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Thread: Purgament FAQ

  1. #1
    Arch-angel of Epica
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    Default Purgament FAQ

    Q. Can't we bring our own made character or are we allowed to edit?

    A. No, this Rumble is made specially with the mind set of giving you a pre-made character that you need to work with. You will be given only half of his/her/its/their abilities and memories, which you will unlock as you progress and win the battles.

    Q. So we have no saying at all?

    A. Yes and No. The abilities, personality, equipment, etc. are set, but, and this is the big important parameter, you are still capable to play your character the way you see fit. You may even come up with possibilities we, the judges, have not even considered.

    Q. Why did you make it like that?

    As some of you have already stated, we wanted to try something new and refreshing. It is only a one year thing (a special something for the 5th year) and it will return to the way it was next year. Our mind set was to bring more attention and people to the arena. Some shy away from it for many reasons, and we wanted to expend the horizon and possibilities on what can be done within the field of the arena.

    Q. Are the characters balanced?

    A. Yes and no. We did tried our best to give them all a more or less good start, however, some starts with more powerful abilities, and some will not get abilities right away or right after each victory.
    We want you to actually use what you have been given to make the most of it, and test your abilities as a player. So, as balanced as we can try to make it, the player playing his/her role can make the big difference here.
    Keep in mind that the abilities are not THAT helpful if the player has not put them to a good use.

    Q. How About adding more to the bio or abilities of the cards?

    A. The Cards will be updated in special threads with the character's weapons, abilities, weakness, etc. You will be given 3 days after the published threads will be up to learn more about your characters and ask question.
    Who will go against you will also be published during that time, giving you enough time to learn how to approach the coming battle.

    Q. My character is not that powerful...

    A. As you can see from the judging criteria in this thread, power is not everything. We also judged by how you react to the arena environment, to the other player, to the mind set and personality of your character and so on.
    As happened, and will probably happen again, even if a player managed to "defeat" or "kill" his rival, he may still lost, if his abilities to express the battle weren't sufficient enough or because of other reasons that may draw points away from him.

    Q. I wasn't quick to get a card!

    A. We are adding tomorrow 16 more, stay tuned here, and check the list here for more info.

    Q. Can we switch?

    A. Right now no. If the issue will raise we will consider the terms under which we will allow a trade.

    Q. I want to be a judge, does it mean I can't participate in the Rumble?

    A. Sadly yes. You can be a judge only by given up your chance to be a player this year.

    Q. When do we start?

    A. Unless there will be changes, which I think there won't (but keep tuned in case of a change) we will start on the 17th. We will post a thread with the "Characters" you are going to play. You will then be given 3 days to adjust, create your strategy, and think how you are going to play them.
    The battles themselves will be up on the 20th!

  2. #2
    Arch-angel of Epica
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    Q. On the subject of extension and 72 hours posts

    A. In response to some of the questions fielded in this thread;

    -If a player fails to post within the allotted time period, and has not been granted an extension, they will be disqualified. Their opponent will be granted an automatic win and pass on to the next round.

    -If a judge post is due in your thread, you have 72 hours to post from the judge's post. You will not be penalized for waiting for a judge post when you've been asked to.

    -Each extension, if allowed, will be no longer than another 72 hours.


    The first round of this rumble will probably be the round we will be a bit more lenient because we are aware that this is the start. We aware we have few players who haven't posted and consider giving them extra time, just for the sake of it being the start and to get things going.

    Generally speaking, each of you have a judge for a reason. If you feel you cannot post in the given 72 hours, you need to contact your judge and ask for an extension. Each extension gonna be no more than another 72 hours TOP.

    The judges save have the right to refuse a request however. One of the main reasons for it is if an opponent has asked for it repeatedly or if given reasons were not justifed. After all, you have all committed to this, just as your friends and judges, so that would be unfair to keep them waiting. If you couldn't find time, you shouldn't have signed and taken the spot of someone else.

    We are aware we have some people that have yet to post and we are constantly considering what to do. But the result is the same. The one who did not post is disqualify and his rival is the auto winner, getting a free bye turn to the next battle.

  3. #3
    Arch-angel of Epica
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    Q. What are you gonna do about members not following the rules?

    A. We have to admit that in this we give the judge the chance to act as he/she sees fit because we have two ways to approach battles judging.

    1. Contact said member and tell him to edit the post.

    2. Wait until the end of the battle and bring it to the attention while doing the scores (this will greatly effects the numbers and/or be a serious cause to disqualification). Reason is, that we gave you the rules from long before the battles have started. We kinda expect you to read them and to know better.

    So, trust us to judge the way we see fit, but please, suppose you notice something which seems wrong, bring it to our attention. Better to PM the personal judge in person and help us see the things we may have missed.

    Thank you everyone and have fun.


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