General Information:

Name: Travis peacekeeper, son of Hope and david peacekeeper. despite how glorious their name sounds, they come from a long line of poverty.
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Racial Profile: Racial profile: in evaris, despite the levels of society, everyone living there was given a special drug that amplified their bodies and overall abilities tenfold. What exactly that drug could do depended on the level of society you lived in. originally Travis was given something weak, barely giving him any abilities what-so-ever, but when he was admitted into heaven he was granted unimaginable powers. Coursing through his veins had been the power to withstand a pressure equal to three tons of pressure! Aside from that he had bulletproof skin, a sight better than bats, eagles, and cats combined(really long distances), he could move at a speed faster than cheetahs(not that fast, just a bit faster.), and on top of all that, something that stood out higher than all others was his insane ability to traverse incredible distances via incredibly high jumps and astounding climbing skills. all in all, Travis was a superhuman solider.
Height/weight: 6'2 and weighs 185lbs
Physique: incredibly slim despite his racial traits. He'd always been known as the "little guy" even though he was taller than most. he'd at one point even been known as "little or young slim" by his father, David.
Skin tone/complexion: He was caramel skinned and soft skinned at that. A lot of people were surprised by how soft it was.
Hair: Bushy afro thing
Clothing: He wore whatever clothing he could get his hands on during most occasions. However, the one thing that stayed constant about his apparel was the black band on his right arm. Aside from that, everything was random.

So what exactly was the suit? What was it made of? what could it do? let's begin with the suit's specs before we go into the nitty gritty for everything else. first off the suit was wielded together by a substance unknown to mankind. though, if it were to be compared to anything, something twice as tough as diamond's substance would suffice. Next let's discuss the H.u.D System built into the helmet. It serves as a radar for all types of energy(Specifically: Thermal, Elemental, explosive, & Kinetic. Non Specifically: Anything else known to mankind I didn't list). It can track and lock on these signatures in order to perform homing attacks, send a telekinetic signal to a friend in order to warn them of said signature, or log it for further usage. It also allows for acknowledgement of it's energy for conversion purposes. Once it can identify it or at least match it with more common energy, it makes the scarf's job a lot easier. what can the scarf do? We'll save that for a later paragraph. this suit is fueled by anger freshly extracted from Travis himself consistently, this means that his source of power can never run out nor can it be short Circuited. Anyway, continuing on, Travis is able to shift the mass of his body around at will, meaning devastating punches, skyscraper height jumps or bone crushing kicks can occur at lightning speeds without much effort put into it. the final spec of the suit is something that will be mentioned on a different page, so please refer to that for any info on it.(It's the belt's specs, look on the Kratos page). Now then, let's get down and dirty and explain the rest of it, shall we?
Starting with the feet, they contained a feature much similar to conversion. once exposed to an energy, it began to built a kind of immunity to it. Not only that, it attempted to identify the energy to match it with anger similar to it's own nature. with this, Travis was able to do things such as creating small little platforms just above things such as beam waves and straight beams of energies in general, allowing him to essentially "walk on energy". The feet themselves had been stored with a massive amount of thermal and explosive energy. this was used to create equally massive explosions the moment it makes impact upon an object. though of course, this could be switched on and off at will, allowing for a combo of sorts to take place. should you get caught in this combo? good luck.
A rather small mention, but located on the knees are specially built plates meant for exerting a high amount of very concentrated anger in the shape of a gargantuan X(can be compared to two light-posts in the form of an x). Anger in this instant can be compared to around 5 3-5 metric ton 18-wheelers crashing into one's body blow after blow(a.k.A A fierce level of pressure being used in a cross attack). Continuing on, the hands.
Located on the gloves had been a variety of mechanisms. the first and more often used had been the red gems located within the knuckle of each finger. these were thermal gems, meant to rapidly increase the heat of the gloves at rapid speeds. it would start small, 3rd degree burns and things such as that; but with enough time on the field, it could reach heats close to the sun's own. now in order to amplify the overall gusto in his gloves, by feeding the gems some of his own anger, he could speed up the process dramatically, 3rd degree burns being child's play and those high heats being reached before a minute's time. This alone was powerful, when completely skyrocketed by the buster punch, it was on a whole new playing field.
Last but not least had been the headwear. first off is the "magician's Scarf". It received this name due to it's magic-like three-step attacking process. the first step was absorbing. Should the energy be one known to mankind or a foreign energy he'd been exposed to, his scarf would grow in size and completely blanket whatever body of energy is heading in his direction. the second step is the converting, energy to anger, easy enough. the last step was a matter of timing. the moment it'd become anger, it would quietly be charging, waiting for the perfect moment. Once said moment arrived, he would swing the scarf like a bat, the body of energy bursting out of the scarf and attacking the opponent in whatever fashion it approached him in. thus was the three-step magic-like attacking process of the "magician's scarf". The helmet(as well as the entire suit) had been immune to all acidic substances, all toxins, all poisons, etc; it was a gas mask on beta-max if you catch my drift. aside from that, there isn't much more to say.
Swords. Ahh good old fancy swords. if you were a gung-ho, samurai, badass, swordsman type, hero-guy you had to carry some on your person. Unfortunately for Mr. Robin hood it hadn't been any different. With one on each side, he wielded what appear to be just the hilts of katanas. However that had not been the case. Taking the shape of the actual blade(stretching out to be some odd 5-6 inches) had been an invisible storage compartment. I bet your asking yourself what exactly goes into that storage compartment? Well anything really. Let me explain, there'd been a button the center of both swords, when holding the hilt against the target substance, once he pressed the button, the substance will be loaded into the compartment and act as the actual blade. His blade is capable of using substances at will in order to make a katana, substances like: Elemental substances(Water, fire, Earth, wind), Thermal Substances(Magma, ash, etc
and last but not least, energy. Now the energy was the most amazing part of all. Do you remember that whole identification process we spoke of earlier? Well, should the opponents energy be either a. something common or b. something identified he can very well form a beam blade from the opponent's energy itself.
In order to switch the substance used in the blade all he'd have to do is press the button once more and it'd literally ooze out to the ground below him. Of course, he could fling it out of his sword in a way that some sort of attack could come from it, but I mean whose really asking? ;D
To those substance that are initially of a liquid state, there was a feature from the blade that allowed it to retain such a state. Acting more like a loose whip, should he acquire a liquid-type substance it's able to slither around and such, much like a snake would behave. Of course, this meant that gases were no excuse. Asking how this would work? The katana would act more like a storage container than anything. Once the button had been pressed, a gas would be released, mixed with a special form of anger that when inhaled, would deliver immense amounts of pressure to anything and everything in the body. This gas could be considered a fog in a way, covering the entire field in a few moments time, and once it spread the only way to stop the fog would be to destroy the sword itself.
Baring these things in mind, Travis' psuedo blades could only be described in two words and two words only. "matter Masters"
What exactly were protocols? well, they were commands that were used to activate, de-activate, or begin a certain action and or mechanism within the suit. by using these protocols, he was able to perform feats in which he normally would not without the proper command. he could use these protocols at any given moment during the heat of battle but it was imperative that said protocols were used. had he not used them, they would surely be ineffective. with that in mind, let's dive right in.
Mentioned only slightly on the "focus" page, ignite was a protocol that, when activated, engulfed the specific object on his person in a large black flame. This black flame was a concentrated amount of anger representing the flaming desire to utterly shit-stomp whatever it was causing him to get so angry. that aside, let's get straight into the specific commands.
Buster punch!: buster punch was a command specifically engulfing his thermo-fists once they've reached a certain temperature. once activated, it immediately begins stacking heat rapidly(20 degrees every few seconds) and will continue to do so until it's made contact with the intended target. what would it do once it's reached that point? The buster punch was not directly intending on burning or scorching the object alive. once it made contact with the object, it would absorb every inch of heat within the object's body and or on their person. while absorbing said heat from the body, the already intense heat would indeed scorch said body alive. basically, the object would feel as if they'd been freezing to death when in actuality they'd been burning alive the entire time. such was the madness of the buster punch.
Buster Kick: the buster kick was a command in which his explodo-feet would become engulfed in flames. now I know what you're thinking. "if his feet already do the explosion thing, why does it need a command?" well, to be put simply, it's just fucking awesome. like the buster punch, the explosion energy would begin to charge up rapidly, the amount stacked being compared to a few c4 every few seconds. once this destructive kick made contact with the object, the explosion energy, now in the form of large black flames would enter the body, slithering and filling every available spot with it's intense flames. basically, this explosion energy would surge through the body, overwhelming it entirely and overloading it until...boom..combustion. his black flames would explode from multiple points of the body, said body erupting like a volcano. such was the destruction of the buster kick.
What was burst? Burst was a protocol specifically designed for long range combat. when this was activated, a certain part of the body would be modified, altered, etc; in order to suit a long range situation.
Buster cannon: when this was activated, his hand and the three metallic compartments following it would be engulfed by a black lava looking substance. After a moment of time, the substance would disappear, two large jet-black cannons being left in it's wake. lined across the left and right side of the cannon had been a painting of purple flames. whenever the attack began charging, be it for a second or a minute, they frantically glowed, it's glow spurts getting quicker and quicker depending on how long he charged. Once they'd been charged long enough, the word "GO!" appeared on both side as a large beam-like blast of kinetic force was shot out from the cannon in the form of a closed fist. depending on how long he charged, how large the fist is and how destructive the kinetic force would be. what this meant is, the longer the charge, the larger the fist, the harder the impact. Not only that, the blast increased in speed via distance traveled. starting from the very beginning at a speed twice as fast as bullet, the blast would continue to increase, adding on to that, it would grow in size as well. in this sense, one could say that the farther you are away from him, the worse it'd be.
BUSTER BARRAGE: this command technically had nothing to do with guns, but it was placed in the burst protocol due to what it could do. During the buster barrage, his whole entire suit would become engulfed in the black flame used during ignite. using the H.U.D system, it created a type of conceptual "string" connecting him and his target. It was as if he'd been glued to the opponent and could immediately and accurately make contact with him/her at any time. When the command came into play, he charged directly towards his opponent, unable to go anywhere else. It's at this time that the thruster braces are activated, his speed rocketing up as his thermo-fists began heating up rapidly as well as his explodo-feet charging up. The moment his attack made contact with the opponent, he would enter a chain of attacks. the first being a devastating punch from his thermo-fists, the second would be a gut ripping knee to the stomach. a kick to a vital organ would immediately follow as it all ended with a buster move of his choice. the string of attacks gathering into a overwhelmingly destructive combo that would leave the opponent in shambles. such was the strength of the buster barrage.
ENGAGE was a special protocol only used when Travis' anger reached it's peak and he was about to reach Boiling Point. Consuming every current amount of anger stored within his body he can input two different commands: nirvana & Armageddon. Located below are the explanations behind both of them.
Nirvana: Nirvana was a command in which his anger had reached maximum output, in fact, during Nirvana, Travis is more irate than in any other instance. He's so pissed off, that he loses all sense of anger, he no longer feels anger, he no longer understands anger. From this, his entire body is engulfed by an icy blue flame. His movements become stilled, effortless, to be put in a more simplistic term, his energetic personality completely dies. He becomes an empty vessel of anger, no emotion, nothing. at the cost of his personality, every single protocol is amplified to it's maximum potential. He's able to move at speeds twice as fast as the buster cannon's full potential within seconds, jump to heights unfathomable by mankind, etc; It's because he looked so completely at peace that this command was codenamed "Nirvana". Despite it's name, Nirvana was the most dangerous command in his arsenal. ( Color Shift: Black & Grey parts turn white. Red parts are an ocean blue color)
Armageddon: Armageddon is a command in which his anger spills out of his body. literally, that shit is oozing out of him in a lava-like substance. His anger completely takes over his body, otherwise known as his "boiling point". At the cost of losing a great deal of his flexibility, every protocol is not only amplified beyond it's fullest potential but everything is given a sleek NEW RED FLAME! His accuracy and precision are raised to 100% as well as the 75% of the brain being unlocked. This allows for Telekinetic abilities such as levitation..well..straight out flying actually. With said flying ABILITY, HE GROWS WINGS! LARGE RED FLAME WINGS ARE THERE FOR NO OTHER REASON BUT TO LOOK COOL. Basically being Nirvana with a few added additions, ARMAGEDDON EARNS IT'S PLACE AMONG THE BEST OF THE BEST COMMANDS IN ENGAGE! ( Color Shift: Black & Grey are a dark red. Red parts are a darker red color.)
Gilgamesh: Gilgamesh is a final, no holding back command that brings the fullest potential out of Travis. In this form, anger explodes from his entire body in the form of ten red fists(or blue if in nirvana). The buster punch is locked onto each and every one of these fists and the buster kick is locked and loaded on his feet. His hands are freely able to switch from Buster cannon(loading time just a tad shorter but still pretty long) and buster barrage(Once the initial attack is completed, all ten fists will be included in the combo.) whenever he wishes. These fists can be used for defensive purposes as well. The hands opening up and taking on the same properties as the scarf(storing it in and using it for later). Finishing up this description with the ability to become as strong as suit, this command is the jack of all trades. He'll only use it when in an extremely dire situation. (Color Shift: Full white armor with red lines staying the same)
Evaris, the city of greed. A city in which they'd chew you up and spit you out without a second thought so long as money was involved. It wasn't hard to determine who had money and who didn't, but because the mayor had been a bottom-feeding, egotistical, narcissistic, gold-digging tyrant, he split the city into three different sections. The first section was for all those who served under the filthy crustaceans he calls feet. The people living in this section were nobles, presidents, people of high power. They truly believed they dwarfed the entire world in terms of wealth, fame, and power. These people were known as "Gaia" which stood for "Rich, Wealthy, Wholesome" and their section was known as "Syel la" also known as "Heaven".
The other sections "Modere" which represented those who lived standard lives, with a generally okay salary and a moderate family, and "Kras" which represented all those under "Modere". Those in Kras were poor, they had low incomes, most of them lived in the slums if they could even manage the few cents and scraps they had to survive. Though, those two aren't exactly important. They won't be included very much in the story. Now then, let's focus on Heaven. After receiving everything in the world, Heaven and it's mayor, Mr. Greed decided that they wanted not the whole universe, but the entire galaxy and galaxies to come to grovel under their feet. It was for that reason that they created hobots. Hobots were regular old homeless citizens of Kras that'd been abducted by Gaia and turned into galactic warmachines. There had also been scumbots, cash cows, and many other drones constructed by heaven for the the sole purpose of galactic domination. Each and everyone of those drones had been abducted human beings, forcefully mechanized to fight, though it's not like it mattered to them, they were just citizens of Kras, who cared? Travis Peacekeeper, that's who.
son of hope and David Peacekeeper, Travis was a kras citizen who'd lived in the highest part of the slums possible.. it was on one random day that he'd received a letter inviting him to attend school in Heaven with a full scholarship. desperately wanting a better life for their son, hope and David Peacekeeper immediately sent their son without hesitation. He attended the school, the unknown scholarship granting him immunity and access to things many people would dream for. People envied him, they despised him, they wanted to end him. scum like him didn't deserve to be in heaven amongst Gaia like them. though it wasn't until a malicious cyber bullying did Travis truly find out why he was admitted into heaven without question. The bully had been the son of a heaven-famous scientist, head of the hobots project. after over-hearing the reason for Travis' admittance into heaven he took it upon himself to completely destroy his life. "The only reason you're here, scum" he told him "Is because my father needed your parents for the hobots project"! the boy stood silent, he was not shocked, he was not terrified, he was not bewildered..he was angry..he was pissed, he was livid. He balled up his fists, immediately sending his fist flying into the son the next day as he was greeted with a crowd of envying gaya, ready to kick his ass at a moment's notice. As he'd entered a one on everyone war, a low-toned voice spoke through his head as his fists continued to fly. "are you angry?" the voice asked "No shit!" he called out, roundhouse kicking a student "do you want to pay them back for what they've done?" the voice continued "Fuck yeah I do!" Travis howled, his fist meeting someones face "I can give you this power, however, you must do something for me in return" the crowd stepped back, a hobot entering the scene as the scientist boy emerged into laughter, hiding behind it in cowardice as he commanded the bot to destroy him "What is it? Kind of in a hurry right now" the voice responded back "You must dawn my name". Travis was silent only for a moment, his mind immediately becoming clear as he answered the voice "Fine! i'll do it!".
As if on que, a black mist began covering his body, swallowing it whole as the hobot halted while attempting to read the situation. the moment the mist cleared, a black blur rapidly emerged, launching itself at the hobot and passing it just as quick. the hobot turned around, prepared to strike until it's H.U.D began flashing red with error signs. before it could even notice, a large hole was made in the chest of the hobot, it's combustion following immediately after. as the students watched in awe, the son of the scientist stepped back, his body trembling as he shouted out to one responsible "Who did that?! W-What are you?!" his answer? garbed in a sleek black body suit, complete with metal protruding bits and a red neck scarf that constantly blows in the wind to seal the deal was the newly gifted Travis Peacekeeper in all of his glory. "Me?.." he clenched his fists, his eyes set on the son of the scientist as he grabbed him by the collar and flipped him onto the ground, his foot resting on the chin of the boy as he began pleading and begging "I'm mother fucking robin hood, coming to smash the rich and live for the poor". With this, his foot crushed the boy's head, blood and brains splattering onto walls as he looked around, shrugging lightly "anyone else?". The students ran in terror, their expressions being more than enough to make him chuckle softly. "So, who do I owe the honor of giving me this badass suit?" the voice was silent for a moment, seeming unresponsive until it finally responded back. "the name is Mellow, Mellow valentine." Travis smriked "Mellow, huh? Alright, it seems like a pretty fitting nickname . I like it." the voice laughed in response "then the deal is sealed.." the voice faded away for a moment as Travis headed out the door, his suit reverting into a black wristband on his right arm. "By the way.. that suit has a name?" the voice said "oh?" Travis responded " what's that?" the voice grew silent, the door closing behind Travis as he looked out towards the sun, a new sense of hope filling his body. "The buster fucker"
Personality: He was pretty easy-going. he didn't really take much time to think about things as he believed life was too short for all that jazz He had a strong sense of bravery and justice and a strong hatred for those who considered themselves higher than the rest. when angered he reaches a point of non-care-giving. He literally just stops caring about everything and focuses in on his utter hatred for whatever it was that caused him to reach such a point in the first place. all in all, he was a cool, calm, and collected BAD4$$.
Background: Nani?