Name: Serena Gledia
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Race: Minit
Appearance: Standing at a rather small 3’9”, Serena is a rather oddball even by her own race. Her blue skin is rather light, making it look more akin to snow fall, but her eyes are a rather vibrant blue, easily drawing attention to them. Her hair has a chrome look to it, and is always pulled back into a ribbon. Her body lacks any real muscle tone, making her look frail to most people, but she can stand up to a lot of pain.
During longer outings, she uses her magic to change the color of her skin and hair, making her seem like a rather small child rather than a minit woman. Her hair she changed to a red coloring and her visible skin looks a light pale. She can usually stretch this spell to last 5 hours, but is completely exhausted by the end of the spell
Her usual outfit consists of a black undershirt with a deep green wool shirt, as she is not one prone to the cold. She wears a pair of black pants that seem too loose on her, and are held up by a simple braided leather belt. On the belt are various tools and things she might pick up, but no real weapons to speak of.
Profession: Apprentice Blade smith/seamstress.
Personality: Serena’s personality closely resembles a puppy dog. Due to being orphaned as a child and her natural eager personality keeping her as an outcast to the land, Serena will go far lengths to earn ones praise. While she seems rather loyal to those who she knows, it is hard to tell is she is trustful of that person are not, since she easily flees from those that would do her harm.
During her youth, she became a follower of the Faith of Jor’drogos. She went into this religion as her teacher felt it would best suit her, as what little fighting spirit she has was fierce and competitive.
While she is willing to please, she does not tolerate fighting, choosing the option to run if it is there. She much prefers to use what arcane magic she has learned, mostly focusing on lightning and ice, as her small frame does not hold much for energy, but does well for speedy mana.
Bio: Orphaned at the age of 1, Serena has been somewhat outcasted from her people. Even at a young age, she would strive for the attention of those raising her, yet this only made her seem off from her own kind, and a bit of a handful. Eventually at the age of 12, she ran from her own home in the peaks of the Emerald range, and spent many years roaming, doing what little she had to survive and help those along.
Eventually she came into lodging with an older gentleman, who took some pity on her rather poor attire and gave her a job helping around his house. In return, he taught her what little arcane magic he knew, and Serena took to it as fast as she could, learning as much as she could before he passed from an illness in the next winter. Now alone again, she wandered back into the emerald range, trying to find what shelter and jobs that she could. It did little to help that her size kept her from earning anything worthwhile.
At the age of 15, she was brought under the apprenticeship of Genavia Nersala, after a bad attempt to try and steal the womans food. Promising to pay her back in any way possible, she began to work for the woman in exchange for food and lodging, mostly doing the grunt work and cleaning up the shop. During her time there, she has learned how to use a dagger, though with little desire or physical strength to weild anything else than that.