Name: Eric Arslan Whitmore
Age 29
Gender: Male
Appearance: Eric stands straight at 6ft, broad in the shoulder, which gives him a bit of a stone giant look. His eyes are a deep emerald green, yet his eyes are slightly tilted from his Japanese heritage. His hair is a dark brown, and kept closely shaven, though it is very thick in appearance, making it seem bushy, though short. He has a slight beard, thin, yet framing his face, making him look like he has a mane. His body, though a bit on the skinny side, is quite strong in the upper torso. He is muscular, but not shone off, except during show time. Other than that, he looks quite plain, besides looking like a built giant.
Attire: When outside the show, he usually wears a pair of plain black slacks with a leather braided belt, simple yet classy. On his feet, he has a pair of black leather boots, kept in good condition to keep up appearance. A simple white shirt is kept tucked into the top of his pants, and he wears a deep red shirt, left unbuttoned. A simple black chain circles his neck, unadorned, yet still there. He also keeps a pair of shades on hand, to help ward off people, as he is a bit antisocial.
Skills: For his job, he was trained how to handle restless animals, though with some degree, and had learned how to handle situations with angered animals, with plenty of bite marks to prove it. Along with the animal handling, he was taught fencing, as part of his swords act, a solo set called the sleeping lion. He has some decent skills with acrobatics, and has done some muscle work before on difficult customers. He has some luck with puzzles, finding them an enjoyable past time and a great way to stay away from others.
Weapons: Because of his profession, he personally owns two swords, both bought with his own money. The first is katana named Kaiyou, which stands for ocean. The second is a thick scimitar, named Temur Burilgi, which means Iron Destroyer in Mongolian
He owns a simple machete's with a 3ft blade. Other than that, he owns a desert eagle, along with two magazines, both loaded at all times.
Personal Items – The only thing Eric keeps on him at all times is a set of 5 rings, all interlaced, yet when finished form a metal band to be worn on the wrist. The rings are well worn, as he has solved it hundreds of time, just to keep himself occupied.
He also owns a skull zippo lighter, which he bought for the sheer heck of it. And a metal flask, with the logo of his circus on it. A red and silver mask
rough idea of what it looks like
Spoiler: Circ Belial
Personality – Eric has been known to his coworkers as a silent giant, for his antisocial tendencies and his wide shoulder stance. He is not very talkative, and tries to hide in the background, wanting to stay in the shadow. Even though he likes to stay out of people’s path, he is willing to throw around his weight to get done what needs to be done, regardless of whether others think it is right or wrong. He is a trusting man, and fights to keep his trust, as well as keeping his friends.
Biography – Born in the small town of Canterbury, London, he lived a quiet, uneventful life, which he grew bored with quickly. Though great friends with most people in his town, he had no desire to stay there, or follow the family business of bread making. Poor grades in school, and a general apathy towards the teachers strict punishment, he found his way out with a traveling carnival that had come to town.
At the age of 15, just before starting high school, he went to a showing of the carnival. Enthralled by the joy the people showed, and the laughter they brought, he stowed away on their traveling trailer, and hid there for 2 days before coming out, making sure to stay well hidden so as to not be taken back to his home. Pleading his case, he was allowed to join the carnival, and started out with grunt work to help keep the place and animals clean. Rising slowly, he soon joined the rest of the people on stage. Showing no real talent, they taught him fencing with swords, which he readily took to, enjoying the silent work of the steel. He soon rose to star in his own show at the age of 23, and became a hit with the crowds. With each new show, he became more withdrawn, only talking with the crew, or seen working with the animals, for the simple silence.
After one of his shows, he was invited to a meeting with a man named Mr. Cunningham. The invite said that he had been selected for his unique skills of a carnival worker, and his training in fencing. Deciding it might be something interesting, and that they had a few days layover, he figured it would be worth his while to go see what it was all about, and he would much enjoy seeing more of the world.