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Thread: The United States Pokemon Region-Multi Crossover Redux. Interest Check

  1. #1
    Member Macie Lightfoot's Avatar
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    Default The United States Pokemon Region-Multi Crossover Redux. Interest Check

    Sign up Thread will be up only if people are interested in doing RP and will be committed to it. FULL COMMITMENT. No backing out whatsoever...

    Followed by the starting post beginning the Thread itself.

    The CS is as follows:
    Description: (Can be a picture & Detail. Just detail/Description or just Picture)
    Group of people accompanying or starting off alone:

    The details or rules are as follows:
    Just sign up. Then go to the actual thread and post a starter... of how your character enters the story.

    You don't enforce that there are only 4 moves that a pokemon can use or learn. In the Rp... all pokemon can use all moves that it knows. All Moves. Whether it be weak or strong.

    There is no need for levels... Just go with all pokemon being at any level... No specific one.

    Have as many characters you like... But as long as you're able to keep track of them all.

    It's in the USA Region but the Region is condensed so it's not a exact Match to the actual US even if it might seem as such.

    This has a couple or so strains of what's in the Anime... to keep it honest. You can befriend pokemon before getting a license. It is normal and don't let anyone say it's not. Because i've seen a few other Rps that consisted of Pokemon that managed to do the very same thing or close... if not exact.

    The Prof. is Professor Oliver Queen. (Thought of by me.)

    The Evil Team: (Heavily leaned to team Cipher or Team Spectrum) -However it hasn't been officially put into play. or confirmed. I myself am leaning to using Team Aqua and or Team Magma. Like in the effects of Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire. But not like the games... not at all. It's all with strains of Anime.

    Good luck.

    The Gyms are as follows...

    Gym #1: Cleveland - The Rock Gym. Slogan: "The Rocky tension of the Nation. "Face the Rock of Power""
    Gym #2: New York City- The Steel Gym. Slogan: "Come meet the Steel plating foundation of the nation"
    Gym #3: Chicago- The Flying Gym. Slogan: "Take to the skies in the wind and the air. Reach up for the Sky!"
    Gym #4: Salt Lake City- The Normal Gym. Slogan: "Come and show us your skills with normal array"
    Gym #5: Colorado Gym- The Ice Gym. Slogan: "Trail through the Icy Peril. The Arctic snow shall bring no delight!"
    Gym #6: Las Vegas Gym- The Fairy Gym. Slogan: "It's a fairy world, Don't be shy... come and say Hi!"
    Gym #7: San Francisco Gym- The Eerie Ghost/Psychic. Slogan: "It's a spoooooky Eerie road. Travelers and trainers take warn."
    Gym #8: Hollywood Gym- The Electric Shock. Slogan: "Prepare for a high voltage Shutdown. Can you handle the power of the Electrical surge?"
    Gym #9: Los Angeles Gym- Ground Breaking. Slogan: "Shake, Rattle and Quake! IT'S AN EARTHQUAKE! Watch the ground snap and rumble you away!"
    Gym #10: Phoenix Gym- Fire/Fighting Combo. Slogan: "Taste the Fire of the one's soul and the fighting spirit of a Pokemon's heart!"
    Gym #11: Houston Gym- The Dragon Gym. Slogan: "The fierce rage of the Dragon. Can you tame the Dragon's raging fury?"
    Gym #12: Orlando Gym- The Water/Dark Gym. Slogan: "The terror of the Deep is near. Tread carefully/The Dark spirit of the pokemon. Can you escape the dark that comes?"
    Last edited by Macie Lightfoot; 06-22-2018 at 05:06 PM.

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