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Thread: The New Gods (OOC) [Reboot]

  1. #1
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    Default The New Gods (OOC) [Reboot]

    Rated M for possible drug use, alcohol, and maybe a kinky god or two.

    Welcome, to the New Olympus! What? What do you mean- NO, Carl, WE CAN'T CALL IT JUST REGULAR OLYMPUS! We gotta point out that the old gods have died. No, we can't just gloss over that! Anywho, Welcome, to the new Olympus. Or Valhalla. Or Heaven. Whatever. The newest set of gods live here.

    Like We said, this is where the gods live. The old gods have died, but they were boring anyway. No one cares about your hammer, Thor. Fuck off with your pitchfork, Posiedon. Well, we're the new gods. It's our job to govern reality and all that shit. Eh, what can you do? We're here to watch y'all like reality television, and intervene sometimes. Also, we get to create new myths! Like the old ones, but newer and better! I'm working on one right now, called "How far can we get Donald Trump before he is inevitably killed?"

    1. No god-mod- actually, god-mod all you want. It's the gods.
    2. No Mary/Gary/Nonbinary Sues. Fuck off with your perfect god.
    3. Don't be a dick. Gods can be dicks, you can't.
    4. No carbon-copy gods. Shake it up a little. You can't have Thur, god of lightning, with a magic baseball bat. No. Make different gods. Oh, and
    5. Make the gods' personalities reflect their domain. They are literally the metaphysical manifestation of that thing, so... also, duality gods are fucking great. Except for Carl. Is is possible for a God of Chance to be boring? Because he is.
    6. Speaking of, Carl is a free reign character. Anyone can use him for their needs, as long as he maintains his boring, Toby-esque demeanor.

    God Skeleton:
    Gender (subject to change):
    Regular Appearance:
    People/things/places they Patron:
    Demigod children they have (Optional):
    On a scale of One to Zeus, how much of a shape-shifting kink party god are they:

    And That's that! Oh, wait, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Thielia, Goddess of Summer and Nature. I'm kind of a big deal around here *cough cough* Queen of the gods *cough cough*. I look forward to seeing you around. Gods just kinda... pop into being around here, so new arrivals are never a problem. We are ALWAYS accepting new gods and goddesses!
    Currently, we have Me and Carl! Carl's a bastard, though, so he doesn't count. Here's a list of the gods we need:
    -Literally anything besides summer or chance. Be as niche as you want. I won't stop you from playing a god who only domains hairless cats. Sounds fun. If your god overlaps with another god, work it out amongst yourselves. Specific beats general, however. Take Hairless Cats god for instance. Theilia is a goddess of nature, and cats fall under that category, but since Hairless Cats god is more specific than nature, it wins. I will step in to impart judgement if you need me to though. Don't be afraid to ask!

    Spoiler: The Gods 
    <a href= target=_blank></a>

  2. #2
    Member Lumi's Avatar
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    I FOUND THE THREAD!!! I have no idea why I didn't look here first .
    Spoiler: Signature 


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