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Thread: Ebert and the Mysterious Encounters and Finds

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    "That's will be alright. We didn't take so long. I will make arrangements for it, and go back later today, letting that man know I am interested in that training. You could let me know the felon's name, and I can let authorities know I believe I have spotted him, if I see him at all or find out where he is hiding."

    "Sure. If you can remember it, the felon's name is Raul Weckland."

    Rodston wrote the name down on a small paper he had with him, and put it back in the same pocket. They then came to the corner to the main street.

    "Look, that vehicle is still there," Rodston observed. "But that other man is gone with his own vehicle."

    The two walked up to it, and went to look in it to see if anything in it would be for identifying the owner. And just then one man came running up from the other direction, and called, "Hey, that's my station wagon! What happened?"

    "Someone else was starting to drive off with it, and it stopped like this in front of another vehicle. That driver stepped out of his vehicle to approach the one who had started driving this, and that one took off from this wagon and ran quickly down that street. The driver of the other vehicle ran after him. And we followed too. We went to the Supernatural Promotions place down there, where the one had ran into, and none of us found him. We think he is hiding and the one who seems to be in charge of that place is covering for him. So if you are the owner, why did this wagon stop?"

    "It has a backup against theft, I do something first that no one knows about, and then it will drive without locking." He took out his key, and went to the door and opened it. "Thanks for looking for that man who tried taking it. Can you tell me anything more about him?"

    "I have been interested in this man, a felon, who resembles me, who seemed to be the one who tried taking your wagon, his name is Raul Weckland. We want to catch him."

    "I will watch out for Raul Weckland too, if I ever see him. I am Sherwood Stephanwick, undercover investigator." He gave Ebert his card, and then got in, and starting it, he drove off.

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    Ebert saw his friend Roger coming back just then. Roger spoke when he saw Ebert then. "I went all around on my side for looking. There wasn't any luck seeing him, with that."

    "But it seems I have seen Raul Weckland," Ebert told him.

    "What? You have? Where is he?"

    Ebert said, "I just wasn't sure because I spotted him from a distance, down here when I was in the hotel room. I came down then. He had run off after trying to steal a vehicle. This man, Rodston, and I followed another man who chased after him. He went into a place called Supernatural Promotions. When we went in, a man there seeming like he was a manager there told us that man who had run off was a student of some kind there, and he called him a different name, and said he had managed moving out from this reality to another reality, from what he learned, there."

    "What? You don't believe that, do you?"

    "No, but it made Rodston and I more certain it was Raul Weckland, who hid somewhere there while that man seeming like a manager covered for him. But we certainly didn't tell him our suspicion with why we really looked for that man. He would think at most we had gone after him for trying to take the vehicle."

    "We have to have a plan to catch him!" Roger exclaimed.

    "We have an idea," Ebert told Roger. "Rodston wants to go back, and say he is interested and would sign up for that training, for learning such advancement. He would see if there is such training legitimately prepared, and he might learn what really happened to that one we think is the felon Raul Weckland."

    "I will go along and join in it too, with you, Rodston."

    Ebert said then, "But we have to leave, to go back to Winding Downs, where we work. Rodston could stay here for that. So why pay for what you won't stay for anyway?"

    "You have a point. But if I am there for one day, the first day, and it comes out that Raul Weckland is found there, there would be two of us to catch him."

    "You still have to pay for that chance. And catching him yourselves does not seem a good approach if they are armed and can shoot, does it?"

    "We have the card from that undercover investigator, we could contact him for this," Rodston suggested.

    "We could, but we would pay him a fee too," said Ebert, "and he would have the fee to pay at that Supernatural Promotions place, and would charge us further for that. It is better if we hold on to his card, and you sign up for that instruction, and we just pay you for that, to learn anything first. Then if we need to learn further than what is found that way, we would then contact that undercover investigator."

    "I will still go with Rodston and sign up too," Roger persisted.

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    Dan came up to them as they were talking, and said, "Still go sign up for what?"

    "I will tell you more about it in a while. But we think we know where Raul Weckland, that felon, went, but he is apparently hiding and so this man who is helping us, Rodston, wants to sign up at the place where Raul would be in hiding, where we think those there cover for him, to find where he would really be there. Roger wants to go there to do that too, though he can't stay here."

    "I don't mind paying to start, if I can do so this weekend, there is a chance to find that felon then still, and I don't ask you to pay for it," Roger said, and he turned to Rodston to say, "Let's go there right away, and see if we get that man to accept us for training right away. I will tell him I will start the training if we start right away. We know what the felon we need to locate looks like anyway. But that man doesn't know that about me, and he could believe I would have just heard about the training from you."

    Rodston answered, "If you are set on this, and are alright with it possibly happening that we don't see anything indicating he hides there, and you won't be here in town to go back for the next session, let us go ahead, and go for that at the Supernatural Promotions place."

    Rodston excused himself from Ebert, telling him that he would call, and turned to go back to that place leading Roger who went with him.

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    Ebert and Dan had just started talking about the events that happened just outside the hotel after Ebert's friends had left, to Terry as they came into the hotel room, when Lenny came to the door almost right after them. So when he was in with them, Ebert went on more fully about what he experienced, with believing it was Raul the felon that he spotted, and pursued with Rodston really helping.

    Lenny and Terry just didn't believe Ebert when he explained how that man he was sure was the felon had just disappeared after entering the building.

    "I didn't say I saw that. The man who looked like he was running that place, Supernatural Promotions, claimed he had vanished from this existence, and had advanced to another reality."

    "They don't believe it because they didn't see you with Rodston after you both just came back from there, Ebert," Dan told him. "I was there hearing Rodston saying the same thing, and Roger went with him back to that place, to arrange to be trained just as the man apparently running the place had offered for."

    "Roger can't stay for any such training," Lenny objected. "We are going back to Winding Down, where we all including him go back to work."

    "We know that, Roger does too," Ebert answered, "but he just wants a chance to see if Raul Weckland could be spotted still. It is up to him if he wants to pay for the training he wouldn't stay for. But Rodston will keep going. If that doesn't work, we still found an undercover investigator, who we could consider hiring for this if he seems worth it."

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    Roger returned later, when the sun had gone down. As he came into the suite, Ebert asked, "Well, what is the result of your expedition?"

    "It really seemed legitimate," Roger answered, as Lenny, Terry, and Dan listened with Ebert. "The building was empty of people, but for Rodston and me, and this man, Mr. Entemoor, who was giving instruction, and he said he was the owner, and his assistant who helped managing had just left before Rodston and I came. He showed us the gems we should start with our practices, and the candles and incense, and then we went through practicing breathing techniques. We have different parts of our anatomies working at different vibrations, so we were learning awareness of these things. The whole time I was there, I tried being alert to anything that would indicate that Raul Weckland had gone in there with someplace to go hide, while still listening to this instructor, and I saw nothing for that. It seemed Rodston was learning the techniques that were taught better than me. At the end of that, Mr. Entemoor encouraged us to buy certain books he had there to help us in our initial training. I didn't buy anything, I told him I didn't come ready for that, but Rodston bought a book that Mr. Entemoor promoted."

    "So you think this is legitimate business from him?" Ebert asked Roger.

    "Oh no! He had it all seem really legitimate, but there is no way that convinced me that this guy you saw who would be the felon we are searching would just disappear from our reality from running in there. The way of awareness that was taught could not be used anyway by anyone running in there."

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    After resting well that night, Ebert, Lenny, Roger, Terry, and Dan all returned the next day to the community where they worked, Winding Downs. On the way, Ebert discussed Rodston still trying to learn what happened to that man they were after. "I doubt still that he can do it. Roger, you were there looking, and you didn't find anything out about that, while trying."

    "True," Roger answered. "But we were there in one place listening to instructions for our lesson, and we were not at liberty to go looking around. We were ushered quickly out at the conclusion of that, Mr. Entemoor was wanting to close up right away, according to what he said to us."

    "How then will Rodston do more, with going back?" Ebert asked.

    None of his friends could answer that. Ebert decided they would just have to hope that Rodston would have a breakthrough. He really wanted to hear that from Rodston.

    Later in the next day when Ebert and his friends returned after work, Rodston called him.

    "I had a breakthrough!" Rodston said happily. "I had looked well enough already around the walls inside and by the shelves, there was nowhere from there for Raul Weckland to go to hide. I was then listening to the trainer's instructions after some practice with breathing techniques. An alarm went off outside, Mr. Entemoor thought it concerned him, I guess for his vehicle, and he excused himself. So then when he went out I went over to the cashier counter to have a look. There was a door into the floor behind, closed right then. I hurried over, and when I tried it, the door opened. There were steps leading down, and a light from somewhere further in down there!"

    "That's great!" Ebert said. "But is that all you saw?"

    "I didn't spend more time to find anything more out. Mr. Entemoor would be right back, I was sure. So I left it closed, and hurried back to my spot. I breathed a little hard, but when he came back shortly after, he could believe that I was practicing the breathing techniques."

    "Raul Weckland could be hiding there!" Ebert responded. "We need to have a way to have a look down there, to find out!" The friends with him looked with interest.

    "I realize that, but I have not figured out how to have the oppportunity. Until Raul Weckland, if it is him, is found, I should not blow my cover of that being an agenda while I find out what Mr. Entemoor is really teaching, and there is still any chance to find out what really happened."

    "Yes, I guess so," Ebert said still. "You probably need more than just you by yourself there. To not blow the investigation of what happened to Raul Weckland, there would have to be some further distraction effective enough, with one of those there going down through the trapdoor then to find out who is down there. Do you think one or more of my friends can join in the training for it the next weekend?"

    "It might be possible. Mr. Entemoor arranged for lessons on two days of the weekend and two days of the workweek. So it would still be at the beginning of training. Do you think your friends are really up to this kind of investigating?"

    "They were all interested in taking part in this investigation," Ebert said to Rodston. "I don't know how I could discourage them from that. It is great that you found out there is that trapdoor, but during the week you would still be on your own. We will make the trip there again this next weekend. You could tell Mr. Entemoor that you have interested persons who would still come to that training. I will talk to my friends here for us to figure out who should go with you there then."

    "Alright fine. I will call again in a couple of days, so that we can have a plan settled between us. If this doesn't work out, we could still think of having the private investigator looking into this, which I already think is a good idea."

    "If we have to," Ebert said, thinking how it would involve extra money. "But we will try what we can this way still and it may really work to find Raul Weckland."

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    As that next weekend approached, Ebert and his friends there knew that they would return to Washing Walls, but they needed another among them who would go in with Rodston. It should just be one at this time, two others left for a backup if they wanted another to go in next, still not Ebert himself who was a lookalike for Raul Weckland, and not Roger, who had gone there before and not returned during that week when Rodston still went. Lenny, Terry, and Dan competed in their discussion about which of them it should be. Finally the day came when they were making their next trip together into Washing Walls, and Dan had the better argument to favor him, with having been there to see Rodston when he was going to go back to the Supernatural Promotions place with Roger going that time, so that Dan was selected to go then.

    They came to the same inn, Ebert had requested that they might use the same suite they had used the previous week, and it was fortunately available. Once they were settled, Ebert called Rodston.

    "We are here," Ebert told him. "We chose Dan, my other friend that you saw that time, to go with you."

    "I will meet you all and go with him to that place then about fifteen minutes before the time we should be at the training session," Rodston said. "Dan should know that we should go along with trying to learn what we are shown, while we should still have a plan for an effective distraction, that one of us can go see what there is down there below the trapdoor."

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    "Alright," said Rodston, "that is as good as anything we might think of for a diversion to keep Mr. Entemoor away long enough. You are new there, but I have been there several times without any incident seen from me. So I think he would trust in leaving me enough to go after you. So, let us go do this then."

    Dan looked at the others as he went out with Rodston. "Have the emergency you will have for the explanation ready then."

    Rodston left with Dan then as Ebert talked with Lenny, Roger, and Terry about what they could say for an emergency that would be reasonable for Dan to run off to see them. They later found out about the events which happened where Rodston and Dan went to.

    It was a walk just around the corner from that hotel, and down that street. As they went, Dan asked Rodston what his impression of Mr. Entemoor was. "Did he look like he was an honest man, do you think? Or does he look like he is covering things up?"

    "Mr. Entemoor appears basically to be with a neutral expression," Rodston said to Dan, "not like he is especially with an honest expression, or a dishonest one. One can't tell that he is being honest or dishonest that way. But he teaches what this instruction is for like he really knows about it, which throws me off, as it did Ebert and Roger."

    "Yet there is the trapdoor, and none of are really accepting that Raul Weckland, or whatever further person looks like him, really dematerialized from this physical existence. So we know we should not trust him about that."

    "We don't, at least I really don't. But he has a way of speaking that makes it sound very realistic. We are going there, though, to find out what is really down there past the trapdoor."

    They both saw they were coming to the lot to the Supernatural Promotions building. Rodston just said, "I really hope when Lenny or Terry call you, they will be ready to say what was urgently needed when you will be running toward the suite, and Mr. Entemoor may go there with you."

    "I think they would be," Dan answered, "But I think he will more likely want to return here right away, so be aware of that, look just quickly."

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    They came into the lot where they saw the building. "What a strange name for the business, though," Dan remarked as he saw the sign.

    "Yes, it is," Rodston returned, "but is strange that they claim here there is a supernatural promotion possible to us, with which we can bodily leave this physical existence. This is what we are told this training is for."

    As they came to the door, they saw Mr. Entemoor approach them. "This is my friend, Dan," Rodston said to introduce him, "who I said was interested enough in what I was learning here, when I told him, and he is interested to still learn more."

    "It is great that you are interested." Mr. Entemoor smiled slightly. "It is too bad we lost that other man who came last week, though. I thought he would want to learn more."

    "I did think that too," Rodston said. "I called him, to ask, and just learned he had to be out of town, and miss several sessions. He said he might just try again later when sessions can start again."

    "Oh, I see. He wouldn't miss so much, as Dan here can start where we are, if he even learned a little bit from you already."

    "Alright, you each have a seat over here," Mr. Entemoor pointed once they were inside the buiding of Supernatural Promotions, "and as you are familiar with how breathing techniques are important to this, Dan, I will start with letting you practice the timing with my guidance."

    Dan was impressed that Mr. Entemoor really seemed experienced and knowledgeable about practices to involve a supernatural aspect beyond the familiar reality. Still, he remained aware through the session with more techniques shown that for the one who appeared to be Raul Weckland, the escaping felon, to physically vanish from physical reality was beyond what they should believe, however convincing these techniques to move beyond familiar reality to a supernatural aspect were.

    Dan had grabbed one item, thinking it was a nice plaque, but finding it opened with pages in it like a book, and was thinking as he looked at it how much longer would it be before he got the call, to hurry out of the building with it like there was an emergency. Did the others not think of a good basis for an emergency to claim, yet? What if they didn't and had too much difficulty with thinking about it. Might they not call still while he was there?

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    Dan kept wondering about when the call would come, while he still tried to be attentive to the rather intricate details of the ways to enable separation from the physical reality. Finally it came. Dan answered holding his device up to hear, his other hand still on the item with pages in it. He stood up, walking a little way from where Rodston and Mr. Entemoor sat, as though he might talk privately, close to the door.

    He heard, "Ready? Come now if you need to, we have our emergency!" He presumed it was Lenny.

    That was the cue he needed, and Dan suddenly bolted out from the door and ran as fast as he might keep going across the lot, and then turning to go up that street, in the direction they had come from.

    "Is he coming after me?" Dan wondered. He heard nothing right then. He still kept running.

    Dan only glanced back when he reached the corner, where he was going to turn on the street with the hotel where he and his friends were staying just then. He didn't notice anyone behind him. He still went on quickly to the hotel. At the entrance he looked again. There was no one coming his way. He walked into the hotel then.

    When he reached the suite upstairs, he knocked. "It is me, Dan," he said.

    Lenny answered the door, and seeing it was just Dan alone, who still held the item he had taken, he let him in.

    "It does not look like Mr. Entemoor was coming after me. He must have stayed there. So what was the emergency?"

    Lenny pointed. "That!" he exclaimed.

    "What, the piles of clothes on the floor?"

    "It is supposed to be where Ebert was standing. So he was here while Terry and I talked with him. And so then he wasn't, and he has been gone, while his clothes were left. We say aliens must have abducted him."

    "That's the best you can do?"

    "We might have used an accident or medical emergency. But even that can be checked to verify, with an intensive investigation, which could be possible. But this sort of thing is just what you and Ebert and Roger were asked to believe, with Raul Weckland disappearing. If your teacher questions this possiblity, he puts his own account into question. He can't avoid doing that."

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