Welcome to World Building. Before you get started, there are a few guidelines which must be followed. Please note that we are doing this as a trial and the staff reserves the right to shut down the section if we feel it isn't getting enough attention
All RPA rules are in full effect.
Whatever is created, it must be original. If you are creating a world that is your own version of Earth, or any existing fictional realm (Middle Earth, Pandora) go and create and RP in the appropriate section as this is not the section for you.
In order to get a forum section for your world, you must have at least five people (not including yourself) already interested. Feel free to post a recruitment/idea thread in this section to attract people.
Once you have your idea and at least five interested people, fill out the application in the applications thread and post it in that thread Once your application is approved, an Admin will create your forum section.
Worlds will be a collaborative effort. Everyone will be equals and will be treated as such. Discussions should be kept civil.
If you choose to conduct conversations about your world via IM or chat-room, please note that the staff of RPA will not be responsible for any problems that arise therein. If problems that arise off site come up in this section, or anywhere else on RPA, the forum for that world will be closed.
We are not going to set a maximum limit on subforums as we understand that some worlds may require a greater number of subforums for the sake of organization. However, we do ask that you don't go overboard. If we do think you are going overboard, we'll talk to you and try to find a compromise in some way.
The staff reserves the right to deny any application for a subforum. Note that we will only deny applications that are not creating an original world, have only one member, or are overly similar to an existing world.
The staff reserves the right to recycle any world that is inactive for any great length of time.