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Thread: Dr. Insano's Mad Experiments

  1. #1
    Dr. Insano's Avatar
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    Default Dr. Insano's Mad Experiments

    Oh, I see you've stepped into my lab! Well I hope you enjoy your stay, and please don't touch anything. I'd hate for you to break a beaker on yourself and grow a lizard tail. Now, allow me to take you on a tour to see my....fighters HAHAHA! *cough cough*

    Brenda! Bring our guests some lemonade! And tell Spoony to come over, he never visits anymore....

    - - - Updated - - -

    CS template:

    General Information:

    Height, body shape and muscularity fall under this section.
    Distinctive Features:
    Characteristics such as scars, skin tone and unique anatomy fall under this section.
    Clothes / Armour:
    A basic overview of the character's outfit, armour and accessories is needed, enough that your opponent will be able to form a general idea of what your character looks like.

    Fighting Style:
    All weapons need to be mentioned in detail – type, appearance, magical attributes, etc. Equipment, such as shields or grappling hooks, should also be described here. You cannot overload your character with an unrealistic amount of weaponry. If your warrior has expertise in unarmed combat – hand-to-hand – then make note of his fighting style here.
    All spells, special moves and abilities must be listed here. You must provide a description of what they do, how they affect an opponent, charging and cool-down times, and how long the effect lasts for. You should include any limitations or drawbacks of the abilities.
    When talking about periods of time, please give details in the form of the number of posts i.e., ‘Kai’s ‘Lightening Bolt’ spell takes two posts to charge, and she must wait one post after use until she can start charging again.’
    Racial weaknesses and natural strengths fall under this section.


  2. #2
    Dr. Insano's Avatar
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    Default Experiment #001 "Mummified"

    General Information:
    Name: Ysmari
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    Race: Mummy

    Build: You are looking at a mummy, plain and simple. He stands 5'11" in height and weighs a staggering 300 lbs. Underneath his beige wraps you can tell muscles are about to burst them open, though you're not sure you want to see what is underneath.

    Hair: You see no hair, but you think it may have all decayed away.

    Eyes: If you know anything about mummies you know that there are no eyes.

    Clothes / Armour:
    Now this isn't what you see everyday, a mummy with friggin armor! He wears a titanium chest plate with matching leggings. Along with this his bandages offer another layer of protection and are very malleable, making them slightly harder to pierce. He wears no protection for his arms, feet, or head.

    Fighting Style:
    Duel Scimitars: Razor sharp and unbreakable, these specially made weapons were constructed in Dr. Insano's lab himself. These swords can cut through nearly any metal and unprotected limbs will be chopped cleanly through.

    Rot: This is a touch ability. One Ysmari takes a hold of you you will feel the very cells of your body start to die. This is, of course, a slow process. Usually this will only prove fatal if the enemy is held for a very long time (about five posts). Each post the enemy is held hey will grow weaker and weaker. One post will make them feel weary, two will make them start to feel weak, three posts is exhaustion, four will make them collapse, and five will make them unconscious.

    Feed: Even the undead need to eat. When he needs to heal the unprotected flesh of a humanoid will prove to be a tasty snack. Ysmari will open his mouth, breaking the wraps near his face, and attempt to bite you. Successfully feeding will heal minor wounds such as shallow stabs or slashes.

    Unnatural Strength: This mummy's strength seems odd for something that should be rotten. He can easily lift a normal person with one hand, and can flip a car with moderate ease. Any acts of strength that would strain him would include smashing walls and uprooting trees.

    Personality: Ysmari does not speak unless spoken to and does not splurge in talking if it isn't necessary. He seems to be controlled, or at the very least is influenced by an outside force. He doesn't seem extremely intelligent but basic tactics are known to him. He says he fights in the name of his creator but of whom that is you might not know. Quips and taunts go over his head and he will respond logically to whatever you say.

    Background: There is not much to say about his life, if he had one. His body was created and prematurely mummified by Dr. Insano. He was told his sole purpose was to fight in a new word called RPA for him and to collect data. Knowing nothing else he accepted this reality and now fights for his master, creator, and father. Along with this he also serves as an assistant for the mad scientist creating more fighters and on occasion experimenting on live specimens.
    Last edited by Dr. Insano; 03-31-2015 at 12:24 AM.

  3. #3
    Dr. Insano's Avatar
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    Default Experiment #002 "Iron Woman"

    General Information:
    Name: Alexa Kayne
    Age: 26
    Gender: Female
    Race: Human

    Build: Fairly muscular, but not that of a body builder. She stands at 5'11".

    Hair: Long and red.

    Eyes: Brown with a hint of red.

    Clothes / Armour:
    There's a reason why she is called the "Iron Woman". She has a full body suit made of a metal created in Dr. Insano's lab. It is heat, cold, and magnetic resistant. Overall it weighs 15 lbs but is extremely hard to pierce. During tests only a tank missile made it through, and even then the wearer suffered only fractured ribs. The armor has a silver look to it and sports a small jet pack. Though you won't be going into the air and saying hello to airplanes this does add a great boost to speed.

    Fighting Style:
    Energy Sword: Shaped like a broadsword, made of high density energy. In terms of weight this weapon weighs 10 lbs. Since it is made of energy said energy can run out. A long battle will not be good for the weapon and it will power off if it is in continuous use. It takes two posts for the sword to recharge and one to get it activated.

    Energy Blasts: From the palms of her hands Alexa can fire beams of concentrated energy. These can be short bursts or a continuous beam. After being used 10 times it will take three posts for it to recharge.

    Unarmed Strikes: Sometimes fights have to go down and dirty. Prepared for this the armor has spikes in its knuckles that activate upon command.

    Defensive Mode: Just like it seems the armor takes on defensive qualities. It's shell gets harder, but as a drawback speed and strength is reduced.

    Offensive Mode: Sometimes a great offense it better than a great defense. Shrugging off some extra plating, the armor becomes much faster and activates the jet systems in its arms. This allows for greater speed and strength, but sacrifices armor that cannot be added. In other words, once Offensive Mode is active the armor that was lost cannot be regained.

    Background: Classified. All you need to know is that ever since the age of 20 she's been training to become a fighter in Dr. Insano's lab.


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