Here is a simple guideline about affiliating with our forum.
1. Do not affiliate with RpA expecting us to participate in a flame war. We do not participate in arguments and debates. We are only here to roleplay and participate in creative stories. As long as you share this same goal, we will consider reviewing your site for affiliation.
2. We aren't entitled to accept your affiliation. We only want to affiliate with a small group of sites. Just because you offer, it doesn't mean we are going to accept. Likewise, we know you are entitled to the same refusal process. If you ask us nicely we will respond and check out your site at our leisure. Do not persist and hound us to respond.
3. Your site must be friendly with it's members. If we come over and see that you are swearing and cursing at your staff and members, we are most likely going to turn tail and run away. We aren't the type of community that gets it's jollies from treating others poorly. If you have a decent amount of kindness and respect on your forum, then we will most likely give your community a look over.
4. You forum can't be completely new. You have to have at least a purpose, some members, and a few active threads. If it looks like you just opened up your community, we will most likely ignore your request for affiliation. My advise is to try to get on your feet first and see how far you can go on your own. Then come back and try again in four or five months.
5. You have to provide us with your own button code, and it must be 88x31 in size, so it can look nice with our other affiliate tags on the bottom. Make sure your topic title on the mini banner is clear.
6. Get to know us a little first. You don't have to be a active member of the community. But it would be nice if you talked to one of the staff here through email or instant messenger. It's annoying if you just want to exchange banner links and run away. Doing this greatly decreases your chance of us making the attempt to affiliate with you. Tell us why you want to affiliate and a little about the forum you want us to link with.
7. If you take down our banner after we've made a agreement , we will most likely take down your banner as well. The chances of us putting your link/banner back up is slim. Affiliation is a form of trust and commitment between the two forums, and it's a very fragile one at best.
8. Your site must be a writing community. (A roleplaying , poetry, or fanfiction community.) This can vary from World Roleplays to Forums with multiple genres. But if it has nothing to do with roleplaying , it will most likely be ignored.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. It will most likely be updated by the other staff members , who also want to add their input and advise.