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Thread: RWBY revival thread

  1. #1
    IejirKothar's Avatar
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    Default RWBY revival thread

    So i recently tried to start a Next generation style story for RWBY but due to the fates the story has fizzled out.

    I want to try again with a new side of the story. Last time it was a good end type of story, Ruby and the gang beat salem but she would come back.

    This story is going to be the "bad end" where Salem wins and Adams white fang act as her army.

    I want good characters presented here give me concepts if you have them and I'll help you flesh them out.
    For instance refer to my character description for what I'm looking for.

    Talvon Schnee
    Talvon is the son of Winter and Qrow. When Adam finally attacked atlas, General Ironwood was evacuating the civilians while Qrow and Winter held off the white fang. In the commotion Talvon got seperated from the evacuation group and wound up on the battle field. Despite the training he'd had he wasn't ready for war and had to be saved by Qrow. While saving him Qrow was mortally wounded, Talvon would have been too if Raven hadn't opened her portal and saved him. Qrow died a short time later leaving his damaged scythe to his son.

    Talvon swore to avenge his father and trained in the bandit camp to be able to face the white fang and their leaders. He still doesn't know what happened to his mother or the people of atlas, but it is unclear if he was walking the path of Valor, seeking to help anyone who is fighting to oppose Salem and her chaotic plans, or Vengence seeking only revenge.

    Just give me something like that, nothing too concrete and leaving room for characters to learn about eachother.
    of course I will review and mitigate with you if you are having trouble. Just Pm me your questions and ideas and I'll discuss them with you.

  2. #2

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    How much about RWBY will we need to know to play this?
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  3. #3
    IejirKothar's Avatar
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    pretty much just what the wiki can tell you, but if you want I'm pretty sure you can search youtube for "The world of remneant" which is a short primer series.

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    I'm contemplating watching the series, so I probably can't play for about a month.
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  5. #5
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    lol it's not really that long, I think you can acutally wat a whole season in a little more than 2 hours.
    but like I said if you just watch the "world of remneant" shorts you will more than likely have all you need to know.

  6. #6
    IejirKothar's Avatar
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    anyone interested in this still?

  7. #7
    IejirKothar's Avatar
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    Default FRESH START

    Ok folks I have a new project to get off the ground I plan on this being a multi part story, maybe a bit more streamlined but with each part being more focused on one or two aspects of a story.

    this is RWBY:AMGN

    It's been years since Salem was removed from power, taken down by Ruby Rose the first silver eyed warrior to arise since ancient legends. The world wide revolt by the white fang left many academies destroyed and infested with Grimm. the world of Remnant is still healing from the chaos the group wrought even to this day. However with their new leader, Blake Belladona, at the helm the new white fang are at the front of every restoration effort. The people of Remnant quickly accepted the fact that not all faunas were following Adam Torros's revolt. However since he was never found after the turmoil even Blakes well meaning movement is often regarded with suspicion.

    Since each Hunters academy was left unable to host the next group of hunters it was decided to merge each academy into a single establishment in Atlas. This new academy was designed with the intent to not only train new hunters and huntresses but to also act as a headquarters for the new established paramilitary wing managed by the atlas military.
    While previously known as specialists and working within the military's structure this new wing was given limited authority to act when they needed and could be deployed despite any diplomatic blockages since they were still only citizens.

    Along with a new training center and new authority came stricter requirements for entry. Students had to not prove they were mentally capable but face a solo test of skill given by the academies own instructors when seeking entrance.

    Only in operation for a few years now the freshly opened FORTRESS was once again accepting students
    meanwhile Adam and the remnants of his followers are following their leader towards a new goal......


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