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Thread: [M] Heroes of the Realm (IC)

  1. #11
    Salvation in Fantasy
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    It surprised Rambat that anyone addressed him to sit anywhere near him. And it was a woman, and not one dressed in the way other women in the town were... When Rambat grew up in the town after his parents came with him here, it was uncommon for other boys his age to say anything to him. The girls his age never did. He almost did not know what to say. "Um, no one is here. Go ahead, your welcome," he managed, hoping that would do. But he was not ready for any talk here. What would this mean?

  2. #12
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    As the various folk gathered, the City Hall buzzed with new energy. The locals knew the sight of the wild ranger who prowled their wood and many eyed him with nervous interest. Whispers swirled about, none directed at him but a few of him. Rumors of witches were known, some speaking of devilish hags, others of those who walked in wolf skins at night. The millers and farmers’ sons couldn’t make heads or tails of the strange woman in their midst. Cailín managed to slip into anonymity, at least for a while.

    The pair of warriors were the last to arrive. A few glares were directed at the half-orc, but the knight was only met with reverent stares. The Count grew visibly more relieved at the sight of the plate-clad dragonkin. The clock on the wall made a clicking sound as 11 hit. The Count Greengarden strode to the front of the stage and the crowd quieted as he began to speak. His voice was raspy and low, but he waved his fingers and his voice was magically louder.

    “My daughter… has vanished. My servants tell me a figure was perched at her balcony late last night. Tracks lead to the east, two sets. I have allowed the outer gates of my castle to open for you to see. Please, if you have any information, bring it to me.” His voice was choked with emotion. He took a deep breath and calmed himself. “If you can bring her back to me, I will grant you 500 gold pieces or the deed to a fine estate. Thank you.” He seemed to deflate a bit, and returned to his attendants.

    A collective gasp went up from the crowd at the prospect of 500 gold pieces and the possibility of a good tract of land. Many of the gathered people were from the serf caste, the local peasantry. Images of a grand townhouse or a wide, fertile farm. 500 gold pieces seemed to pale in comparison somewhat, though many of the merchants and artisans’ minds were filled with images of a chest of gold coins.
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  3. #13
    Knight of Ishtaria Awean8's Avatar
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    500 gold pieces!? Just to find some spoiled whelp. Consider it done. That amount of loot would last him for a few months at least. He could buy some new armor, a new sword and probably even a horse. Not to mention all the rations and traveling gear he would need. The prospect of having an estate seemed worthless to him however. He did not intend to stay in any one place that long.

    Golgoth quietly ignored the hateful glares he received from the locals. He was used to such prejudice although he strangely felt a little irked that the dragonkin was being elevated to an object of worship.

    Just by scanning the room he didn't notice anyone remarkable, not anyone that could take him in a fight at least. The only one's he took any notice of was what seemed to be a witch and a wild man sitting together. There was also a hooded figure sitting towards the front. It was strange to wear a hood and scarf on a hot day. They were hiding something and he knew it because he wore a hood for the same reason.
    Last edited by Awean8; 10-05-2021 at 06:07 PM.

  4. #14
    Salvation in Fantasy
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    There were no further announcements, and as those gathered there grew silent, several of the people there got up, and walked out of the building. And why not? They had heard what evidence there was, and how finding the abducted daughter would be rewarded.

    Rambat then stood up, and moved out from where he sat.
    Last edited by GodlyD&D; 10-06-2021 at 12:05 AM.

  5. #15
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    "500 gold coins," Lily said, shaking her head. "That'll get a lot of people looking, that's for sure." And some who'd wait to take the count's daughter from whoever showed up to claim the reward, for sure.

    She glanced around, then over to Rambat. "I'm Lily," she said, introducing herself. "You don't look like the others in here, I'm assuming you're new here too?"


    Sigurd, Callin noted sourly, was nowhere to be seen. But a half-orc was staring at her from across the room. Her disguise was in place, so she had no idea what was attracting his attention. Her armor wasn't doing her any favors. In any event, it was time to go, that was for sure. Rising from her seat, she joined the crowd and headed out, away from that room and the half-orc.
    Last edited by Enigma; 09-27-2021 at 02:18 AM.
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵďł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

  6. #16
    Salvation in Fantasy
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    Rambat then went out at the door to the city hall, now after more people in there were leaving. He thought to himself, "Surely I do have clues for where to look, now! I have a better chance than most here."

  7. #17
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    The crowd dispersed after the announcement concluded, many going in the direction of the Count’s manor. The manor sat at the top of a hill overlooking the village, surrounded by solid stone walls. The portcullises were raised, but the guards stood on either side of each entryway, halberds at the ready. The manor was an old building, tall, with many windows. Ivy stretched over one wall and the beautiful birch trees for which the county was named lined the house.

    On the eastern wall, a balcony overlooked a whitewashed gazebo covered in flowering vines. The architecture was elven, with curving arches and light but strong supports. In the mud beneath the balcony, two sets of footprints were carved. One was heavy and wore boots, the other was shallow and seemed to be made by a young girl’s slippers. The crowd began to scatter as each person looked for any clue they could find.
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  8. #18
    Salvation in Fantasy
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    Clearly the men who took the daughter made haste in the direct way they wanted to go, Rambat realized, knowing what was in that direction, to the east. The men abducting the girl certainly went where they might hide there. As Rambat looked around, few were looking at him as they looked for any further evidence right there. He made a start to go on right then, but someone approached him just then.

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