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    Notebook 11: SciFi Props Catalog - Ships

    Enigma - 06-01-2016, 01:01 AM
    This is the discussion thread for Science Fiction Ships

    Guerilla Gaming: SF: Basics of Spaceship & Starship Design

    by Enigma, 03-01-2013 at 03:24 AM (16 Views)
    So you've decided you're going to run a science fiction game that takes place in space. And for that you're going to need a ship. Here are a few things I'd like you to consider.


    The purpose of a ship is to transport some sort of payload to a destination. The nature of that payload will dictate a large part of the ship's design.

    A cargo ship's payload is its cargo. Capacity is usually more important than speed, and you only need a large enough crew to handle the ship and the cargo. If your cargo is packed in some sort of standardized container, then fewer crew members are needed to handle it. The crew could be a single pilot or it could be a robot ship that doesn't have to worry too much about life support. That is not to say you couldn't also carry passengers, you simply do not have as much room for them.

    NOTE: A few movies/tv series have suggested a 'space rig', where a tractor module connects in some way to one or more separate trailer modules. The movie Alien had the Nostromo connected to a massive robotic refinery that processes the raw cargo into a usable form while the crew is hibernating. The movie Space Truckers and the anime Cowboy Bebop episode "Heavy Metal Queen" have a tractor module that connects to modular cargo pods. The Eagle from Space: 1999 is another example of a space rig.

    A passenger ship's payload is people. People who will eat, sleep, breathe, and demand more in the way of entertainment if they are not in hibernation. The more people you are transporting, the larger your crew will need to be. This is not to say you cannot carry cargo, it's just with the passenger needs, you will not have as much room available.

    A Military Battlewagon's payload is weapons. Larger warships are usually more heavily armored and have bigger weapons - more guns and missiles, but tend to be slower as a result of all that mass they have to move around. Smaller ships depend more on speed than armor to protect them and may not be as heavily armed.

    Some warships are more specialized. Carriers carry fighters, which greatly extends the reach of a battle group, but the carriers themselves are usually only lightly armed, depending on their fighters and the support of the rest of the battle group to protect it. Carriers in today's modern navy are considered to be capital ships, and as such they usually are escorted by destroyers or cruisers - they never go anywhere by themselves.

    NOTE: Drones are becoming an important part of modern warfare. Future space navies may depend more on ship-controlled drones to take the fight to an enemy rather than a manned fighter. If you decide you want to have a ship that combines heavy weapons with fighters, treat the fighters as a secondary weapon system.

    Another specialized warship is the Assault ship, which uses shuttles to transport troops and armored cars to the surface. Once again, only lightly armed, so they depend on another warship such as a cruiser or destroyer to help protect it from a threat. Assault ships may have fighters (or drones) to give it and the shuttles some protection.

    Military ships tend towards larger crews, to allow for crew loss during battles, damage control & repair, as well as 24x7 monitoring of the area around them.

    There are also support ships that may be in a military fleet - carriers with small fightercraft, hospital ships, tenders to repair ship damage and perform routine maintenance, and manufacturing ships to convert raw materials into standardized parts and supplies, everything from battle lanterns, ration packs, and missiles.

    2. SETTING

    The setting of your game is also important, as it will determine what's available for you to use. If this is an interplanetary game, you don't need an interstellar drive. Going into an atmosphere? Then the ship has to be sufficiently streamlined or the characters need to use something else like shuttles or teleports to get to the surface.

    No teleport? Shuttles then.

    What about gravity? In zero gravity, astronauts start losing bone density, so for something long-term, you want some sort of gravity. Centrifugal force works, but it requires a portion of your ship to be spinning. Or do you have a gravity generator?

    Communication - how do you talk to someone on another ship or on a planet's surface? How do you contact someone who's on a different planet in a different system? Or a different compartment on your own ship?

    Is there special equipment to worry about, like powered armor or armored cars? Or ISO cargo containers?

    Knowing the setting helps you design your ship.


    Crews and passengers will want a lot of the same things - a comfortable environment that's not too hot or cold, air to breathe, food to eat, a way to relieve themselves, and someplace to sleep or sit down as needed.

    Environmental Systems regulate temperature and air.

    The Hull is the outer layer of the ship. Some ships may have an inner hull, separated from the outer hull by a gap. Hulls are usually armored to protect against radiation and micrometeor damage. There may be a separate heat shield to protect the ship during re-entry.

    Bulkheads are vertical walls that separate the ship into multiple sections, at least three, as a way to contain damage and to prevent loss of atmosphere if one section becomes open to space.

    Decks are like the floors in your house or a building.

    Compartments are the rooms inside a ship.

    Hatches are reinforced doors that allow a bulkhead, deck, or compartment to be sealed to prevent loss of atmosphere.

    Airlocks are small chambers with hatches at either end, with pumps that can remove air from the chamber to allow crew access to and from the ship from the outside. Most airlocks are set up so that for one hatch to be opened, the other must be closed.

    Bathrooms on board ship are referred to as the "Head", dating back to ancient sailing ships where the "bathrooms' ' were all the way forward on the ship, on either side of the bowspirit where the figurehead was fastened.

    The Galley is the ship's kitchen. Officers have their own kitchen known as the Pantry.

    The Crews' Mess or Mess Decks is the crew dining compartment. Officers have a separate compartment known as the Wardroom.

    Sick Bay - the ship's hospital or medical clinic.

    Berthing is a compartment that has sleeping berths (bunk beds) and lockers for the crew. A ship typically will divide the crew between several berthings to minimize loss. Each berthing compartment will have its own bathroom or "head".

    Cabins are officer offices/sleeping compartments. Typically, only senior officers will have their own private bathroom or "head", the rest share a common bathroom.

    The Bridge is where the ship is controlled. The Captain usually has a cabin near the bridge.

    Turret - this is a weapon pod, usually situated on a reinforced section of the hull known as a "hard point". Turrets are usually remotely controlled by an operator at a dedicated console inside the ship, not in the turret.


    Sometimes called the "Cool" factor, this is some aspect of the ship's appearance that will hopefully make your players want to have their characters on board.

    This is just a brief introduction, I will be discussing more on ship design in future entries.
    Updated 03-01-2013 at 04:16 AM by Enigma

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    Enigma - 06-15-2016, 10:25 PM
    Galley Idea

    I'd like to propose a simple system for food for travelers.

    For large groups:
    Individual servings (entree, side dishes, deserts, etc.) are placed in little paper trays and sealed onto a larger tray that is then frozen. Cooking is simple - a tray is removed from the freezer, heated according to directions, then the served, with people taking one of the individual servings from each tray so they have an entree, side dishes, deserts, etc.

    These can be supplemented with fresh fruits and vegetables from a hydroponics section or for smaller ships, small portable hydroponic units that mount onto the wall. Also, some food like canned soup that can be reheated.

    For smaller groups or special dietary needs (like for a member of an alien race):

    Individual frozen meals like today's TV dinners that can be placed in a microwave.

    Alternately, a small box that's like a classier MRE that holds shelf-stable packaged foods and can be eaten cold or reheated. May include drink and soup mixes that require heated or chilled water. May require a specialized individual "cooking" station in the galley or crew's mess.

    Or some combination of that. I've used TravelRation for the more basic shelf-stable boxed MRE, and Seares Standard Rations for fancier packaged meals. Each race has a range of numbers that allows them to select the correct ration pack for them, and may have a selection of both kinds for variety.

    Food printers - need four patties, you "print" four patties.

    Enigma - 06-15-2016, 10:43 PM
    Ship's Crews

    Larger ship crews should be divided into various departments.

    Shipmasters or Captains represent the interests of owners of a ship (or may be the owner) and should have a Master's license.

    Deck department is in charge of the daily command operations of a ship - piloting, navigation, ship safety and cargo. Also for any auxiliary craft like shuttles and lifeboats.

    Deck Officers hold Mates licenses and are authorized to take command of the ship if something happens to the captain.

    Pilots hold Pilot licenses and are authorized to operate auxiliary craft such as passenger shuttles and trans-atmospheric fighters.

    Deck hands are unlicensed crew members who are responsible for basic ship-handling duties, cargo, ship's safety and security, rigging and general maintenance.

    Coxswains are certified crew members who handle auxiliary craft such as space tugs and transports.

    Engineering department is in charge of the ship's engineering section; maintaining and repairing the engines and hull structure. This can include communications.

    Engineering Officers hold Engineer licenses and are in charge of the ship's engines, auxiliary systems, environmental systems, fuel, tanks and bilges. The chief engineer reports directly to the captain.

    Engineering Hands are unlicensed crew members responsible for maintaining and repairing the engines, auxiliary systems, electrical and electronic systems, and structural repairs to the hull.

    Steward Department is in charge of ship administration, finances and supply, and for the health and welfare of the crew and passengers.

    The Chief Steward and Pursers are the licensed officers for the Steward department, as is the ship's doctor.
    Cooks and stewards are the unlicensed crew members responsible for preparing food, stores, cleaning, and crew welfare.

    Medical techs are certified crew members responsible for assisting in the medical care of crew and passengers.
    Last edited by Enigma; 08-01-2024 at 09:08 PM.
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    Notebook 12: BioPlastic

    Enigma - 12-22-2014, 12:09 PM

    Bioplastic (BioPlas) - a programmable plastic material that can change its shape, allowing its use in protective suits, tools, and basic furnishing.

    Basic Multi-tool (Traveler's Companion) - a hexagonal rod, 3.5 inches long and 3/8 diameter with internal battery and recessed push-button control switch that can take the following simple shapes: comb, dinner knife, fork, spoon, single chopstick, bottle opener, can opener, cork screw, tweezers, simple saw, Phillips and regular screwdrivers.

    Heavy-Duty Multi-tool - a hexagonal rod 4 inches long and 3/4 inches diameter with internal battery and a recessed push-button control switch that can take the following simple shapes: hammer, wrench (shapes itself around the bolt head or nut), wood saw, metal saw, survival knife, pry bar, chistle, heavy regular screwdriver, heavy Phillips screwdriver.

    Specialty multi-tools available on request, such as keys, mechanical lockpicks, etc.

    Bioplastic Body Suit - favored by space crews as it's a self-sealing body stocking worn under uniforms that acts as light environmental protection. If a sudden drop in air pressure is detected, the body stocking seals up, covering the head with a transparent bubble with an internal air supply good for 15 minutes. It keeps the wearer comfortable by absorbing dead skin cells, sweat, and is powered by the wearer's body heat or a small battery while in storage.

    Merge option allows the bioplastic body suit to merge with a second suit or bioplastic rescue ball, usually for first aid.

    Any-Suit option allows the Bioplastic Body Suit to project a holographic overlay, allowing the suit to mimic clothes. Holographic overlays must be fitted. Comes with a pouch belt that is "hidden" under the holograms.

    Explorer Bioplastic Body Suit - medium-weight protective suit suitible for most environments.

    Hard-Light Holographic Any-Suit - programmable holograms with force field projectors add-on for the Explorer suit, allows for greater protection in any environment. Requires fitting.

    BioPlastic Suite - a thick mat that can be programmed to mimic furniture such as beds, tables, chairs, etc. that can form around the occupant for better comfort. Since each can be created as needed, less volume is needed, allowing for compact living.
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

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    Notebook 13: Valkyrii

    Enigma - 05-18-2012, 08:11 PM

    Basic overview about the Valkyrii

    Enigma - 05-18-2012, 08:11 PM
    character for Malice and Steel RP (ooc)

    Name: Scout SGT. Reki V'Satal, Valkyra Expeditionary 23-0488-0157
    Species: Valkyrii - a minor race from the world Valkyra, winged humanoids clone warriors, believed to be the result of illegal experimentation with genetic engineering by beings unknown.

    While livable, Valkyra’s surface is constantly affected by violent storms, so the population (1.6 billion) lives in underground cities. Their world is resource-poor, so their primary export is soldiers, zero-g construction workers and advanced biotech.

    Age: Biological 24/Chronological 6
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: humanoid fem, 1.65 meters height, 61 kg mass. Brunette, buzz-cut military style, with tanned skin, green eyes and a wiry, muscular build. Tattoos on her left cheek lists her service number, O+ blood type. Pair of light-gray wings on her back, wingspan of 0.96 meters.
    Class/Role: Scout – qualified spotter/sniper

    Armat Battlefield Systems M41A2 Pulse Sniper Rifle 4.1 kg
    M4A4 Tactical pistol
    Khukri knife

    M2 Combat Gloves
    M7 Boots, Combat, Tropical
    M4 Personal armor (clamshell vest & leg segments) with Shield enhancement
    M11 Ballistic helmet with “lobster plate” protective neck guard
    IRC MK 37 Multi-Purpose Heavy Duty High-Pressure Suit with Shield.

    Neural Implant
    M6 Infa-Red Masking Camouflage Poncho w/liner
    Mk 2 Ghillie Suit, Woodland/Urban camo convertable, with heat sink.
    M2 Combat Webbing
    M70 Individual Pack, A-Frame
    M70 Utility Pack
    M6 Individual First Aid Kit
    M2156 Ammo case (lg)
    M2156 Ammo case (sm)
    M2164 Grenade bandolier
    M2156 1-quart canteen
    MK 3 Multi-tool
    M178 Meal, Ready-to-eat, Self-Heating – 4-tray pack

    Abilities: Valkyrii are a telepathic race, limited effective range approximately 97 meters with each other. To communicate telepathically with other races requires physical contact. Their wings are like a birds – and totally insufficient for lift under normal gravity. It does however allow them to maneuver under null-g conditions. Neural implant.

    Brief History:
    Decanted Facility 23. Confirmed full growth, health and knowledge implants
    6 months Conditioning & Socialization cycle.
    4 months Basic Unit Training cycle. Qualified Expeditionary.
    1 month Neural Implantation & Recovery cycle.
    1 month Recreation cycle.
    18 month Expedition Forces 3/Teolsi deployment contract against the Shrike.
    Meritorious Service medal, advancement to Corporal. Recommended for Scout Training.
    1 month Recreation cycle.
    4 months Scout training cycle
    1 month Recreation cycle
    18 month Expedition Forces 3 Scout/Teolsi deployment contract against the Shrike. *Served only 15 months of tour*
    Telosi - Mulvar incident – Scout unit wiped out, survivor(s): Cpl. Reki V'Satal.
    Telosi - Solo Guerilla Ops: Cpl. Reki V'Satal.
    Cpl. Reki V'Satal recovered & returned to Valkyra for psychological assessment.
    8 months Assessment.
    Promoted to Sergeant.
    Reassignment to Council Taskforce.

    Enigma - 05-18-2012, 08:26 PM
    Seares Standard Rations & TravelRation

    Sgt. Reki V'Satal lowered the bag she held to the floor and returned the captain's salute, crossing her arms across her chest with the palms up and bowing slightly - still keeping her eyes on him, of course. Straightening, she picked up the bag and left the bridge, heading towards her cabin.

    Inside the room, she crossed over to the bed and put the bag on it, opening it up carefully. Inside, she found three days worth of MREs, Combat Ration packs, a 2 liter water bottle, a demolition pack and three claymore mines, packed in their own carrier. There was also three magazines, fully loaded.

    "Thank you, 'Auntie'," Reki muttered quietly.

    On the second deck mess hall, Reki entered. The monitor on one wall was showing the hanger deck as something large and multi-legged was crawling in, where waiting crewmen directed it to a docking cradle. One eyebrow rose - was this the intelligence that had operated the remote flying camera on the bridge earlier?

    She watched for a few more moments, then crossed over to the kitchen entrance. Nobody appeared to be on duty, so she slipped inside. There were several portable refers along the walls, each with four names on them, as well as shelves with boxes. Opening the door that had her name on it, she was greeted with the sight of Seares Standard Rations, each marked with SSR143 on opposite corners. She picked one out at random, a little heavier than the rest. Her eyebrow rose appreciatedly - a luxury meal pack. The stars on the edge caught her eyes. Three stars, then a small gap and a fourth star.

    From the shelves, she found a box with her name on it, which proved to be filled with the shelf-stable TravelRation TR93.

    Taking her meal pack over to one of the individual meal pack prep stations, she opened up the box and pulled out a basic disposable tray holding in shaped recesses a sealed bowl filled with what looked like grains of rice with dry lumps covered with powder on them, a pouch containing two flat rounds, two square packs that proved to be a mixed fruit compote desert and a spiced drink powder and a small accessories pack.

    Following the directions on the box back, she popped the flat rounds into a small oven with the fruit compote, letting the tiny microwave heat the packs as per directions, while piercing the film cover of the bowl with the water nozzle and filling it to the mark with hot water. She did the same for the spiced drink mix, setting each back in its designated spot on the disposable tray.

    When the tiny microwave dinged, she pulled out the warmed flat rounds and fruit compote and returned them to their spots. She then pressed the cleaning button on the station, watching for a moment to make sure it had sealed itself and was preparing itself for the next user. The empty box she slipped into the cardboard recycler.

    Out in the mess hall proper, she sat down at a corner table where she could see crew members coming in and still have a good view on the wall monitor.

    From the accessories pouch she pulled out a spork, a straw and small packets of spices and condiments. Reki picked two of the spice packets and returned the rest to the pouch, which she tucked inside her pocket.

    Unsealing the bowl, she got treated to the rich smell of stew with rice, which she added the spices to. The flat rounds from their pouch were warm and slightly damp.

    She stuck the straw into the hole in the drink cup that was left by the hot water nozzle and took a cautious sip, feeling the warm spiced fluid filling her mouth.

    "Good choice," Reki smiled ever so slightly. With her eyes flitting around the room, she started eating the stew with the spork, taking a bit of flat round every so often.

    Enigma - 05-18-2012, 08:42 PM
    The Ancient Ones (ooc)

    For your consideration:

    Name: Toril Syv Arnadatter
    Appearance: Winged humanoid from an all-female clone race. Their planet is resource-poor, so frequently Valkyrii women work as mercenaries. Wears a high-tech comfort weave body-stocking under her carbon-nanofibre Class 2 Uniform. Alternate weapon is a Terran-made Taurus Judge Revolver (.45 LC/.410 Shotgun) and a Valkyrii Kukri knife. Wings work up to .67 Terran Gravity, particularly effective in zero-g combat.

    Primary Weapon: Terran P-90A2 10mm Caseless submachine gun with silencer.
    Position: Guard
    Stats (15 Available, will count towards saves)
    Endurance: 4
    Will: 4
    Strength: 4
    Intelligence: 3

    Enigma - 08-15-2012, 11:57 PM

    Valkyrii - a minor race from the world Valkyra, winged humanoids clone warriors, all women, believed to be the result of illegal experimentation with genetic engineering by beings unknown. While livable, Valkyra’s surface is constantly ravaged by violent storms, so the population (1.6 billion) lives in underground cities. Their world is resource-poor, so their primary export is soldiers, zero-g construction workers and advanced biotech. What they cannot themselves develop or develop cheaply, they purchase from others. This includes weapons and ships.

    Their wings are too small for flight under normal gravity, but work well under null-g conditions.

    The Valkyrii are short-ranged telepaths among their own kind, giving them a sort of built-in comm that cannot be jammed or intercepted. However, they can only use their gift while physically touching other races.

    A Valkyrii cloner is a tall, vaguely egg-shaped device that allows them to create a new clone fully developed within months, rather than years - but the clones have a shorter lifespan, approximately 40 years.
    Last edited by Enigma; 08-01-2024 at 09:22 PM.
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    Notebook 14: Interstellar Cruise Ship Scorpio

    Enigma - 06-30-2011, 10:17 PM

    Interstellar Cruise Ship Scorpio
    (Shuttle at Beaumonde, Port Charles)

    "Gentles, good afternoon," beams a smiling fight attendant from the forward viewscreen and on the smaller screens mounted in the backs of the passenger seats. "This is the passenger shuttle for the Zodiac Interstellar Cruise ship Scorpio! We are taxing away from the terminal and should be lifting up shortly. Crew members are checking to make sure your seat belts are fasten. Please make sure that any loose items are stowed and any bags are tucked under your seat or in an overhead compartment. Your seats should be in the upright position and your serving trays closed at this time. Thank you!"

    __________________________________________________ _________________________

    (Mythic world of Zayas, Court Room)

    The banging of the judge's gavel silenced the soft mutterings of the crowd. Everyone was looking at him, he knew. The verdict had never been in doubt - but the sentence, while traditional for this crime, had not been enacted for generations.

    The judge paused for effect, then carefully intoned for the watching cameras and visitors, "Bring forth the prisoner."
    __________________________________________________ _________________________

    (Shuttle, low orbit over Beaumonde, night side)

    The last whisper of atmosphere faded away from the shuttle's hull as the contragrav coils lifted it into the inky black of space, the planet revolving slowly below their feet. There was a soft "bong" from the cabin speakers.

    "Gentles, this is your pilot speaking. We are currently in a low orbit over Beaumonde, we hope you enjoyed your visit there. Those passengers wishing to experience free-fall, please signal your flight attendants for assistance. We will be spending the next thirty minutes in free fall as we swing closer to the Zodiac line's cruise ship Scorpio. We recommend that seatbelts remain fasten until you are directed to release them by a flight attendant, in the unlikely event we have to maneuver suddenly."
    __________________________________________________ _________________________

    (Mythic world of Zayas, Court Room)

    At the side of the courtroom, the tall doors swung open, revealing the prisoner in orange coveralls and paper shoes, standing quietly between two guards in their traditional uniforms of navy blue with silver pipping, their weapons gleaming in the bright lights. Their faces were hidden under the traditional executioner's hood. A soft muttering could be heard among the visitors. The blank, curious expression on her face was at odds with the screaming young woman who had wept while fighting futily with the guards from being taken away after the sentence had been pronounced last week.

    The guard on either side of her grabbed an arm and lifted her off her feet, making the prisoner squeal with surprise as they carried her in front of the judge's bench. She looked up at the judge with wide, blank eyes. He repressed a shudder.

    "Has the prisoner's mind been wiped, as per the instructions of this court?"
    "Yes, Your Honor!" the guard on her right said.
    "Then you may withdraw with the thanks of this court."

    The two guards came to attention, then took a step back. The seal under the prisoner's feet lit up, surrounding her with a soft, hissing field.

    __________________________________________________ _________________________

    (Shuttle, low orbit over Beaumonde, day side)

    "Gentles, on the forward viewscreens, you can see the Zodiac line's Interstellar Cruise Ship Scorpio," the fight attendant announced as the viewscreens flickered back to life. The gleaming starship shone with reflected light from Beaumonde's sun. "We will be docking in just a few minutes on the ship's port or 'left' side at Amidship's Reception on Deck 8, also known as 'The Life Deck'."

    "For those of you who visiting us for the first time, the Scorpio is fourteen decks tall, containing our famous Skylight Park, eleven restaurants and concessions stands, seven bars and night clubs, a casino, art gallery, theme park, convention center, mall and of course, our pool area with four different sized pools filled with actual water. Gravity is maintained in all public areas to Earth Standard, but your cabin gravity can be set anywhere from 0.5 to 1.3 gravities for your comfort."

    "The ship will be getting underway in three hours, continuing our year-long tour of twenty-three worlds before returning to Earth. Passengers who have toured all twenty-three worlds will receive a special certificate to commemorate their journey at the Journey's End Party."

    __________________________________________________ _________________________

    (Mythic world of Zayas, Court Room)

    "Prisoner," the judge intoned, leaning forward to glare sternly at the girl staring blankly back at him without comprehension. "For your crimes against your people, you have undergone the first part of your sentence - the death of personality. Now it is time for us to impose the second part of your sentence - banishment."

    The crowd gasped.

    "These are the last moments you will spend on the world of your birth. You are now no longer a citizen of Zayas. May the Ancestors watch over you."

    He paused, then nodded slightly.


    The seal under the prisoner's feet became a column of bright, silvery light. The girl vanished.

    __________________________________________________ _________________________

    (Shuttle Portside Docking Station / Airlock, Deck 8 Midships)

    There was a several echoing thumps as magnetic grapples locked onto the contragrav shuttle, then a tug to the right as they were reeled in. Two muted thumps sounded at either end as the shuttle pressed against the docking port collar, which hissed to silent life on the viewscreens.

    There was another soft "bong" from the cabin speakers.

    "Gentles, this is your pilot speaking again. The time is now 15:10, we have docked with the Scorpio. You may now unfasten your seat belts and move freely about the cabin. We ask everyone to check and make sure you have all your hand-carried bags and possessions with you when you exit the shuttle, the Zodiac Line will not be held liable for any lost or missing items. Those passengers boarding from Beaumonde, please report to the reception desk for your reservations. All checked luggage will be send to your rooms shortly."

    "We hope you enjoy your stay with us!"

    __________________________________________________ _________________________

    (Deck 11 - Ship's Laundry)

    There was a shimmer of brilliant light, then the prisoner found herself screaming wordlessly as she fell onto bags of dirty laundry. It took her a few moments to catch her breath. Finally, with a frown, she sat up and looked at the brushed metal walls and the mesh bags with room numbers stenciled on them. With a worried moan, she wiggled towards a gap on the edge, and slipped over the edge to land with a squawk in the Ship's Automated Laundry. The robot handling the laundry bags blinked at her then helped her to her feet with a scolding tone, then went back to picking up bags of laundry.

    She looked around curiously at the robots, filling the washing machines, unloading the driers and working the steam presses. One of them came up behind her and beeped impatiently. She leapt aside with a cry and stared widely at the robot, who slipped passed her with two bags of dirty laundry.

    A robot working a steam table paused, then stepped away from its station.

    "This is a crew service area, passengers are not to enter. Please follow me," it said, latching on her arm and leading her gently to the large door that slid open at their approach. The robot paused on the other side of the door, then led her to the nearest elevator. "You are currently on Deck Eleven, passenger decks are decks one through eight."

    The first elevator opened at their approach. The robot gently guided the girl inside, the pointed to the buttons. "Please select your destination deck. Have a pleasant day."

    With a bow and a slight flourish, the robot backed out, the doors slipping shut.

    The elevator waited for a moment, waiting for the passenger to pick a button. After a minute, the elevator bonged and headed up the amidships vertical shaft to Deck 8.

    __________________________________________________ _________________________

    (Mythic world of Zayas, Judge's Chambers)

    There was a knock on the Judge's chamber doors. He looked up with a frown from placing his judicial wig on a head-stand, then called out, "Come in!"

    The dark door slid open and an autocratic gentleman stepped in.

    "Lord Vargas!" the Judge blinked, stepping forward. "What an unexpected surprise! How are you today?"

    "The Riva girl," Lord Vargas said impatiently. "Where did you send her?"
    "Lord Vargas!" the judge rumbled in surprise. "Surely you're not here to protest about her being banished, are you?"
    "My concern is merely to be sure that banishing her to some distant world will not reveal our own existence."
    "Then you're in luck, because I did not banish her to a world."
    "Eh?" Vargas demanded in surprise. "Beamed her into interstellar space? Well done!"
    "No! We've been monitoring an Earth ship for a week since I passed my judgement. We beamed her into the heart of the ship. They'll have no idea where she could have possibly have come from. We are safe, my lord Vargas!"
    "An Earth ship?" Vargas demanded, balling his fist.
    "A cruise ship. They shuttle passengers to distant worlds."
    "How... Earthican."
    "Is there anything more, Lord Vargas?"

    "No," Lord Vargas said, shaking the judge's hand. "Thank you very much!"

    As the door slid shut behind him, Lord Vargas looked back, then pulled out his personal comm as he strode away.

    "Shade, what is your location?"
    "Beaumonde, I'm at the Grand Hotel in Port Charles. What is your instructions?"
    "We have a problem; the target has been sent elsewhere."
    "There is a ship in orbit...."
    "There are several ships in orbit," Shade growled.
    "How many cruise ships?"

    Shade grunted, then responded, "One. The Scorpio."
    "Your target is on that ship."
    "Cruise ships are difficult. Security is tight..."
    "That does not concern me."
    "Diplomats and world leaders are not easy targets!"
    "Then this should be easy for you. Your target is a stow-away. A girl with amnesia. I'm sending you her picture."
    "You want me to abduct her?" Shade asked after a short pause.
    "I want you to kill her!" Vargas snarled, his face contorted with rage. "I want her completely destroyed, assassin! Nothing left! Her ashes scattered to the four dimensions! Succeed, and I will reward you handsomely! But if you fail me human, you shall suffer as you never have before under the careful attentions of my staff! Remember, not even in death can you escape my revenge! Am I understood?"

    There was a long pause.

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    Enigma - 06-30-2011, 10:17 PM

    Deck 1: Forward Observation Lounge, Skylight Park, Nova Cabins, Nova Club, Auxiliary Lifeboats
    Deck 2: Gold Star Cabins (Luxury), Silver Star Cabins (Vista) Ship's Senior Officer Cabins, Ship's Bridge (Restricted Access), Aft Lounge
    Deck 3: Dining - Constellation Dining (formal), Central Galley, Universal Dining (casual)
    Deck 4: Prominade - Night Sky Club (dancing), Zodiac Theatre/Conference Center, Taurus Casino, Library, Art Gallery, Grand Buffet, NY Deli, Peking Duck, Little Italy, Universal Dining (casual)
    Deck 5 Blue Star Cabins (Standard), Junior Officer Cabins, Forward Observation Lounge, Star's End Bar.
    Deck 6: Red start Star Cabins (Economy), Forward Observation Lounge, Gagarin Berths (Capsules), Gagarin Lounge
    Deck 7: Recreation - Ship's Mall, Taurus Spa and Fitness, Kid's Club Room, Teen Club Room, Pools & Waterworks, Aft Theme Park
    Deck 8: Life Deck - Amidships Reception, Guest Services, Port Services, Sickbay, Security, Lifeboats
    Deck 9: Avionics, Crew Quarters - Galley, Entertainment, Fitness & Recreation, Senior Crew Compartments; Primary Engineering, Dark Matter Engine Control Room, Lifeboats
    Deck 10: Crew Quarters, Ship's Refeers, Ship Operations Center, Ship's Stores; Engineering second deck, Primary computer core.
    Deck 11: Hydroponics, Ship's Services, Laundry, Water Processing, Air Processing; Waste Processing; Engineering third deck
    Deck 12: Storage holds, Refrigerated storage, Water Tanks.
    Deck 13: Forward Half-Deck: Shuttle Flight Operations, Auxiliary Computer Core.
    Deck 14: Auxiliary Avionics, Ship's Hangers, Passenger Shuttles, Pod Rental, .

    Bulkheads divide the ship into three sections, forward, midships, and aft. Each section contains a Vertical Service Shaft, consisting of a Passenger Elevator Bank, a concealed crew-only freight elevator, internal crew stairwells, Passenger and Crew Comm panels, crew emergency gear, as well as cables for power, communications and ship's internal systems.
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    Enigma - 06-30-2011, 10:18 PM

    A mythical planet, not unlike an interplanetary Atlantis, supposedly the home of an ancient humanoid race with two hearts, who is said to have the collected knowledge of the galaxy, stolen from the ancient Dracos Empire after the Zayans destroyed them a millennium ago. Ancient legends also tell of the Wanders, Zayans who were cast out of their world, all knowledge stripped from their minds.


    Earth, Beylix, New Canaan, Three Hills, Ariel, ****Beaumonde, Shilnon, Londinium, Liann Jiun, Constance, Athens, Santos, Osiris, Triumph, Verbena, Lilac, Sihnon, Hera, Ita, Jiangyin, Hera, Bellerophon, Ezra, Boros and Earth.

    Beaumonde is an underdeveloped terraformed world with Earth life, mostly virgin forests and wide blue oceans.

    Next port of call is the Red Mountains of Shilnon, mostly an arid industrial/mining world but the port has an orbital beanstalk to carry people and cargo from the surface to geosync orbit. The capital nearby is underground but has hotels, casinos, a few museums for the tourists and 'other', more 'worldly' attractions.

    ***Looking for government couriers from Londinium, Liann Jiun and Santos, the Independent Worlds, returning from Earth, as well as corporate types from Athens. Please PM me for details***
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    Enigma - 06-30-2011, 10:20 PM

    *6/28 - Players are to be passengers unless you pm me first about a crew assignment*

    Player Name:
    Character Name:
    Deck/Cabin Assignment:
    Description: Age, gender, physical description (written). ALIENS WELCOME but should not have excessive abilities that make them a danger to themselves, ship and passengers. If you are unsure, please PM me first.
    Profession: (what do you do when you're not taking a cruise)
    Bio: Brief history of the character.
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    Enigma - 06-30-2011, 10:21 PM
    Character Name: John Paris II, a.k.a. "Shade"
    Deck/Cabin Assignment: Deck 1, Nova
    Profession: Freelance Assassin/Spy
    Bio: The young, spoilt son of a famous Terran diplomat, John Paris I, who started winding up in paparazzi reports while his dad was assigned in Londinium, clubbing with royalty. Finally, at 17, John II was shipped back to Earth to attend Oxford university - and almost immediately got himself expelled.

    Cambridge and Harvard refused him. In desperation, John I made a deal with his son - keep his nose clean, make good grades, and on his graduation, he would get his own space yacht. And John II. did it, earning a law degree from New York University, the middle of his graduating class.

    He took possession of his space yacht - and disappeared for two years. Ships were sent out to search, but nothing was ever found. Everyone thought he was dead, until the day almost two years later John II stumbled into a Brotherhood of Man Chapter House on the remote world of Charon.

    He was a changed man, thinner, more rugged, and more determined. The spoiled playboy was gone. Rumors said that a complete medical checkup included a thorough check of his DNA, to confirm he was the real John Paris JunII, followed by several psychiatric interviews.

    John II dropped out of the public view after that - he became an agent for Terran Intelligence Directorate. For five years, he was the unstoppable man, able and willing to do anything ordered of him. They started to call him "Shade" when he was reported dead - with admittedly distant confirmation, only to reappear a month later, killing the man who supposedly killed him.

    Shortly after that, he left TID, going freelance, working for dozens of governments and several interplanetary corporations, doing whatever pays well - espionage, counter-espionage - and assassinations. He's twice been reported dead - only the body vanishes and when he's next seen, his killer is dead - by Shade's hand.
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    Enigma - 06-30-2011, 10:25 PM
    "Captain on deck!"

    On the bridge of the Scorpio, the crew snapped to attention as Captain Sharp entered the compartment, his spaceman's eye running over the stations with practice ease.

    "Carry on," he instructed, moving over to his Bridge chair. "Officer of the Deck, what is your report?"
    "Sir, we have one late passenger arriving in his own craft who should be docking in ten minutes. All others are aboard and the ship's passenger shuttles are secured."
    "One late passenger?" the captain rumbled. "Did he miss the shuttles?"
    "No sir," the OOD said. "He ah, apparently decided at the last moment he wanted to take a cruise."
    "I hope we applied late fees. Who is this fellow, anyway?"
    "John Paris...."
    "The diplomat?" The captain stiffened, eyes wide.
    "His son, sir."
    "Oh," muttered the captain as he settled back in his chair. "Him."
    "He's taken one of the Nova cabins, hasn't he?"
    "He'll be sitting at the Captain's table tonight then, blast it!"

    He slumped, then suddenly straightened. "How long before we can get underway?"
    "Our slot opens in one hour, sir."
    "Blast it, we can't leave him. Nothing for it then. Messenger!"
    "Sir!" squeaked a crewman, running forward and saluting.
    "Captain's compliments to Lieutenant Fheonix, tell her I will be expecting her company tonight at the Captains Table, 7 o'clock sharp."
    "Yessir!" the messenger saluted, stepping back.
    "Wait a moment!" the captain glared, then leaned forward, his eyes softening somewhat. "Tell her she should be there by 6:50 PM in her best uniform wearing her dinner jacket."
    "Well, what you standing here for, boy!" the captain roared. The messenger squeaked, snapped off a salute and ran off the bridge.
    The Officer of the Deck shot Captain Sharp a look.

    The captain frowned, then shrugged. "I like the girl. Got spunk. Hard working. And she don't know everything about being an officer yet. But if I gotta stomach John Paris' son at my table, blast it, I'm going to have someone I like sitting there too!"
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    Enigma - 06-30-2011, 10:26 PM
    The elevator slid open, revealing a beautiful domed park. The steward saluted and nodded to his right, saying "This way, sir!"

    John Paris II nodded, following the steward and his luggage cart out and around to the Nova Star cabins, the best offered by the Zodiac line.
    "Sir, you're in cabin three," the Steward said, pausing at the door for the assassin to slide in his keycard. When the lock buzzed, he wheeled the cart inside.

    The room was enormous, a virtual cave. A master bedroom and bath to his left, a den that could be converted easily enough to a second bedroom, a guest bathroom, and a large central area with leather couches, low table, bearskin rugs, a small bar/kitchenette and a view of the stars. There was even a baby grand piano under a chandelier, next to a faux fireplace.

    "Where do you want me...." the Steward asked disapprovingly as he reached for John Paris' rather plain, rugged cases.
    "Just leave them there," he ordered, turning towards the steward.
    "As you wish, sir," sniffed the steward, offering his omni. "The captain extends his complements and invites you to dinner tonight at his table, 7 o'clock sharp in the Constellation Dining room."

    The assassin nodded, tapping the steward's omni to credit a tip that made the steward's eyes gleam.
    "Well sir," he said with enthusiasm, "if there's anything more I can...."
    "No, I would like to be alone now."
    "Oh, yes sir. Of course sir."

    John Paris sighed as the door closed. He crossed over to the bar and dialed in an order for Whiskey. A crystal glass slid out into the dispenser and filled with the amber liquid. Taking it, he stepped over to the nearest couch and sat down heavily. Taking a deep draft, he set the glass down and sighed.

    "Secure the room."
    There was a pause, then the AI on his wrist replied, "The room is secured. All listening devices disabled."
    "Display the target."
    "As you command," his AI replied. A holographic projection shot out from his Omni.
    "Wait... I know her!"
    "It's her!" he snarled angrily. "I don't know how or why, but it's her!"

    He stood up and grinned.
    "I think I'm going to enjoy this kill very much."
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    Enigma - 06-30-2011, 10:34 PM
    Brotherhood of Man

    The last Wanderer was released generations ago - seventy or more years. And nobody knows where the Wanderer homeworld is - legends say that after the Dracos Empire was overthrown, the wizards returned to their own world and with their newfound knowledge, cloaked their world in darkness so none would ever find them. Plus returning her to her homeworld could be a death sentence.

    And let's not forget she was convicted of a crime. Only her own people have any idea what her crime was, but it was so severe they made her forget everything and banished her.

    But if you want to belong to a Wanderer Sect, a brotherhood who seek to spread knowledge and give aid to those in need, that's fine! The brotherhood maintains chapter houses on many worlds, so shelter is something you could give. You could be a traveling monk - part religious aesthetic - and part warrior, trained in unarmed combat and improvised weapons (a gun they could take away from you - but in your hands anything can be a weapon). Humble, but important enough that you would be invited to the captain's table. Possibly you're also a delegate returning from Earth or from a mission offering aid to a developing colony world. Maybe they were opening a new chapter house on Beaumonde, just outside Port Charles and you were there to set up their security or something?

    I like it!

    You would want to bring her to one of the big chapter houses to have her tested. Wanderer or a lost child, the Brotherhood would take care of her. But if she is, it's like bringing back the Dali Lama or the Pope.
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    Enigma - 06-30-2011, 11:20 PM
    Touching the Stars IC old RPA

    Touching the Stars OOC
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    Enigma - 07-05-2011, 02:46 AM
    Sector Map

    Sector Map (current version)
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    Notebook 16: Enigma's Dark Matter Hyperspace Engines

    Enigma - 06-11-2011, 11:55 AM

    Dark Matter Hyperspace Engines

    Dark Matter (DM) is a hyper-dimensional substance that protrudes into Normal Space, in much the same way one sees an iceberg - most of it is still within hyperspace, so all we can perceive is the "tip" on the surface of Normal Space.

    A Hyperspace Engine works by balancing a fragment of dark matter of equal or slightly more than the ship's mass in a resonance chamber. The resonance chamber causes the dark matter to move deeper into hyperspace, dragging the ship with it into the interspace, the 'event horizon' at the edge of normal space and hyperspace. Oscillations in the resonance chamber essentially pulls the ship through interspace at speeds beyond what is capable in normal space - essentially faster than light with only minimal effects of inertia, but without losing the normal space reference.

    An additional benefit is the gravity produced by a hyperspace engine allows designers to position living and working decks to allow crew to experience planet-normal gravity.

    However, the balance of the dark matter can be upset by coming too close to a sizable mass in normal space, such as a small moon or planet, which then forces the ship back into normal space. This effect is referred to as "Gravity Shallows". These shallows become more pronounced the deeper you go into a gravity well.

    Those systems who engage actively in interstellar trade will place a transfer station on the edge of their system's gravity shallows, allowing cargo ships to transfer their cargo for transshipping by an inner system shuttle and still have sufficient clearance within the system gravity well to return to hyperspace.

    Dampener fields prevent the dark matter fragment from slipping deeper into normal space, but the fragment could experience "swelling" as its volume doubles or even triples before stabilizing. A sudden shift could damage the resonance chamber, even if the damper fields hold.

    A catastrophic failure of the dampener fields would result in a dark matter intrusion, where it momentarily shifts deeper into normal space, allowing the actual volume of the dark matter to fill the volume occupied by the ship. As two masses cannot occupy the same point at the same time, the ship tears itself apart from the inside.

    This shift is only temporary. The original fragment oscillates back into hyperspace, creating a temporary rift that pulls the surrounding matter through the interspace event horizon into hyperspace. Surrounding dark matter moves in to close the rift, causing a gravitational shift that intensifies the pull momentarily. This creates a rippling effect to the rift that fades in intensity as the dark matter settles back into balance, sealing the rift.

    Type 1 Hyperspace engines are rated for speeds in excess of light, however because of their greater mass, they are more affected by the gravity shallows at 31415 Newtons. A 100,000 metric ton interstellar rated vessel would be forced out of hyperspace 651,769,466.79648 km from the sun, just shy of the outer edge of Earth's asteroid belt.

    Type 1a Hyperspace Engines are smaller engines that are balanced to work in the "gravity shallows" of hyperspace in and around a system gravity well at 83% of light speed, rated at 596 newtons. Preferred for use for high-speed couriers and shuttles A 100 metric ton shuttle would be able to approach within 149,637,145 KM of the sun and within 258,621.3 KM of Earth. A catastrophic failure of a type 1a drive is not as pronounced as for a type 1.

    Type 1b Hyperspace Engines are smaller still, designed to maintain a small stabilized interface to allow sensor probes and antennas access to interspace for use as navigational buoys and early detection systems. They operate at a minimum distance of 144847 km from Earth at 19 Newtons force. Due to the minute size of the dark matter used in these kinds of installations, a catastrophic failure of these engines would result in interior damage to the buoy, minimal effect otherwise.

    A Type 2 Hyperspace Engine allows the ship to shift further into hyperspace, leaving normal space behind and thus, greater speeds. However, without normal space reference, ships have no idea of how far they have traveled or even where they are going. They are more prone to the effects of gravity shallows at 51413 Newtons, which means they cannot approach any closer than 509,969,976.4 km from the Sun with a 100,000 metric ton ship - somewhere between Jupiter and Saturn.

    Hyperspace Gates are a specialized Type 2 hyperdrive that opens doorways to and from hyperspace. A beacon stationed inside hyperspace acts as both a navigation aid and gate opener. This allows space ships that do not have their own hyperdrive to traverse hyperspace.

    However, without their own type 2 hyperdrive, they have no way of returning to normal space except through another hyperspace gate. Without dark matter to balance the mass of the craft, the spaceship is shunted around the gravity shallows like a leaf caught in a current.

    Hyperspace Beacon - this is a specialized form of the Hyperspace Buoy, anchored in hyperspace with a type 1b engine that gives it internal access to normal space. This allows craft to signal the hyperspace gates from within hyperspace as well as communication with the transfer station.

    Hyperspace Bomb - Essentially a giant generator tied to a type 1 hyperspace resonance chamber, needed to offset the greater difference in mass between the bomb and dark matter. When activated, the bomb shifts into interspace, on the border between Normal Space and Hyperspace. It then shuts down, forcing an amplified dark matter insertion into normal space with disastrous results.

    However, because of the greater mass of dark matter used, it too cannot be too deep into a gravity well. The gravity shallows prevent the greater mass from shifting sufficiently into hyperspace.

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    Notebook 17: Samizdat - The Underground Role Playing System

    Enigma - 05-14-2011, 05:03 PM

    Samizdat - The Underground Role Playing Game (Prototype v0.01)

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    Notebook 18: Dracos Rift

    Enigma - 02-09-2011, 08:00 PM

    The Dracos Rift was named historically for the Dracos Dominion, which conquered a significant quarter of the rift between 3000 – 59 B.P. (Before Pax). A slave revolt managed to remove the Council of Queens, which resulted in the immediate collapse of the Dominion.

    In the chaos that followed, the freed worlds banded together for mutual defense and support, eventually forming the Pax Confederation. Each individual member retained sovereignty over their own nations and colonies, while decisions that affected all were decided by the Pax Councils and Bureaus.

    In 2018 P.F., war broke out between two neighboring systems. It quickly escalated into civil war that pulled the Pax Confederation apart as worlds made war on their
    neighbors and colonies declared their independence.

    In 2035 P.F, a young, uncontacted world known as Terrene started to explore their interstellar neighbors, only to discover scarred battlefields. The Terrenes began to branch cautiously out, making contact with a few surviving outposts.

    By 2084 P.F., Terrene had established several fledging colonies of its own when it made contact with representatives from Cosmopolis.

    It is 2107 P.F., and Terrene has emerged as the leader of the Dracos Rift. There are some however who say that the old Pax Confederation still has a few secrets left.
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