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Thread: Pad Art - It's Not Bad Art!

  1. #11
    Undead_Fears's Avatar
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  2. #12
    Member Evie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pad View Post
    Hey Evie, thanks for the feedback! Funnily enough, I used to be so much better at drawing a long time ago. I kinda stopped for a few years though and have since gotten pretty lazy with it. Sometimes, if I'm feeling especially creative, I'll put a lot more effort into the drawing, like I did with the tiger sketch. There's a couple of WIP screenshots I took here: 1 and 2

    I kinda treat it more as a hobby than anything. I used to take more graphic design commissions but the workload really sucked the fun out of it for me because I'd have people CONSTANTLY bugging me to make stuff. So yeah, trying to make money from commissions isn't a huge deal for me, though I still do it on occasion. I'm just really picky with it, or if I do do something that I'm not especially interested in, it means my bank account is empty. :P I'll have to take a gander at some of your stuff! I love looking at other people's artwork.
    Having a request shop is a great way to grow! Working on things you don’t want to is an excellent way to force yourself to think outside the box.

    I’ll be honest, my portfolio isn’t stunning. I lost most of my work I did pre-college. When I was actually getting a degree, I started school with a nine month old and ended it with a two year old and newborn. Not the most ideal time to have two kids but I got it done with a 4.0!

    I definitely know what you mean about being a lazy artist... I did a lot more when I was in middle and high school (partially because I went to an art school...) but now I just don’t have the time or drive that I used to.

    Can’t wait to see more of your art! You should open a request shop! Even if you only take a few at a time!

  3. #13
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    Those are amazing @_@

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