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Thread: A Chance in the Night: Jonas (Iwazuma) vs Aleae (m139)

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    Default A Chance in the Night: Jonas (Iwazuma) vs Aleae (m139)

    The night was growing old. The moon had long ago reached its peak in the sky, and was now slowly sinking to that dark place that lay beyond the horizon. As of yet, however, its presence was still enough to light up the sky, and with the myriads upon myriads of stars, it lit the ground below.

    There is an isolated forest, they say, somewhere tucked within the mountains, that no human has ever visited. That forest is so densly packed with trees that those creatures that do inhabit it do not know the difference between night and day. Indeed, it is said that any light will instantly drive them away, which is why one only sees there glowing eyes at night, and then, only briefly.

    It is in this forest, so they say, that a clearing resides that, if one with mortal eyes did ever happen to gaze upon, would cause that one to be no more. This clearing (some thirty yard across), they say, is , if legend holds, filled with soft wavy grass, not much more than knee high at any point, and various other shrubberies. The wind often weaves through these ground, gently sliding around these different obstacles as it makes its way to and from the treeline. The grass gradually decreases in size until it reaches the rim of reeds which mostly surround a small lake, somewhat oval-ish shaped (about ten by six yards). Indeed, there is only one portion that is not surrounded by reeds: for that part is adjacent to a small covered octagonal pavilion (about three yards in diameter) - how this building came to be, no human could ever tell you. For even the ones who had heard of such a place had different stories as to its origin. It was there, as was the grass, as was the wind, as was the forest.

    And it was on this quiet scene that the moon, for the time being, shown its light.

    And then, it was quiet no more: from two separate corners of the field, a rustling. It was not just the wind...

    Iwazuma and m139 present:

    A Chance in the Night

    Spoiler: Rules and Timeframe 
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    It was on this night that a lone figure strolled into the clearing, his boots clumping through the grass as he glanced up to the night sky. It was no longer a young night, but one near its completion. As dawn approached, the man dressed in a black jacket with no shirt couldn't help but wonder if it were a metaphor for his own life. Was this part of his time coming to a close? With his brother gone, would he have to finally mature, grow up from the little brother he had been for millennia on end? He couldn't play the crazy sidekick anymore. There was nobody to be a sidekick to. And even he had to admit, being insane wasn't exactly the best draw card of life. He felt...melancholy. This era was drawing to a close, whether he liked it or not, and he was going to be forced into change. He would have to adapt or be forced to wither away.

    He noticed a small body of water nearby; he calmly strode over to it, placing his boots in the water as he stared at the reflection of the moon on its glassy surface. The moon, one of his favorite things. Still a constant despite all the tumult and turmoil that had surrounded him. It had been around even longer than he had, and was always a source of constancy and calm for the disillusioned god. Even now, as it gradually began to retreat so that day could come again, it reminded him that, no matter how divine he was, he was still very human. Perhaps a strange feeling for an immortal to have. He skipped a rock across its surface, finding it too small, and the rock landing on its other bank.

    It was calm. The rustling of the grass and reeds was soothing and calming. Jonas was a nocturnal sort, and would not be sleeping until well past dawn, so he still had some time to kill. Though the rustling was growing...less than natural. Jonas's ears perked up at the sound of something distinctly sentient approaching the area. The reeds hid his form well, as he was seated and lower to the ground. He pulled his legs from the water, letting Exterri materialize in his hand with nary a sound to be heard. It was a safe move either way...either it was a hostile for him to repel, a friendly for him to intimidate, or an animal for him to mutilate. Either way, he would not let whatever it was that disturbed the remaining moonlight he had get away without being cut up, or at the very least annoyed.
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    It was quiet. The whole darn forest that she was walking through was quiet. It was dark, too, but the quietness- How completely, utterly, annoying.

    Aleae was never really one for silence. It was so much easier when there was noise. Then, you had to pay attention to everything. Here, this bang crashed upon your eardrums. There that tiny dint was being whispered. When there was noise, one had to be everywhere! But when there was silence...

    The emptiness gave one nothing to completely occupy the mind. And, when that happened, one was forced to turn to the internal to occupy oneself. And then, one began to think.

    Think, think, think. Aleae had done plenty of thinking in her long existence, and what had it led to? Nothing. Nothing at all. The world still moved in the same boring way, and people and gods distracted themselves in whatever way they could to avoid the true meaning of extinction or immortality. But nothing lasted forever, no distraction was good enough. Sooner or later, they realized they had never moved from where they began...

    Aleae suddenly found herself walking into a clearing. The sudden change from darkness to the comparative brightness shocked her out of her reverie. At once, her eyes took in the surrounding, at once familiar and at once strange. Had she been here before? Most probably, she had been here before. But she had never been here before. Moonlight always made things different, where all at once the familiar took on new forms unknown before.

    And it was such now. The moon cast its light all around, here changing the shadow of a nearby tree into that of a person in agony. Was that a moan that the wind added for effect? The shadows were mixing imagination and reality together, and though they could be seperated as of yet, who knew what would happen. The night may not have been young, but it was not over yet.

    A thin smile spread from one end of Aleae's face to the other. Things could happen. Exciting things. And things would happen. She was sure of it. There was just something so perfect about the seeming tranquility of this place- it was too perfect. Nothing could be this perfect.

    She approached the lake in the center of the clearing. "Let's see..." she murmured, "What are you hiding..."

    She scanned the surrounding area as she did so. Something would happen now. Sooner or later, something would happen.
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    From his vantage point in the reeds, Jonas could see the intruder with perfect clarity thanks to his night vision. She was...definitely not human. Likely a deity like himself. Oooh, this could be fun. Most definitely. Jonas counted in his head the seconds. Let her believe she is alone. She seemed peaceful, though almost knowing. She couldn't possibly know he was here, though; that would be ridiculous. So something else had to be afoot. Jonas mused to himself. Should he go with the direct route, or the more surprising route? It was quite the conundrum. Both had their merits, though one was less fun. But it also had its own elements he enjoyed...after a moment, Jonas stood up fully from the reeds, the silent blade calmly in his grasp as he approached the newcomer.

    "Ah, I see the tranquility of this place has drawn more than one of the gods tonight." Jonas casually strolled forwards, closing the rather lengthy distance between the two step by step. "Isn't the moonlight just enchanting? Even in pitch blackness, the order of being has gifted us with light. Isn't it just a curse?" For him, anyways. He gave no hints as to his abilities, but the smile his lips showed was growing as he drew closer.

    "But it's always darkest just before the dawn, and I'd say that's drawing near." His gaze drifted upwards, a sort of melancholy in his voice as he referred to the dawn. "It's really quite a shame. Life's greatest gifts, stolen away through the passage of time, only to be returned later when we fully appreciate them. A shame and a virtue. Assuming you have the patience, of course." Step by step. Getting closer. "Unfortunately, I find myself lacking that patience tonight. Something most certainly needs to happen soon. I grow antsy with the day in, day out of the humdrum life."

    By now, he was ten feet away from the stranger, but his smile never wavered, the sword never left his grip. "But look what fate has bestowed on me today. I have a new companion to play with before the dawn. Perhaps this night still has a little left in her after all." He shrugged, shaking his head. "Yes. Just a little bit more in her...just enough time to play a game." His smirk widened, showing his teeth as he readied himself.

    "Let's play, shall we?" Jonas disappeared from view, using his shadow powers to fade away into the inky blackness of the night. He traveled quickly, reappearing directly behind the goddess. Without skipping a beat, he thrust his sword outwards, aiming straight for the chest to end this game before it even began. Without even explaining the rules. Hey, who said he had to play fair?
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    Oh? So this god wanted to fight? This could be... interesting. Outwardly, she smiled, and began stepping forward, closing the gap between the two of the. Inwardly, her own mind was running: who was this other god? He could not be... No, not that one, either... Hm... Nope, not him... ... ...

    Well, who was he then? She could not figure it out, so she decided just to ignore the question. After all, she had not been keeping up with those politics for the last millennia or so, being too "busy" on earth, and chances were he was created later. And it was not important, anyways. Either way, he was a distraction for a bit of a night. And hopefully a good one: humans, for all their thinking of new things, just repeated the same exact movements over and over and over again.

    She listened silently as he and she grew ever nearer, the same simple smile still painted on her face. Blah blah blah blah blah. All this talk and no real substance. Everything still had yet to begin. And yet: some meaning behind it- seemed like he never liked the light of truth, either. Yet he had not yet realized that even this "gift" of life was a sham. Life would never be anything but tedious- even brief moments like this-

    Aleae was now facing her young opponent. And then, suddenly, she was no longer facing him. Oh? she thought to herself, Hiding in the mists of lies and life? Well, two can play that game... And with that, she shrunk. and, almost instantainly, her form became that of a tiny field mouse and she scampered off into the grass.

    As she transformed, she heard the thin slicing of the air as a blade thrust out, pierced the air where once her back had been. Which meant... Had he just tried to backstab her, with no warning whatsoever? Had he really just done that? If a mouse could smile, this one would have the largest grin possible on its face. How incredibly cute! continued her thoughts, [i]That was just about the oldest trick in the book for those who could do it! Very unoriginal, but, eh, points for effort. Or not...[/i[

    She found a space just a bit over, still hiding in the tall grass. She could see him now, out of her left eye. What would he do now that his opponent disappeared? Had he even seen her new form? She could not tell, but she waited, excitedly. This was almost always the most interesting part. And it would tell her whether or not he was just like all the others, or if he, in some way, was exceptional.
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    Now where did she go...? Jonas dug his sword into the ground for a brief moment, eyes scanning the area. It was unlikely her abilities stemmed from shadow as well. Perhaps she was a shapeshifter? That was always a possibility. "Hmm.." To allow the game to begin, as opposed to being cut down before it began...she at least kept her wits about her, something she could not say the same of to other folk he had carved like a turducken. It did raise the question...where did she go? Jonas had no ability to sense where hidden objects laid.

    "If you won't come out, I'll have to do something else, then. There's no quitting the game once it's begun. That'd be cheating!" Jonas mused quietly to himself, keeping a watchful eye on the tall grass. Undoubtedly she was hiding there, somewhere. She couldn't get the jump on him while he stood in the shorter vegetation, so he had plenty of time to plan....cutting the grass would be a waste of time and energy. No, he needed something to flush her out or kill her outright.

    "You can't hide from the night. It is everywhere, and it will find you once again." Behind his back, Jonas let a blob of shadows form, condensing it into the size and shape of a baseball. About medium strength. "Come then. Face the night." He tossed it underhand, its shape nearly invisible against the dark sky. It landed in the tall grass, and paused for just a moment...


    The shadow ball exploded, kicking up a blast eight feet in diameter. Anything caught in its path would not be feeling good in the morning, that was for certain. Jonas, meanwhile, kept a playful grin on his face, intrigued to see the results of his attack. Not that it mattered, since he could simply do this until the clearing was a smoking crater.
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    Aleae had not gone far. She had skittered between his legs and into the grass directly behind him. It was the best way to avoid being seen, and apparently it had worked. Too, too busy concentrating on that forward thrust. He had not realized the night was helping her as well. Why should she hide in the night? That was not needed: the night was, instead, hiding her: with the shadows playing on the reeds of grass, she could likely stay here indefinitely, assuming he did not step on her. And the chances of him stepping on her were highly unlikely. And so, she did not bother herself with that worry. But she also did would not bother herself with staying still. After all, what was the fun of that? But patience, patience- he was doing something. Behold! In front of her, and behind his back!

    Even from her lower view, even with the inferior vision that is provided to mice, she saw that bit of something that was forming in that empty space. It blocked the light of the stars and the light of the moon, more effectively than any cloud could hope. And then he seemed to move it around, for what once was distinguishable was there no longer- and performed a motion as if throwing-

    It was almost as if it was not at all. She could not see the arc that black orb made as it sailed across the empty sky, nor did she see its smooth curve of a surface hit the ground below. She could not even see that actual moment, when, after quivering in place for a moment, that darkness expanded outward, destroying the creation that had once stood in front of the dark orb's creator. And then, the orb was truly not at all. Still, there were whispers of what was: Aleae could smell that smoke which came into her acute nostrils: smoke that came from grass and reeds once living. And her little body felt the tremors of the ground beneath her, which moved as if trembling in little waves slowly decreasing in size.

    There was now no doubt in her mind that he was powerful. But now there was also no doubt in her mind that he was young and inexperienced. Face the night? He asked her to face the night? Ha, that was easy. People (and gods, too) did it all the time. Even when they thought they strived to get out of this darkness, they often were, in reality, just traveling into another deeper, more shadowed hole. Chasing shadows, flitting images resembling a broken reality. No, facing the night was easy. It was the daylight that was harder. Light, which melted away all those dear illusions; light, which revealed the harsh realities of day- The revealing day was always harder. Foolish child- but then again, he would realize soon enough. But not now, though. For now- it was time to play.

    Making sure as much as she was able that he was still looking in the other direction, she again took her previous form: that of a divine being, and, sitting in the grass directly behind him, and choose one of her metal dice. She let it fall into the grass, where it immediately formed into a long, slender sword. She picked it up. The blade was beautiful, and shone in such a way that, when it sliced the air, it could almost be said to have not even existed. It was light, and, at the same time, it was nothing. And Aleae loved it.

    She then spoke to the one before her, in a teasing voice, "Tsk, tsk. Backstabbing people? Not very nice. But that does not matter, does it?" She stood, "It's all part of the game, after all."

    A smile danced upon her lips as she hoped to meet his eyes, "So let us continue to play."
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    Now, now. What was this? It had seemed he had guessed incorrectly her location, as she spoke behind him, giving away her presence. What a shame...had she remained quiet, she may have had a chance to hit him. Instead, he now knew where she was. Perhaps a kind gesture from her, but a foolish one nonetheless. Jonas did not turn to face her, but instead stood as he was.

    "And yet you didn't do the same to me when given the by your own rules if you wish, but it will give no guarantees." Jonas now turned to face her, once again allowing something to form behind his back. A small tendril formed from between his shoulder blades, a bulb growing on its tip roughly the size of the shadow ball he tossed a mere moment ago. That he left behind him for the moment. "I it's swordplay you wish to tangle in? I believe I can be of assistance." Jonas casually tossed Exterri to his other hand, the blade silent as could be. The moon wasn't going to stay around much longer, and daybreak wouldn't be much after that. But dawn was no stranger to the night...and he had learned to coexist with it. It provided him other opportunities.

    "I agree, let's play...but why don't we skip the cowardice on both sides. A promise to a clash, mono y mono?" His wicked smile was obvious, but accept or deny, he had a plan. "Come. The night welcomes all into its cold embrace. You are no exception."

    He held his hands out, showing only the sword, to prove he had, seemingly, not a single trick up his sleeve. "Come to me. Give me proof that I am alive, that I have meaning!"
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    "Mono a mono, perhaps?" responded Aleae, still smiling with that ever playful grin as she stepped forward into range. She continued, "Little cousin (for she used this term to refer to all the gods and goddesses she though much younger than herself), perhaps you should learn to speak before you fight. That way, at least you can convey some illusion of meaning. But come. Let the resounding of our metal clash, and for a brief instant, let us add to that cacophonous symphony of chaos."

    She twirled her blade in her left hand, then, just after it had reached the bottom part of that upside-down arch, she flipped it so that the hilt landed in her right hand. Then, she thrust the blade forward towards his chest. All the while, her eyes were focused not her own blade, nor on her opponent's, but, rather, on her opponent's eyes.

    They say eyes are the windows to the soul, revealing what truth is hidden inside to those who can unlock their secrets. They say the eyes could sing the soul song of their wearer, could sing the joys, pains, and sorrows. But if the eyes did speak these things, Aleae saw them not in the dim light of the fading moon. And had it been brighter, she likely would not have been able to read them deeply either. For why would she look for this superficial thoughts, which strove to tell a truth they could not reach? No, Aleae watched them for quite another reason: she was studying them for an indication of what could happen next.

    For the motions she had just gone through with her sword were lifeless, mechanical even, done to the point of almost perfection from years upon years of repetition. It was simply a show, one to get rid of those lesser opponents who dare challenge her, and to cause a reaction from those who were at least somewhat more worthy.

    And so, she was watching for a response, as she had done for many an opponent before, painfully aware of her own existence as she obliterated that same thing in others. But as for his existence - well, if he was to remain alive, he would need to prove it, not her.
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