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Thread: The Many Creations of ElizabethStark

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    ElizabethStark's Avatar
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    This is Akira Yoshida. She's a character I really enjoyed creating and I cannot wait to play as her!! I already love her to bits. Tokyo Agency RP created by Clyde (now known as Mr.Cynic). 3/9/2017

    Name: Akira Yoshida

    Age: Twenty-four , July 24th

    Biological Gender: Female

    Gender Identity: Female

    Years: One Year

    Spoiler: Akira 

    Akira is a lanky female; one that stands at a height of 5'8" and weighs approximately 115 pounds. Her charcoal colored hair is always a mess, unkempt and untidy, usually clumsily tied back. Its many layers add to her lazy look. Her golden yellow eyes can seem almost devoid of life or full of childish curiosity, or there is an in between with how she might gaze into the eyes of another, depending on what is going through her mind. Her eyesight is quite poor, therefore she wears white and bulky glasses. Her complexion is pale and might even appear to be sickly on some occasions, as though she hadn't eaten in days... which could prove to be true. Her cheekbones are mildly prominent, and her facial structure is somewhat of a masculine nature. Her breasts being a simple A-cup, this helps her to appear as a man if she's feeling particularly masculine and chooses to wear such clothing. Either that, or being undistinguishable... it is a look she does enjoy. She has a tattoo on the nape of her neck, it is a symbolic tattoo roughly meaning to "stay in control". Her clothing varies from masculine to feminine, but on more days than not she is seen wearing masculine designs.

    Docile Finding
    Docile Finding is an ability that allows Akira to view a target, whether that target be a person or an object, or even an animal. She is able to send an astral form of her body to the location of a target, but she cannot move her body, only her eyes and neck are movable. She can see everything around the target, her position being six feet from said target. This ability lasts about twenty seconds, and she must be within a maximum of eighty feet from her target.

    Condition - Akira must touch her target and state her ability's name, "Docile Finding". She has approximately three weeks before the effects wear off and she's unable to view her target. The amount of times she can view a target is once, no more than twice if physical contact is kept for at least five minutes.

    Weapon(s): Brass Knuckles, Kahr Arms P380, and an uncomplicated pocket knife.

    The Major Skills
    1. - Defensive Hand-to-Hand Combat ; Akira isn't a fighter, but she can go head to head and manage to defend herself well enough if required of her. She's not strong, so going on the defensive and whipping up a strategy and/or a means of escape is something she is proficiently skilled at.
    2. - Stealth ; As stated, Akira isn't a fighter, she would not be able to defeat somebody on her own (if it were purely hand-to-hand combat with no strings attached) if they prove to be physically more apt than her. She relies on stealth to sleek her way through enemies. She is an almost utterly silent being, her physique assists with this.
    3. - Photographic Memory ; But not really. Akira is a savant, she has savant syndrome. With this, she has a rather profound memory; able to recall a vast amount of information. She can read about 8,000 words per minute and recollect 93% of that information. This includes reading maps as well, but when it comes to maps she is able to recall 97%. She remembers faces easily as well.

    The Minor Skills
    1. - Adaptability ; Akira is able to stay awake for about 48 hours and still function without repercussions. After those 48 hours, however, she begins to tire and lose that adequacy.
    2. - Flexible ; Being lanky has its perks, she is able to fit into rather small and tight places. If the need arise, there is no problem getting into an area that the others might have trouble with. Albeit she is claustrophobic, she still manages.
    3. - First Aid ; Akira can apply her extensive knowledge of first aid into any battle... unless of course you suffer from a mortal wound, she can patch you up to get you through the night until a proper doctor is able to.


    Positive Traits

    - Akira can be a sweet and quirky person, or a confusing and strange one. She is intelligent and ambitious; once she sets her mind to something it's difficult to sway her mind otherwise and she works tirelessly to accomplish her goals. She is kind and gentle, sometimes granting compliments randomly to those she likes, as long as they aren't intimidating to her. She's extremely loyal and enjoys the company of friends. She would never betray the individuals she cares for. She's rather patient as well, patience is probably her strongest virtue.

    Negative Traits

    - Akira has her fears and weaknesses. She finds it difficult to understand the facial expressions of others, and understanding their emotions is a difficult feat in itself. She herself does not fully understand her own emotions. It's hard for her to understand why people do some of the things they do. An emotion that does frighten her, however, is anger. She does not enjoy seeing when a person is angry, though she might not be able to tell if mild anger is anger at all. Lustful actions also deter her and confuse her, she finds sexual relations uncomfortable and terrifying. Generally speaking, she does find certain things hard to understand and might need a second or third explanation before her mind can process information properly. That's not to say she isn't intelligent, however. Her brain just works differently. Although high-functioning, Akira does have an unstable sense of self and she is unstable emotionally. She tends to become frustrated easily and when certain memories come about her distractibility increases, and occasionally panic attacks occur. Nine times out of ten, this only happens when she is alone and not occupying her mind with anything.

    "I might have poor social skills and a lack of concise understanding, but I'm not stupid. If you look down on me for the things that I can't change, then you are a fool. And therefore you don't deserve to know me."

    Behavioral Analysis
    "Akira is a sweet soul with a harsh past. Yes, she has a few impairments, but she can still function in society just as any other average person can. Or even beyond that. I personally believe she surpasses that of the average human. She's definitely bright. Her disorders don't define her, I can say that with absolute certainty... she's special. And her story... her story is, well, a hard one to talk about and she might struggle for the rest of her life because of what happened to her, but she doesn't necessarily have to. On the path that she is currently taking, she's on her way to a full recovery. I can see that, even now. I only wish others could see her the way I do. Hell, I've been working with her for eight years now, but I'll never understand her. That doesn't mean she doesn't deserve some effort into understanding her behavior. Ah... I am babbling at this point. Forgive me. She's just a very interesting person, and anybody would be blessed to have her in their life... despite how difficult she can be." - Doctor Minori Saito

    January 2002
    "I don't wanna talk about it..."

    "Why is that?"

    "I-it hurts."

    "What hurts? Can you tell me?"

    "... my head? My tummy... everything? I don't know..."

    "Okay. Let's start with this... do you remember a lot or just a little?"

    *an uncomfortable shift*

    "Too much..."

    "If you could give me one word to describe what you remember, what would that one word be?"

    *a long, one minute pause*


    Misc: Akira adores animals and children.

    Theme Song:

    Last edited by ElizabethStark; 12-22-2020 at 01:45 AM.

    "Thank you, Master."
    "You're welcome, My Padawan."

  2. #12
    ElizabethStark's Avatar
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    Name: Niilaan-Belruu

    Age: Twenty

    Gender: Female

    Spoiler: Niilaan 

    She stood at a towering height of five feet and eleven inches. Her physique rather slim and lean, muscular and toned legs showing years of being on the run. Her skin was a pale white. Its shade not quite sickly, proving just enough color to exhibit humanity. The dermis could also be seen with numerous scars, if she were to bare her body of the excessive coverings. The scars littered her frame from head to toe - some scars self-inflicted and other scars created by the cruelty of human beings. A couple of these inflictions turned into cicatrixes, in other words keloids. Not an exceptionally pretty sight in the eyes of Niilaan. One particular scar that is definitely a more prominent feature is the one across her right cheek - it goes from the side of her lip to the edge of her jawbone. It should be added that she bares separate scars that were dealt out by nature itself, having spent some of her life barefooted and barely clothed... escaping evildoers. Her hair was jet black, its texture soft and silky. Its length running down just below her backside, hitting her thighs scarcely. Her ears having the same color and texture, they are like that of a wolf’s and they react in the same way as said animal’s would. Her eyes were an interesting sight. While her scleras were a pitch black, her irises were a deep red and one could hardly see her pupils given certain lightings. Niilaan’s clothing covered her entire body, a leathery mass. She wore a trenchcoat that wrapped itself around her and hung just above her knees. The supposed neckline shielded her mouth from the world, and if one were to gaze at her snarl, they would find four rather large and sharp canines… larger than that of a human’s but small enough to sit comfortably in their place. The rest of her teeth were relatively human in nature, slightly sharpened including her molars. She wore black boots that were ankle high and held great traction. Although Niilaan was never one to wear footgear, Narak convinced her it would be a smarter choice to wear the protection… with socks of course. The leather trousers she chose to wear fit her snugly but left enough room to maneuver with ease. She also wore fingerless gloves; her entire attire was solid black.

    Human Appearance:
    Spoiler: Belruu 

    If it were not for Niilaan’s facial structure, body type and hair… one might mistake her for being a completely different person. Though, then again, some could easily make that error. Her height shifted to an astonishing five feet and three inches - this changed over the years, until she was fully grown. Narak was kind enough to provide her garb that suited her properly when the New Moon came about. He dressed her in clothes she was not utterly opposed to. As of recently he dressed her in a pink, long-sleeved cardigan. It was a button up, and its hem fell in an ovalish shape. Beneath that was another button up, this one was white and somewhat transparent - adorning a black bow and a collar. It was tucked into her shirt clumsily. This constantly bothered Narak and he would always be the one to fix that. Her skirt was black and had a vertically striped and white design, and it stopped at the midsection of her thighs. Her socks almost had her legs completely covered but there was a slight gap between her skirt and her socks. Her socks had the same design as her skirt. Her shoes were just about identical to her boots, only noticeable difference being the modest heel.

    Narak enjoyed messing with Niilaan’s hair, it was possibly his favorite thing to do when they were both bored. As serious and straightforward as he was… he was also an odd comedian. Now with Niilaan’s eyes… the scleras had gone white and her irises had a strange glazed look; grey in color. Her teeth are completely human along with her ears.

    Personality: Becoming close to Niilaan and getting to know her is quite the challenge… but one will realize Niilaan to be a kind soul. She has never been one to treat any being with intentional cruelty. She tries to see the best in everyone even if she tends to fall a little short in doing so most of the time. She is as gentle as she is kind. Her gentleness may be washed over by her less than decent behavior but that does not signify she knows not how to be gentle. Her loving nature is easily portrayed by her obvious endearing character towards Narak and regarding less intelligent lifeforms, such as wolves and dogs. She is quite appreciative of even the smallest of gestures or gifts, especially if they come from Narak or children. For as long as Niilaan could remember, she had learnt to value the small things. She is also a quick learner and usually knows how to think on her feet. There is hardly a time where she does not know what to do if the situation is dire. She can be rather understanding. She does not tend to judge others unless it is something that relates to her past in any way, shape or form. Although she has trouble with empathy, she does try to show as much sympathy as she possibly can. This ties into her selflessness.

    Niilaan can be quite frustrating to deal with on occasion. Her anger problems tend to create some tension between herself and Narak. Although he tries to be understanding, there are some days where he loses his patience with her. Her dependency on him increases that tension, mostly due to the fact that he fears what may occur of her if something were to happen to him. Her trust issues and low self-esteem do cause some problems as well. Of course she never tries to be difficult and she doesn't notice just how poorly she views herself. She suffers from mood swings and a lack of self-control from time to time but over the years she has improved herself with the help of Narak.

    Come the full moon - Bloodthirsty. Feral. Confusion. Stubborn. Barely any self-control.

    Bloodthirsty ~

    Feral ~

    Confusion ~

    Stubborn ~

    Self-Control Worsens ~









    Niilaan's sense of smell and hearing is like that of a wolf's, much greater than a mere human’s. Her eyesight is also fairly keen and she's able to detect even the smallest of movements that are within her range of sight.

    Her strong senses are easily agitating to her due to dealing with sensory overload issues.

    Venomous Bite
    Niilaan's saliva is venomous.

    The saliva

    Aura Emitted
    Niilaan is able to emit an aura that gives off a sense of dread to those around her - it's a feeling many would describe as evil.



    Primary - Altered Existence

    Spoiler: Transformation 


    Average - Artificial Beings

    Spoiler: Artificial 


    Spoiler: Yenyuri, Narak's Awakening 

    Demonic Tendencies


    Emotional Instability


    Dependency on Narak

    Niilaan views Narak as her utter savior.

    History: Her birth was an unseemingly one. It rained true that the moment she was born all hell would truly ensue. She was a curse. An evil thing that should never have been breathing the same air as them. Yet, there she was. Naked and screaming. A bundle of what should have been joy… was a bundle of misfortune and despair. A mother’s instinct appeared to be all that kept her alive. The air was dull and dark as the monstrosity latched onto her mother’s breast. There was a grimly felt silence. It filled the room to the brim, an agonizingly dreadful feeling. The only sounds to be heard were shallow breaths, gentle suckling, and a mother’s inaudible mumblings… and she began to weep… the moments rolled by, little by little and her weeping gradually grew louder and stronger. Beads of sweat dripped off her face. The infant ignored its mother’s cries and continued feeding.

    The mother’s weeping slowly came to a stop. A man seated beside her bed clutched her hand. His face told only of anger and pain. He suddenly let go of her hand and yanked the baby from her, she screamed out and tried grabbing her back but he had already walked a couple feet from the bed. The child began screaming. He held her at a distance, two hands under each armpit. His face changed to disgust.

    “What are you doing?” The mother finally grimaced.

    “We need to kill it.” The man spoke.

    The others in the room shifted uncomfortably. They too wanted that creature dead.

    Another filled the room with their voice, a female voice, “You know we can't, Ezikel.”

    Tears began to flood down Ezikel’s cheeks as he did nothing but stare at the new life he was holding. He choked, “I know…” He then handed the baby back to its mother. The mother allowed her to continue eating, the whining stopped as soon as she was latched again.

    The same woman who had backfired at Ezikel spoke again, “

    Spoiler: Narak 

    Theme Song:
    Spoiler: Kings and Queens 

    "Thank you, Master."
    "You're welcome, My Padawan."

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