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Thread: Looking for a 1x1 RP Partner for M/M lines.

  1. #1
    Member tomishaped's Avatar
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    Default Looking for a 1x1 RP Partner for M/M lines.

    Yes, this is semi-long and has links.

    My name is Erin, I am well over 19 now and will only play with partners who are as well. I have been role-playing for like 13+ years. I'm a decent writer, though like everyone I have a typo here or there I miss. I only roleplay slash/yaoi or whatever you want to call it. Also 99.9% of the time I play the more submissive character. Now that doesn't mean he's a little bitch, but I just have a hard time writing the dominate boy in the relationship. I've tried, it doesn't come out right. Jeez, I seriously hate talking about me like this, I never know what to say. So yeah.

    I am currently looking for someone to play against my favourite character to play, my Izzy. Izzy really isn't everyone's cup of tea, and I can understand and respect that. He's a fun, sassy, quirky little crossdresser. This is Izzy, the Character I am oh so desperate to play right now.

    Here are *some* examples of my writing if you're interested. I'm not crazy picky, I just want someone literate who will give at least one good paragraph each reply so I have something decent to reply too. I don't like one-liners at all. Preferably I do multi-paragraph posts but long as I'm given something to work with and be able to reply a good deal back then I'm usually happy. These also give you a little look at some of the different ways I have played my Izzy in the past as I'm looking to play him again.

    Line One:

    Line Two:

    Line Three:

    With the themes of my roleplay I do require my partner to be at least 18. Don't need to get in any trouble.

    I am quite often quite mean to my own characters, I enjoy mean/abusive RPs, abusing my own character making them a drug addict or something of the like. But that does not mean that is all I do. I also like some happy, romantic shit if that's what you're into.

    I like supernatural RPs, meaning wizard's, powers, vampires, werewolves, ect. When i give Izzy any supernatural blood he's usually a fae. But I've also played hom as a werewolf and a demon before as well. The closest example I can give to what my faeries are like is True Blood. I had based my original fae off them forever and a day ago and slowly made them more of my own.

    I also like slice of life, dangerous life, gangs or mobs, or high school for another few examples of some of my favourites.

    Things that will turn me off of a line pretty damn quickly if not Instantly are furries, toilet play, and pure fluff- because I need me some drama.

    I don't usually do roleplays based on fandoms… but there is one fandom that I would like to play in right now and even have an idea ready to go with it. Supernatural, the TV show that's been on for fifteen seasons now.

    So in this line there would definitely be spoilers if you haven't seen at least up to like season 13. And I fucked with the timeline a little, mostly when certain characters are introduced and when the boys get the bunker. The line takes place during Sam's demon blood drinking phase while trying to keep Lucifer from escaping the cage, but they do already have the bunker. I will be playing a very special version of Izzy in this line, Izrael, and you would be playing the one and only Dean Winchester.

    The start of the line/background info on Izrael:

    Now, that's just the idea that I have thought out. But really, what I really, really wanna do is play my Izzy is some way against Dean Winchester. If you're cool with playing Dean Winchester against my Crossdressing Izzy in some way then I'm still totally intrested in playing in the Supernatural fandom. If you don't wanna play Dean, well I'm sure we can come up with some kind of line we will enjoy together!

    I like to play on either GoogleDocs or through E-Mail only.

    So message me in one of these two places:
    E-Mail: =============
    Or comment on my thread here or pm me here.

    Just know that I check my e-mail so, so much more often than any other kinds of messages though since I get notifications on my phone for those.

    Hope to hear from some people!

    And of course, anything else you want to know go right ahead and ask.
    Last edited by Kris; 02-17-2020 at 07:11 PM. Reason: e-mail removed per admin

    I Wan't A .:Lover:.
    I Don't Have To L. O. V. E.

  2. #2
    Arch-angel of Epica
    Kris's Avatar
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    Hey there.

    Please read our rules again, as we do not encourage RPs being done outside of RPA.


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