Jason nodded " would a spear not be the better choice then for warthog hunting. You can get the reach underneath ?" He asked out of curiosity. He coudent deny to see such a confident strong woman was defently attractive. He rode beside her where we could so they could speak easier.
" ah valid questions, im alittle of both. I can be merciful when it comes lesser crimes and in negotiations, but onece you threaten my people or my family all deals are off " he said honestly. The whole war was generations ago and for the amount of thoes killed and missing in action was not worth the land to him. " i am oppen to negotiations and sujestions, i think the best way to help the people is to listen to them" he said" to have a queen and wife by my side will help me see things I miss or places I've been to lax" he explaiend. Some if his advisers could only see what was glld for the crown but not the people.
"Many lovers, oh gods no. Marriage means everything to me, my wife is my queen and I am dedicated to her as she is to me. My vow to my wife is one I will honor till my diying day , I've never been with a woman because of it " he explained honestly. He hated the idea of seeing wild oats. Alot of the gaurds around him did andnit just didn't interest him " if my wife wanted to just make love to have children then thats what it would be, if she didn't want children then that would be it too" .