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Thread: Necrotic Deep [M]

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    Default Necrotic Deep [M]

    The corruption had spread in the above world within a matter of months. It started innocently as waves came crashing onto the shore and the red algae attached itself to the skin of innocent tourists. Tourists whose only fault was to seek the shelter of a tropical paradise for a short time to escape their everyday lives. Those that accidently swallowed salt water and the algae made its way through the bodily system, attaching to the lungs and circulating to corrupt biological cells. Symptoms were like a cold. Chills, slight fever, congestion, and a headache. However, the symptoms lasted, and people would fall beneath febrile seizures as the neurological network was highjacked. The algae rewriting cells to carry out a parasitic function: to feed. Just like rabies, the infection needed to spread via saliva. The maddened victims biting anyone or anything. The more were bitten, the faster it spread.

    The incidents were thought to be isolated at favorite vacation spots like Bermuda, Aruba, Jamaica, or the Virgin Islands. So, the humans did the best thing they could do, restrict travel to these areas and pretend nothing was wrong. Slight media coverage, but no need to cause a global pandemic.

    That was short lived as the first victims caused outbreaks where they lived. Still, the news thought no reason to cover this. Soon enough cannibalistic people began attacking. The infection spread like a wildfire. The news finally warned the public, but it was too late. At this point society had already crumbled. People were panicked and selfish with their motivation of self-preservation. People were haphazardly evacuated to “safe zones”. People starved within these quarantined places as food became sparse and rationing was no longer working. Before the above world knew it, the world as they knew it was over. Only the survivors remained.

    Now while all this happened in the above world it was about to be a mirror image in the world beneath the surface. The vastly expanded society beneath the waves, close to the depths of where people had never even wandered before. Humans thought they were the smartest and most intelligent beings on planet Earth. This might be true on land, but the humans had not even explored their own water. Their eyes were always above to the cosmos, missing out what was right beneath their noses.

    This is where the Nereids come into play. The Nereids had a long history with ethereal beginnings. The daughters of Nereus one of the ancient Greek gods. Nereids are protectors of the ocean and worked along side humans for the betterment of the underwater environment. Humans were kept blind to the underwater society and were pushed to be allies. Some humans were easy to persuade but other humans sickened the ocean with pollution. The peaceful balance between the two realms was fragile at best. Now the above world threatened the ocean again. Those underwater beings that could walk between water and land were bringing the sickness to the depths. This is where our story begins.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Amara was on her normal patrol along the perimeter of the city of Alteria. Alteria was the capital of the Southern Region of the ocean. She was one of only Protectors left, her kind, the Nereids, were few and far between these days. A protector was stationed in every major city within the realm. Nereids use to be in combat squads like an army, but now there was only enough Nereids left to spare one per city. Nereids shared their time in the above world and below world to protect the ocean. Amara was in her underwater span, two years left before she would go topside for her new assignment.
    Alteria was an advanced city with tall waterscrapers made of shiny metal. Tubes were the main source of getting around the city. People would enter the tubes and a high rush of water would bring them to where they needed to be, like a subway.

    The murky dark water on the outskirts of the city was where Amara was now, tightly gripping her trident. The city lights did not reach past the perimeter of the city. Her eyes were adapted to be able to see through dark waters, not great, but enough to make out shapes. Her eyes caught fast movement as it looked like a selkie was coming into view. Something was strange though, the selkie’s red eyes peered out brightly from the back splash of blackened water. A high-pitched growl echoed through the depths. Before Amara could piece together what was happening the selkie advanced on her fast.

    The selkie’s skin was a dusty grey with bulging purple veins. Its maw was reared back revealing sharpened teeth with saliva bubbles popping off into the surrounding water like sea foam. The eyes were blood shot and the iris a vermillion filled with rage. It kept lunging forward trying to bite Amara.

    “Stand down!” Amara ordered as she used the blunt end of her trident to keep the selkie off her. She thought drugs from the above world might be the cause of this selkie’s outrage. “By order of Alteria Protector’s command calm down or you shall be brought into custody!”

    There seemed to be no reasoning with this creature as Amara’s strong muscled continued to wield her trident in fast motions to stop her attacker from biting her. She began to feel the true weight of this dangerous situation. She had heard of isolated attacks from other regions, where maddened sea creatures with blind rage were murdering innocents. This seemed to be one of those occasions.

    Left with no choice, Amara deftly flipped her trident around and stabbed the selkie right in the abdomen. Its blackened coagulated blood polluting the water around it. At this point a trident stab would kill her enemy, but this thing still thrashed around wildly, with each movement pushing itself further down her trident, closing the distance to bite her.

    Amara lifted her free hand and created a whirlpool of water to smack the selkie in the face. It pushed the selkie free from her trident. Without thinking Amara pushed all her weight into another thrust to land the three-tipped end of the trident right through the selkie’s skull. Its body finally limp. Another thrust and she let the body fall from the pointed ends. The selkies body slowly falling further into the depths leaving a trail of blood in its wake….

    The Nereid’s instinct kicked in, knowing something was off. This was worth bringing to the attention of the Council. Her strong fins helped propel her through the water as she made her way to the center of the city where the Council convened….

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    Lavender was humming a little song as she straightened the shelves of products. Her thrift/antique/any random junk store was in the hull of an ancient shipwreck. When she had found the place, it was home to a very aggressive shark and in an utterly horrid condition. It took two months (give or take) to make it presentable and remove the unsightly human skeletons. Now it had an air of mystery and ancient knowledge, as a shipwreck from the late 1700’s should have. No more sharks either.

    The drifting kelp curtain she kept as a door was brushed aside and she turned to greet the customer. Giving a winning smile and turning a welcoming pink, she clasped her hands. Her mouth opened to greet them in the verbal language of other Aquatics, but no sound came out. The Mer in the doorway was shaking, purple veins pulsing in her face. She had a bite missing from her shoulder, and though bite wounds weren’t uncommon, it looked as though it came from an Aquatic mouth rather than a shark, eel, or orca. Red eyes rolled over to Lavender and she blanched white. A snarl came deep from the Mer’s chest and Lavender suddenly realized just how large the Mer were in comparison to Cecaelia.

    In a flash, the Mer was dashing toward her, arms outstretched and jaws gaping. Lavender released a cloud of ink and jetted around the corner. The Mer blundered through the store, knocking over shelves. Once more, she jetted out the door and drifted to the bottom, her skin turning sandy-pale and her body compressing to the seafloor. Her tentacles wormed into the sand. The Mer burst out the door, crimson eyes glaring. She took a deep breath, her gills flaring. She seemed to be leaking some kind of blood or pus, the current pulling it around her like she was wreathed in the scalding water of a volcanic vent. Lavender’s three hearts were beating in her chest, waist, and one of her tentacles respectively.

    The Mer shook her head, growling. She cocked her head to the side, her fin-like ears twitching. Lavender knew she could wait for hours, days even. The Mer seemed anxious, aggressive, impatient. Her ears pointed towards Lavender and the Mer started forward. It was slower now, like it had exerted quite a bit of energy on the initial attack. It’s gills were leaking blood. Lavender prepared another bout of ink, but changed her mind. She was no shark-like Mer, but the Cecaelia were terrific predators. She would not stand down. Red and black rippled through her body as she rose from the sand. 12 feet long, from head to tentacle-tip, she could be imposing. The membrane of skin that connected the tentacles opened, creating a much, much larger appearance as her tentacles opened fully, writhing in rage. Even her head tentacles spread open, wreathing her head like a cephalopodic halo.

    The Mer put on a burst of speed and Lavender reached to meet it. Tentacles wrapped around arms and fins, two keeping the neck at a solid distance from the rest of Lavender. Venom leaked into the Mer’s body, but something told her the venom would not work. Instead, she strained and with a sickening crunch, ripped off one of the Mer’s arms at the shoulder. The Mer snarled, purple blood leaking from the hole. Her teeth snapped at Lavender impotently. Lavender hissed right back, clam-eating fangs snapping.The tentacles around the Mer’s neck tightened, and like pulling open mussels, popped her head off. Lavender’s fatigue was not easy to see, but she was exhausted. She drifted back to her ship to gather a travel bag. The Council should know about this...
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    "This is, with respect, unacceptable." Looking between the two heavily-armed men who blocked her path, Colleen O'Shea tipped her head and really studied them again. They wore dark shades, but their faces were drawn as if they had not slept in some time. The coppery scent of blood wafted on the salty air from under the sports jacket one had buttoned over his rumpled dress shirt. The other seemed uneasy, but all they had shared was that the Fisher King was unable to entertain guests and would not be seeing her for their pre-arranged appointment.

    Fionn and Fergus exchanged a glance behind her, the other three members of her entourage waiting for admittance at their backs. Shifting her tone to one a bit more conversational, she tried again:

    "Listen, boys, I understand if the order has come down there is little to be done. We have a standing appointment, and in the past he has been very good about rescheduling if needed. We are already here. Are we to truly be denied an audience? If so, might we at least know the reason we are being turned away so abruptly? What has happened? Perhaps we can lend our support."

    The Human who smelled of blood groaned softly, sweat beading on his brow as he snapped back, "Look, orders are orders, lady. No admittance, that's the word."

    Narrowing her eyes, the Merrow shifted her gaze to the other man who was a touch apologetic for his companion's outburst. "We don't mean to offend. It's just these outbreaks, you know? King's decided it's best to keep ahead of it. No visitors, no audiences."

    "Hm, I see." She looked at the warehouse behind him, frowning, "Is he even here?"

    The man looked a little sheepish, but gave no answer. Pursing her lips and taking a deep breath, Colleen let it out slowly. So he's buggered off at the first sign of trouble. Typical. The situation here must be getting worse. At their last meeting the outbreaks had only just begun, and it seemed now the man had hidden himself away, perhaps even going so far as to withdraw to some private sanctuary. Fortunately, he and his ancestors had known and been known by the Mer and Merrow long enough that it would be no trouble to locate him. It would, however, take time which seemed might be in short supply.

    Like Humans, the Merrow had once only lived into their forties if they were very lucky. The times had changed and despite pollution and despoiling of their natural habitats they had progressed to a lifespan of something between one and two hundred years. The technologies they borrowed across their respective worlds had left them nearly doubly ahead in the push for longevity, expanding their world as the Humans pushed to replace theirs with others found among the stars. It was curious as well that the Humans seemed more focused on preserving their appearances rather than their actual lifespans.

    A cough drew her eye again to the brusque man who was now slumping on his feet, hand sliding under his jacket. Tendrils of purple forked upwards from his collar, pulsing below the skin. His breathing was rapidly becoming more laboured. His sweating had increased, copper and salt mingled with some unidentifiable bitterness.

    "Is your friend quite alright?" She asked.

    Turning a worried face and finally seeing what the others saw, the more helpful of the guards pulled down his friend's collar and blanched. He jerked the man's jacket aside so sharply the threads holding it buttoned snapped and the bloody evidence of a bite wound showed at his side. The more composed Human responded by drawing his gun and falling back a step. "Dear god, Frankie, no!"

    'Frankie' staggered around towards the Aquatic entourage, dull Human teeth heavily stained with nicotine bared as his lips drew back in an animal snarl. Brows lifting, Colleen fell back a step into the others. The wandering attention of the trio falling in at their rear no longer wandered about the docks and containers of the oceanside warehouse district. The man lunged, and his friend fired. The shot sent the feral Human reeling back, knocking the sunglasses that had shielded his eyes to the ground. When he looked up, the same purple veins that creeped along his throat shot from his temples along his red, red eyes. He wheeled on his companion with a shriek, lunging at him. The other man kept the barrel of his gun trained on his partner, but scrambled back and fell into a seated position. Siarl dove from the Merrow's party, the lone Selkie leveling his own weapon. Both armed men fired into the creature and it staggered, but did not fall.

    Mortified, Colleen glanced back as Finn and Fergus, two of the three Ciuthach bodyguards, led her away between them. The remaining guard trailed behind with a small, bundled figure all wrapped in a wetsuit and mask beneath a track suit and heavy, hooded coat stumping beside him. Their training had kicked into gear, but what she witnessed was the first attack by the infected she had seen up close. Siarl helped the healthy Human to his feet and they circled around the infected. The retreating party turned the corner of a shipping container and she lost sight of the Selkie as an inhuman keening rose. The most terrifying part was that the same keening was answered in kind from all sides of the dockyards, the shrieking rising and narrowing towards the spot they were vacating.

    What happened then was a blur. As all diplomats on land or sea, Colleen had been instructed on the various responses to disasters that might occur while on land. Most of them revolved around wide-spread discovery, not illness. In fact the things that the Aquatics were not outright immune to were minimised by their advanced healthcare and their internal precautions. This, however, was something different. It was not political intrigue and not even really war... it was some rabid contagion that could turn a Human into an animal. Or so it seemed. With no medical expertise herself and no one within the little ambassador's retinue, it was impossible to do more than guess at what was happening.

    With the Fisher King silent and one of their own left behind in unknown danger, the Merrow felt uneasy about what was to come. Her request for a new Nereid to travel with her little delegation had been taped up in bureaucracy for months and the experience and wisdom one would lend had now become suddenly invaluable. Once they were clear of this emergency, she would notify the King of the Northern Mer immediately and high-tail it to Alteria to meet with the Council.


    Though in their rush they had foregone their usual adjustments back to their familiar forms, Colleen and her well-concealed associate had been delivered to the nearest outpost in a sort of modified submersible. Finn, Fergus, and their companion then returned to the world above, to the ocean caves where they made their homes when not contracting their services to visiting Aquatic embassies. From there, Colleen had traveled alone back to Strand, the seat of the Northern Mer, to debrief on what she had seen and heard from the surface world. Along the way she heard disturbing reports of those races that walked along the fringes of Terrestrial and Aquatic societies being beset by others who sounded disturbingly similar to the ill Human called Frankie.

    She had been joined by Pearl and Jasper, two Mer less than happy to be saddled with a Merrow for the long journey to the Southern city of Alteria. Still, despite their mutual feeling that reports of the surface were being overblown by more easily-agitated creatures they were not opposed to visiting their southerly counterparts. The deep-water communities and cities they passed through all metal, stone, and fluorescence were full of the usual life and concerns of Aquatics with no hint at all that anything was amiss. The less evidence of panic there was, the more Colleen began to doubt her own memory of the incident ashore.

    When they arrived to Alteria, the prospect of being alone without her mentor for the first time in Council tied the Merrow's stomach in knots despite a lessened need for her presence with the weightier Mer duo come to stand for their own people. She wondered how much had changed since her last visit years before.

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    Moon Maiden Moonlit_Fae's Avatar
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    The city building that housed the Council was a tall waterscraper made from glistening sea glass. It's high dome refracted the water around it and bounced rainbows on the floor below from the neon lights outside. Sometimes natural sunlight made its way this deep, given the time of year and calm seas above. There were lifts to take all underwater species around. Most had powerful fins to propel them about, but some sea dwellers had slow limbs or floated around and needed the extra assistance to get around.

    Amara was not one to need this. Instead she swam straight up, by passing the lifts and various balcones until she got right to the top, the 15th floor. Ornate golden double doors with the symbols of all the regions of the ocean craved into them. This close to the dome the neon lights made it shine like a doorway to heaven or another dimenson. Amara never understood the need for such lavish and gaudy displays, but the Council like to flaunt their wealth and power. It was not her place to voice her true opinion.As a protector she must be neutral and only speak of threats she was meant to speak against. Which is why she forwent the formalities as she used her fins to swirl the water behind her with a mix of her magic, to shoot her forward like an underwater missle and push the double doors open.

    As she entered the change of water caused it to slosh around in the room and push desks and objects about. The Council seated at their marble table looked up to her as she floated above them. Their mouths draped open as they were clearly having a dail meeting. Discussing the usual nonsense of budgets and allocation of funds.

    "I do not mean to interrupt, but I have spotted something of concern. There have been reports of sea citizens getting sick and going rabid. I came across one on the southern border of the city. We need to prepare for the worst. We should call a quarantine or lock down the city. At least warn the citizens..." Amara was rattling off on her training and ways to protect the regions she was sent to.

    At this point the head Council member stood. He was a Makara,a sea creature known from Hindu legends. These creatures were usually part land animal and part sea creature. A weird breed that had somehow managed to be created among the two realms. Not many knew how they came about, but they did exist.

    This Makara was humanoid crocoldie on top with dark green scales that slowly began to merge with the bottom half of sleek grey scales of a shark's tail end. He was strange to behold. This Makara was also the head of the Council. His name was Membu and he was a man who did not like to take action until he had all the facts. In the past his indecisiveness to action had led to an awful disaster for Alteria. Submarines had discovered their home and instead of taking out the humans then, he had to send a small spy group above to take down the humans before they could post their discoveries to the internet and their bosses on land.

    His voice was deep and echoed in this underwater room. "Amara, our great Protector. We respect your input but this is an isolated case. That is why the Council has called a meeting from our local leaders around from the other three regions of the Ocean: North, West, & East. We will hear what has been going on around and make sure it is not just another rumor spread to scare the great people of the Ocean. Now please take your spot and we will ask you questions when it is your turn." Membu then turned to the other Council members. There were 5 of them in all. The other sat quietly waiting to speak to their guests.

    Amara nodded and held her tongue as she swam to her spot next to the Council's table. She held her trident proudly ad she floated there with her chin held high. Her voice was just as important even though she was only seen as muscle around here. But she would wait as they asked.

    Her eyes took in the scene in front of her. Other leaders had come to gether and speak upon this matter. There were multiple tables with many ambassadors and sea creatures from other areas. She wondered what they all had to report on this matter. Hopefully all of them could put their differences aside and help eachother.

    Meanwhile on the outskirts from where Amara left the dead selkie. The selkie's blood had saturated the water and its high concntration called to the Great White shark that had been swimming nearby. Ran by instincts it followed the blood trail below to find the lifeless corpse. The Great White bit into the flesh of the infected......

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    Marina scoffed at Membu’s tone. He had always been one slow to action, whereas she was just the opposite. The Rusalka drifted upwards toward the ceiling, her semi-transparent legs half into the table. When she spoke, it was like swimming between icebergs, cold and dangerous.

    “Membu, we cannot afford to wait. More Aquatics are dying every day from this plague. We must do something before it gets out of hand!” She slapped a fist onto the table, making a dull thump as it hit the table, then went through it. Her hair drifted like seaweed about her head while her face was alright with anger and passion.

    “We all know what indecisiveness can get us.” With that, she drifted back into her seat, cold eyes glaring into his crocodilian ones.


    Lavender’s gut twisted in worry, and her skin had taken on a pale blue tint that indicated nervousness. Her tentacles, as still as she might keep them, still writhed in anxiety. She was not a person for politics, but this was something the Council needed to know. She drifted up the surfacescraper in small bursts of jet propulsion. Finally, she made it to the top and pulled herself out of the lift’s gentle upward current.

    She stood outside the door for a moment, hemming and hawing, then pushed through the doors. She was shocked to see she was not the only one there. By now, there was a small crowd, each waiting for their turn to speak. She joined the queue. Her attention drifted to the armored figure standing next to the Council. She was holding a trident and looking vaguely stressed. Suddenly, the temperature in the room dropped as one of the Councilmembers, a semi-transparent woman with jet black hair began arguing with another Councilmember. A Rusalka. Don’t see much of them. They’re usually river spirits. And this one is all the way out here, as a member of the Council! Strange, she thought.
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    Pearl's sharp teeth twisted into a sneer of agreement when the Rusalka questioned Membu's hesitancy.

    "The Humans have caused us enough trouble. They are greedy, but their greed buys them little of worth. Of all they know and all they have, they continually take and do little with what they take. I say we cut ties with the Terrestrials and leave them to their own messes. We were better before the worlds began mingling. If we start quarantining the freshwater colonies and tidal villages as well we might have a chance to stem this plague and be rid of many of the Terrestrials as well with fair weather."

    Pulling a face, Jasper rolled his eyes. "It remains to be seen that this plague exists at all. Membu has a point. Let us establish the extent of the problem - if there is one - before we jump to action. With all due respect, an illness here or there could be the result of anything. And the Selkie... Well, enough time on land and exposure to the right creatures and he might actually be rabid. The Northern Mer enjoy the healthy trade our Terrestrial business partners. Stemming it unnecessarily seems hasty."

    The two Mer exchanged glares before turning to listen to the other delegates. Colleen sat silently with them, observing the room. She had perhaps less occasion to observe the different denizens of her own kind in the deep waters between her time at the Northern court and that spent on land. The Makara was legendary and she studied him from the corner of her eye as well as the Nereid and the host of other individuals and ambassadors that gathered. Her fingers moved nervously along a strand of seaweed that had been arranged with the coral centerpiece upon their table, the colours and varieties reflecting their home city as the similar arrangements at other tables also did.

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    Membu remained cool and calm through Marina's display. She was a member on this council, just like him, but he held more power than her as he he was head of the Council. Despite her clear challenge to him and call to action, he was calm and calculating. He could not stand to lose his temper at her brash display of anger and lose control of the situation. Even if everything was as they say out there in the open waters, here within this chamber rules and order and still applied. His strong shark tail propelled him back to the center of the meeting, all eyes on him, as he took Marina's spot.

    "Marina you are correct. Our people are dying and action must be taken, but we need to know the full weight of the situation first. What would you have us do? Our armies are already spread thin and taking quick action would cause panic and chaos. No one would want to listen to our plan and everyone would be fending for themselves. I think we need to know where the highest infection rate is and start there then follow the spread and implement drastic measures there. For now we can set up a perimter around the city and start testing to see who is corrupted."

    Membu nodded to Pearl. "I agree. No more going to the above world and risking further exposure, unless there is reason to. That can at least be set in place and a curfew. It seems the infected act rash and will not follow societal rules. It will be easier to spot one of them." He also smiled to Jasper. "Thank you for also being a voice of reason. Trade should not suffer. These established businesses that bring profit shall remain open. Only those with permit will be allowed to interact with the above world. Now..."

    At this point he turned and his predatory eyes scanned the room. "We will now open the floor to our esteemed guest and rulers of the Aquan world. Anyone come up to the center dias and let us know your concerns and what you have seen." He bowed to show repect and waited for the first delegate to take stage.

    At this point Amara's knuckles were white against the gold of her trident. She agreed with Marina, action was better then words and slow plans. The Council always took forever to set things into motion. By the end it would be too late. She was already calculating her next moves. She would need to talk to her informants. Although she was not a spy, she was sure she could find someone with the connections she did not have to gather more intel. As a Protector there were times she would need to break the rules for the greater good. This time might be one of them. She would start gathering her own army. Perhaps Marina would help her..

    Her thoughts were interrupted as a giant shadow osbcured the glass dome from above. Her light grey eyes took in the monstrosity from above. It was a great white shark. It's skin was pale and dusky, its normal luster fallen to the sicknes. It's eyes a sharp red peering down to the helpless Aquans below. Big pulsating purple veins swarmed it's body, the infection coursing through this giant predator's body. It felt one thing and one thing only: HUNGER. The shark began to swim into the glass over and over, it's head causing cracks with each thump. The frothing foam of its mouth also smearing along the glass..

    "Everyone! Listen up those that can fight stay. Anyone else use the back passage to leave this room!" She shot out ordes, not caring for protocol at this point. She readied her stance into defensive mode, pointing her trident up towards the ceiling. She hoped there would be others willing to help her...

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    Marina narrowed her eyes as she listened to Membu’s slow speech. She made to speak up, but then Membu gave the floor to the other gathered Aquatics. Personally she thought it was a way to get her to shut up. A Mer swam forward and began a long-winded monologue about their own experiences with the disease. She listened with detached interest, her mind slowly wandering. As a shadow fell across the dais, her eyes drifted upward. It wasn’t uncommon for schools of fish to dart overhead. But this was no school of fish.

    A great white shark had come to the city. Strange, they usually stayed far from most Aquatics. The shark began to repeatedly knock itself into the seaglass dome overhead. Cracks began to form, and Marina cursed. Amara, their Nereid warrior, sprung into action and began barking orders. The assembled crowd burst into a panic and began pushing and swarming out the door like a school of tuna. Only a few stayed behind. Not enough, Marina decided, and faded from the physical realm in a burst of bubbles.

    Lavender was one of the few who remained. Her sharp teeth bared as she snarled. She had experience with sharks. Her tentacles reached up to her belt, each grabbing one of the blades held there. Her arms readied to summon the sand and debris of the ocean to her aid.
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    When Pearl and Jasper seemed to be wrapped in their quiet brooding at either side of their table, the former glaring from the corner of her eye at Jasper and the latter rolling his eyes at what he perceived to be a pointless overreaction on the part of most of the assembly. Colleen looked between them nervously, and when neither moved to speak, she cleared her throat softly and pressed her hands into the table as she drifted up and floated to the dais.

    Her explanation of what she had encountered on the surface world was a little detailed, but she felt it was important to describe the strange symptoms of the ill Human.

    "Honoured Council Members, please consider this incident along with the stories that have been reported recently. I would never question the need for caution, but some of our population who live nearest the surface may be at risk for attack. If they are quarantined from the Aquatic cities then that will force them on land for some of their needs unless we set up supply provisions and aid for them at regular intervals.

    "Some of my own team had not reported back to me before the Northern Mer delegation made its way here. How many others of our own are stranded above? How many of our Human contacts are at risk? Beyond the seriousness of this illness, we must ask ourselves what happens if we lose our connexions to the Terrestrial world - connexions we have spent centuries buil-"

    A loud thud followed with a series of cracking noises that vibrated through the water. Catching her breath, Colleen managed a weak, "-ding". She had barely uttered the sound and registered what was happening before the seaglass started to fragment. The ambassador darted back for her table, nearly being swum through as Jasper shoved past others for safety. Pearl smirked at his back and sized up Colleen a moment before running her fingertips along her wrists. In their wake, the coral and bone wristguards she wore for adornment fanned out boney protrusions sharp enough to slice through flesh. The jewelry she had worn along the rest of her body proved equally versatile and she moved towards the group gathering around Amara to fight with eyes glinting.

    Colleen hesitated, torn between helping to protect Pearl or guaranteeing Jasper found his way to safety. In the Northern Mer cities, most of the Mer maids not destined to become broodmothers became fighters and guardians of their people. The life of Mer men could also be perilous, as they hatched in relatively low numbers and were often expected to form alliances to well-finned Mer families. Eliminating well-bred Mer men was also an excellent way to strike a blow to your enemies. Despite this, most lived a lavish life under constant guardian protection with the most clever and charismatic even holding positions of prominence as Jasper did. Pearl's disdain for the slim-tailed fellow was most likely a reflection of her belief that Mer men were wasted in such pursuits.

    Colleen was not sure she felt as Pearl did, but in that moment she did feel a pang of exasperation at how quickly he had fled. There was no telling where he had gone in the chaos, so she hesitated on the threshold to the council chambers indecisively.

    Spoiler: Completely Unsolicited, Contextual Praise Definitely not Acquired via Torture 


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