"--I will show you," he struggled against the vines, "T--TRUE WRATH!!!!" As he said this his vision was impaired. This was a mistake on the enemy's part..
Regardless of whether his vision was impaired or not, his wrath was unrivaled compared to this elderly woman. His wrath would translate to the air around both him and her gradually heating up. This heat, at first, would become an annoyance but as it continued it start to burn the area around him (50 foot diameter). As the air around the two of them heated, his eyes would turn from flesh to pure balls of fire as he twisted the hilt on his blade.
Suddenly fire would snake along the openings in his armor (throughout) and then snake up to his eyes and mouth where he is currently breathing out fumes from out his throat. Nevertheless he was still restrained by the thorns; ignoring the pain that was currently riving across his nervous system. Though with his pain trickling throughout his nervous system, he twisted the hilt of his blade once more: Fire erupting from the blade in a spectacular fashion.
Secondary spurts of fire came curving out from the blade itself; spreading everywhere. It was at this point that he'd finally realized that what he had being doing so far was not working. He needed to finally to stop holding back because of the appearance of his opponent, and end this battle swiftly. So, he did just that. He was going all-out.
The moment this realization came to him, he twisted the hilt one more time and within seconds the area, him included, was engulfed in a fiery column that came up from the ground and shot up towards the sky; causing dark clouds to begin to form and swirl around it. This column of fire and magma stretched outward by 50 feet before coming to a stop; engulfing the elderly woman and her vines.