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Thread: [M] Star Wars: The Bureaucrats [Hannelorian & Kach]

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    The Grey Lady
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    Default [M] Star Wars: The Bureaucrats [Hannelorian & Kach]

    Rated M [I wasn't sure quite what to pick so I went the safest possible route.]

    The sun had barely crept into view against the horizon, the mild ways slowly beginning to warm the surface of the near side of the planet. The air was still but the deep musk of the barq farms was pungent and in many ways inescapable. The native populations had long since gone nose blind to that particular stench. Qiilura, the planet that kept the Empire's most prosperous fed. The quality of what was grown and produced here outmatched anything else in the known galaxy. A crop so profitable the Empire nearly tore the planet asunder to obtain it.

    In contrast to the serenity of Qiilura's natural world stood a distinctly human form. Still as the air, unrelenting as the sky. This sight alone was not an unusual one, nor was what truly broke from the beauty of the sun rising on an otherwise unremarkable morning. Rather, it was the massive metal landing platform the figure stood upon, a powerful reminder of the Empire this world, and the woman upon the platform served.

    As the sun rose higher in the sky stirring the planet back to life after a restful slumber, brief respite from the watchful thumb of their overlords more and more detail of the figure standing came into view. A slender human woman, tall with pallid skin and delicate features. Hair deep brown falling beneath her shoulders in length. She was clad in a familiar color to the denizens of Qiilura, a soft if not monotone grey. Muted, much like her function which had yet to reveal itself. The sturdy grey fabric brought another word to mind, utilitarian, after all the fabric did constitute a uniform. Every imperial uniform was more or less the same, with generalized style and fabric adjustments to suit the environs of the planet where the uniform was to be worn.

    As quickly as the peace and solitude of the morning had come, it left. Another non-descript figure, a man this time, wearing the same grey uniform approached the woman at the edge of the platform and called to her in a voice that she would not be able to recall if you had asked her later in the day. "Lieutenant Beren!" he cried out, though a lower volume would have been appreciated by all. Snapping back to reality the woman turned her head to face him. Her hands remained folded neatly behind her back, her face, though beautiful bore no real expression. It was as though she could simply not be bothered to even show annoyance at the man who interrupted her silence and her solitude.

    "Can I help you?" the woman responded, in a quiet but audible voice. Her voice was much softer than you would think to look at her.

    "Lieutenant Fischer's shuttle should be touching down soon." he responded to her inquiry.

    "Ah. I see. Do you think I'd be standing here at this hour if I didn't already know that?" The woman's tone was slightly irritated in nature, though more matter of fact. One got the impression that she wasn't one for jokes or for wasted time. The man nodded his head, saluted accordingly and walked away. It was probably in his best interest not to say anything more. In that moment a deep sigh escaped the woman's lips as she turned her gaze toward the sky. The signature boom of the shuttle entering the atmosphere was cue enough. The roaring of the engines and the wind that came as the vessel descended was enough to make her raise her left hand toward the sky with her palm turned upward ever so slightly acting as a brief bit of shield from the sun and flare of the engines as they began to cool down.

    This was it, the moment she had been waiting for. Lt. Marienna Beren of the Logistics Corp of the Imperial Security Bureau stood, lowering her hand as the shuttle quieted down. There was not a trace of a smile to be found on her face. Marienna had arrived on this planet two days prior to the occupants of the shuttle. On that shuttle was her commanding officer, one Lieutenant Corwin Fisher. Marienna had been sent in advance to make preparations for his arrival and their work. It would came as no great surprise that prior to her arrival not a single Imperial on the planet could have bothered to set up the logistics division. Overall the officers of the Logistics Corp proved one thing to be true, they earned their keep in doing their jobs so well that few ever thought of them at all.

    "Alright, let the games begin..." she whispered to herself, uncomfortably adjusting her body to stand at attention in anticipation of the shuttle doors opening. The duo had worked together before, several times on other projects, though this would mark the first occasion on which the two of them worked together as partners, alone, save for a droid or two. It was no struggle for Marienna to recall what she thought of Lt. Fischer all those times they had met. Phrases like "barely memorable". He was a nice enough man. She seemed to recall that he was the type who followed the rules, kept his head down and did his work. There was, of course, nothing wrong with that. It just wasn't exactly her style. Marienna waited there as silence fell once again, no matter how brief it would be. Here was to a new adventure.
    Last edited by Hannelorian; 07-05-2021 at 02:30 AM. Reason: formatting updates
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

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    Default It begins!

    [That was a good choice! That way we can shoot stuff, drink and see naughty bits!]

    The ship shuttered signaling the long, cramped journey from Coruscant was nearly over. The jump seats for personnel in the the shuttle weren't comfortable to begin with and the hold was filled with various supplies crated for the garrison planeside. The navy pilots in the cockpit had spent the first few hours of the journey snickering among themselves at the Lieutenant heading to backwater. They either didn't think he had heard, or didn't care. He could have chewed them out, but it wasn't worth the trouble. They would be underway again in a few hours, heading back to another core system for another supply run. Instead he re-read the mission dossier on his datapad once again scrutinizing the personnel file of his new partner.

    'Lt. Marienna Beren - Logistics Corp of the Imperial Security Bureau'

    He smirked to himself. At least the Empire makes the titles sound impressive.

    He recalled working with her in passing before, though not much about the woman personally; save for an anecdote he overheard in which she had made quite the show of knocking a tight fisted supply sergeant down a few pegs when he had tried to deny her materials.

    They had gone through officer training around the same time but had never crossed paths at the academy. She had a number of disciplinary note on her record, but nothing abnormal for a woman who had no time for the machinations of tiny men and small offices who though themselves the Emperor. She wasn't by any means his first choice for a second, but she always got the job done quickly and efficiently and at the end of the day that is what mattered.

    The shuttle shook and with a jolt settled on the landing pad, the humming of the drives rapidly dying away as they shut down. Corwin unbuckled his seatbelt and stood as his muscles ached in protest from hours of sitting. Slipping his datapad into his duffel bag, he adjusted his uniform and belt, ensuring the small holster on his right hip was just so. He had always carried a blaster, even back home on Coruscant. He has no illusions about the galaxy, it is a dangerous place even with the rise of the Empire.
    He picked his cap off of the duffel where is sat folded, covering his close shaven rust colored hair. Picking up his kit bag, he moved sorely to the ramp.

    "Come Kay-Vee" He glanced to the utility droid that resembled a sitting polished a black dog with a round head and one glowing red eye among the crates.
    It let out a bassy "Qwee Qwaa" and electric hum as it tailed Corwin to the ramp.

    He waited at the head of the ramp, scratching the thin well trimmed beard that ran from his sideburns down along his jawline and rose up to meet the ends of his moustache leaving his chin bare.
    With a hiss and whine, the ramp lowered bathing the hold in the morning light. The warm, humid air rushed in and he nearly gagged. The pilots had warned him of the smell, but it was beyond the imagining of a kid who had grown up on the city planet.
    Electing to breath through his mouth, it was hard for him not to grimace as he strode down the ramp, slightly less glad to be out of the transport. He moved with a relaxed confidence, nearly a swagger. His uniform was well kempt, but not overly so. His dark green eyes surveyed the new world before him as if he was walking down a concourse observing passing strangers. The holster on his belt was backwards in an unusual fashion, with the curve for the grip pointing to his left side, indicating he at least shot left handed.

    There were a few technicians moving about on the landing pad rushing around prepping to unload the shuttle but they gave the officer a respectful distance as he strode toward the woman, similarly clad in a grey uniform and high boots, standing straight as a comm tower. She was attractive enough for it to have become intimidating and her unreadable expression told him nothing of how the preparations had gone.

    Stopping in front of LT Beren, he hesitated a moment to see if she offered a salute. It wasn't necessary as they were the same rank, though some officers preferred the formality on such occasions. He would return it smartly if she did.
    He then offered his hand for a shake, an old habit from his work in the civilian sector.

    "Lieutenant Beren, good to work with you again." He spoke warmly in a clear well educated tongue. "How have the preparations gone?"
    The final battle,
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    The Grey Lady
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    "Here we go again" Marienna thought to herself as the ramp began to descend. How many times had she participated in this ritual of greeting one's superior officer? This was yet another in a long line of ceremonial greeting the young woman had endured through gritted teeth. Though she had given up on the idea of smiling long ago. Now the lieutenant did as was expected of her, more precisely she did exactly as she was told.

    Since the shuttle had settled the air once more became stagnant, the smell of the barq permeating the atmosphere. It was almost funny how it was everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Marienna could see it on his face as Lt. Fischer came into view, slowly walking down the ramp toward her. There was little one could do to hide such an expression of disgust. Even presenting a full smile, there was tension held in the jaw, the act of trying one's able best not to react to the vile scent. This nearly brought a smile to her face, the closest she had come in some time. To those watching her Marienna stood ever still her eyes, grey similar enough to her uniform that when cast upon someone she looked as though she were a corpse had one not observed the subtle movements of her body as she breathed, all the while appearing as though that were even a chore she would rather not deal with.

    By this point her hands had returned to their folded position behind her back. As the Lt. approached, Marienna began to run through her mental checklist of required actions. The salute, ah yes, that was what came next. Marienna was many things, but stupid was not one of them. As easily as disobeying the rules would give the young woman a rise, as well as a means to an end, knowing the rules also meant one could exploit them to her advantage. As the two were of the exact same rank, Marienna did in fact, not have to salute her commanding officer. Lo, this was the course of action she decided upon, as he approached she did nothing. As he extended his hand she did nothing. There wasn't even the slightest hesitation to indicate she had even thought of taking it. In addition to her own general disinterest in such a display, it was an old civilian custom, and therefore one she could disregard with the greatest of ease.

    She watched him with intent as he finally came to a stop before her and spoke his words. She noted his exact diction. "How diplomatic." she thought. Was it in fact from his perspective good to work with her again? Not especially, she determined. However, such pleasantries were to be expected, especially from Imperial officers. If the situations were reversed would offer the same such comments? Not likely, Marienna was not one for unneeded interaction or sentiment. Enough time had passed, it was probably time for the Lt. to acknowledge her colleague.

    "No need for exaggeration, Lieutenant." The tone of her voice was neither harsh, nor scathing, as with many of her comments it was honest, matter of fact. She had noted the warmth in his tone, he was truly attempting to be friendly, as she would be his only human company for the foreseeable future. Marienna had to admit to herself that she appreciated this small effort. As her eyes scanned his form she was reminded that he was a rather handsome man who cared for himself. He looked every bit the fitting Imperial, though she appeared no different. How unremarkable the pair of them might have been in a sea of grey uniforms. The quiet, unnoticed logisticians. "As enjoyable as it is to watch you fight breathing through your nose, I recommend you forego such attempts and breathe as your normally would. You get used to it after awhile... Marienna commented in a rather direct fashion. Remembering her own arrival she had tried something similar, and it was more trouble than it was worth. Though she wondered if perhaps she was simply better at pretending everything was well and good.

    Trailing behind Lt. Fischer was a droid, her eyes caught sight of him not long after she had finished her comments. The unmistakable whirring as the droid moved. It was perhaps at this moment she showed the most human affect she had thus far. "Kay Vee!" she remarked audibly, and softly. The closest to warmth in her tone of voice. Moving past her own commander she stepped up to the droid who was beeping contently, a delicate gloved hand reaching down to pat it upon the head. The droid responded with blips of apparent happiness. As she moved with grace the sun shone down upon her, catching the hilt of her silver blaster pistol. Marienna's pistol was of non traditional origin for an officer, rather she had received special dispensation to use her own model, a slim model from her adopted home world of Naboo.

    "Preparations have gone smoothly." she remarked finally responding to his question. By this point Marienna had turned her attention and gaze back to Lt. Fischer. "As usual, we have the few resources we need to begin our work. It wasn't without a fight, I'll tell you that much." Marienna laughed lightly at her own comment, a hand quickly rising to her mouth to cover the response. It was fairly difficult to get the bare minimum of what was needed for them to do their work. Planetary defense was always first, followed shortly by quelling any and all unrest. After that you had half a dozen departments fighting for their needs to be met. "I was going to begin my survey of the local populace, namely the barq farmers to begin the inventory on the resource, but I thought it best to wait for your esteemed presence, sir. Something of a smile crossed her face at the last bit. What fun this would be.

    "Come on, time is wasting. Let's get you settled in. Marienna commented, turning her back to Lt. Fischer and began walking down the staircase to exit the landing platform and toward a small commune of beige colored buildings that would serve as their offices and personal quarters for the duration of their stay on Qiilura. The Empire opted, as they often did to repurpose existing structures rather than the cost of new architecture for lesser offices. At least the buildings weren't grey.

    Last edited by Hannelorian; 07-05-2021 at 03:26 PM.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

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    Lt. Beren's reactions to Corwin's warm welcome did not come as a surprise, though he was a bit disappointed. He was all for engaging in 'the game' for those who wished to make a chess-like game of interpersonal interactions, but it often held little personal joy for him. The Government Sector on Coruscant was just as deadly as Mos Eisley in the Outer Rim if you weren't careful whose toes you stepped on, so he had learned quickly.
    His disappointment didn't show as he withdrew his hand, resting it on his belt, uncompromising smile still on his lips.
    "No exaggeration intended Beren." He replied informally, with the same warmth. "You get the job done."

    Fischer's demeanor finally cracked when he released the grimace he had been stifling and coughed into an elbow at her acknowledgement of the stench. He thought of a few words to try describe the odor, but gave up before he risked the contents of his stomach.

    Pleasantly surprised by the reaction to KV-2, he smiled. He was glad Beren wasn't all cold harshness. He was a surprised she knew the droid, and that it seemed to know her, though he didn't let on filing it away for later. The fact she carried a distinctively Naboolian styled blaster was of some interest as well, and would have been a subject for discussion on its own but he doubted the woman had any interest in sharing that story right now.

    The reply brought him out of his thoughts. "Excellent." he replied as if he not expected any other answer."I had no doubt in your abilities, we will make do with what we have been able to secure.
    Again he was pleasantly surprised by this comrade's thaw, he found her laugh pleasant enough and decided not to remark further and risk making her think better of it.

    Now it was his turn to laugh, a throaty sound that seemed like it was more natural than talking for the man, forgetting about the smell of Barq on the wind for a moment. "I would hardly call my presence necessary for such a thing as talking to farmers; but they cannot smell any worse. Can they?" He smirked at his own joke. He was more interested than most would have expected to explore the planet. The dossier painted an interesting picture, even if it was a mud ball that smelled like the bad end of a Nerf.

    He nodded affirmative. "Yes, daylight is burning and the longer we stay here the less likely we are to get this smell off. He gestured with an ungloved hand for her to lead the way as he followed off the landing platform.

    The roads, if you could call them that, were packed dirt leveled and compacted by Army Engineers likely before the pre-fab landing pad was placed. The cracked dried earth was nearly the same beige as the clay structures and sounded like stone as their boots clicked on it's surface. Occasionally scared with gouges, the roads crossed between finely constructed buildings of clay and timber cracked and weathered with age and bearing conventional doors and windows to seal them against the breeze that carried dust from the feet of passerby.
    Most would have considered them rustic if not primitive, but Corwin found them charming in their own way.
    A dozen or so buildings were grouped loosely in a square with the larger structures toward the center. The largest building appeared to be a warehouse with glistening dura-steel bars recently installed over the windows.
    The clearing the compound stood in, nearly double it's width, was carpeted with grasses nearly waist high all around, with a dirt track wide enough for two speeders or a heavy transport to travel to or from the compound. High spindly trees lined the edge of the clearing and either side of the road that left it.

    The handful of troopers they passed moving from building to building on their own business dressed in working uniforms offered formal salutes as they hustled past. Lt. Fischer returned each one with a warm smile as they passed. KV-2 hummed happily in the rear occasionally crunching an errant loose pebble under it's wheels.
    So this is the galaxy.
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    The Grey Lady
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    "You're a funny man." Marienna remarked as the two of them began their rather leisurely walk toward the compound ahead. If one looked closely enough, you could nearly see a smirk cross her face, the slight twinge of her jaw muscle gave it away, but true enough to character she caught herself and allowed the moment to pass ever so briefly. Walking further ahead of him, kicking up small clouds of dirt as she did, Marienna stopped and turned to look back at Lt. Fischer. "You think the smell comes off."

    The difference between the two could not be more stark than the moment when Fischer decided to smile at the troopers as they passed them by, saluting. They salute and he smiles, how typical she thought to herself. The extent to which he would go out of his way to extend kindness to complete strangers. A thoughtful act, a truly kind act as Marienna was certain those smiles were genuine. But what of the troopers? They salute because they were trained to do so, a rote act of complete insignificance. They see the uniform and the rank listed on them and raise their arms because that is what the exact colour and number of squares on those jackets dictated. Predictably as they saluted Marienna did absolutely nothing except keep walking forward as though she had no other purpose.

    When Marienna thought about it, this planet truly was extraordinary. Qiilura, despite the smell was magnificent. Few people knew where their food came from, where the fabric for the robes on their backs came from. Yet here were they. Two Imperial nobodies whose sole job it was, was to maintain the galactic status quo through ensuring that each and every world did exactly what they were supposed to do, when they were supposed to do. There was beauty in the simplicity, a kind of beauty that did not exist on a world like Coruscant.

    "If you hadn't guessed..." she began, as she stretched her arm out pointing toward the compound just ahead of them. "that's us." As they walked the wind began to pick up, a small breeze that offered no relief from the accrid stench of their world, but was at least pleasantly cool. Stopping once again Marienna held out her left hand, and distinctly with her right she tugged at the fingertips of the gloves, each one individually and in order from pinky to thumb, and with a swift motion once sufficiently prepared she pulled the glove off, and holding her hand in the air now, the breeze passing through she moved her fingers as though catching pieces of the wind. What a fruitless endeavor. Sections of her hair, let down and resting beneath her cap fluttered in the wind revealing trace notes of a perfume that carried ever so slightly around her. "Can you feel it, Lieutenant? In the air. There was a genuine curiosity in her voice, her tone was light, almost airy, but the undernotes were still the somewhat somber tones she was likely known for.

    When Marienna looked back across former colleagues, she would ask them similar questions. Due to her distinctive personality, many felt they were being tested by her. In fairness, some were. Though this was not the case at present. In some small way, this was an attempt to get to know her colleague. Assuming they did their work quickly and efficiently, it seemed likely that they would be on this assignment for at least a couple of months. Even she needed someone to talk to. "There's a storm coming." Normally, she would be able to smell it too, there were ever slight changes, barely perceptible to most, largely because it wasn't something they were looking for.

    The pair and droid now entered the clearing, and for a moment it almost felt like a city due to the levels of activity. Bodies in motion, everyone performing tasks almost like a colony of ants. Though in reality this was more or less exactly what they all were. Worker ants performing their duties for the profit of others. "That big one, with the dura-steel bars, that's central storage. Behind it is a small processing plant, nothing fancy. Just enough to keep us fed. Not the good stuff, of course. But it'll do. The speeder bay is on the opposite side. I expect you'll enjoy that bit." Marienna spoke, she had learned from another colleague that Fischer enjoyed a good ride out. Or at least he had shown interest in the subject. Even she did her due diligence when accepting this assignment.

    They came to a smaller complex, a set of interconnected earthen buildings. These buildings, drying perpetually in the sun were to be their home. Marienna had already settled in, not that she had many possessions that made these places feel more like home. "Your personal belongings arrived yesterday, at least what you chose not to bring on you. You'll find them in unit 28. That's home for now. I'm in 25 should you need to retrieve me. Any equipment you had sent is sitting largely unpacked in our "office.""

    Marienna took a deep breath in and nodded to her commanding officer. Once more her face sat empty, emotionless, ever impossible to read. "Aside from the warehouse and processing, there's one other purpose built complex. You can't miss it, our office is in there. Just follow the signs once you get inside. Yes, I was victorious in the battle to get appropriate signage. Come find me when you're ready." She turned to walk off, moving with purpose and only with her back turned did it finally happen, a small smile which she quickly allowed to dissipate. "Oh, and two more things, Lieutenant. When's the last time you left Coruscant? But most importantly, KV, you're with me." The droid beeped and beamed if both were possible and rolled quickly to her side. There was a story there, but one for another time.
    Last edited by Hannelorian; 07-06-2021 at 10:36 PM.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

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    Examining the strange structures, he failed to notice the smile Lt. Beren's lips hinted at; only acknowledging the remark of the stench's longevity with an amused grunt as they marched along the road.
    They were like nothing he had seen before in person. They reminded him of holos he had seen of the Outer Rim. Any moment he expected an alien bounty hunter to stroll out from around a corner, eyes narrowed looking for his prey on the dusty road.
    Normally he would have paid more attention to the passing troopers. A lot of information could be gleaned from the state of the rank and file; how their officers were treating them, how moral was, and how much danger they felt they were in. There was too much to take in, too much new information, too new an environment.

    He reluctantly dragged his attention away from the buildings and back to Marienna leading him. An eyebrow lowered at the unusual display as she delicately removed her glove with the wind caressing her hair. Emerald eyes were locked on the ethereal woman against the background of the strange village, there was a moment of pause.
    Now this was a scene right out of a holo...
    Mind finally catching up to what she had he scanned the sky as if looking for enemy craft. He didn't notice anything he would have called a storm cloud, though he couldn't say he had ever seen storm cloud, the stories of which were told by his parents with disinterest. He seemed a bit puzzled, as if she wielded some kind of magic, was it normal to 'feel' changes in the weather, was it isolated to Qiilura or did it happen on all terrestrial planets?. "I can't say I do... feel anything I mean. I will be very interested to experience a storm here though."
    There was a youthful curiosity to his voice.

    He was glad to turn his attention back to their surroundings as they continued rather than thinking on things he didn't know. The drive to find things out could get the better of him at times and he had learned to keep it in check when it wasn't immediately important.
    He scrutinized the buildings as she indicated them in passing, taking note of their construction, markings, and who seemed to be moving in and out of each. Offering slight nods to show he was in fact listening, he quickly memorized the information.
    The mention of a speeder bay definitely seemed to pique his interest for a moment he seemed deep in thought; absentmindedly resting his right hand on his holster, drumming his fingers against it rhythmically.
    He had made quite the hobby of building a speeder from parts, tuning the drives, and tinkering with the repulsors back on Coruscant. It crossed his mind that he could likely get the personal craft shipped to the planet if he was so motivated. He shelved the idea until after he had a good lay of the land.

    "Lead on." He gestured taking his hand off of the holster before he followed toward the oddly shaped building that served as an Officer Barracks. He eyed it curiously, it seemed more an above ground tunnel system than a building. Lt. Fischer could not imagine what a room in the clay structure might look like, though he was pleasantly surprised to have private rooms, space looked like it was at a premium in the compound.
    He nodded at the information, obviously only partially paying attention to what she was saying, his mind elsewhere.
    The perks of being an officer he supposed; he needn't even worry about his effects. Simply pack up all he owned and was issued and the packed regulation luggage was there to greet him at the next billet. Though he still harbored a healthy distrust for the system, there were too many errors discovered by his line of work not too. He always carried a few sets of clothing, any effects he could not replace, and toiletries to make due for a few days on his person when he travelled.

    At Lt. Beren’s pause, he refocused on her. He grinned broadly at her mention of signage, it seemed she enjoyed her work and had somewhat of a competitive streak. Most would not have cared if there had been signs indicating their station, but the woman appeared to relish emerging successful from any challenge though she did her best to hide it behind her cool exterior.
    *Perhaps she views that as a challenge too… He pondered to himself before being blindsided by her probing question. His slight discomfort was visible as his smile wilted noticeably for the first time during the interaction. He was granted a respite as KV-2 rolled past beeping happily. The droid’s behavior was more than peculiar, but he paid it little mind as he considered how to answer her question, he didn’t dare tell her the truth. Not the whole truth yet anyway.
    “Two standard months.” He replied for the first time a bit curtly, his smile having disappeared. He had noticed her smirk again and was not sure what to make of it, was she playing some sort of game, or perhaps probing for something? The once warm face had a surprising harshness to it when it wasn’t crossed with a smile.
    He offered nothing further on the subject. “Thank you for the tour Lieutenant Beren. I will meet you at the office after I secure my things. Kay-Vee please begin collating the data we require once you have access, the Lieutenant will see to it.”
    Offering a nod as a farewell, he turned, making his way into the barracks, expecting Marienna to continue on her own way as much to avoid further questions as to get to work.

    The halls of the officers barracks were plain arched corridors recently painted in glossy white. The timber floors clicked loudly under booted footfalls as he made his way down the halls passing a door marked one of a few communal freshers, Beren’s room and stopping at #28. The door was new, metal with a keypad, he tapped it and the door unlocked with an audible click. He pushed it open to reveal the humble room. Wood floor covered with a small carpet at the side of a wooden framed bed piled with fresh sheets. A window adorned with simple navy blue curtains let the morning light wash over a small metal desk clearly not native to the room. A prefab closet stood empty in the corner of the room, the plasteel enclosure clashing with the old earthiness of the walls. Three square transit crates were waiting in the center of the floor each with a metal tag denoting their owners name, rank and service number.
    Tossing the duffel onto the bed, he sat on the mattress and was pleased to find it fairly comfortable. He hunched over, unsealing his luggage to ensure everything had made the trip safely, he would unpack everything later in the evening, but he knew it would help him clear his head.
    She couldn’t know this was his first trip to a terrestrial planet… could she?
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    The Grey Lady
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    Marienna realized as they took their walk that Corwin Fischer was a much more complicated man than she thought. As he bid her farewell she turned promptly on her heels and began to walk toward their office. All the while her mind was racing and replaying their interaction. As she walked the gleeful droid followed at first behind her, later moving toward her side she couldn't help but smile watching it. "Is he always this hot and cold?" she asked, the droid issued a series of rather complicated beeps. There was an honest, and deep curiosity in her voice, she seemed almost concerned. Then again, who could blame her? This was her central source of human contact for the next long while. The Lt. in response to the droid let out a noise that indicated her understanding.

    As the two figures moved across the horizon the clouds began to gather as the wind picked up in strength. It was amazing how quickly the atmosphere of Qiilura could change. But the slightly higher than average rain totals were exactly what the native barq needed. While there were technological means of ensuring crop growth at sufficient rates there was something almost magical about the natural elements that made the crop into the success it was. The rain that fell on this planet, the little extra bit of something needed for successful harvest. Marienna recalled what Corwin had said about the impending storm

    "I can't say I do... feel anything I mean. I will be very interested to experience a storm here though."

    Shaking her head, her smile fading as the moments passed and the skies began to open, heavy drops of rain whipped forth by wind began to fall. "Did I tell you or what KV?" She raised her hand, still ungloved back toward the sky and felt the drops of water hit her bare skin, how refreshing it was. Every drop like a shot of adrenaline coursing through her system, reminding her all the more just how alive she really was. It was, in many ways, a brief but welcome reprieve from the mundane nature of her day-to-day existence.

    Troopers began scrambling to complete their movement patterns, quite literally moving crates to and fro, safe guarding the merchandise as it were. It was in that moment she saw two struggling to stack one of the massive containers. Darting through the rain and mud that was becoming increasingly difficult to traverse, she placed her hands against the object to help stabilize it. "Come on gentlemen, we have one job here, let's get it right! she called out to them, all of the seriousness she was capable of had returned, the look on her face stern and determined. "Yes Lieutenant!" both called back to her in unison as they heaved the container into place. "That's more like it. Hurry up finish the lot and get inside before this mud swallows us all." Marienna cried, as she looked to KV, ensuring he was still able to move appropriately, and began to walk the rest of the way toward their office.

    In honesty, Marienna didn't quite mind getting soaked, nor did she mind helping out with grunt work when she needed to. Her philosophy was simple, if there was a job that needed to be done, the easiest option was to simply do it or lend a helping hand with few questions asked. The Empire treasured their efficiencies, and when one did as one was told, or assisted as needed without a question one stood to profit, perhaps not in promotion or pay raise, but in the sense that one was simply left alone. Finally arriving at the building, she nodded to the troopers guarding the door and made her way inside, they saluted her as she passed. With KV whirring contently behind her she made her way to their offices, a rather small set of rooms outfitted with the latest technology they would need to accomplish their job.

    Marienna sighed, the lights coming to life as she crossed the threshold, the automated doors opening for her. With a few flicks of her wrist she took the regulation cap from her head and tossed it onto a nearby console, casting aside her gloves a moment later. Raising her hands above her head and stretching toward she ceiling she looked at KV, grabbing a cloth from the table before her she knelt down and slowly began to dry him off. This was not necessary in the slightest, but Marienna often felt closer to droids than she did to people and these small acts of kindness were something she appreciated and hoped at least, the little one appreciated it as well. "Don't you find it strange? I must have offended him." she continued in a rather flat but observant tone. "He seemed to be receptive until I asked him about leaving Coruscant... is it really a question so strange to ask a man who worked in the capital?" she mused, and wondered if she had be better off dropping it all together. Of course, that wasn't necessarily her style. "Or is there more too it? Maybe hit a nerve. He couldn't get away from me fast enough... I guess its that classic Beren charm, eh?" KV responded in kind and it provoked something of a laugh from Marienna as she nodded further. Breathing out she put her hands on her hips and thought now would probably be a decent time to begin their work. "Alright buddy, the access port is over there, you know what to do." With an emphatic whirring KV moved to the access terminal and connected himself, beginning to process the information contained there in. "Lets begin to compiling data on transport off world, get in some weights and product volume, look for any irregularities between actual weight and what has been reported by our friends out on the farms. If we can establish a new base line for expected production and weather patterns over the past standard months, we might be able to see where we can improve." Marienna seemed rather satisfied with herself as she commanded the droid. Marienna herself moving slowly and was most certainly visibly cringing at the wet squeak of her boots... cheap product. This was nothing new, nor any kind of a surprise. Making her way to a collection of data pads she herself went to work.
    Last edited by Hannelorian; 07-09-2021 at 11:36 AM.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  8. #8
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    Corwin still remembered what they had said at his last posting, a medical station where he was investigating an inventory shortage that had caused deaths.
    He shook the thoughts from his head as he began pulling neatly folded Corning from his luggage. A mix of urban civilian and Imperial apparel emerged as he stacked the clothing in the closet.
    He started at the tapping on the window, expecting someone to be knocking on it lightly, bit he only noticed misshapen smears of mud. Walking closer he discovered there was water droplets impacting the window. Big fat drops obscured his vision as people began running around outside. The staccato of rain increased, a gentle thrumming of rain against the roof as the air outside seemed to turn to sheets of falling water. He watched in awe for a moment.
    He was familiar with atmospheric theory and knew why it was raining but hadn't seen the mundane phenomena in person before. It was wonderous. He never would have expected falling water could make such a thunderous sound.
    Hundreds of tiny drops beating a war cry.
    One could observe, but experience was a different animal entirely. With sudden urgency he fetched his drab grey issued poncho and pulled it over his head. Leaving the rest of his possessions scattered about the room, he stepped into the hall, securing the door behind him before he strode to the entrance.
    Pulling the door open he marveled at the chaos before him. A handful of troopers ran through the street to seek shelter from the barrage, already soaked as their boots sent up ripples of mud. Water impacted the road sending up spray from the already formed puddles that made the road look like a wild river as the wind gusted between buildings. As an afterthought, he removed his cap, tucking it into his belt under his poncho as he stepped out into the deluge.

    Marienna had been at work for nearly half an hour before the office for opened again allowing Lt. Fischer to enter.
    Water dripped down his face onto his poncho feeding rivulets running to the floor. He ran his hand through his close cropped hair and cast his hand, down sending a spray of droplets to the floor. His boots were caked with smears of the thick mud that the blowing dust made as soon as it got damp.
    A wide grin split Corwin's face, his warm demeanour seemed to have returned.
    "Well, that seems quite the downpour!" He remarked pulling off his poncho to hang up and dry on a hook by the door. The collar of his uniform was wet, so he undid the fastener and left it open.
    "I hope Kay-Vee didn't hadn't given you any trouble."

    He looked around the office, noting the second workstation and gestured.
    "that is me?"
    The final battle,
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    by the united.

  9. #9
    The Grey Lady
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    Standing at the window, a tall, well dressed man watched as the rain fell outside. Fall may have been too light a characterization, as the rain thundered just outside the glass. His head turned ever so slightly to cast his gaze on a little girl in a yellow sundress with a wide brimmed hat. "What do you hear, Mari? the deep voice asked, the corners of his mouth curling slightly upward into a smile. "Nothing but the rain!" the young Marienna replied with a most certain glee. Running forward to wrap herself around the man's leg. The pair laughed.

    The sound of the door opening brought Marienna back to the present, looking up without expression as Lt. Fischer entered, noting that now he seemed to be in brighter spirits. Perhaps the time to himself did him some good. Standing up and moving silently, as though she were a force ghost she moved to collect a crisp white towel from a cupboard opened merely with the wave of a hand in front of the built in senors. Turning to move with purpose she made her way to her commanding officer. Stepping rather close to him, she unfolded the towel and wrapped it loosely around his shoulders. Casting her gaze downward she shook her head some and sighed. "Boots off please." Her tone was kind rather than demanding. She pointed toward a small mat on the floor where another pair of boots stood neatly. As she made her request KV piped up, seeming to indicate that he was in agreement. Marienna moved quietly back to seat herself at her work station. If one had looked toward her feet, they would notice she was barefoot, her boots being the second pair.

    Once comfortably seated her focus returned to her terminal, eyes darting quickly over data as it passed. "KV? Trouble?" Marienna asked without bothering to look up toward Corwin, keeping a careful distance after their last uncertain interaction. "What say you, buddy?" Marienna asked this time looking for a moment toward the droid who beeped happily. Marienna nodded in agreement with the sentiment. "As he said, if you ask him nicely, no trouble at all." KV whirred and returned to work as Marienna certainly did the same.

    Extending her arm toward the open work station she nodded once more without raising her head. "Work station sweet work station." She remarked rather plainly before finally looking up at him. Her face was soft, kind, ever difficult to read. "That was quick, the settling in that is. I wasn't convinced I'd see you back today." This comment was direct, though not harsh, was inspired by the rather sudden change in his tone when she last left him, and served as general commentary that he could have taken more time to settle if he had wanted. As they sat and talked, the rain outside intensified with the addition of booming thunder and the occasional strike of lightning. Marienna seemed not to notice.

    Marienna thought then that perhaps she could turn the subject matter at hand to work, she should at least demonstrate that she was capable and mostly productive. "I've been working with KV to establish a baseline. What is reported by the farmers in terms of volume of product, against what is expected using historical seasonal data, and lastly comparing that with by weight what actually leaves Qiilura for a secondary destination." Marienna nodded to KV who began to project the data collected in the form of a chart for them both to view. "As you can see, there are discrepancies between what is expected, what is claimed and what leaves. Granted, we have to admit that our historical data here isn't particularly strong... a lot was lost during the last days of the Clone Wars."

    With that said, Marienna turned her full attention to Corwin now, her hands folded neatly atop her work station, she sat straight up with perfect posture as expected and awaited his reply.
    Last edited by Hannelorian; 07-11-2021 at 07:04 PM.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  10. #10
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    Corwin watched her head to the cupboard, thankful when the towel had emerged. The cool rain had been refreshing, but the dampness was now beginning to feel a bit uncomfortable. He watched her walk to him; moving to take an offered towel that never came. At her close proximity, he felt his heart quicken, the slight chill in his skin seemed to burn away. The reddening of his cheeks could have been the chill outside warming to the room just as easily as a blush. He couldn't help but stare into her porcelain face, it wore no expression, but her Grey eyes seemed; warmer. Her face had a pleasing Symmetry to it, her angular features reminded him of sculpted marble. His thoughts were jolted back on track when she spoke.

    "Ah! Yes, of course!" He grabbed the towel around his neck and patted his face before tussling his hair. Leaving the towel around his shoulders he pulled off his boots and set them aside next to hers. He examined the pairs of boots for a moment, noting hers were still the Imperial issue synthetic made; while his own were a sturdier Nerf hide commissioned from a leather worker on Coruscant. He didn't know how anyone tolerated the unbreathing flimsy material. He had seldom worn his, getting replacements made his first day after they were issued.

    Her remark recaptured his attention as he turned to observe the pair as he stood on the floor in black socks. It was odd how they seemed to have a conversation, he had never understood how some people could 'speak' to droids, but he was fascinated. He let a chuckle out at the translated remark.
    He made his way in sock clad feet to the workstation at her remark. A few small cases sat stacked neatly at the side of it, brought from his last work station but the transport personnel.
    "It was all I have ever hoped for. He stated, surprisingly without sounding sarcastic. He tucked the edges of the towel between his collar and neck as he sat down at the desk.
    "No time like the present. I will have plenty of time when I am bored of staring at manifests and screens and need a brake to fold socks; besides, I can't let you get all the work done and make me look bad."
    He turned to look at the small window with the flash of light and the rumble that shook the room. It reminded him of a starship lifting it's bulk off the ground into space.
    "You were right. About the storm I mean. Quite a heavy rain out there. Does it storm here often?

    He nodded thoughtfully at her report, though his smile wilted slightly as he considered the causes of such anomalies. He was impressed by how much Lt. Beren had accomplished already, but of course she had, he had no reason to expect any different.
    "Material reported and then disappearing before it leaves the planet is a good place to start checking. With any luck, scales and rounding should cover most of the errors, but there could be more to such a large discrepancy. Excellent work as expected Lieutenant Beren, have you any thoughts on where we should start our investigation?
    The final battle,
    Pain, suffering; overcome,
    by the united.

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