bug after popping out of their Poké Balls. "What is that music?" Ray asked, watching the dancing Pokémon.
    Quote Originally Posted by James Davy View Post
    Donald made his way to Grand Citrus Park with his Espeon at his side. He had put up a brave front, but Espeon wasn't fooled as she was actively managing her trainer's anxiety. "Espeon, do you sense their presence here?" Donald asked.
    "They're nowhere close," Espeon answered, "Keep your guard up, though."
    It was only a moment later...

    in the quiet of the surroundings...

    Team Aqua Grunt #1: *Walking into view from the side of the nearby tree up ahead* You actually came. What do ya know, Len... the annoying persistent tech runt actually has moxy after all!

    Team Aqua Grunt #2: Yeah. Perhaps he is a coming out glutton for punishment.

    Team Aqua Grunt #1: Okay... Runt. Since we're here... let's get this rolling. Time for you to find out why it doesn't payoff to meddle with Team Aqua's ambitions.

    Team Aqua Grunt #2: *About to make with the attack*

    They were about to call out a pokemon and the match was about to begin... However, for what it was... why were they dragging it out?

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