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Thread: Pad's Mob of Angry Hostiles

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    Default Pad's Mob of Angry Hostiles

    Will be posting character bios here. Here is the first:

    Name: Francesca Allerton
    Preferred Name: Fran (Gets especially pissed off with anyone who calls her Francesca or Franny.)
    Age: 21
    Gender: Female
    Race: Human/Mutant

    Spoiler: Reference 

    Fran is quite short, standing at roughly five foot and a couple of inches, and looks rather scrawny. As a result of her mutation, her features have become more impish, leaving her with an abnormally large “cheshire cat-like” grin with sharpened teeth and an unhealthy complexion to her skin. She has dark, almost black, eyes and mid-length hair that looks as though it had been hacked with a knife and then carefully styled to look like she had just rolled out of bed. Another notable feature, although not always immediately noticeable, are her claw-like nails. These are often concealed by gloves.

    Clothes / Armour:

    Her dress sense can roughly be described as “street punk”, often wearing an assortment of charity shop hand-me-downs that are either too large or too small for her frame along with accessories such as wristbands and chokers. They offer little in terms of protection except maybe if she opts to wear a jacket or hoody, it provides minimal shelter from the cold and rain.

    Fighting Style:

    Fran does not possess any real combat skills, although she is very acrobatic and the years she has spent living on the streets has developed a sense of resourcefulness that makes her a deceptively dangerous and unpredictable opponent. Coupled with reckless use of her inhuman abilities, she can be a force to be reckoned with. In a fight, she will relentlessly taunt her opponent and user her acrobatic abilities to dodge her opponent’s attacks and take opportune moments to swing her katana at them or alternative strikes. Fully aware of her nimble frame and the disadvantage this puts her at against more sturdy opponents, she is not averse to cheap shots such as crotch shots, eye pokes, and she will also scratch and bite as necessary.


    Steel Katana: An ornamental blade that Fran stole from an antique shop. She has since sharpened the blade, although it is chipped and scratched due to improper use. Fran is not skilled in using this, but will swing aggressively when she feels like it. While this blade would be incapable of slicing through metal armour, it can easily cut deep into flesh and, with two of three strikes, tear through bone.


    Raging Paws of the Tiger: Fran’s signature move, in which she spits out flammable liquid that is generated in her saliva onto her hands and furiously rubs them together, using the friction to ignite the liquid and engulf her hands in flames. She refers to this as her “kung-fu trick” and will proceed to throw herself at her opponent, unleashing a barrage of punches or swipes. (Notes: These flames will mostly be active for two turns. Should Fran keep them active for longer, it will cause immense pain and eventually severe burn damage to herself. Once extinguished, it takes a further two turns before Fran can use the ability again.)

    Flaming Wheel Kick: Using her amazing flexibility, Fran will raise her leg up in front of her so that she can expel her flammable saliva onto her boot before swiftly cartwheeling towards her opponent, using her abnormal speed to generate enough wind friction to ignite her boot whilst aiming a powerful heel kick to the head. (Notes: The flames only last for the duration of this single attack before she extinguishes them as her footwear is not resistant to prolonged exposure to fire. While she does not need to be wearing any footwear to use this attack, she would ideally not be kicking someone barefooted as it could hurt.)

    Dragon Breath: While not exactly a “fire breathing” attack per say, it is rather close in comparison. Fran licks her thumb and index finger before rapidly rubbing them together to ignite the fluid. She then generates as much saliva as possible (it helps if she drinks plenty of fluids beforehand), bring her flaming finger up close to her mouth before spraying her saliva at the small flame, causing it to spread out in a deadly swathe, reaching as far as two meters in front of her. (Notes: After using this ability, it cannot be used for another four turns from myself.)

    Fire Balls: Fishing in her pocket, Fran produces a marble, which she spits on. She then proceeds to lick her index finger and thumb and, in the same way as she does when she is about to use her Dragon Breath ability, she rubs them together to ignite the fluid. She then touches her finger against the saliva-coated marble to ignite that, creating a fist-sized fireball which she then hurls at her opponent. (Notes: There is no “recharge” time necessary to reuse this ability, and Fran can create up to three of these fireballs at one time. She can hold onto these for two turns before they start inflicting damage on her, so she does not need to immediately throw them although she should be careful to not set fire to her clothes. When thrown, they shatter on contact and cannot be reused. Fran only carries ten of these marbles.)

    Fire Starter: One of the more dangerous and unpredictable abilities in Fran’s repertoire. As her saliva is highly flammable, she can potentially set fire to anything she spits on provided she has a means to ignite the fluid (i.e. By friction, or by creating a smaller flame beforehand). How fast and far the fire spreads depends on how flammable the surroundings are and this can also be dangerous for Fran as her tolerance to fire, while above that of a normal human, does not grant her immunity. Though this ability is mostly used as a distraction to give Fran a chance to escape a hairy situation, Fran may use this out of sheer frustration and desperation if tempers are at boiling point.


    10 Marbles: A collection of marbles, which Fran keeps in her pocket. They are used in combination with her Fire Balls ability. One of these marbles, known as an “Aggie” is twice the size of all the others and, should she use this one for her Fire Balls attack, the size of the projectile will be twice the size of all the others.

    Pack of 20 Chesterfield Red King Size: Box of cigarettes.

    Sony CD Walkman & Skullcandy Headphones: Current album – ‘Life is Peachy’ by Korn.


    Strengths – Fran is highly acrobatic and flexible. Her agility is twice that of a normal human. She has a lot of “street smarts” and is more than capable of looking out for herself, particularly in urban environments. This is also reflected in how she fights, adopting more of a “resourceful brawler” approach who makes use of anything she can possibly put to her advantage and will not hesitate to use dirty tactics.

    Weaknesses – Fran is not a skilled combatant. She has had no martial arts training of any kind, often resorting to attempting various “tricks” she has seen in movies. She also doesn’t possess a great deal of physical strength, which puts her at an immediate disadvantage against tough opponents. Lastly, she is reckless with her fighting and is not completely averse to harming herself if it means getting a good crack at her opponent.

    Other Abilities – All of Fran’s “Special Abilities” are a result of her ability to generate flammable saliva. This can be rather difficult unless she is hydrated, so she makes a habit of drinking plenty of water. It is also worth noting that the skin on the palms of her hands, soles of her feet and on her finger tips is incredibly coarse; ideal for generating the kind of friction needed to spark a fire. A final “perk” of Fran’s mutation is that her entire skin offers temporary fire and heat resistance. (She can be completely covered in flames for up to two turns before she starts taking damage)


    Personality – For the most part, Fran is considered a delinquent; a trouble-maker and a nuisance to society. Take the time to know her, however, and you will discover that this stems from having been kicked out on the streets at a very young age and a serious mistrust of any “officials” or authority types. She is loud, vulgar and very open about any negative feelings towards others. However, she has on the very rare occasion, been known to display a more caring and friendly side to her and will often be a “big sister” to younger people going through similar problems that she has.

    History – Fran was immediately taken into care at birth due to her real parents being unfit to raise her. She had a hard time growing up, having “fallen through the system” and going through a perpetual cycle of going from the children’s home, to one temporary family, then another, and then back to the children’s home. When she was twelve, she was moved into a hostel run by a charity organisation for homeless teenagers. It was there that she was exposed to violence, drugs and alcohol.

    At the age of fifteen, she thought she was granted a respite from the woeful living conditions in the hostel. She was signed up for a retreat with the promise of gaining skills and knowledge that would get her into employment so that she could live a better life. What she didn’t know was that this was actually the front for an illegal scientific facility in which horrific experiments were being conducted on human test subjects. The purpose of these experiments was not dissimilar to the Soviet “sleeper agents”, only in this instance this shadow organisation wanted soldiers with inhuman abilities. It was after a year of torture and experimentation that Fran finally developed such abilities, but it came at a terrible cost. In her rage, her abilities went far out of control and the whole facility was destroyed. There were large numbers of casualties, and it was believed that Fran had perished in the inferno. She had barely managed to escape, however, and decided that she will live on her own.

    Over the next few years, Fran learned how to survive on her own, how to get out of trouble and also managed to gain more control over her abilities. She now lives in a squat with an old alcoholic who spends most of his time sleeping and a teenager who ran away from home. The old man has not been a bother, save for the few times he has gone without cider, so Fran had made it a point of maintaining his supply just for the sake of keeping him in a blissful stupor. She had taken on a more sisterly role with the teenaged boy, however, choosing to look after him. Now, with a little bit more of a positive outlook on her future, she is looking to improve her circumstances.

    (History sucks, but I will probably rework it at some point because I like the idea of using this character in other RP's.)

  2. #2
    Member Tempest&Ember's Avatar
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    wow I like this character. I suppose I should do this too. first for Tempest and then for Ember.


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