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Thread: Mystry Seekers

  1. #1
    Member AmberTheAlbedo's Avatar
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    Default Mystry Seekers

    You and your friend were mystery seekers, people who look for creatures created in ancient times.
    The elders told stories of ancient times when humanity had technology that was like magic before they almost completely destroyed themselves in the great war. They used some of the most advanced technology to create hybrids and superhumans. Their war also created dangerous mutant animals that you really wanted to avoid.
    The two of you were looking for an angel like hybrid called an albedo. It was a strange name because the word was a measurement of light, but that's what they were called and no one realy knew .
    After gathering information from the locals around the area you were going to search, the two of you set out into the forest. Your progress was a snail paste at best, the thick foliage and difficult terrain meant that you couldn't move very fast.
    At least at first, a couple of days into the expedition you started coming across clear cut patches of forest and paths coming from them leading to caves a short distance away, not long after that you found a dirt road with clearings here and there alongside it, one even had massive granite blocks and other smaller blocks of other stones. Whoever or whatever was moving these blocks knew what they were doing but were nowhere to be found.
    After passing that you came across another clearing with a cave close by, it was getting dark and it would probably rain soon so the two of you made camp and went to sleep a short while later.
    When y'all woke up you found what looked like a young girl sleeping on the other side of the cave.

    You must use two OC's, one can be used as a minor character but must be used.
    Simi to fully descriptive.
    Not required but a backstory would be nice

    OOC Thread:
    Last edited by AmberTheAlbedo; 03-20-2019 at 03:55 AM.

  2. #2
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    I do a bit of everything, but I'm always down for a good horror or high fantasy plot
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    Roach came to suddenly, his eyes blinking open in the harsh morning light. His stomach ached from hunger, but that was standard. He got up, his joints popping quietly as he stood. Then he saw her. The girl. His stomach gave a nasty grin, and suggesting eating the girl. No. He couldn't eat her. He couldn't kill her, was more like it. Roach wasn't a fighter. He wasn't brave, or ruthless, or savage, like the others. The only reason he lived was because of the one thing he could do. Running. He was good at running. He ran from problems. He ran from danger. He was a coward, sure, but he was alive. And so he ran. He bolted about fifty feet into the forest until he remembered she was asleep. Alseep. His friends were asleep. He could get them to kill her, then they'd feast. His stomach seemed to like the idea. His brain did too. His heart, not so much. He wondered if eating people was bad. He couldn't remember. His mind was good at running, too. Thoughts zoomed through his mind. He crept back into the cave, watching her through narrowed eyes, ready to run at the slightest movement. Which was why he screamed when hands touched his back.
    ================================================== =====================
    Scraps had awoken to the sound of Roach's feet hitting their way out of the cave. She shielded her eyes from the bright sunlight, and smiled to herself when Roach shot off into the forest. She wondered what he couldv'e been running from. Knowing him, it would be a mouse, or a butterfly. He was jumpy like that. She had laid back down to watch Roach come back. Roach was a tall, jumpy boy, much darker skinned that her. He had dark, straight hair that flew behind him when he ran. She thought he was too thin to be attractive, though with a less empty belly, and maybe some proper adornments, a feather or two, and maybe a tattoo, he'd be better. But maybe that was just her. There was a reason she was named Scraps. Everything she found, she used. Every feather, every piece of shiny metal, everything. She used it to adorn her long, curly brown hair. Her hair was the color of river silt, and her skin the color of tree bark. She snuck up behind him, and grabbed him. "Hey." she whispered.

  3. #3
    Member AmberTheAlbedo's Avatar
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    The ground outside was still wet from last night's rain, leaving it to muddy to progress until the ground had dried. The rain would be the most likely resin the girl was in the cave but, why was she alone and where did she come from?
    The light coming in through the cave entrance was gleaming off her gold ribbons in her wings in your eyes. To her side was a small backpack with a small map sticking out the top. She was asleep so she wouldn't know right?
    (its short but im being buged the @#$# out of)

  4. #4
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    Roach shrieked, then turned. "Don't scare me like that." his heart was going a mile a minute. He couldn't fathom why she would grab him like that when she knew he was jumpy. He nodded to the girl.
    "What, uh, what do we do about her?" Scraps followed his gaze and emitted a small gasp. One, there was a girl in their cave. Second, she had wings.
    "I, I don't know. What is she?"
    "I don't know."
    "Sounds like we wake her up and find out."
    "... I... I don't... no thank you...."
    "Okay... then we wait."
    "I don't like that either..."
    "Then what do you suggest we do?"

  5. #5
    Member AmberTheAlbedo's Avatar
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    The girl was sound asleep completely unaware of your presence. As young as she looked she ether was traveling with another member of her species or lived close by no matter the answer it was rather strange to encounter her out of the blue like this.
    The map sticking out of the top of her backpack seemed a little strange. The few patterns you could see didn't make much sense without unrolling the map.
    (IRL stuff, start an rp then life wants to stop you)

  6. #6
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    "What's with the map?" Roach whispered.
    "I don't know, I can't make sense of the symbols."
    "You think they're some kind of writing?"
    "I don't know."
    "What language is it?"
    "I don't know."
    "Can we-"
    "I. Don't. Know."
    "Please don't snap at me."
    "Sorry." Scraps crept forward, and reaching out, snagged the map. "Wow," she said, eyes wide in awe. "Look at this."

  7. #7
    Member AmberTheAlbedo's Avatar
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    The map was the most detailed you've seen, it had dangerous areas marked, safe areas, caves, clearings and even cities but they were clearly not human cities.
    this map would hold tremendous value as a collector item but also for someone with more evil intent.


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