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Thread: (M) Love Worth Finding (DreamDragon101 and SouthernBelle)

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    Member SouthernBelle's Avatar
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    Default (M) Love Worth Finding (DreamDragon101 and SouthernBelle)

    Ten hours, ten hours Gracie had stood on her feet serving patrons at the bar. They started out fine, nice as always, then as the drinks disappeared and the night wore on invitably it got bad. Three fights had to be broken up, a record low for this town, then there was the throwing up. She felt bad for the bus boys that night. It was like something was in the air. Something had everyone out drinking. Not only drinking, but more than they could handle.

    "Wish I could do that," she huffed as she slung her backpack over her back. She had learned a long time ago to bring a change of clothes, or two, to the bar with her. Sooner or later someone would throw up on her. Which was also why the owner had put a shower in the employee bathroom. That way no one had a reason to leave work early.

    She tried to focus on something else. Tomorrow was her day off, god was she ready for it. Ready to sleep in, and just work at the house all day. Get everything cleaned up, though it wasn't messy, and just focus on herself. She was even pondering the idea of getting her nails done. Though that never ended well at the bar. She'd had more than one nail broken when someone ran into her or slammed their drink down and her hand was 'in the way'.

    "A few more months," she sighed. A few more months and she could get out of this town. She would be able to save up to move to the city. Find a job there where people tipped better, and there were more opportunities for her to leave the bar scene all together. At least she wasn't a stripper though. That was what she would remind herself on the bad days. She hadn't had to stoop to that level and honestly she made the most tips at the bar out of all the bartenders. She also made the best drinks, but that was neither here or there.

    She turned down the ally that she used as a shortcut to get home and pondered her plans. She had to eat, though the options at her house were slim. No restaurant or store was open at 2am either though. So what she had at the house would have to work. So mac and cheese it was. She smiled at the thought, her job forced her to eat at home, to save up. That was she could get out of this town sooner.

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    John Kitchell stroll down the street hands in his black trousers. His guard was up scanning his surrounding. Even though it was getting dark John always enjoyed walking when it got dark. But for this night he was going to have some fun. Not because he was a vampire but once every month he would go and check out this bar and see if there be anything good to sink his fangs into and drink. But the last time he was in the bar a young lady caught his attention so tonight he was going to try her out and have some fun.

    As he walked up to the bar he quickly scanned his surroundings to make sure no one saw him going in the bar. Then as he slowly opens the door and went in. He then looks around. When spying the young lady he makes his way over to the bar counter and has a seat. Then seeing she was rather busy he then moves over to a corner away from the bar counter. As he sits down he grabs a newspaper and acts like he was reading it but he was not really doing so. But as he watched her John studied her and noticed she had long light brown hair and she seemed to be about his height he noticed she was a hard worker to. This please John and his mouth watered as he watched her work. For she was such a pretty young lady.

    A hour goes by and John notices that the girl was cleaning up when she was busy pouring one last glass John puts the newspaper down and slowly makes his way to the door and as he reaches it he sees the girl take her backpack and sling it over her back and start to leave. At that moment John quickly opens the door and walks outside and makes making his way over to a big trash can he hides there until the girl comes out. when she finally comes out he watches her then slowly follows behind her and as they reach a small alley John then stops and turn down another alley that ran behind the one the girl was going on. He then made his way down that alley very quickly knowing if he did he could jump out and grab the girl when she walked by.

    John laughs as he gets to the end of his ally before the girl did. Then smiling as he sees her turning the corner he jumps out and grabs her and placing his hand over her mouth. "Just come with me and I won't hurt you young lady. I will take my hand off of your mouth if you don't scream." he says as he holds her tightly around her waist and neck and as he does that he gently places his mouth on her neck and bites down and sinks his teeth deep enough into her neck to give her the poison to knock her out. When he does that he watches the girl to see how she response to what he did to her. If everything goes well he knew she should started to feel light headed and pass out in his arms.
    Last edited by DreamDragon101; 09-13-2019 at 12:29 AM.

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    Gracie started to make a shopping list in her mind as she walked. She knew she should be worried about walking home in the dark, but she had never had anything happen. This town might be full of drunks, but they weren't crazy. The crime rate was very low. Now when she moved to the city, that is when she would get a cab or drive to and from work no matter how close she lived. People in the cities were near evil.

    She went to turn out of the ally and tried to scream as a hand covered her lips another arm going over her waist. Her mind went into over drive as the man spoke. She had to get away! This wasn't a mugging, no that would be too easy. From the way he was speaking he didn't plan on letting her go. She struggled to free herself, but his grip was too strong.

    She didn't have time to try and kick him in the shin, or slam her heel on his foot any of the things she had learned in self defense. His lips touched her neck and she felt a sharp pain course through her as an almost burning sensation started to spread through her veins. What had he done!

    She felt his hand leave her lips, but she couldn't scream, her mind couldn't form the command. She her head started to feel light as the heat spread through her arms. She fought it, tried to force herself to stay conscious as she felt her legs want to give way. She had to get away, had to get control. She tried to pull free of the arm he still had on her waist. She could've cried at how much effort it took to do so little. She couldn't get away!

    She felt her eyes start to close as she pushed a choked cry from her lips as her legs gave way. Her mind screamed that she couldn't pass out, that she had to stay conscious, but nothing she could do worked. Slowly whatever he had put in her took over her mind going black.

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    John smiles as he feels her started to relax and as her eyes started to go close. He then spoke to her "Yes just relax and close your eyes everything is going to be alright." he said as he heard her give a choked cry form her lips and then felt her fall into his arms and pass out. Grabbing her he picked her up into his arms and held her. Then he looked around to make sure no one was around and then he looked at her one more time to see if she was out completely. He then started to walk to his house.

    Now his house was no ordinary house it was in a office building in the basement. It was very dark and the only light was from some torches that were lit with fire. John was able to get in there a bed and a few chairs with a table. Now the bed was made of metal and it had four long poles on each corner of the bed that made it look like a old time bed that a king or queen would sleep in. It had a mattress on it with a old quilt and two pillows. The basement also had another room it belonged to Johns he stayed in.

    Once he reached the building he went down three flights of steps that lead to a black door at the bottom. When John got to it he reached into his trousers pocket and pulled out a key then unlocking it he goes in the room. He then closes the door behind him and locking it. One he was in he then walked over to the bed and lays the girl on it. Once she was on it he then takes some long chains that he had put on the poles on the bed and then he put the chains around the girls ankles and wrists and made sure they were clamped on tight so she could not get away. Once the chains were on her he then stepped back and looked her over for a minute. Seeing she was still out he then laid down on top of her and placed his mouth on her neck and as he did that he then bit down on her and then started to drink her blood. Drinking for a long time until he felt refreshed and fill up. He then wiped his mouth off and then kissed the girl on the forehead. As he did that he noticed she was beginning to come to. He stepping back away from the bed and sat down on one of the chairs and watched her closely to see what she would do when she came to.

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    Gracie felt lightheaded as she woke up. What had happened flying back to her making her jolt up, her body forcing her back down from the blood loss too weak to hold herself up. She looked around her eyes landing on a man a scream pushing from her lips as she tried to move away. That was when she realized the cool feeling on her wrists were chains. She yanked at him her heart rate speeding up even faster ass she looked at her legs to find chains there as well.

    "W-who are you?" She demanded as she struggled to free her hands not wanting to think about the pain that was coming from her neck or why she was so lightheaded. She needed to get away, that was all that she could think of. Getting away from whoever this man was. "Where am I?"

    She tried to look around the room but nothing looked familiar to her. There were no windows for her to try and see where in the town she was. Nothing that could help her. All there was was the man sitting in a chair watching her.


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