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Thread: Gears (M) IC

  1. #201
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    He was breathing heavily as he dodged left and right. It was getting really hard to see things through his dashboard. A stray shot zipped through his GEAR and the blond pilot blinked up, seeing the blurry images of the enemy ships firing around. Dashing away, he shook his head as his eyes began to close. There was a soft Ding that alerted him of Ice Canon. Down below, he couldn't see much, bit if he could shoot right up, then all would work.

    Avery growled, one eye shut as he forced CrossFreeze to engage in close combat, something his GEAR shouldn't be doing. Bullets passed as he ducked in between ships, making the enemy bullets to hot each other. His one-eyed sight darkened for a moment and he swallowed, forcing himself to keep conscious. When the enemy realized what he was doing, they began to collectively fire at him and CrossFreeze's right wing began to smoke. Despite the broken com, his GEAR was sending out wild distress signals. Luckily, Avery had gotten them to place where he wanted.

    The enemy troops who had been chasing him were close together and with a surprising steep dive, he twisted his GEAR around and shot at the sky. He couldn't see what was happening because of his blurry eues, but he did see something approach.

    Unluckily for both GEAR and Pilot, Avery was completely succumbing to unconsciousness. Despite himself, he tried to retreat, but the adrenalin that had kept him conscious was now fading as he ducked in between buildings. His GEAR was still sending put distress signal while the young pilot tried to talk over on his com.

    "H-hey guys..." His voice was breathy and weak, more of a croak. Swallowing, he continued, trying to grin. "F-feel kinda sl-sleepy. I'll l-let you... guys..." Blue eyes were beginning to dull as his body was slowly shutting down. "...repri... mand... me..." his finger slid of the com as he slumped forward, unconscious. Outside, CrossFreeze's light blue hull glinted in the visible light, making it easier to spot against the dark rubble.
    Spoiler: Clicky!!! 

    Spoiler: Mehehe... 

    ♡ Set by Me, Myself and I~ ♡

  2. #202
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    Saku fired more rounds, but her cases were becoming a more of a problem. She was running out of ammo. She turned her attention to see her Captain retreating with a monster chasing his six. She aimed through her sights and fired several rounds at the monsters' leg, hoping it slow down, it looked like it was at first. "I got you in my sights Captain." She said over the comm. But when she heard Avery's voice barely breaking through her radio, she looked around and noticed a crashed GEAR on the ground. "Crap." She said to herself.

    She moved from her position and started heading towards Averys' location. "MS-S Twenty Four! This is Dead Bolt! I need a confirmation statues on Cross Freeze!" She pushed the speed of her GEAR to the max, hoping she would make it on time to get to him, and get him out of there. It feels like her radio was jammed as well, because she did not get a response back from them.

    As she got closer, and had to fight in close quarter combat, which was not her thing. She had to pass some rubble and get through debris to get to Averys' GEAR. By the time she did, several alien soldiers were ready to smash his GEAR. "Oh hell no you don't!" She yelled as she pulled the trigger, hitting her targets in the chest and fired a few more in the distance to keep the ones at bay. She opened a channel to Avery. "Get up kid! Don't quit on me!" She used the arm of her GEAR to open his hatch, she spotted him laying there, unconscious. She looked frightened and surprised. She opened her GEARs' hatch and gets out of her GEAR quickly. Jumping onto Averys' and shook his body. "Wake up kid!" She demanded.

    The kid didn't wake up, she looked around, and spotted more enemy soldiers approaching. She took her knife from her suit and cut the belts that hold Avery's body and managed to pick him up, and out of his GEAR, "Come on kid." She grunted as she managed to get him out, struggling. Pulling him towards her GEAR. There was not much room in her GEAR, and she sits down first, placing Avery on her lap, keeping his head on her chest. "Dead Bolt to Widow! if you're still around, I need covering fire!" She called out on her radio, closing her GEARs' hatch and started to move. "Don't die on me kid." She whispered to Avery as she pushed her limit again, forcing it to retreat.

  3. #203
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    Slowly the blinding light dimmed and E looked around "How?" He asked himself, coughing up blood "So...judging from the *cough* gunfire and smell of blood I'm either *wheeze* still alive, or my life is still flashing before my eyes and I'm at my last family reunion." E smiled weakly at his own joke and then Shadow started to beep rapidly "You're right" he said "I need"
    E collapsed back into unconciousness. But somehow Shadow's arm raised itself up, and fired a flare into the sky

    Spoiler: Favorite Quote of All Time!!! 

  4. #204
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    Lionel was patching himself after managing to survive Butterfly Master's sneak attack, sadly White Reaper lost his newly acquired weapon CORROSION. Which is now an piece of junk stuck on the back of Leo's GEAR and to top off, the blast also damaged White Reaper's AM207. Now Lionel is partially unarmed, thankfully he still got Thunderclap and its blades.

    "Ugh Okay...that should work, now to...what the?" Lionel question mildly as he looks into the monitors within his cockpit and see an flare sailing across the sky, "whose in trouble now?" Lionel asked rhetorically too no one as he makes his GEAR to stand and picked up an alien weapon, which he was borrowing from an alien trooper he killed not long ago. Once he had White Reaper on his feet, Lionel headed off too that flare came from as he didn't want the wrong kind of help to get there first.

    "This is White Reaper...detected an distress flare and heading too it source, will request evac as soon as I reach it." Lionel explained through comms too command, hopefully reaching them as he continue on his trek too the flare's source.

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    Spoiler: Helpful Stuff 

  5. #205
    Hell Knight of RPA
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    Most of the GEARs were off of the battlefield, retreating with tails between their legs. The human fleet returned to the shores, several of them landed as bases for the surviving GEARs, and we're ready for repairs. The GEAR army were mostly far too damaged even from repairs. Though the mechanics did what they can to bring them back to life. Most of the pilots morale was gone, thinking if they were to save man kind, how can they defeat a for that knew they were coming? They do not know.

    The Commander ordered all captains and officer ranking officials for a meeting.

    During the meeting, mostly high ranking officers bickered at each other for false mistakes or not flanking their enemy at the right time. The Commander himself sat quietly in his seat as he listened to everyone's rambling. Most of their plans and timed plans were just obliterated in minutes when the real threat had shown up.

    After what seemed like hours of nothing but yelling, the Commander simply stands up and everyone suddenly went silent, knowing they have nothing but respect for the Commander when he stands to say something. The Commander looked at everyone's faces. Then his attention was given to the table for a couple of seconds and started to talk

    "I've made a promised, a promise I had to keep. When the enemy had arrived to our door and when we first made contact. We thought it was the beginning of a brighter future. A new generation that would 've born. When the enemy attacked and started ripping our ships with plasma cannons and boarding parties, tearing our hulls and letting our oxygen get sucked out. We thought it was our end. We thought this would be the reaper that would claim our lives. But it wasn't, instead, we created our own reapers. We created our salvation, our life saviors. These GEAR pilots may have suffered a lost of a battles, but they have not lost the war. And if it takes Every one of our GEARs to see this through and God as my witness I will jump into a suit and into a GEAR and fight them myself. We can not lose hope, we can not lose Earth. Now I know we still got GEARs out there on the battlefield, but if they survive and come back home. We will upgrade these machines and bring he'll along with us and show those aliens what's what. I don't care how gentlemen, I don't care what kind of evil upgrade or machine or devices we have to use, we will have to use it. Now...does anyone...have any ideas....other then being little wimps and pansies of who fault is who, we work together. Now....ideas."

    The room stood quiet for a time until someone cleared his throat. "You know those metal materials we used for the Angel of Hope? That was just a prototype we wanted to test and well...the prototype seems to be working full functionality, and it amazed us to see some great work and how effective it will be against the exterrerstials."

    "Do the damn upgrade now." The Commander gives a look to everyone. "All Captains and personal officers, you will began looking for potential candidates, and I expect a full report of your MIAs and KIAs on my desk...dismissed."

  6. #206
    Giga Onion
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    Default GEARS: Forward onto Destruction IV: Second Intermission I: Oddly Enough, I’m Fine

    I've made a promised, a promise I had to keep. When the enemy had arrived to our door and when we first made contact. We thought it was the beginning of a brighter future. A new generation that would’ve born. When the enemy attacked and started ripping our ships with plasma cannons and boarding parties, tearing our hulls and letting our oxygen get sucked out. We thought it was our end. We thought this would be the reaper that would claim our lives. But it wasn't, instead, we created our own reapers. We created our salvation, our life saviors. These GEAR pilots may have suffered a loss of a battle, but they have not lost the war. And if it takes every one of our GEARs to see this through and God as my witness I will jump into a suit and into a GEAR and fight them myself. We cannot lose hope, we cannot lose Earth. Now I know we still got GEARs out there on the battlefield, but if they survive and come back home. We will upgrade these machines and bring he'll along with us and show those aliens what's what. I don't care how gentlemen, I don't care what kind of evil upgrade or machine or devices we have to use; we will have to use it. Now...does anyone...have any ideas....other than being little wimps and pansies of who fault is who, we work together. Now....ideas.

    You know those metal materials we used for the Angel of Hope? That was just a prototype we wanted to test and well...the prototype seems to be working full functionality, and it amazed us to see some great work and how effective it will be against the extraterrestrials.

    Do the damn upgrade now. All Captains and personal officers, you will begin looking for potential candidates, and I expect a full report of your MIAs and KIAs on my desk...dismissed.

    Of course I have no say in the matter,’ thought James as he left the meeting and came to his study where he plopped down into his chair. He looked at his dog-tags knowing that he lost the only man that he considered to be his son. However, upon closer inspection, he found a chip; a chip he would have never expected to see. James leaned forward in his seat before moving to insert said chip into a video player. He looked up as Jacinto’s face came on screen; audio present.

    “Is this on? I can't really tell, wow! I can't believe there are still old Micro Chips laying around here. Well um,” he clears his throat, “Hello, I'm Jacinto Snow, and I have recently volunteered to join the ranks of becoming a GEAR Pilot. They said this would be no easy task and it would be more likely a death sentence once we get inside these machines, but I wanted to give it a try. Become something I think my father would be proud of. I never really knew my father much, but the fact that he doesn't know I exist, or if he does know, but does not want to be a part of my life. All I know is my mother raised a son, and she is the only best mother I know in my entire life. I don't know what of a man, my father was, or anything about him. All I know is, my mother ranted a few times, saying he was a great man. I would sometimes think he was a General in a army or some military branch or in a special ops, even a king sometimes when I was kid. I did found an old picture of him, but it's faint, and I can't make out the face appearance, or what military uniform he was wearing at the time. But I do know he was in the military and I pretty much joined the army as well. Thinking he would be proud about that. I wanted to become like him, something that I could leave behind in the historic events that would take place in the future. I was given Stryker, as promised, but it was in rough shape when they finished making it, looked like a hammer that seen better days though,” he laughs, “After I joined the GEARs, I made a request of a search of my father, since it was acquired to have on a certain resume. They took my blood and came up with an exact match. Now I know who he is, James B. Dultchry and I will be serving next to him as a Lieutenant, but this would be my first time meeting him, so I won't say anything at first, because maybe the stress or the surprise would be too great for him to take. And we have to keep focus on our enemy, but...I'm still working on that approach, for now I'll see what this man is all about. If he is what my mother had said, I would tell him myself one day. Or if I have a bad feeling of a certain situation, I'll let him hold my dog tags, in hopes he would find this message. If he did....Hello Dad, it was finally nice to meet you. I don't think I can make another recording, because well, this Micro Chips are really hard to come by,” he laughs, then silence, “Either I'm dead, or laying in a hospital bed, either way, I had to tell you this, I wanted to tell you in person, because I want to see the surprise look in your face, or whatever look you give when you get surprised. But if I did die...please don't tell mom, it would break her heart so bad to know her only son had died in combat. I'm sorry if I didn't tell you sooner...but I just wanted to see the man I never got to see as a child...(Memory low)...Looks like my time with this chip is up, I wish I could find another chip....Good” –End Recording

    As the recording draws to a close James was silent; awe-struck by this development. James leaned on his desk as he stared at the image of his biological son. He didn’t know he had a son. He didn’t want to know he had a son; he didn’t want to know that his son had died on battlefield because of his selfish actions for protection. Tears fell onto his desk as they collected in small, but present, splotches. “How could he have done this to me,” he said to himself, “How come you didn’t tell me this sooner?” James leaned on his hands as the room around was dark and quiet. He couldn’t understand why Jacinto would wait, even after death, till now to tell him this.

    “Stupid boy,” he said with a smile tears still present in his eyes, “How come you waited? How come you didn’t say anything further? A surprise? You sure gave me one hell of a surprise!” James leaned back in his chair and chuckled, but it was to be a sad chuckle, “Boy… You are quite something… You take after me…”

  7. #207
    Hell Knight of RPA
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    The forces have finally arrived back to base camp, and those who survived from the battlefield with wounds turned to the medical bay area. And with the damaged GEARs, either scrap or in repairs. Jacinto's GEAR appeared, some parts still remained intact, but the rest was ready to fall apart. The machine did not stand a chance to what ever the creature was. His body in a black plastic bag, along with some others.

    The dead were mourned and their pictures were displayed in the hangers. Each one had their name and ranks and what kind of GEAR and the name of their GEAR was. Even they are gone, but their memories lived on. Lived by the living and continued onward, pushing from fairy tale to legend. Their morale was lost and crippled by their defeat, but seeing their dead being honored and remembered gave them hope.

    The human ships stayed on the beach and re-organized their strategic plans, of how to take back Berlin, and then advance onward to retake their planet. Retrofitting their GEARs with advanced war tech, weaponry and suits. Recruiting more pilots then ever. Factories returned alive once again to melt and build GEARs. Evolving themselves into becoming something more greater then they was before.

    However, on the human vessel, U.S.S. Odyssey.

    The Commander lit a cigar in his hand, the red flames shine up on his face as he heard the doors to his cabin open. "Captain James, please enter." He told the captain as he waved the lit match around, disposing it in a ash trey. "I understand you had been informed you had a son, and you have my deepest condolences." He inhales a large dose of smoke into his lungs with the cigar and exhales slowly. He poured a couple ice cubes in a couple of glasses in front of him, then pours a bottle of whiskey in each one. He walked over to the captain and gives him a glass.

    "To humanity!" He raised the glass and drinks the alcohol in one shot. Placing the glass cup on the desk, and sitting on his chair. He had a file on his desk, a file with Jacintos' picture on it, with red letters stating KIA.

    "I didn't call you up here to talk about your loss, James." He placed the cigar in his mouth, his face still calm then ever, but looked disturbed at the same time. He looked to the shadows as though someone was standing there. "Your son was...with a certain group before any of this ever began, yes it says he was with the army, but that's when I noticed a few black lines in some of the paper work." He leaned forward, "What if I told you, your son was one of the top best among a certain special operations group?" He looked at the captain, "Someone here can explain it better." He looked at the shadows once more.

    Someone wearing a black suit appeared, "Captain James?" The voice called out, "I am with a certain group, also known as black ops." The man in black, simply stared at James, "We want you and your team on a mission that could turn the tide of the war, and destroy the alien forces. You and your team however will be going in the dark, and we will give you access to all weapons, armor, GEARs, and especially, certain modifications for the GEARs. We have a found a way to actually beat them at their own game...what say you?"

    James face was silent as he observed the two, then...there was a grin.



    Jacinto Snow... Jevan

    Avery Maxwell... Argon Jaden

    Sammantha "Sammy" Jordans... Heson Shadowbane

    E "Lunatic" Mystere... Enigma83

    Ash Emerson... AbyssWalker

    James B. Dultchry... Theorem Of Hoef (Co-GM)

    Lionel "Leo" Chambers... chief

    Marcus Walbrecht the XVIII... Cfavano

    Fox "Foxhound" Hunters... Rahz

    Saku Takashi... Garrus
    Last edited by MidKnight; 01-09-2015 at 06:58 AM.

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