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Thread: Edyn's Awakening (Interest thread)

  1. #1
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    Default Edyn's Awakening (Interest thread)

    The year is 2245 AC. The world of Edyn has long been a world without magic. Almost 1400 years since magic left the world. The gods have been silent. In the loss of magic it led to adaptation. Technology became the new gods, Gods created by men. With the rise of tech came the rise of mega corps. Entities which control the world through surveillance monopoly and subliminal suggestion. Recently something has changed. There has been a resurgence of the ambient mana in and around population, both remote and urban. People have been 'gifted' with abilities far beyond the abilities of normal men. The Corps don't like that their technology is being phased out by the resurgence. Thus a new game began. The game of hunter and hunted.

    The Awakened: Those with super human abilities. While magic infuses their bodies and give them abilities, none as of yet has reached the level of the past. Any race will be considered. Resurgence can be an unpredictable process. (i would say no more than 2 major powers, can be complimented with small abilities or enhancement for flavor.)

    Hunters: Those people who were drafted or hired by the corps to hunt those that show signs of resurgence. (Tech weapons (they cannot be wielded by anyone else, and they can shift shape into 3 separate modes. Melee short, Melee Range, and Firearm (must carry ammo), and 3 full tech upgrades. Some minor augments.)

    Pets: These are awakened being who have been deemed useful enough to be subjugated. (Notice : This is a submissive role. You are agreeing that your character be dominated by the Hunter or Corp Exec that owns you. It is possible to rebel, but there are measures to make it difficult. Also Hunters can be subjugated by Leaders of The Resistance leaders)

    Execs: These are humans that have risen through the business world to control the major corporations of the world. While most are self reliant all work together to keep a hold on the dominated world. (Limiting this to 5 Execs for the 5 Major corps. If you want to be an Exec You will have the option to rename the corp.)
    - Everheart Medical –Exec: - Medical grade solutions and conveniences using nano-tech to better lives.
    - Axis Corp –Talon Terann: - corporation that specializes in using nano-tech for weapons and armor.
    - Vector Transport –Exec: - Corporation which controls all forms of public and personal transportation as well as controlling the roads used by that transportation
    - Bacchus Corp – Exec: - Wal-Mart of the future
    - Envision – Cesscertia Lucretcia: - entertainment corp. runs everything from the internet to prostitution.

    Approved Characters
    Last edited by Allanon; 12-29-2018 at 05:48 AM. Reason: updating threads

  2. #2
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    Default Character Profiles

     [wrap=left] IMG HERE [/wrap]
    [i]Alias:[/I] [/center]
    [b]Sexual Orientation:[/b]
    [b]Eye colour:[/b]
    [b]Hair colour:[/b]
    [b]Corporate Affiliation:[/b]
    [b]Where is their Corp Sign?[/b]
    [b]NanoTech Weapon Description:[/b]
    [b]Name of Major Tech 1:[/b]
    [b]Details of Major Tech 1:[/b]
    [b]Name of Major Tech 2:[/b]
    [b]Details of Major Tech 2:[/b]
    [b]Name of Major Tech 3:[/b]
    [b]Details of Major Tech 3:[/b]
    [b]Minor Tech:[/b]
    [b]Name of Pet:[/b] If one is owned (must acquire through story)

    [wrap=left] IMG HERE [/wrap][/floatleft]
    [i]Corporate Alias:[/I] [/center]
    [b]Sexual Orientation:[/b]
    [b]Eye colour:[/b]
    [b]Hair colour:[/b]
    [b]Executive of:[/b]
    [b]Where is their Corp Sign?[/b]
    [b]NanoTech Weapon Description:[/b]
    [b]Name of Major Tech 1:[/b]
    [b]Details of Major Tech 1:[/b]
    [b]Name of Major Tech 2:[/b]
    [b]Details of Major Tech 2:[/b]
    [b]Name of Major Tech 3:[/b]
    [b]Details of Major Tech 3:[/b]
    [b]Minor Tech:[b]
    [b]Name of Pet:[/b] If one is owned (Execs can start with a pet if approved)

    [wrap=left] IMG HERE [/wrap]
    [i]Alias:[/I] [/center]
    [b]Sexual Orientation:[/b]
    [b]Eye colour:[/b]
    [b]Hair colour:[/b]
    [b]Rebel Affiliation:[/b]
    [b]Where is their Rebel Sign?[/b]
    [b]Weapon Descriptions:[/b]
    [b]Name of Major Magic 1:[/b]
    [b]Details of Major Magic 1:[/b]
    [b]Name of Major Magic 2:[/b]
    [b]Details of Major Magic 2:[/b]
    [b]Name of Major Magic 3:[/b]
    [b]Details of Major Magic 3:[/b]
    [b]Minor Magic:[/b]
    Last edited by Allanon; 12-17-2018 at 03:24 PM. Reason: Showing Character codes

  3. #3
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    Default Talon Terran

    Name:Talon Terran

    Corporate Alias:Lu Bu

    Race: Human


    Gender: Male

    Sexual Orientation: Straight


    Weight: 212 LBS

    Eye colour: Ice Blue

    Hair colour: Midnight Black

    Personality:Reclusive, Eccentric, Confident, Controlling, Self-Assured, Said to be brutal to anyone who questions or defies him

    Executive of: Axis Tech

    Where is their Corp Sign? Moves depending on where he places it, Normally on the right side of his neck.

    NanoTech Weapon Description:First and most common form is a spear, Second form is a pair of claws, third form is a pair of large caliber handguns for which he caries 2 clips each (9 Shots per Clip).

    Name of Major Tech 1:NanoSkin

    Details of Major Tech 1:This tech allows the user to modify the color and appearance of the skin. It is also said it allows the user to change what their body physically looks like even if for a short time. This also acts as an armor being able to layer the nanites to disperse kinetic and heat energy across the surface of millions of the interlinked nanites.

    Name of Major Tech 2:Conversion Matrix

    Details of Major Tech 2:This allows the user to convert the kinetic and heat energy into energy which can be used for several processes the nanites carry out in order to function. This energy can also be focused across the weapons to give them a Taser effect.

    Name of Major Tech 3:Nanotech Replication Protocol.

    Detail of Major Tech 3: This allows the Nanites to reproduce inside the body, but this requires the user to eat a substantially larger amount of food.
    Closed nanite controller- This allows the nanites to be controlled by thought rather than by an external control unit. This means that to hack them one would have to be extremely close to him.

    History: Talon was born to the position and Heir-Apparent of Axis Tech CEO. Raised as a child of wealth and means he wanted for nothing. This led him to get bored and test the boundaries of his limitations. His father quickly came down upon him. His father used brutal tactics to try and reign the Heir-Apparent in, but with each more brutal punishment the stronger the resolve to test himself became. At the age of 21 his father died under mysterious circumstances and he became the CEO of Axis. What will he do now? Where will he take the company?

    Player: TheOneWhoWatches
    Last edited by Allanon; 12-17-2018 at 04:01 PM. Reason: image broke

  4. #4
    Field Cryptozoologist
    Yggdrasil_Hugger's Avatar
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    Name: Patrick Welch

    Alias: Blitz

    Race: Irish-Scottish

    Age: 28

    Gender: Male

    Sexual Orientation: Straight

    Height: 6'4.7"

    Weight: 170 lbs

    Eye colour: Bright blue

    Hair colour: Flaming Red

    Personality: loud, brash, wild. Great for distractions. Also great in a fight if you need.

    Rebel Affiliation: None. Solo.

    Where is their Rebel Sign?: Nowhere. He's solo.

    Weapon Descriptions: Two silver shortswords, magically blessed to remain sharp and forever deadly.

    Name of Major Magic 1: Superspeed

    Details of Major Magic 1: Superspeed. He can run faster than the speed of sound, and he can also vibrate through walls, run on water, and catch bullets.

    Name of Major Magic 2: Speed healing.

    Details of Major Magic 2: He heals flesh wounds incredibly fast, without so much as a scar. Bone wounds, however, take longer to heal. He's fucked if he's shot in the brain, has his throat slit, or any other form of death.

    Name of Major Magic 3: Lightning throw.

    Details of Major Magic 3: He can throw the static electricity he gathers as he runs and shoots it in a deadly discharge

    Minor Magic: Extrasensory advantage. He automatically has a knowledge of the area around him of twenty feet, and, like Spiderman, can tell when something is coming at him, such as bullets, blades, fists, or wayward birds.

    History: As a child he was playing in the streets of Dingle, when a drunk driver nearly creamed him at seventy miles an hour. Luckily, Patrick tapped into his before-unknown speed, and shot off across Ireland at 116 miles per hour. He got lost, sadly, and after about six days of running across Ireland, eating everything he could get his hands on, as an unfortunate side effect of superspeed, he made his way home. He was greeted by reporters and agents. Taken away from his home, he was nearly subjected to horrible stuff, but escaped, via superspeed. His life has just been a series of near misses, but hey. For a speedster, a near miss is a leseiurly stroll.

    On/Off's: Nothing unusual.
    Last edited by Yggdrasil_Hugger; 12-17-2018 at 03:32 PM.

  5. #5
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    on's and off's are what turns the char on or off... it was a secion on a diff site... forgot to remove it

  6. #6
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    Ah. Kinks.

  7. #7

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    Pending Image

    Name: Cesscertia Lucretcia

    Race: Human

    Age: 45

    Gender: Female

    Sexual Orientation: Any

    Height: 5’6

    Weight: 130 pounds

    Eye colour: Light Blue

    Hair colour: Light Blond / White

    Personality: Strong willed, Kind, understanding, Calculating, Honest, Forgiving to a degree. Loves to educate, sometimes to an unhealthy degree. Does not forgive tardiness or lies.

    Executive of: Envision

    Where is their Corp Sign: Located all along from their left shoulder wrapping around to their left hand.

    NanoTech Weapon Description: Quarterstaff, to Sythe, to Bow. Usues a power pack to fire Arrows of light, usually carry two additional batteries.

    Name of Major Tech 1: De-toxification Nanites

    Details of Major Tech 1: While usually used to drink as much alcohol as she wants with little effect, it's real purpose it to prevent any major poisonings of any kind to her body.

    Name of Major Tech 2: Precise Eye

    Details of Major Tech 2: This allows her to not only have deadly aim but also allows her to quickly take in a room and memorize what is in it. Mainly she uses this to catch small details to better understand who she is dealing with and how best to "Treat" them.

    Name of Major Tech 3: Direct Link Database

    Details of Major Tech 3: On a very private personal computer she records all the data on anyone she personally has met and spoke to. This allows her to quickly "Remember" people and any little tid-bits she found of us about them. This include video taken from her precise eye.

    [b]History: Being born to the mega corporation of Envison had many lovely quirks that lead Sertia[ to lead a rather un-indulging life. She watched what happens when people get everything they think they want and it placed caution upon her. Her mother ended up taking over the company and while she was in power she showed Sertia everything there was to marketing and what it meant to get into the heads of those who used their products.

    At thirty Sertia took over the family business since her mother’s untimely passing. Sertia is divorced but has four lovely children. All of whom she trying to groom to see who will follow what paths in life. She is neither strict nor too serious with them. /b]
    Last edited by Kortaga; 12-21-2018 at 09:31 PM.
    Activity Dates: I am most frequent Monday, Wednesday through Saturday. I am rarely free Tuesdays and Sundays though may be able to find some time.

    Currently looking for friends and Rp's if you think I might fit please let me know!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by SaltyIrishman View Post
    Name: Patrick Welch

    Alias: Blitz

    Race: Irish-Scottish

    Age: 28

    Gender: Male

    Sexual Orientation: Straight

    Height: 6'4.7"

    Weight: 170 lbs

    Eye colour: Bright blue

    Hair colour: Flaming Red

    Personality: loud, brash, wild. Great for distractions. Also great in a fight if you need.

    Rebel Affiliation: None. Solo.

    Where is their Rebel Sign?: Nowhere. He's solo.

    Weapon Descriptions: Two silver shortswords, magically blessed to remain sharp and forever deadly.

    Name of Major Magic 1: Superspeed

    Details of Major Magic 1: Superspeed. He can run faster than the speed of sound, and he can also vibrate through walls, run on water, and catch bullets.

    Name of Major Magic 2: Speed healing.

    Details of Major Magic 2: He heals flesh wounds incredibly fast, without so much as a scar. Bone wounds, however, take longer to heal. He's fucked if he's shot in the brain, has his throat slit, or any other form of death.

    Name of Major Magic 3: Lightning throw.

    Details of Major Magic 3: He can throw the static electricity he gathers as he runs and shoots it in a deadly discharge

    Minor Magic: Extrasensory advantage. He automatically has a knowledge of the area around him of twenty feet, and, like Spiderman, can tell when something is coming at him, such as bullets, blades, fists, or wayward birds.

    History: As a child he was playing in the streets of Dingle, when a drunk driver nearly creamed him at seventy miles an hour. Luckily, Patrick tapped into his before-unknown speed, and shot off across Ireland at 116 miles per hour. He got lost, sadly, and after about six days of running across Ireland, eating everything he could get his hands on, as an unfortunate side effect of superspeed, he made his way home. He was greeted by reporters and agents. Taken away from his home, he was nearly subjected to horrible stuff, but escaped, via superspeed. His life has just been a series of near misses, but hey. For a speedster, a near miss is a leseiurly stroll.

    On/Off's: Nothing unusual.
    Approved Got a Character thread up Post it there when ya get a chance. Link is in first thread
    Last edited by Allanon; 12-21-2018 at 10:47 AM.

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    Fixed some things let me know if anything else was off.
    Activity Dates: I am most frequent Monday, Wednesday through Saturday. I am rarely free Tuesdays and Sundays though may be able to find some time.

    Currently looking for friends and Rp's if you think I might fit please let me know!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kortaga View Post
    Pending Image

    Name: Cesscertia Lucretcia

    Race: Human

    Age: 45

    Gender: Female

    Sexual Orientation: Any

    Height: 5’6

    Weight: 130 pounds

    Eye colour: Light Blue

    Hair colour: Light Blond / White

    Personality: Strong willed, Kind, understanding, Calculating, Honest, Forgiving to a degree. Loves to educate, sometimes to an unhealthy degree. Does not forgive tardiness or lies.

    Executive of: Envision

    Where is their Corp Sign: Located all along from their left shoulder wrapping around to their left hand.

    NanoTech Weapon Description: Quarterstaff, to Sythe, to Bow. Usues a power pack to fire Arrows of light, usually carry two additional batteries.

    Name of Major Tech 1: De-toxification Nanites

    Details of Major Tech 1: While usually used to drink as much alcohol as she wants with little effect, it's real purpose it to prevent any major poisonings of any kind to her body.

    Name of Major Tech 2: Precise Eye

    Details of Major Tech 2: This allows her to not only have deadly aim but also allows her to quickly take in a room and memorize what is in it. Mainly she uses this to catch small details to better understand who she is dealing with and how best to "Treat" them.

    Name of Major Tech 3: Direct Link Database

    Details of Major Tech 3: On a very private personal computer she records all the data on anyone she personally has met and spoke to. This allows her to quickly "Remember" people and any little tid-bits she found of us about them. This include video taken from her precise eye.

    [b]History: Being born to the mega corporation of Envison had many lovely quirks that lead Sertia[ to lead a rather un-indulging life. She watched what happens when people get everything they think they want and it placed caution upon her. Her mother ended up taking over the company and while she was in power she showed Sertia everything there was to marketing and what it meant to get into the heads of those who used their products.

    At thirty Sertia took over the family business since her mother’s untimely passing. Sertia is divorced but has four lovely children. All of whom she trying to groom to see who will follow what paths in life. She is neither strict nor too serious with them. /b]
    Approved Go ahead and post in the AC thread

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