Ayros Drake
Race: Mandalorian
Gender: Male
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 125
Eyes: Brown
Skin: White
Hair: Brown
Side: Republic
Alignment: Light
Rank: Jedi Master
Force Sensitive: Yes
Special Powers:
Weapons: Blue lightsaber and blaster
Armor: Jedi Master robes
Background: After being rescued from Nar Shaada at a young age (with a bad case of amnesia), Ayros was trained by a Master who took him outside the Temple more than most Padawans for a special form of training. Therefore, Ayros was exposed to more than most, even having multiple encounters with the Dark Side as he has had run-ins with Sith. His training was nearly complete, as he only had his Third Trial left; however, before that happened, his master was killed by a bounty hunter. But after his master was killed, he completed his Jedi Trials on his own, and therefore, he was promoted to Jedi Master, and now sits on the Jedi Council...
Personality: He holds more sympathy for others than most of the Jedi Council, and has a better understanding of emotion. Yet he is still one of the most calm Jedi in the order, and attempts to solve most problems peacefully. However, as he partially blames himself for letting his master die, he has trained long and hard in the art of dueling.
Family: Unknown
Master: Jedi Master Melissa Tio (diseased)