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Thread: The Odyssey of Sol (OOC); A bright future after a dark catastrophe

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    ~RPA's Lady of Peace~
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    Default The Odyssey of Sol (OOC); A bright future after a dark catastrophe

    A Roleplay By The Undying:

    The Odyssey of Sol

    The backdrop for this RPG starts in the third quarter of the 21st century. Humans have been using transuranium fuels to travel quickly around the solar system for some time now, colonising the inner planets and estabilishing mining operations in the asteroid belt. Now that religious and ideological societies, such as the Flaming Ninjas, had the freedom to leave Earth and pursue their own interests, it was all going rather peachy.

    By the 9th decade of the 21st century, technological innovations in the fuel industry allowed faster spaceflight at greater distances; a Europa terraforming program was initiated at the Jovian moons in an attempt to melt the ice surface and create a water-world, whereby terrestrial habitation would be suitable. This was the first colonisation effort outside the inner planets.

    By the middle of the 22nd century, spaceflight was highly robust and bootstrap space development was mostly over. Colonists could now travel in small, efficient yachts and freighters as opposed to the bulky colony vessels, marking the dawn of a trader age. Many of the Jovian moons had been dome-city colonised by this time, and Europa was a local nexus of activity. It seemed as though this golden age would continue on with no end in sight.

    2174 A.D. The Kyogre Catastrophe. In an act of megalomania, Kyogre inexorably fires powerful "supernova accelerant" missiles at the sun, instantaneously triggering a nuclear chain reaction which accelerates the sun's stellar phase to an intermediary yellow-red giant. The ensuing expulsion of matter coats Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars in deadly energy, tearing away the atmosphere and vaporising all life and water. The rest of the solar system experiences a general rise in temperature, causing the ice on Europa to melt and subsequently many surface cities are destroyed. Chunks of iron are flung from the sun's heavy nuclear reactions and annihilate colonies in the asteroid belt. With inner planetary and Europan governments effectively destroyed, the surviving colonists in the asteroid belt or on the Jovian moons die of intense heat or descend into anarchy. All the while, Kyogre watches from an unknown location safe from the stellar catastrophe. This is humanity's darkest hour.

    It would not be until the 26th century when society recovered from that dark day. By this time, the Jovian Federation has assumed control over all civilisation on the moons of Jupiter, and new technology allows practical spaceflight to the other, more distant gas giants and their moons. The oceanic surface of Europa is the modern central hub of humanity and the planet where sophisticated asteroid deflection technology was created. New organisations such as the immoral Stargaze Incorporated and a revitalised Flaming Ninja Cabal guide humanity's renewed endeavour into space.

    For all the happiness and freedom of the solar system, we will never forget, and we will never forgive. We will find the one responsible. Some day.


    The Jovian moons and the Federation
    Of all the worlds of man, the Jovian moons are the safest and most developed. They are the port of call for many colonists before they embark on their grand journey to the freezing outer worlds. The four colonised moons are:- Europa, a thriving ecumenopolis and the nexus of humanity; Ganymede, a powerful industrial center with numerous orbital shipyards; Io, a forested world popular with logging companies and retailers and Callisto, a backwater with a rich source of heavy fuels and metals imported directly to Ganymede.

    Little over a century ago, these four moons (with the exception of Callisto) housed fledgling governments with mixed advantages over one another. These nations were fully aware of the futility of individual enterprise inside and outside the Jupiter system. This is the point at which all three governments united, and brutally assumed control of the mutated "natives" on Callisto, appointing a President as their supreme coordinator. The Jovian Federation as we know it today is the main superpower in the Solar System, operating from their estabilished core worlds and gradually advancing across the colony map. This expansion is salvation for some, but horror for others, since government means stratification and stratification is the destroyer of freedom.

    The Saturnian moons
    The Saturnian moons are the farthest civilised colonial frontier in the system. Titan, a terran world and the only substantially populated moon, is the resting place for many colonists looking to escape the social systemisation of the Jovian Federation. Here, traders and adventurers mingle in the numerous clubhouses and taverns that characterise the cities on the moon's surface, such as the famous Endavor Bar where denizens celebrate the anniversary of the estabilishment of the first city and independance from Jupiter. Efficient security networks are commonplace on the world, combatting piracy and protecting the moon's surface from the occasional iron meteorite.

    The other moons of Tethys, Dione, Iapetus and Rhea are not so civilised. The colonial dream ends here for many, as traders and ships are kidnapped for bounty almost on a daily basis. Rhea houses a strong criminal base and runs on a black market economy of slavery and bounties, the pirates of which own an outpost on Iapetus and raid the colony on Titan from time to time on an irregular basis, making them difficult to track and combat. The Jovian Federation once sent a large warfleet to Rhea, but command lost communication with all ships during the early stages of the attack, and no assault has been made since. The Flaming Ninjas operate frequently from a small secret base on Dione, assassinating major leaders who they've deemed 'corrupt' and continuing to evade the Solar Guard (loose collaboration of informal military consortiums similar to a National Guard).

    The Uranian moons
    Rocky, cold and backwater, the Uranian moons (the moons of Uranus) embody outlaw society. Almost no right-thinking human beings have gone near the system since the infamous Oberon Massacre, where nearly 200 experimental colonists were savagely slaughtered by space raiders wandering the outer planets. The handful of settlers moving to Titania and Miranda were subsequently wiped out or taken into slavery to be deported to Rhea. The few people who now call the Uranian moons home want to be forgotten by society or the law, or seek rare sanctuary at the secret FN Citadel, or have descended into madness and follow one of the chaotic religious cults based on Ariel. There is little else to be found here, save for ruined dome cities and a brittle icy atmosphere. The Jovian Federation never visits the system.

    The Neptunian moons and the outer dwarf planets
    The Neptunian moons are a great unknown to the Solar System at large. Rumours reach the Jovian Federation of civilisation on Triton and Neried. Icy colonies seemingly built from the rock that composes the moons, spaceships moving at incredible speeds; these are of a handful of scattered and conflicting reports by some adventurers that could only be rumours, as there is no known means by which people could live out in that cold expanse.

    Further out still are the outer dwarf planets; snowy wastes void of civilisation. That is, at least, as the larger Solar community knows them. In truth a twisted and debased civilisation reigns over the planets of Eris, Makemake and Pluto, technologically advanced beyond measure and enroaching upon our haven among the inner worlds. There are few known encounters with such civilisation ever recorded, in legend or in formality, and they have only ever been sightings of mysterious ships. What do they want with the inner worlds? Where did they come from? Is this what has become of Kyogre's underground corporation? We may never know... until it's too late.


    This is just the story. I'll be posting player-friendly stuff later. For now, please give feedback and consider applying.

  2. #2
    ~RPA's Lady of Peace~
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    The Undying:

    This is the national factfile for the Jovian Federation, in .txt format.



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