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Thread: m139's battle characters

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    Default m139's battle characters

    Well, I've been meaning to make something in this forum for a while. And what better time than now?


    Cad Xerran


    Merik Case


    Serina Aureolis
    Last edited by m139; 09-24-2016 at 04:03 AM.
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    Default Entry for Rumble 2014

    Name: Cad Xerran

    Age: 20

    Gender: M

    Race: Salician

    Appearance: Humanoid, stands at 5'2. Olive skin tone, with a slightly oval face, and pointy chin. Somewhat large nose. Light orange eyes with ovular pupils. Hair is brown and is cut close, with the back reaching to the bottom of the neck and the front reaching to the eyebrows. There are not any visible markings on his body, but his left arm has a long scar covering about half his forearm, and his right has a scar at the shoulder. His built looks mostly like that of an average human being. However, the legs are slightly longer and the torso shorter. Hands are also somewhat larger and fingers fatter than a normal human beings.

    Outfit: Somewhat loose tunic of an off white color (originally white, but now grayish due to dirt) with sleeves ending at the wrists. Under the tunic is a breastplate, and then another shirt. Light brown pants, tucked into mid-calf boots.

    Personality: A bit curious, also with a "nothing can hurt me" boyish sort of attitude: in the past, has seen battling more as a game than as a life threatening situation.

    The planet of Salix is the home of the Salices. The Salices tend to live in small clans scattered around on the main mass of land which covers most of the semi-tropical region. It is a little planet somewhere at the edge of the universe, and, as such, has had limited access to civilization, with only the occasional trading ship coming in from time to time. The Salices are proficient hunters, for wildlife is common on this sparsely populated planet. although many have turned to mining as well as forging, as metals particular to this planet are the goods for what the trading ships come. Of course, control over these metals have been the recent cause of war, the last major one sixteen years ago. And just because all are in relative "peace", doesn't mean there is not the occasional squirmish.

    But there are unspoken rules to every battle, consistent throughout to the whole race. For example, the only honorable fights ending in death are those held man to man (in other words, no ganging up to kill someone), although to scare someone off or take prisoners their can be more than one to one person. Another important thing for killing another person is that killing must be done close range, and preferably with a sword and with the other man able to look you in the face.

    Cad lived in one of these communities, and has been in his fair share of battles, starting at the age of sixteen. Before then he mostly had a normal childhood, saw a couple of minor raids, as his clan loses/gains control of a certain mine, and learned to use a sword and throw daggers. He sees the rules mentioned above as important. He has so far been fairly successful, and, although he has not himself traded, has received the honor of being given a stun gun, one of the few outside weapons that the Salicans trade for, as they see most outside weapons as un-honorable.

    The only really traumatic event in his life was the almost of his friend in one of the squirmishes. His friend, Dan, was found almost dead after a battle, but has since recovered. The major difference, which has caused some estrangement, is that his friend is more serious now. One other thing about his life is important: he is beginning to fall in love with a young lady, Lalea, but has not yet professed it.

    Breastplate: made of a light but strong metal. Covers chest and back. Can be pieced if stabbed with enough force in a single spot. This is the easiest way to get through it. It is much harder, but still possible, to slash through it with regular human strength.

    Shield: hand held, but rests against left forearm. Made of a light, but strong metal. Of course, any hard hit in the right place is going to hurt the arm. About eighteen inches across, and 27 inches from top to bottom. The handle is located an inch higher from the middle, and five inches from the right side. On the front, etched into the metal, is a large image of a flying bear, symbol of his clan, the Xerran.

    Sword: used for close combat, blade length is 30 inches, hilt is five inches. Used for slashing and sword stuff. Pretty durable, although it can break. Blade is made of a hard metal particular to the planet, hilt made of a reddish wood, with some reddish leather wrapped around it for grip.

    Poisoned Daggers (3): six inches long in total, blade four inches. made mostly for throwing. weak poison, not enough to kill, but enough to make the average man, after a good hit, bleed some and feel slight dizziness after one post. After two posts, may effect the man to such a degree that it will become increasingly hard to focus. After the forth post, the grogginess begins to wear off and by the sixth post is pretty much completely gone. Of course, stronger characters are likely to have more resistance, and recover faster.

    Stun gun
    : A little larger than a hand gun, but with a barrel about twice the size. fires electronic bolt, with range of about forty feet. The closer the person is, the more effective it is. At thirty feet, it is likely, when used on the average man, to cause some discomfort but can really only be used as a minor distraction, but when fired off really close range, for example, about one foot, can cause the average person to completely lose conscious as well as probably cause a bit of permanent damage. However, this is mainly only used for long range attacks. Also, the accuracy decreases greatly after around twenty-five feet. Comes charged. After use, takes one turn to recharge, done automatically. Has somewhat of a recoil after fire.

    Abilities and Attributes:
    -good at what he has. extremely proficient with the sword and throwing daggers
    -right handed
    -somewhat stronger than the average human being. Can lift about 1.5x what an average human can do.
    -good reflexes. (defensive) If attacked suddenly, with something going at a normal speed (most handheld objects, or thrown objects, but probably not arrows (depends on distance) and definitely not bullets) from a visible angle, he will most likely be able to either move out of the way, or intercept it, be that with an arm or another weapon

    -relative isolation. He has not seen or done much. If in an unfamiliar arena or with a completely foreign opponent, may stop and stare. Will limit ability, especially in the first post.
    -unpredictability. He has not fought much in real threatening situations, and therefore is likely to be a little off when an opponent does something or attacks in a weird way. Includes weapons not similar to his own
    -has not had any experience with magic and non-human like sentient beings
    -somewhat short.
    -extreme temperatures in either direction
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    Name: Janna

    Age: 15

    Gender: F

    Race: Human

    Appearance/Outfit: She is somewhat thin, and stands at 5'0. Her brown hair is cut unevenly at a length just below the shoulders. She wears a tunic like shirt over pants. The shirt is gray, the pants are brown. Most of the time, she goes barefoot. Always looks like she needs a bath. A very, very long bath.

    Personality: Feisty and confident, Janna also has an extremely sharp tongue. If challenged, she will most likely accept it, if only to prove that she can. Thinks poorly of those who can't hold their own fight. The quickest way to get her admiration is to punch her in the face, that is, punch her in the face when she is completely aware of you.

    History: Blah, blah blah. From the islands of Alveria. (see this roleplay Talrium Gods) Her exact origins are unknown, even to herself. Her name itself may or may not have even been her given one. Her earliest recollections are of being shifted from one family to another. She is doubtless one of the many abandoned/orphaned children of Alveria's poor. Somewhere along the line, she joined a group of petty thieves. It was only then that she developed her power due to exposition of talrium. Who could tell exactly when she was first exposed to talrium, after all, running around in a crowded city can do things to you. Eventually, someone in the group got suspicious of her after she almost got caught in a routine house burglary gone bad. She was set up in her next attempt, but she was able to avoid capture by making the man believe he heard something fall in another part of the house. After this, she realized the treachery of the group and began a thieving life of her own.

    Janna has the ability to manipulation sound. I suppose this could be considered an air based power, but that is really too broad. At some point, perhaps, she may be able to manipulate air. But for now, can only manipulate sound. Anyways, she creates the wave of sound, in two ways:

    arrow of sound: she creates sound that originates from her, the intensity decreases as it goes away from her. The sound spreads away from her in a wedge shape, with anywhere from a 10-30 degree angle.

    ball of sound: she created sound in a sphere. The sphere can be anywhere, as long as it is within 600ft or visible distance, whatever is shorter. The sound will spread from the center of this area, in all directions, having the greatest intensity at the center of the sphere.

    This power can be used for multiple things: for example, it can be used with a short loud blast of sound, leaving the opponent with ringing ears. It can also be used, so that someone believes a certain person is calling from the sound's origin point, it can also be used to shatter glass or other objects (create a sound at the objects natural resonance frequency, think singing lady shattering glass), although for any object, this will take at least a post to find. Janna can also cancel out sound, by creating the same sound in such a way that it cancels out the other sound waves. However, this requires quite a bit of concentration and is almost impossible to do with things that change frequency unexpectedly, such as voices.

    This power affect all within hearing range, including her allies, although she can limit the degree to which it affects herself.

    Armor: no armor

    Weapons: dagger. About seven inches long, blade five inches.
    As of now, has no other weapons. Perhaps she will find some later.


    - very nimble and athletic
    -has a lot of street fight experiences
    -pretty good at stealth, especially with the aid of her abilities.

    - is actually dying, and will in a few years, although she does not believe it
    -no formal training
    -mostly a backup character, would probably die with no support.
    Last edited by m139; 01-21-2014 at 04:13 AM.
    If the gold does not stay in this world,
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    Name: Mimsy, Myni, or Mims. Whatever she feels like at the time
    Age: appears 8. Actual age is probably somewhere around 400 or so.
    Gender: F
    Race: spirit

    Appearance: (this is when she is most corporal. As she becomes less and less so,
    Build: small, stands at 4'9. A bit on the skinny side.
    Hair: black hair, slightly wavy, that falls to the waist. It moves as she does. When most corporal, it will follow the laws of physics more. Otherwise, it seems to "float" a bit.
    Eyes: slanted inwards slightly, and a bit narrow. Her irises are a bright green.
    Distinctive Features: her skin is a pale, pale white. There is, if you look close enough, a few lines (particularly the one on her left hand) where there is nothing there.
    Clothing: White, flowing gown. Circular cut on top, loose sleeves to the wrist, falls down to just above the ankles.

    As she goes from corporeal to spirit, it all begins to fade, slowly and slowly.

    Armour: no real armor.

    Fighting Style: Can't really use her own body, as she is not all here. The focus is on evasion, and annoying her opponent and distracting him to the point that the opponent ends up hurting himself.

    No actual weapons. With a lot of concentration, if she is mostly corporal, she can pick up something in the physical world. However, there is always at least a 20% chance of failure (chance of failure is proportional to amount of corporeality she takes on. IT IS ALSO THE CHANCE OF FAILURE OF A REGULAR ATTACK THAT HITS TO CAUSE DAMAGE.) If picking up the object fails, then, using the same principles for attack, there is also the possibility that it will harm her. (This is all mechanics for me, you do not really need to worry about it.)

    Can change from spirit to less spirit, and back again. At the beginning, 80% corporal.

    Can "heal" (increases 5% of corporeality per turn, if used as action)

    Can "fade" (decreases corporeality for whatever amount she wants)If she reaches 5%, she will either heal, or fade complete on the next turn (retreats)

    Telekinesis: takes one turn to pick up an additional item. Requires concentration. Chance of "dropping item if concentration broken. Can use item one turn after it has been picked up.

    Voices: Can manipulate voices and other sounds. Takes one turn to summon, duration is as long as she wishes. Chances of being broken off if concentration is inversely proportional to her corporeality.

    Visions: (Must be 50% or more spirit) Can manipulate sights. At 50% can do small objects. At 20% or below, can change the entire scenery.

    To begin with, it should be noted that, as Mimsy is a spirit, she is already dead. It is therefore, impossible to kill her. Instead, one could chase her from this mortal world by giving her enough wounds- physically or emotionally, that she feels she must retreat from it. It is also worth noting that is she retreats into her spirit form, her connection with earthly things (including pain from wounds and mind-speaking power) grow lesser and lesser, but her connection to the things of the spirit world grow stronger.

    Personality: In all things, over the top and ridiculous. Ditsy is probably the best way to describe her, and childish another. Not malicious in any way. At her worst, she becomes irrationally angry. Not a big thinker.

    She obviously died. Previous history is pretty much irrelevant. She has spent a long time talking to the other "boring old people" who comprise the dead, and from time to time she visits the living to have some excitement.
    Last edited by m139; 12-01-2015 at 10:32 PM.
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    The original, not the one for the rumble.

    Name: Merik Case, more commonly known as Merik the Dragonrider
    Age: 35
    Gender: M
    Race: Human
    Appearance: tall, stands at the height of 6'2. His somewhat curly black hair, cut in such a way that it springs about a quarter of an inch from his head, is just a bit scruffy, and he usually has some stubble of a beard trying to grow. His mouth is twisted into something resembling a slight scowl, and even when he gives a half crooked smile some find it off putting. His eyes, are a hard gray blue, but if doing something he enjoys, tend to lighten up and even sparkle. In general, appears older than he actually is. Multiple scars and burn marks are visible on his hands (there are more underneath his clothing, but most are faded, having been formed long ago.

    Outfit: A long sleeve grayish shirt, fringed at the edges, covered by a vest made of some brown colored animal skin. It is still furry. Greyish green pants, held up by a somewhat thick brown leather belt, and tucked into almost knee-high brown boots, cracked and a bit tattered with age.

    Personality: Gruff, or at least puts on the appearance of it. Among children though, the act drops instantly, and he begins to laugh easily. Soft at heart, he'd rather scare away any intruders than outright kill them. Still, he is patient and realistic, and will do the job that needs to be done, whether he likes it or not. It is a hard tough world out there, and it is not going to get any easier

    Merik's birth really is not that important. He was born in a small little fishing village, which barely has a name on any maps. His youth, like much youth in that town, was full of its own laughers and little miseries. Likely, he would have grown up and had a life we would have never heard of if it had not been for one little tiny bity thing: at the age of eleven, the Brothers came and offered him a dragon egg.

    Now, so that I don't start a novel here, it is sufficient to say that it was the brothers who always offered the eggs. No one really knew where they came from, and few cases of ones found in the wild were known of. Most were usually left alone or destroyed on site. After all, the world was beginning to have a slight fear of the dragon riders. Although in this case, it was a fear of anything unknown outside his little village.

    Still, despite all this, against urgings both ways by his various friends, Merik reached out and touched it. The egg began to crack, and it was placed into his hands. He sat, and soon a baby water dragon, all glowing greeish blue, was lying in his hands. He named it Lapis.

    They both went to the only dragon rider school together that year, managed by the brothers (who actually did not have dragons), and many following years. Although he went home some of the summers, he gradually noted his village becoming more and more distrustful of him. He was told at school that the same distrust of dragon riders was increasing all over the world, in some places more and in some places less. When he graduated some ten years later, he stayed at the school and taught for a few years, before living and building a small little hermitage some twenty miles from a village that did not yet hate the dragon riders. From time to time, his dragon could be seen flying overhead as he went off to visit fellow dragon rider friends. Mostly though, he would just walk the woods, practice his fire magic, or read (he tended to borrow books from his friends).

    Still, no place is completely safe, and he has been attacked a couple of times since, including when he was gone. He is well known in the area, and people with bad intentions generally stay away from him. As for others, most stay away naturally, although a few come from time to time for it is well known that he knows a bit of healing, and seems to have a supply to all the herbs (in reality, he gets these when he goes and visits another rider friend). Those who do come tend to bring children, as he always seems happier around them. It is also known that he, for a time, had a girl child there, who he found wandering the woods. Andrea, as she was called, was soon taken to the village by a concerned family (living in the middle of the woods with no interaction to society was not a good way to grow up, they said) behaved well, but was always on the wild side. But this is not her story, but Merik's. Merick has now been living off in this spot for seven years, although not exactly in the same location. After all, it is a little hard to do that when people keep trying to burn your place up.

    Combat Characteristics:


    Armor: two leather gauntlets on each arm. Yep, that's it.

    Items: nothing really of any type of important. He does have a wooden staff, the head carved to look like a dragon's head, but that's mainly for show.

    Short sword: of decent ability. hangs on his right side. Anyone with a bit of a mastery could probably beat him if it came to it.

    Hunting knife: on the front near the right side of his belt. Not often used for actual combat, but it is there. Kept in good condition, despite its age. A wooden brown handle, with a stone sharpened blade. Given as a gift to him.

    Bow and arrows. This is his expertise, being in the wood for so long. Has twenty arrows in his quiver, and an extra bowstring on his person (although restringing it in the middle of a battle- hahaha!). Can shoot up to three arrows per firing, taking aim penalties on all arrows if more than one is shot.

    Water based magic; specialization: weather

    As with all dragon riders, Merik developed the ability to use magic when he first touched the egg...

    Calling a storm: as long as there is air, there is water. Allows user to call up storm clouds above him. Once there, the clouds remain. (unless used). Takes one whole turn to fill the sky directly overhead, on third turn, covers the whole sky. Twice per battle, max

    Torrential downpour: allows half of water to fall swiftly from the sky, in a vertical 5'x30'x1" sheet. (vertical side 30') Can be used as a sort of shield. Prereq: must be cast underneath rain clouds. Causes storm to go back one phase from before. No cool down, but storm must be there

    Insta-fog. Covers the area in fog. Instantaneous. (1st round, misty. 2nd round, limits visibility of normal human to 100 ft. 3rd & 4th round, to 20ft. Then back to a hundred, then misty, then nothing. Prereq: water or air

    Basic water manipulation: is there standing water? Good. Merik can manipulate up to 3 cubic feet of water. Water must remain within a ten foot radius. Controls presure, density, shape, as long as it is in liquid form. Prereq: liquid water. No cool down

    Making water: air has water in it... Each turn, if he so wishes, can generate up to 9 cubic feet of the water he can manage. Water will form as if a stream from his feet and will follow gravity at a rate of, let's say half of a fire hydrant rate, but with much less force. No cool down

    watery objects: can make any object turn to water that is less than 3 cubic feet in size. Ability can be used in two ways : instantaneous (and the object turns to water instantly) or enchanted (takes one turn to enchant, then object will turn to water on another turn with the release of a word.) Must have physical contact with object for at least five seconds to complete the action (action can only be taken while in contact with the object). Object cannot be a living being (as in human or animal). No cool down, three times max per battle.

    - rugged. Meric is used to the wild and what it holds. He also knows how to use it.
    - alert & perceptive. Always used to a possible danger, Merik can interpret the little signs, and even hear the twig crack under the feet of not an animal.
    - knowledge of plants. Thanks to his friend and his living in the woods for so long, Merik can identify most plants found on a planet similar to earth.
    - telepathic communication with Lapis, his dragon.
    - better at longer ranged battles
    - silent. One learns techniques on how to avoid people after living so long alone
    - water sense- can sense the water and amount within a thiry foot radius around him. Passive knowledge

    - He's definitely a little bit slower than could be hoped for
    - doesn't have his dragon to come help him out.
    - close up, he kind of stinks
    - ya seen his defense? exactly.
    Last edited by m139; 07-10-2016 at 11:00 PM.
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    General Information:
    Name: Serina Aureolis
    Age: 24
    Gender: F
    Race: Human - Incredibly Powerful Human


    Wispy, and somewhat thin, Serina has straight medium brown hair streaked here and there with red. For the most part, held in a loose ponytail to just below the shoulder blades, except for the occasional strand that flies across her face. Tanned, olive tone skin color, slightly freckled, rather round-ish dark blue eyes.
    Clothes / Armour:
    Serina wears a an outfit consisting of a leather armor skirt and leather armor top piece. Along with this is a blue scarf tied around the waist, loose end hanging to her right. This scarf actually is very strong, and can double as a rope. It is quickly unwound. The leather armor itself is highly decorated, with both white and blue gemstones on the breastplate, forming designs of a cliffside. On the back is a mosaic of some sort of bird. As for the skirt, there are less gems, yet still decorated. She wears simplistic leather laced sandals. Over her head, tied bandana like, is another fancy blue scarf, although much shorter that the one around her waist. Around her neck is a simple gold chain, with three silver tear drop shaped pendants. The outer two pendants have red stones in them and the middle has a stone that seems to change colors between red and blue.

    Most of her armor comes from the constant aura that surrounds her: it can be felt, and so her presence is constantly known. To those of weaker spirits, it can cause intermediation and awe. Allows for damage reduction of magical attacks as well as deflection of a most regular attacks, due to the constant moving of the aura which is part of it. As a sort of manifestation of her being, Serina's aura weakens as she weakens.

    Fighting Style:

    Throwing daggers (5) - there are about a thousand different places to hide these objects, including in ones boots. Anyway, back to the main point. These are regular, mundane weapons, not really good for fighting anything except for regular earthly creatures by themselves. However, they can be enchanted.

    Saber - almost wrapped in the scarf end, Serina's saber hangs on the right. Unknown to her, this saber is one of an almost forgotten legend. All Serina knows is that it came from a treasure that they found deep within a jungle tomb. As it is, the weapon will incite fear when used against people of weak wills. It also, as Serina has figured out, has the ability to cover itself in a blue flame (instantaneous, when called- one action) through an inscription written on its hilt. The blue flame will hurt like normal fire to most opponents, and works like a very caustic acid upon both cloth and metal, acting as though it had been there ten times longer. Those whose alignments are classified as evil will experience both effects twice over. The saber can not be wielded by an evil user. The saber also has the ability to shoot off this fire in a small 6in in diameter sphere. The fire will burn where it lands for five seconds. Cool down is three posts.

    Using your system...
    Strength: 3 Dexterity: 9 Stamina: 8
    Charisma: 7 Manipulation: 3 Appearance: 6
    Perception: 8 Intelligence: 3 Wits: 8

    Spells and such
    - calm/call waves - in an ocean environment, Serina can call waves. The first turn is an active action, successive waves are passive effects. Can be dismissed at any point. Area effect, hard to target, especially as they grow bigger. After first turn, waves are 1-2ft in height. Then, 2-3 feet. Finally, on third post, they are 5-10 ft. Afterwards, it naturally regresses back. Calming works the same way, but backwards, and without any further waves.

    Call a storm- brings storm clouds that, depending on their density, makes the day appear like night. Takes two turns for full coverage, same for dismissal.

    Bringing down lightning - once per every five turns, a lightning strike (up to five bolts) can be directed towards a person or an object. Indeed, Serina has the power to wrap lightning around metal objects, and release them as a one time charge.

    Water manipulation. Can control up to two cubic feet of water, moving it about as fast as a regular human can run. Can control density, pressure, temperature, and shape. Can turn it into a solid, but promptly looses control. Must remain within a ten foot radius of her, for whatever duration. Remains an action every turn for as long as in use, dropping is not an action.

    Call the birds- Serina can bring a flock of seaguls to herself, numbering from 8 to fifteen. Can be done once every seven turns, they will assemble one turn after calling and do her bidding for two turns.

    Flight - Using the wind to carry her, Serina can propel herself up to fifteen feet in the air for a maximum of fifteen seconds. Can be used every third turn.

    Binder - Can surround an attack coming at her, negating most attacks that use physical objects. Can be used once every second turn.

    Air manipulator- can manipulate up to three cubic feet of air, changing its density, pressure, temperature, and shape. Must remain within a six foot radius of her, can use every fifth turn, for whatever duration. Remains an action every turn for as long as in use, dropping is not an action.


    Excellent Sailor.
    Natural Leader

    very little strategy used


    Assertive, stern, and yet loving to laugh, Serina is the kind of person who lives in the present moment. There is very little thought of strategy or of the past, but rather just the thought to make the present matter.

    They say in every age, when necessary, there are born the heroes who will save the world from disaster. And that happened, many, many years ago, and the names of four are forever embedded in legend. Some of their children, too, also became legends, and their children, and their children after. But mostly, they faded into obscurity, and the lines were forgotten. And blah, blah, blah. History goes on. It will probably only be remembered when there is another time of great need, and another group of four emerge. But that time is not now, although it may be soon.

    And it just so happened, that twenty three years ago a girl was born who, if her linage was traced back on her father's and mother's side, went back through the half a millennia or so to the original Air and Water. And the child acquired the powers of these two legends. Whether it was fate, destiny, or simple genetics, who knows. Time only might tell. What does matter was that she was born. And neither of her parents knew their own lineage, and neither did they discover their child's powers.

    Anyways, of Serina's early life, not much is really known. All that is known is that she never knew either of her parents, or if she did know them, it was not all that much. There are tons of rumors about it: some say she was given to a temple, some say she was abandoned on a cliff side and raised by wolves, some say she was stolen in the night, and some even say the author was too lazy to come up with it. What is known, however, is that at some point in her early teens, she was kidnapped by a group of pirates who needed labor. However, it did not quite work out as they intended, and pretty soon she became captain of the ship. With her charismatic personality, she found she could almost persuade anyone to work with her and now has her own little band of pirates. She now terrorizes the seas, or explores them, depending on her mood that day.
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    From a modified version of the ToGII cs...

    Name: Aleae

    Gender: F

    Age: Oh, she stopped counting after a billion or so years. Does it matter? Same old, same old...

    Appearance: Aleae is rather distictive, slightly on the curvy side, but with enough figure to still be described as very attractive. Her dark black wavy hair falls gently onto her pale skin, and her shimmering dress, all the way down to three quarters of her back. Her face might be called flawless at first glance, with full lips and dark, dark brown eyes. But the more one stares at her, the more one gets the feeling that something is a bit off about her. Some attribute it to the dress- it looks like it might be silver, or perhaps a light blue- but then one looks more, and realizes that the single colored flowing thing is actually a pale yellow. But, in truth, it is all and none, with void-made threads that capture the colors of light and then release them.

    God/Goddess of: Frivolity

    Faction: Meh, who cares? Whatever faction she's with usually wishes she did not.

    Multi-sided dice- Like a die, Aleae has many faces. She can transform herself at will into any mortal creature, taking on the characteristics of that particular thing. Any damage done to that creature will be returned to her. For any human creature, her clothing will shift to it, and appear to be what she wishes, but no more strength than what it holds already will be added to it.

    Rolled Dice- With a maximum of one die thrown per action, each of her dice can become whatever object she wishes them to become. The die will become that structure, and will remain that way for three turns before returning to its original form, unless returned or changed sooner. The structure if formed by the literal rolling of the die. Upon landing, it will form whatever object its user wishes. In expanding, it will not expand into another living creature, nor can it surround them. Only minor parts (less than one twentieth of the final product) can be made of a material that is not of the same material as the rest. Objects will not exceed 7'x5'x5'. Each die can take three forms before it crumbles into its respective element. If all the dice are used, there is one more power Aleae can use...

    What remains is...- After the bag is empty, the bag seems to puff up with air. Upon releasing it, an invisible gas, which Aleae has become somewhat immune to over time, comes out. This gas has a particular psychological effect on all those within a thirty foot radius (closer is better, but even on the rim there will be great unease for the weak of mind), causing one to realize just how useless all that they have done is. For weaker minded characters, this may include both their own actions and those they love. For a stronger, it may just be the action of the past hour. Sometimes it is seen as a vision of some sort of fire, or of a grassy covered place with no markings that must be their grave.

    Nothing- After all this, the bag refills with the same dice. Amazing, right?

    Equipment: Around her waist is a thin brown belt, which, at the left side, has a small pouch attached to it. Within this bag are eight dice: two of wood (oak), two of stone (granite), two of metal (iron), and two of clay (red).


    It is said that Aleae was among the first godesses created, and was given some important job or another. But, once a new set of gods was created, she gave away her job and got a lesser one. So the cycle went on and on, until she got one that no one really wanted. And here she was quite happy.

    For aeon after aeon, Aleae has been doing... nothing. Well, she has been doing stuff, but it can never be said to be productive. A meddler, a party thrower- Aleae is always there for the fall of any civilization. Usually, her obsession with games and all is seen as a bit excusable- until something falls into ruin or time is wasted and opportunity is gone. Among the other gods, there is something of a love/hate relationship among her. Yes, she does throw the best parties, but something terrible usually ends up dissolving them. Still, that has not been much of a problem recently, as most of her time has been spent messing up things for the humans of earth. Her ultimate goal is to find the ultimate distraction- one that not even a practically immortal god would get bored of.

    Still, she does not ever tell anyone that. What she's more likely to do is talk- long and longer- about nothing. She will act, when necessary, sometime for purpose, and sometime simply for effect. A bit of a philosopher in thinking, especially on the nature of what needs to be done.
    Last edited by m139; 09-26-2016 at 03:10 AM.
    If the gold does not stay in this world,
    then I will chase it till I find my home


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