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Thread: The Cost of Greed - Salamander (Beta) vs. Robin (Iwazuma)

  1. #11
    Antivan Crow
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    Locked into the casting, Salamander could do very little to stop his opponent from performing a mighty counterattack. He would simply have to endure as best he could. The electricity crackled around him as the essence lattice finished molding itself into the hulking war machine... but it was too little, too late. The electrically-charged ball almost completely enveloped Salamander and his construct, then seemed to somehow detonate. The heat was intense and the pain was staggering, but the mighty defenses of the God-Forged Champion of War and Salamander's defensive aura held out. The explosion kicked up a massive amount of dust and debris, but that was soon handled by a massive rush of wind that erupted from Salamander's position.

    The Champion rose to its feet among the devastation, a full five meters tall and with Salamander encased within. Wisps of smoke came off of the caster's skin and clothing, all burned from the mighty attack he had withstood. "God-Forged Champion of War." The word were spoken loudly but calmly, as if to show the bandit that his valiant efforts were in vain. "You were given a choice, my greedy friend. You could have left and prevented this. Now you must deal with the consequences of your greed." It was sad, yes... but Salamander was only so forgiving. Once Robin attacked instead of leaving peacefully, the time for mercy was over. It was now time for Robin to pay the piper, and this particular piper charged a very high price.

    Now, with a gleaming golden hammer in one hand and a cannon on the shoulder opposite of the weapon-wielding arm, the great construct lurched forward and then rushed toward Robin with a speed that none would likely expect from such a large opponent. As the Champion closed in, the hammer would scream downward toward the unfortunate man. With a head just over a meter across and nearly a meter thick, even a glancing blow from such a large weapon would cause crippling damage. Some might see it as overkill, but Salamander had seen the power Robin commanded and refused to handle him with kid gloves. Robin would die this day. If not from the hammer, then from something... else. After all, Salamander had plenty left in his arsenal should this bastard prove hard to kill even with a war machine made specifically for killing.
    Last edited by Salroka; 10-02-2018 at 09:18 AM.
    Spoiler: Neat Stuff Within 

  2. #12
    I Forgot My Title....
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    Robin waited quietly for the dust to clear, kicking his feet against the stone steps of the temple aimlessly as he began to grow impatient. It was sure taking a hell of a long time, that was for sure. As if in response to his prayer, a sudden gust of wind blew it all in his face, and he spat out a clod of dust before he looked at the result of his attack.


    It was like it had done nothing at all. Sure, the mage himself seemed more the worse for wear, his skin blackened by a series of electrical burns, but he seemed completely unfazed, if a little annoyed. Robin gulped and rose to his feet. This was not how he was expecting the end of his day. Not much left to do but see if he could stall. Just try to talk his way out of this, ever so carefully...

    "To be completely fair, you never mentioned THIS. If you were going to be this possessive I would have fucked off for something easier to filch. If you want the money, it's all yo-ohholyjesusfuck!" The titan was upon him in the blink of an eye, and its hammer arm slammed down with the strength and power of an industrial machine and more. Robin only barely managed to twist out of the way, the crushing of the steps beneath him throwing up another impenetrable cloud of ancient dust as Robin leapt back, giving the machine a wide berth as he took a brief second to come up with a desperate plan. This was going to end with somebody dying if he was going to remain this dogged in his pursuit. Probably him if he couldn't stall this out any longer.

    His eye caught the faintest glimmer of the amulet, and a desperate idea came to mind. As the dust settled, Robin took his stance behind the pedestal, using it as a shield of sorts against what might come next. "L-listen buddy...if you'll just be a nice guy and smash me an exit hole, I'll just get out of your hair and back to being a hobo robbing other hobos for food and money. If you were in my place, you'd be doing the same thing, ya know...poverty and hunger changes a man..." It was obvious he was reasoning for his life at this point, likely in a pathetically futile effort, though the residue static still crackling around them was fueling his internal battery. He only needed to stall for a minute or two...

    Charges used: 0
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    Ionic Discharge: 2 turns left
    Karma is the best.

  3. #13
    Antivan Crow
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    "Shut. Up." was all that Salamander said in response to the pleas of Robin. With that said, the cannon on the Champion's shoulder flared to life. A vivid golden light as brilliant as the sun eminated from the barrel for a split second before a narrow beam of concussive force tore through the air with Robin's body as its final destination. Not many people could withstand the pure destructive power of an Essence Cannon. Not many mortals, at least. Given the reactions Robin had to Salamander's abilities, the sorcerer had deduced the bandit to be just that... mortal. A powerful one, yes. Perhaps god-blooded or demon-blooded, even... but mortal. After all... very few non-dynasts knew the full might of a Solar Exalted in this day and age.

    Still, the man was impressive in a way. That little lightning explosion thing was quite painful and had pushed Salamander's defenses almost to their limits. Furthermore, it seemed to linger. While not damaging in the sense of lethality, the remaining ambient charge stung like hell. It was truly a shame that he had been little more than a brigand. Had he not, Salamander might have taken Robin under his wing and tried to cultivate his abilities even further. Oh well. His fate had been sealed. Perhaps it was for the best, really. Anyone so ignorant as to ignore a "Don't mess with that, you might screw the entire world if you do" message? Well... were they really worth keeping around? Probably not, reasoned Salamander. Yes, that was definitely the case here. Nothing could convince him otherwise now.

    With the God-Forged Champion of War and its mighty weaponry towering over the surroundings, Salamander's powerful anima adding another layer of defense, and the fact that the Solar still had around half of his power still in reserve? Well... it was only a matter of time. If Robin somehow survived the Essence Cannon shot, he was only ensuring an even more gruesome demise at Salamander's potent sorcery. If he was smart, he would just let the blast hit him and get it over with.

    No Additional Essence Used. Totals remain the same.
    Spoiler: Neat Stuff Within 

  4. #14
    I Forgot My Title....
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    Well, there went the mercy plan out the window. One 'shut up' was all it took to get Robin to clamp his mouth shut, at least for the moment. The fact that a very deadly looking cannon was now trained right on him didn't help matters at all. No, this...this was a lost cause. The behemoth had taken, not fully formed, a massive blast of electricity with naught but burns to show for it, and he wasn't up to suiciding, the one chance he had now was either reasoning, or escape. Possibly both. As much as he terribly wanted to bolt, he had a hunch this speedy machine would catch up to him if he didn't get a good head start. And unfortunately, he'd need a distraction or permission first...and to survive this. To dodge this, he'd have to move as fast as lightning....

    Luckily, he happened to have that ability. As the blast was fired, Robin seemed to practically disappear from his location, blasting over to where he had originally snuck into the temple in the first place, a massive sonic boom rocking the temple as he dashed out of the way of a lethal attack, the concussive blast smashing a hole in the wall near where Robin had just been. He heaved a sigh as he screeched to a stop. When he moved that fast, he practically got the bends. Needed a moment just to recollect his bearing. "Listen, big guy." Back to reasoning. What else was there for him to do? Attacking the thing would be a waste of charges. Speaking of, the crackling of electricity was a signifier that Robin was beginning to build up a bit too much once again. "We could keep this up. You keep trying to kill me, I hang on by the fucking skin of my teeth, until either you give up or I fuck up and get smashed to bits. Personally, sounds boring as hell for both of us." Robin was never one to pull punches in his speech.

    "I don't wanna die. And YOU are being an unfair douche balloon. Look. I have NO idea why you'd be willing to practically wreck this place just for a necklace that prolly ain't worth as much as I think it is. But if you're going to whip out FUCKING MECH SUITS, I'm out. I want none of it. Got dealt a pair of twos when my opponent's got a full house." Robin kept a very wary eye on his assailant, waiting for any sudden movements in case he'd have to use his speed again. "Let me go, and I ain't ever gonna come anywhere near this cursed place again. Not if it means I gotta deal with a goddamn Gundam on my lonesome again." This wasn't his first experience fighting against a piloted mech suit...but that time he had help. And much better weapons. This was like hitting a wall with a pool noodle.

    "Just, uh...try to make your decision quick. Too much electrical charge hurts like hell." It was even starting to get painful for him, feeling the incredible surge of power running through his body. Damn, this would make an incredible attack...that he'd probably just shrug off. What the hell was this thing made out of, rubber?

    Charges used: 2
    Charges gained: 7
    Charges available: 18
    Ionic Discharge: 1 turn left
    Last edited by Iwazuma; 10-09-2018 at 06:25 PM.
    Karma is the best.

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