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Thread: +++RULES ANNEX+++

  1. #1
    The Last Remembrancer
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    Default +++RULES ANNEX+++

    There can be no bystanders in the battle for survival. Anyone who will not fight by your side is an enemy you must crush.

    Attr. Lord Solar Macharius

    A collection of rules to allow tacticae simulation of the various regiments, Legio and irregulars that fought throughout the much-lamented Adrantis Pacification. Each segment will contain as much information as our scribes have been able to collate from sources of the Astra Militarum, Navis Imperialis and our colleagues in the Holy Ordos.

    To add to this archive, please contact its datum-administrator, Adept Primus Myondo Dee, for access to permissions and appropriate level forms.

  2. #2
    The Last Remembrancer
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    +++Legio Fulminata+++

    Hailing from the destroyed forgeworld of Anatolia, the Legio Fulminata was scattered on multiple deployments across the wider Imperium when its forge world, and its fortress, fell to a creeping corruption that drew the highest sanction from Imperial authorities. With no one to turn to, no allies, and no command structure, the Legio quickly fragmented into small maniples who would commit to any act, no matter how dark, to survive another day in a galaxy suddenly turned against them. While some of its engines fell into the hands of the ruinous powers, and others surrendered to loyalist legios to be reincorporated into the Imperiums order of battle, the majority became blackshields, wandering raiders taking what they needed and leaving cities and worlds blazing in their wake until they were run down and slaughtered.

    Default loyalty: Blackshield

    Legio Trait: Too Bitter to Die.
    Driven into the dark for the crimes of their home, the Princeps of Fulminata developed a reputation for refusing to lie down and die, fighting on through crippling damage to claw one more day of survival from a hostile universe.

    The first time in a game a titan from this Legio suffers a catastrophic damage roll of 1-7 (Silenced, laid low, or wildfire), it may take an unmodified command check. If the test is passed, the catastrophic damage roll is ignored.

    Legio Specific Stratagem: Teleport Assault (3)
    Driven to raiding to survive, many rogue maniples unsealed ancient archeotech to augment their forces, including titan scale teleporters long forbidden due to their unstable nature.

    When a player chooses this stratagem, they must choose one of their titans with a scale of 8 or lower. Make a secret note of which round (1-4) you want the Titan to deploy. At the start of that round, roll a d10. If the result is equal to the titans scale or lower, it arrives in the movement phase. Otherwise, it will arrive in the movement phase of the next turn.

    When the titan arrives in the movement phase, place it on the table and scatter it 1d10. On a hit of the scatter dice, it does not scatter. If it scatters into terrain or another model, the titan takes d6 strength 9 hits ignoring void shields, and is placed as close as possible to the terrain or model. On a turn it arrives, the titan cannot be activated in the movement phase, or take orders, but can otherwise be activated as normal in the combat phase.

    This Stratagem can be bought for a warhound squadron, and costs (4) when done so. This Stratagem can be purchased multiple times.

    Legio Specific Wargear: Volatile Ammunition
    Anatolia engaged in the tech-heresy of innovation, and its child titans make use of experimental and volatile upgrades to their weapons, developed by their new patrons or their home forgeworld, to enhance the deadliness of their weapons.

    All the vulcan mega bolters and inferno cannons carried by a Legio Fulminata titan can be upgraded with volatile ammunition for +20pts per weapon, and +30pts for a vulcan megabolter array. Each weapon upgraded gains the ordinance weapon trait. When an upgraded weapon is disabled and takes further damage, always use the higher value for detonation against the Titan.

    Legio Specific Wargear: Jamming Spines
    Legio Fulminata was famed for its deadly hunting warhounds, which would interfere with enemy formations by pumping out overwhelming EM signals. Loyalists to the throne lamented that this would be turned against them when the Legio splintered.

    Scale 6 and smaller titans belonging to Legio Fulminata can be equipped with jamming spines for +20pts. Enemy Titans and Knights within 12 inches of the Titan do not receive any bonuses or re-rolls to their command checks, always using their base command value, with any penalties applied from damage.

    Legio Specific Personal Trait
    A Legio Fulminata Princeps seniores personal trait can either be generated from the table in the Adeptus Titanicus rulebook, or by rolling a D3 on the table that follows.

    1: Devils Own Luck: The Princeps and his Titan have survived engagements that would have seen other, lesser commanders torn to shreds.
    Once per game, this Titan can re-roll the result on the catastrophic damage table. They can also benefit from Too Bitter to Die once per round, rather than once per game.
    2: Feral Anger Driven by the perceived betrayal of the Imperium, many Legio Fulminata princeps gave into the dark desires of their ancient machines, driven into an animalistic rage by the manifold. Add 1 to the strength of this titans smash and melee attacks.
    3: One more day A life lived on the edge of survival quickly taught Fulminata princeps the value of retreating, or fighting on to claw a bitter victory from their hunters.
    When a dice is rolled to see if the game ends, if the Princeps Senioris is on the table, the dice can be re-rolled by the Legio Fulminata player. The second result stands.
    Last edited by dakkagor; 10-25-2020 at 01:23 PM.

  3. #3
    The Last Remembrancer
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    +++Legio Sirenia+++

    Based on the ancient and isolationist forgeworld of Macarro, The Steel Sirens are an all woman order of Princeps and Moderati. Bound together by a sisterhood based on loyalty and iron-hard faith in the spirits of their machines, and supported by fanatical skitarii ground forces, the Legio Sirenia has stood sentinel over the Eastern Fringe and the Perdus Rift for over ten millennia. Their younger, less experienced Princeps can often be found leading small maniples on extended missions, gathering hard won experience and knowledge as well as political favours to return to their home.

    Default loyalty: Loyalist

    Legio Trait: Sacred Sisterhood
    Each crew-woman of the Steel Sirens develops a natural bond with their sisters over years of deployment together, and these bonds last a lifetime, even when promoted to a new machine. The result is that their Princeps know a plan will be implemented down the chain of command flawlessly

    When a Titan passes a command check, a smaller scale titan within (scale) inches may take the same order without needing to pass a command check.

    Legio Trait: Drilled Accuracy
    The Legio Sirena holds accurate, pinpoint coordinated fire as a central tenant of its tactics. Through such focused applications of fire are countless battles won.

    When firing at a target in cover, Legio Sirenia titans can take a command check. If successful, they ignore the targets cover.

    Legio Specific Stratagem: Amazoneum (2)
    Many Titans in the Legio benefit from a dedicated bodyguard of augmented cyborg warriors, the fearsome Amazoneum guard. Clamped to the armoured legs of a friendly titan, they ride into battle until they close with the foe, then attack with deadly precision.

    In the games first strategy round, note which titan has amazoneum riding along. During a combat phase, any enemy titan within 2 inches of that titan suffers d6 strength 7 hits to its legs.

    Legio Specific Wargear: Anti-Horde Techniques
    Due to their position on the Eastern Fringe, the Legio Sirenia has resurrected many old technologies to defend themselves against swarming xenos bioforms, as well as more technologically advanced opponents who use ambush techniques. These vary from one-shot directional explosives to capacitors to electrify the hull, but all have the same devastating effect on infantry and mines.

    A titan can be upgraded with anti-horde techniques for +20pts. It may take void shield saves against thermal mines, earthshaker mines and shock mines.

    Legio Specific Personal Trait
    A Legio Sirenia Princeps seniores personal trait can either be generated from the table in the Adeptus Titanicus rulebook, or by rolling a D3 on the table that follows.

    1: Errant: Years away from the main body of the Legio have hammered home the lesson to be flexible.
    Once per game, you can discard a strategem card and replace it with an equal cost card or one that costs less.
    2: Crack Shot: This Princeps knows how to land a killing blow in even the worst conditions The Princeps Senioris ignores any negative modifiers to shooting weapons with the blast trait.
    3: Marked by Prophecy: The Legio Sirenia places great store in ancient rituals of foresight and prophecy, and will not campaign until the omens have been consulted.
    Once per round, the Princeps Senioris Titan can boost its shields without gaining reactor levels or rolling a reactor dice.


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