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Thread: 【Kragroln vs Kiro】⎿A Battle of Wizardry and Sorcery⏋【Hoef vs Kiro】

  1. #1
    Giga Onion
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    Default 【Kragroln vs Kiro】⎿A Battle of Wizardry and Sorcery⏋【Hoef vs Kiro】

    Here, on Wolf's Lake, lies the border of two majestically powerful nations who, by all accounts, have been warring for centuries. Now, the war has been brought to this lake, to Wolf's Fortress. Kragroln Ustexifarihm, General of the 13th Army of the Mouviel Empire, has led his troops here so that he may gain a foothold over this theater of the front. Kiro Akira, General of the 5th Army of the Takeya Dynasty, has also come to do the same. However, to avoid massive bloodshed on both sides, both generals have agreed to meet each other at Wolf's Fortress so that they may settle their differences with a duel.. A duel to the death..

    Battlefield Specifications
    • Wolf's Fortress
    • Circumference - 152.4 m (500 ft)
    • Diameter - 48.5 m (159.1 ft)
    • Radius - 24.3 m (79.7 ft)
    • Consists of a outer courtyard (meeting area/market) and inner courtyard (barracks/living quarters for garrison), has a port for traveling to and from the fortress, equipped with (x5) ballistas and (x2) trebuchets, has a garrison of up to 24 neutral-party soldiers with acting captain.

    • Wolf's Lake
    • Current Weather Conditions: Overcast, possible chance of precipitation 78%. Weather will grow increasingly turbulent as battle progresses (Full Downpour by 10th Round)(Full tempest by 15th round)

    Coin Toss Winner
    • Winner of the Coin Toss is: Kiro Akira
    • They will go first in the battle


  2. #2
    Archmage of RPA
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    Round 1:

    Kiro stepped off of the boat sighing softly as he looked around. This wasn't his 'cup of tea' fighting things out this way but at the same time it was something that had to be done. He wasn't even sure how he became a man in power with his status. He adjusted the cape chain that hung around his neck and sighed once more. The cape he wore was solid black barring a tattered but fearsome symbol of the Takeya Dynasty coated in a faded golden color.

    Of course this wasn't Kiro's first idea, but the King had just thrown him into the position. Stuck in a matter of being a grunt yet holding the power of what the King believed would be greater then his one day. His cat like ears twitched softly as he peered up at the sky and gave a nod in acceptance. If things must be the way they are then so be it. "Many deaths. The sky looks as if it's going to cry for them. Or cry for the battle." He spoke gently and looked back to the men behind him. "Alright guys. We all know I'm not the greatest General. We all know that I suck at giving orders but hey here I am. Wish me luck yea?"

    The Neko gave a gentle smile and took the cape off. He didn't want to wear it in battle even tho he was insisted to wear it to strike fear in his foe. Yet as he released the clasp it was swept up by the already raging winds. Rain and wind was a good thing. The earth was of course another good part around him. But on an island the earth only pulled so hard. But with a raging sea, and a work of the wild wind. He could do something with this.

    Entering the front doors he instantly began working up a battle strategy in his mind. Working every possible way to get a win out of this. Every possible way to push him right into the up side of the odds. The gods would be watching today. He wished to be blessed by them before battle and bring a great deal for him.

    Shadows danced around from the very low lighting which provided an advantage. The outside would do the same with the overcast of clouds. He would only hope that it wouldn't pull him into complete darkness. He knew nothing of his foe nor did he know what his capability was. Fighting blind if anything but now he made his way to the opposite side and prepared himself. His eyes had faded from the oceanic blue and went into a deep and heavy Violet. His body was already infused with his magic as he prepared for a war bound entrance.
    Spoiler: Quotes? 

    Spoiler: Kiros current favorite quote 

  3. #3
    Giga Onion
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    Round 1

    The stench of war was almost orgasmic. It felt like something out of a fantastical play set up by the king himself. However the clashing of steel and the zipping of arrows was nothing compared to the conjured congeal of magical energy being hurled across several hundred feet of ground. Something like that, even to the most simple layman, was a fearful sight. A sight to which Kragroln would see himself on the right side of.

    Countless deaths were wrought by his hands. None of them able to really comprehend the sheer power of someone of his stature. However, he did not happen this power by chance. Instead he trained. Trained in the mounds of bodies and oceans of blood. Staining the very clothes he wears proudly on his person.

    The war, he smelt, had reached an impasse and the only way to exceed this impasse was a duel.

    Of course this deal was of his choosing. It seemed that there was a hint of diplomacy involved in the decision making, which could foster a sentiment towards peace. However, Kragroln knew that fostering such peace would only lead to a rise in tensions. He knew that these kingdoms could not see eye-to-eye on a matter concerning the fate of a continent. And so, Kragroln was brought here to settle this score so that both sides can walk away with zero casualties. Although there will be a victor this day. A victor that will gain maximum control over this theater. This victor shall be him.

    While riding on the boat towards the island in the middle of this grand lake, he turned towards those that decided to travel with him; his commanders. They all looked at him with eyes filled with determination. They seemed to know and understand Kragroln's sentiment. So, Kragroln said nothing and instead opted to lift a hand in silent agreement with their eyes before turning back to the island. Kragroln's mind was clear: This enemy would be a challenge.

    Upon coming within a stepping-stone's length from the pier, Kragroln began preparing a spell in secret and that spell would be【Magical Deflect】.

    "Whoever this enemy shall be," he thought as he looked up the pier to meet the eyes of a cat-eared warrior, "They shall be something of a challenge."

    He stepped up the pier towards the cat-eared warrior sensing the faint presence of climbing magical energy. Calm, collected, and cool he was.
    Last edited by Dire Hoef; 06-07-2018 at 01:13 AM.

  4. #4
    Archmage of RPA
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    Round 1:

    (Battle Commence)

    Kiro watched as his foe had arrived and gave him a slight nod before turning away. Already, he was working up his spells. Never was he not prepared for a situation but yet part of him felt the power just beating off the man before him. This would be a true foe indeed but if Kiro let this bother him he would surely lose.

    With a nod to the man he stepped away and began making his way for the inside. "I give you twenty minutes. After that, good luck. Prepare yourself and may the best one win." He spoke directly to the man and held his palm out to the doors before him in which the heavy winds rushed past the two and struck the door in a heavy push and flung them open just enough for the cat boy to slip on through. When the doors were closed he quickly searched for places to use for an advantage. The stone would do him well. It would make easy for crushing the man if things got to hectic. Yet he was a fair foe when it came down to it. As it was a battle to the death per to say. Kiro could never see himself actually finishing the man off but would likely leave him laying to waste away on the island.

    With the quick scan of just the entrance he pushed through the remainder of the area focusing on every little thing trying to familiarize himself with the setting. His final destination at the end of the quick visual was the roof. He stopped and stood in a corner of the fortress, it was here the neko propped himself up on the side of the pillar and waited. His eyes kept the same ominous glow they held when he first coursed his magic through his body. In his mind he had a partial layout of the fortress, the parts he could visit in twenty minutes that was. And an escape route, 'trap' holes where he could easily use to destroy and get away. These were only partial ideas in his mind as he would hold many more attacking phases.

    Looking to the skies, the boy gave a nod to them feeling a few drops of rain sprinkle on his ears causing them to flick. "May the gods let it storm down to our feet and destroy all that is this island." He spoke gently and prepared for the battle. He would play defensive first and attack second. This could give him a good idea on counters, and great ideas on how the foes powers worked.
    Spoiler: Quotes? 

    Spoiler: Kiros current favorite quote 


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