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  1. #41
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    Default Co-op bettwen StormyNyte and P.K.

    Kaia turned on her heals. some of the others were talking amungst themselves as they trekked. Poor Lumen seemed to have been unusually effected by the magic. She wondered why that was and considered asking the voice that had spoken to her after the power had rushed through her. And to be sure she was most interested in the other half breed since she saw so few of them. They would have a long time to get to know each other. She looked over them one by one eager to get to know them in time. But out of the group the centaur seemed the least approachable. She supposed she had good reason, she didn't seem to want to be here but due to... circumstance she was here with them anyways.

    Kaia flexed her wings once before allowing them to settle close upon her back and made her way over to the women. It was as good a place to start and Kaia was eager to know more. "It seems all your wounds have healed as well." she said offering the women a smile. "My name is Kaia Vandrachen." She introduced herself with a small flourish of her halberd. "Its a pleasure to meet you."

    Namida's spirits seemed to have improved a bit as they moved off away from the city, despite being brought along against her will. It's still better than death by execution, Centaur. That sudden voice gave her pause and she jerked up with a surprised snort. There were many things the hooved warrior didn't like about magic, and now... it seems that one more just added itself to the list. "That's s all I need, a voice I can't hit to shut up..." she muttered under her breath.

    Her thoughts were soon interrupted as one of her compatriots approached her, the bird woman from the arena, before she spoke of her now healed wounds. She wasn't one for small talk but, seeing as they were stuck with each other, she gave a slight nod of acknowledgment. "Aye, seems they have. Namida Thunderhoof, wish I could say the same. But we're here now, so we might as well make do."

    Kaia let out something of a dry chuckle. "At least your honest, if bluntly so." She said as she walked along beside her She couldn't help but study the women's chestnut flanks. what a gorgeous color and a powerful build. It was none to often one could say they could stand this close to a centaur warrior and ... well probably live to tell about it. "As you say, we might as well make do. I do hope that, maybe, we'll become friends." She said more quietly looking ahead before looking back at the others in the group. "Perhaps all of us. If nothing more. then I hope to at least gain your trust. We'll all work better together if we can at least trust one another and only the sky above knows what we'll be facing together." What a terrifying but exhilarating thought. Others before her had seen the same path, but not one had returned to tell anyone about it. perhaps, they would be the first.

    As they continued to walk, Namida's flaxen tail swished to swat at some unseen biting insect. "No sense in wasting time with falst truths, bird-kin." A low sigh escaped her lips as she rolled her well muscled human shoulders. She really wasn't good with idle chatter at all and it showed, but at least she was trying. "Friends or not, we're a heard now and it's my duty to protect those within the herd. If it comes to a fight, I'll have your flank."

    "I feel safer already." Kaia responded. Blunt but honest. Kaia had a feeling she could trust the centaur at her word. and undoubtedly it was a boon to have her here. a Powerful warrior in her own right, specially after that incident in the arena that landed her here. Best not to mention that she thought as she turned and began to walk backwards once again looking at their other companions. "I am curious, do you know this Devrin fellow well?" she had caught his name somewhere. And he appeared to know the other half breed with in the group which also peeked her curiosity.

    In a way, Almost what she would imagine a younger version of her father being. Strong features and a few scars with colorful tales she was sure. Not that she could compare them but she could wounder how they would get along. "You two made a pretty good team in the arena, that's a good start to all of this." she said with a smile.

    Namida watched with her constant expression of mild annoyance as Kaia half circled to begin walking backwards in front of her. The centaur gave a low huff of a laugh at the bird woman's question then, shaking her head as she cast a look over to where her arena ally strode while talking with the now red scaled lizard man.

    "No, I've only just met Devrin today before the arena fight. I know his type well enough though, he's a survivor. People like us have to be survivors to make it in this world. I'm glad to have him at my flank, as you should be too." Her gaze moved back to Kaia then. "What of the scale-man, the doctor? He's no fighter, why do you suppose he was chosen?" Namida wouldn't outright say it, but in the back of her mind she suspected that he would be one of the first to fall if they didn't keep him guarded.

    "I am." Kaia acknowledged. before humming in through as she eyed the red scaled lizard in thought. "Its a good question. My immediate thought would be all warriors would be chosen its true. But even great warriors aren't invincible having a doctor along means we'll have someone who can treat wounds better then just bandage and alcohol." she said. Of coarse with the magic it had healed them pretty much immediately, would that always be the case? She glanced at the king in thought. Perhaps not. "There is a reason, even if we ourselves arn't aware of it yet." She turned back around as a breeze ruffled through her feathers. "I'm sure we'll make a fine party." It was not for self assurance that she said this, more of a confirmation that she already believed such. After all, they had been chosen for this.
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    "Welcome, Devrin; I've been waiting for you."

    A disembodied voice greeted him, and as apprehensive as one would normally be ( hearing voices wasn't a good thing, right?), he felt his body subconsciously relax. The voice sounded otherworldly, but familiar. Welcoming like a voice right before death. He laughed incredulously, and shook his head. This Lion Heart business... Wasn't exactly what he expected but it was only the first day. Minerva often recounted stories about previous Lion Heart and their exploits, but nothing that could be collaborated; just fanciful stories passed between weary adventurers and drunk tavern patrons.

    His hand fell to his side, grazing the cuirass above the scars. The pain from reopened wounds had completely subsided, but he felt more unease than gratitude. He took a few steps forward, following behind the others that began to adventure ahead. He stopped and turned, his steely eyes falling on his scaly friend - Lumen.

    "Laurea-," he said, clearing his throat, "Your mother... She's going to be beside herself when she finds out." Damnit all, he wasn't the type to be at a loss for words but to chide a friend he hadn't spoken to in years? He shoved a proverbial foot down his throat and choked on it, for damn sure.

    "Uh... So, should I congratulate you now or later?" mumbled an embarrassed Devrin.

    "I'll let you know", Lumen began quietly, "When I decide if this even is the kind of thing you'd congratulate someone on..."
    The glint of his red scales was harsh in the light of the ascending sun. His tail rolled and flexed to and fro, Lumen suddenly having to contend with the mental management of an extra limb.
    "Shes going to kill me when we get back, for only sending her a letter"

    Devrin grinned, obviously amused by his old friend's remark. "Ah, she just might, but who knows," said Devrin with a click of his tongue, "with this kind of journey ahead, something might beat her to it."

    He scratched the back of his head, glancing curiously to the others. "At least you're not alone," he said, nodding in the direction of Namida and the avian woman, who was awfully friendly with the King. "Maybe we can finally get some answers," he mused, "if the voice doesn't answer first."

    Had Lumen heard the voice at all? Perhaps Devrin had taken too many blows to the head or the stress of it all was making him lose his mind. He'd wager Lumen would bet on a medical diagnosis of insanity via blunt force trauma.

    The voice?
    Come to think of it, he had heard something like that. Something inside of his head...
    "I wonder if he'll know anything about me", Lumen mused, "Kings are certainly knowledgeable aren't they?"
    He looked over the scales that covered his fingertips, "I have no idea whats happening to my body anymore..."

    "Sounds like puberty all over again," chuckled Devrin. His friend's appearance was definitely a change in a new direction.

    As a doctor, admitting that was especially terrifying.
    "F-forgive me, I seem to be making this all about myself. How have you been over the past few years?"

    Devrin's face went pale, and he averted his gaze. He knew the question would pop up eventually, but he couldn't imagine the crushing blow of such simple words. He was silent, teeth clenched as he fought for words.

    Finally, he cleared his throat. "Life's been... One helluva adventure." He couldn't bring himself to be open with his friend, who shared some of his darkest moments; hopefully Lumen would forgive him. "I traveled everywhere - practically made the Fringes a second home. Thought about building a cabin and roughin' it in the wild." Lumen would see right through his jokes and forced grin, but he had a facade to maintain around others

    Lumen coughed. That may have been a more...insensitive question than he'd meant.
    True, they had been friends as children, but a long time had passed since then. His mother had alluded to some of what happened to Devrin during the intervening years, but she was tight lipped.

    He'd pry more, but this wasn't the time place or company.
    "W-well, we'll be roughing it out here soon enough", not much of a new direction for the conversation to go, but noone would probe further either
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    .:Lion Heart:.

  3. #43
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    Theorynn had been the first to rush out in to the fields that lay before them highly enjoying the rush of the wind as it blew through the tall wild grasses and ruffled her hair. Exhilaration rushed through her body pushing her pulse to a rapid thump deep in her chest as her eyes took in everything in front of them.

    ”No turning back. This is truly the beginning. Will you stand strong in the face of all that is to come?”

    The voice felt so safe and familiar as if it had been in Theorynn’s mind for her entire life. She couldn’t remember ever hearing it before, but something told her it was alright. Beaming brightly she jogged back over to the group and looked about as they all began talking amongst themselves some perhaps not as thrilled at the prospect of adventure as she, but nonetheless along for the journey. She had felt for a long time that staying inside the city walls was not her fate, that something lay just outside waiting for her. Now jere she was, there was no room for hesitation or doubt for her. This was it. This is where she was meant to be all along. Moving to pace herself next to Lumen and the man named Devrin she smiled brightly and stuck out a hand to the man she had never met.

    “I suppose some introductions are in order,” she said, “I’m Theorynn. Theorynn Redmane. Theory if you need something shorter to get my attention. You two know each other? I don’t suppose it’s from time spent in Opalli, is it? He may little remember it, but that’s where we first crossed paths as well. I was a skinny little thing back then. What were we.....maybe seven or eight?”

    Chuckling Theorynn rubbed the back of her neck a bright blush creeping up across her freckled cheeks. She wasn’t entirely surprised if Lumen didn’t remember her from back then, still half wild and ill mannered.

    “I believe our first meeting was when I attempted to steal something from your mothers clinic,” she chuckled sheepishly, “when Sir Cian was being treated for that old wound he’d torn open in training that I recall it, you and I had a little tussle, then whatever it was broke open on the floor and I.....well I’m almost certain I gave you a black eye.......not the best first impression for certain....”

  4. #44
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    Lumen stared at the woman incredulously for a long moment.
    Sudden a warm expression of nostalgia crossed his face, but it was immediately followed by a darker glimmer in his eyes. After another moment, it settled somewhere in between happy disbelief and amused annoyance.

    He remembered the girl--well, a girl. Perhaps it had been the black eye, but more likely it was Lumen blocking out a boyhood trauma.

    People often said girls were more sensitive, but Lumen had found especially when it came to medicine and treatments, it was the opposite.
    At seven years old, Lumen was just coming to terms with masculinity and its importance, doubly so for a boy growing up without a father. Triple, growing up in a clinic that more often treated warriors than anyone else.
    He was his mother's little man, the man of the house as many of those warriors had stated and restated.

    So, when a thief decided to raid his mothers medicine cabinet, his response was fated.
    Unfortunately Lumen had been riding on the fact that he was a boy, and she was a girl.
    He had not calculated her superior height, strength and training.
    The bruise Theorynn had left on his ego had taken much longer to heal than his black eye.

    “It was Myrrh in Vinegar, an antiseptic”, Lumen quipped, unprepared for this particular trip down memory lane.
    An antiseptic was about the most common medicine you could find, especially around Opalli. Made from Myrrh, a resin that was extracted like sap from particular tree species, then ground up and distilled in pure vinegar, equally common.
    His mother practically handed out such vials to anyone who asked, but on this particular day it may as well have been anything.
    Lumen’s expression eased back to one of mere jaw on the ground surprise.

    “Y-you really--”, he stopped himself from finishing ‘grew up’. That Tomboy had grown up into as respectable a woman as one could hope, and based on present company one of the finest warriors to walk on two, or four legs.
    That didn’t stop it from being about the most awkward thing to almost come out of his mouth.
    “--Left an impression on my Mother. She still teases me about that”
    Although recently her teasing had become more akin to prodding.
    ‘Have you found that girl yet, the one that gave you that black eye?’
    Or her more vague though still equally transparent, ‘You just need to find a girl that can beat you up’--
    Oh, glory.
    He wasn’t going to be able to look Theorynn in the eyes without turning red, a noticeable pinch of color already staining his pale cheeks.
    Really, it was just an excuse for his mother's request, that almost always followed a night of such teasing:
    ‘Your mama wants a grandchild, before the next Calamity’, she’d huff.
    He never needed to ask why, of course.
    During a calamity there was no guarantee of anything surviving, anyone could be taken by it.
    A father, a mother, a child.
    Him, his mother, his (hypothetical) child.
    It was a numbers game, and Giredania always lost more than it gained.
    “I’ll have to introduce--reintroduce you both to her, once we’re done with this quest, once we’re all back home in Opalli. Trust me Theorynn, she’ll love you”
    It was...confident. A lie was easily bloated by confidence.
    He just had to convince everyone on this journey that it was the truth, and at some point make himself believe it too. They would all come back.
    It was just a matter of Lumen making it true.


    Theorynn was oblivious to the color in Lumen’s cheeks as her own had begun to flush a much brighter red than before and heat spread across her cheeks. Of course she’d had no idea what she’d been taking at the time, but was simply following the ideals that she’d picked up from the streets. If it was in a medicine clinic it was useful and worth something to someone.

    “I-I really do apologize for that first impression,” she giggled still rubbing her neck, “honestly Sir Cian had only just pulled me off the streets. You’d think I hadn’t had any up bringing at all. I hope I prove to be far more polite and lawful than that time.....I’d love to be able to reintroduce myself to your mother when....when we return....she was very kind to me back then, and I clearly didn’t deserve it.....sorry, I’m being awfully morose. It was a surprise to run in to you in the arena. I never expected to run in to you of all people there, but I can’t say I didn’t recognize you right away. Always thought your scales were quite pretty.....I-if you don’t mind my saying so....the color change is quite lovely as well.”

    Theorynn mentally smacked her forehead in embarrassment and disappointment. Really? Was she trying to be complimentary or just creepy? She hoped Lumen would take her words in a complimentary fashion rather than that of the ramblings of an imbecile. By the gods she made such a fool of herself when she opened her mouth sometimes. Had she learned nothing of etiquette?!

    Devrin's reunion with his childhood friend was interrupted - by the mousy haired, female knight who looked like she never took a step outside the city's walls. He regarded her with a cool, yet quizzical gaze, shifting his attention between the woman and Lumen. Obviously there was some sort of awkward familiarity between the two, and Devrin just happened to be the third wheel. Her enthusiasm and cheerfulness was... reminiscent. Albeit, painful.

    He shook her hand, regardless.

    As the pair chatted, his mood slowly began to lift. An amused grin slowly spread across his face, a mischievous glint in his eye. So, Lumen was bullied... by a girl? It took more self control not to snort at the irony, but he knew the scaly lad had went through his fair share of trauma and hardships before Devrin stumbled into Laureate's clinic.

    "So..." he drawed, acutely aware of the situation unfolding. He wasn't much of an icebreaker, but he cocked his head toward Lumen, "I'm assuming you two've met?" He smirked, it having been ages since he saw Lumen get anywhere close to embarrassed. "Don't worry about 're-introducing' me to your Mother, I'm sure she's saw plenty of me recently to last her awhile," he remarked, turning his focus on the blushing knight ahead. She said her name was... Theorynn? He'd probably call her "Theo" before the journey was over.

    He patted the woman's shoulder, "I'm going to catch up with the others, and let you two chat." He gave her a half-salute and trailed behind Namida and the bird woman, before turning to quickly introduce himself, "I'm Devrin, from Opalli. If you need a last name, ask Lumen. He should remember it. Rhymes with 'Rosefell'."

    Devrin would later drink that painful joke from his memory.

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    Default Do You Hear What I Hear?

    They see what you see
    They hear what you hear
    From this moment on, they are as much a part of your life force as I am, remember that.

    He nodded to himself as he watched each one pass through the barrier while he himself kept his distance from the small congregation. He knew what they did not, much like it had always been. This first breath of truly fresh air, marked the beginning of their last, their struggle, their rise to power and fall from it. He knew the stories, the moment warriors gained power, arrogance begun to breed itself inside them and consume them faster than any encroaching darkness. He watched them, and rose his arm with his finger extended and while they conversed he selected them one by one, motioning to touch each one of them, all though he did not. All accept the Centaur.


    Whether they spoke words or leaned still against a wall, even sat, it mattered not in that instant each of them was 'moved' a good fifty yalms(feet) from their position, it was a startling and abrupt way of introducing them to a power they would need to learn, right now to make use of, to live. This journey begins and ends in peril, one day outside the barrier will teach them all what they enlisted for.

    "Welcome to the outside, I bet you're all wondering what just happened, Let me introduce you to my voice. I named her Hydalean, she spoke to each of you yes? Sans one. She also comes with certain abilities, all of which she has bequeathed to me and now I to you. Get ready, because its time you lot learn what real power has been waiting for you as Lion Heart....Now..Let's make use of it shall we?"

    He grinned sadistically and with fifty yalms between them all, sans the Centaur who was no more than ten from him power began to surge and the first noticeable place were his limbs. He hands, one creating and rolling flames as if it were a child's ball and the other brandished his blade. The next point of power, his feet, the pebbles around them rose from the ground and hovered and so did he. Finally, while they stood there stunned he moved much as they had been force to moments ago, completely gone from view leaving only a momentary after image.

    "Surprise, Devrin." He whispered as the heat from the flames itched Devrin's backside.

    What is a King without his pride? If you're looking for answers come find them in my first RP since my return to RPA!~
    Lion Heart OOC
    Lion Heart IC
    War on High Interest Check
    Got a discord? Hit me up via a PM we can do an info exchange!

  6. #46
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    Devrin, the pessimist, had assumed they would be hoofing it to all their destinations. No horses, no horse-drawn carriage - not even an old vegetable wagon around to ease the burden. Not that he minded all that much. The reunion with Lumen, and the scruffy haired lady knight was amusing, but everything felt... Out of sorts. Their group was missing someone, and he tried to ignore the pang in his chest.

    Devrin was saddled with a group of mismatch individuals, so he figured he'd make the best of the situation if he was destined to fight to the death beside them. At least, that's how the stories of previous Lion Hearts were told. He accepted his Fate a long time ago. Probably should've been dead a hundred times over, but the Gods had a sense of humor, keeping him breathing all these years. Just as he caught up to Nami and the other beastkin, he opened his mouth to call out to the two women before the air around him changed.

    It was like being struck by lightning - without the searing pain and dazzling bright light. Definitely disorientated and seeing stars, Devrin struggled to comprehend what happened.

    The sudden, slight change of scenery, was quietly being explained by the voice, named Hydalean, by the King.

    "Fast travel?" he quipped, annoyed with the vague explanation from Hydalean. "That's... Fucking bullshit." If this kind of power existed before, why was there even a need for generations of 'Wizard Kings' and Lion Hearts?

    His eyes fixated on the flames, and for a fleeting moment, he was taken back to the Fringes. Seig stood before the group, sword extended in their direction, flames coiling in the palm of his hand, like a child showing off a new toy, and all it took for a blink for their King to suddenly disappear.

    Heat licked at the back of his cuirass the moment Seig disappeared, and pure adrenaline spurred his body into motion. He dodged, and spun on his heel, not quickly enough to avoid being singed by a fireball, but quick enough to fix a blade in the King's direction.

    Heart pounding in his chest, stared down at Seig's blade, and his own in turn. Devrin was riled up, as would anyone be in a similar situation. "Surprise my ass!" he barked.

    "Devrin," whispered Hydalean, "Master the power gifted to you. You must be faster, stronger to survive. The power is inside each of you."

    Devrin considered himself agile on his feet, but comparing himself with the skill difference of a King blessed with magic -- a handicap would've been nice. Maybe a less cryptic explanation from Seig and Hydalean would've been appreciated, too. Somewhere down the line, his brain had forgotten to clue him in on the mystery solved. Somewhere between being teleported and having a fireball launched at his back, he had lost some of his common sense. Pointing a blade at the King, in front of newly appointed Lion Hearts.

    He clicked his tongue in annoyance, and lowered his sword an inch, his attention on Seig never wavering. "Correct me if I'm wrong," said Devrin, allowing energy to gather in his core, "We can use magic now?" Dirt and petals began to shift and swirl below his feet, much as it had with Seig moments before.

    With a quick bend of his knees, Devrin gathered the energy into his legs, and turned the ground its self into a springboard, propelled himself backward a few yards. His placement was off, and he stumbled forward, and fell into an awkward, crouch/kneel position, one gloved hand being all that kept him from kissing the ground.

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    .:Lion Heart:.

  7. #47
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    It was a Physical shock to be standing in one place and suddenly being in a completely new spot and she knew that she had not moved there. Whoa. she was breathless as she watched, almost like time around them was standing still. Seig was there, and then he was there! And she understood. She understood how he did it. It was flood a burst of knowledge she had had hidden deep somewhere just out of reach and then suddenly the door was open allowing it to freely flood her mind.

    "Amazing." She breathed watching as Devrin faced the king and spoke. She blinked, like waking up from a daze. Allowed to use magic now?! A slow breath left her as Hydalean once again spoke in her mind. "Yes." Magic, how did one use magic? She was watching Seig and Devrin as the flow of information was transferred. "Elements. Breath in the air feel its currents. Feel the weight of the stone below you, the heat of the crackling fire and the cool flexibility of the water." There was a pause as Kaia spun her Halbred around and pointed it out towards seig. She'd never seen that look on his face before, and it was a little frightening she admitted. But she could feel the purpose behind it.

    "Fly." Kaia's eyes winded a bit at the encouragement to spread her wings. Being in the air was nothing new for her, but her wings simply were not strong enough to fly as a bird would, gliding had always been the only thing she could accomplish. But is Hydalean's encouragement was right, and Kaia had a feeling the magic voice of her king was not wrong. "How?" she breathed feeling that tingling ache of excitement in her feathers. She felt herself focusing her feathers rustled as a tiny ball of fire appeared at the tip of her halberd.
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