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Thread: Mimi's Gallery of Heroes

  1. #11
    Member MimiDumpling's Avatar
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    I agree. It's great. :) I'm really glad my friend talked me into this. :)

  2. #12
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    (I tried really hard to find the original artist of this picture but I couldn’t. If I do,I will update this to give them credit.)

    Name: Duchess Moxi the Liberator, Champion of Autumn Burrow and Light of Whiskra
    Nickname: Moxi
    Gender: Female
    Physical Sex: Female
    Orientation: Irrelevant
    Pronouns: She/Her
    Race: Mouse (Magical)
    Age: 2yrs


    Among her people Moxi is a great hero and she carries herself as such. She is confident, fearless, bold, and eager to defend the weak. Moxi is a proud little mouse and therefore can come across as arrogant or defensive at times.


    Moxi is 5” tall with a soft tan coat that can appear pink in certain lighting. The beauty of her ears is legendary among her people and she sports lavish, fabulous eyelashes. Her tail is the longest part of her body and is a soft pink like her paws and nose. At nearly all times she wears an enchanted cape fashioned out of a leaf from the magical tree that shields her burrow. She carries two weapons, Passion and Peace, which are simply two halves of a pair of enchanted scissors. They are well made and appear to be made of platinum but the true material is unknown.


    Moxie is a talented blademaster and excels in fang to fang combat. She is cunning and strategic with a natural talent for command. Though her title of Duchess is honorary and she owns no tunnels of her own she has taken the time to learn the basics of statecraft to better fulfill her duties to the Queen. Her magic scissors can cut through any mundane material and many magical ones as well and her cape allows her to fly up to 10ft high at speeds up to 8mph. She is very resilient to certain types of magic but the limits of her resistance are untested and she knows very little about magic herself.


    Somewhere closer than you might think but far out of reach lies a hidden world of magic, heroes, and mice. The realm of Whiskra is a land of lush green grass, towering magical trees, and mysterious ruins built by giants, long abandoned. Most prominent and respectable of Whiskra’s denizens are the magical mice of The Four Burrows. Having long ago dug their burrows beneath the four greatest trees in Whiskra, the mice found the safety and prosperity needed to build a powerful nation with a rich culture and proud traditions.

    When Moxi was just a little pinkie nursing in the burrows a great tragedy befell Whiskra. A human witch had broken through the barrier hiding Whiskra from the human world and began conducting horrifying experiments. She believed the unique magic inside the mice of Whiskra was the key to eternal youth, quickly destroying Summer Burrow with her experiments. The remaining three burrows immediately assembled their Mischiefs and marched to retake the lost Burrow.

    The fighting was long and brutal, hundreds of good mice giving all for brood and burrow. Autumn Burrow was the first to strike and suffered the brunt of the casualties. They were quickly reinforced by Winter Burrow, bringing a glimmer of hope. If they could hold out until Spring Burrow arrived then victory may yet be theirs! Spring Burrow never came. King Prudence of Spring Burrow had betrayed his fellow mice in making a deal with the witch in secret. At the cost of abandoning their people the witch would allow them to live as a carefully managed control group. The will of the burrows was broken and a shadow fell over Whiskra.

    Moxi spent the weeks of her youth in fear. Each day was torturously slow with the ever present threat of the witch and her wicked experiments. As she grew older however her fear slowly transformed into resentment and then hatred for the witch. She vowed to dedicate her life to slaying the witch and setting her people free.

    Upon reaching womanhood she enlisted in Autumn Burrow’s Self Defense Mischief. Though merely a shadow of the great army they once were, the Autumn SDM were a proud organization lead by grey-eared veterans of The Burrow Wars and the few true soldiers still living. Under their tutelage Moxi flourished and quickly earned herself a commission as Guard Leftenant. A position she held with great pride as she patiently waited for the day the witch came for Autumn Burrow.

    A year filled with evacuation drills, tense scouting missions, and intense training passed by. Moxi never lost focus and found herself eager for the witch’s coming. Some whispered that the witch would never come. Others whispered that Queen Diligence had sold Autumn Burrow the way King Prudence had. They were wrong.

    When the witch arrived all of Autumn Burrow’s preparation seemed for nothing. Chaos filled the burrows as mice clawed and trampled through their fellow mice to any chance of safety. The SDM did their best to facilitate the evacuation but were set upon by treacherous Spring Burrow fighters. Moxi rallied her Mischief and struck down the traitors with extreme prejudice. Yet as the witch’s minions began to route Queen Diligence sounded the retreat. Unable to flee in the face of her destiny, Moxi charged alone toward the witch.

    Alone Moxi was no match for the witch’s spells and was quickly struck down and taken prisoner. Though her lone assault had bought the time needed for the evacuation to be completed, the common mice of Autumn Burrow condemned her as a traitor. To ignore an order from the Queen was unforgivable in the eyes of any honest mouse.
    While caged in the witch’s laboratory Moxi clung to the hope of redemption as she fought to survive excruciating experiments and isolation. In her more lucid moments she carefully observed the witch, searching for weaknesses. The witch had many artifacts but one in particular, a set of platinum scissors, seemed especially precious to her. She took great care to keep them locked away and protected by dangerous spells. After weeks of torture the witch grew bored of Moxi and turned her attention to fresher victims. Moxi had weakly prepared for this moment every night since captured and quickly chewed herself free.

    As the witch toiled away over her papers and texts Moxi crept to the box that held the scissors. With no time to be delicate she began to chew. The protected spells brought her impossible pain but her body had become resilient to the cruel magic of the witch and, by the grace of Whiskra, she survived. Wielding the magic scissors Moxi leapt from the shadows and struck down the witch with righteous fury, the force of her blow snapping the screw holding the scissors together.

    Moxi triumphantly returned to her people a hero. Queen Diligence granted her the honorary title of Duchess as well as gifted her with a leaf from the Autumn Tree itself. The scissors she kept as a trophy of her quest and a tool to protect her people. As the glory of battle was slowly replaced by politics and paperwork Moxi focused on rebuilding and retraining the Autumn SDM for Queen Diligence.

    Now two years old, Moxi’s heart longs for adventure. With each passing day she finds herself gazing at the horizon, dreaming of what lies beyond…


    I found the picture on Pinterest and thought it was adorable. So I made it into a character. :) This character was fun to make and not something I took too seriously. If you would like to do an rp with Moxi though pm me. I think she would be a lot of fun to play. :)

    Is it just me or is it one of the greatest things ever that a group of mice is sometimes referred to as a “mischief”?

  3. #13
    Member Sabes's Avatar
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    Oh my fluffing glob I fluffing adore Moxi. I'm pogging.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sabes View Post
    Oh my fluffing glob I fluffing adore Moxi. I'm pogging.
    Lmao thanks :) She was super fun to write. :)

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    Princess Viorica Evander the Younger

    Gender: Female
    Physical Sex: Female
    Orientation: Straight
    Pronouns: She/Her
    Race: Imperial Human
    Age: 18


    Given her royal blood, V learned the ins and outs of the Empire’s most elite society practically from birth. As the 12th daughter of the Emperor she has always been more of a political asset than anything to her parents and older siblings, all her life being prepared to be married off to placate her father’s subordinates. As a result she displays a calculated demure meekness and strong sense of propriety when among those of her class.

    In private and among trusted friends however her true personality shines through. She is a strong willed, ambitious woman with an almost extreme sense of justice. She believes herself to be a champion of common folk and is well known for her charity and sponsorship of the arts. She is incredibly passionate about her ideals and unintentionally affords little merit to any philosophy too different from her own. Like all who are born into wealth and power she is naive to the depth of commoner’s struggles and can be condescending or even cruel at times despite her good intentions.


    V is of average height for an Imperial woman, standing 5’6”, and has a petite build. Her eyes are a deep gray that appears black in low light, just like her father. She follows the fashion trends set by her elder sisters but has no personal interest in extravagant gowns, corsets, and the like beyond fitting her station. On the rare occasions she will be unseen by others for an extended time she wears tight fighting breeches, high boots, and coats tailored to appear similar to those worn by wealthy men but tailored to suit her femininity. Her hair is a stark black and she prefers to wear it down when in private. At court and day-to-day she sports elaborate buns and braids in accordance with court fashion trends.


    V is well educated on a wide range of academic subjects such as mathematics, rhetoric, and history as well as the arts. She enjoys painting and is particularly inspired by the few female artists who have left their mark on the Empire. She has a strong love for dance as well and is an eagerly pursued partner at her Father’s feasts and balls. She has been tutored in fencing and performed well under some of the finest instructors in the Empire but has never once been in anything remotely resembling a physical confrontation outside of practice. The strongest of her skills however is her ability to navigate the political world of the Empire, relying on the perception of the court that she is simply a spoiled royal child with no thoughts of her own but dreams of marriage to mask her intricate plans for revolution.


    V’s father, Emperor Adronicus Adonis, has many children and pays little attention to them save his older sons. Her mother likewise has little interest in her children, spending her time by her husband’s side at the throne. Therefore V had a very lonely childhood, only seeing her family at formal events or occasionally running into them in the halls of the palace. The majority of the people responsible for her during childhood were servants and ladies of the court. Her younger brother, and the youngest of the royal family, spent some time with her but was sent to the War Academy at a very young age.

    To combat the loneliness and escape the glittering prison she’d been born into, V began to devour the great sea of books and scrolls of the Imperial Library. It was during that time that she first met Lorekeeper Tatius, an irritable old scholar well known for his controversial opinions as much as his contribution to the scholarly community. From Tatius she learned of lands without kings, women who are emperors, and heard the stories of men and women whose deeds and triumphs had been erased by the Empire.

    As she approached womanhood and neared her inevitable faith of marriage she became more enthralled by Tatius’s stories and even began to trade her exquisite jewelry for foreign books and maps despite such contraband being banned by Imperial law. During her quest for forbidden knowledge she caught the attention of The Movement and immediately connected with their cause.

    Now a grown woman, her father has begun discussing marriages. As dictated by custom she is expected to travel the Empire and rub elbows with the nobility not privileged enough to spend time at court. This was the perfect opportunity for The Movement to plant her in Maldomus, a city critical for their plans, and V accepted her mission without hesitation. She has been living in Maldomus Manor, using her wealth to build contacts throughout the city's underworld in secret, searching for a team she can trust to care more about gold than honor or country.


    V was written for the “Thieves Be We” RP. I don’t see myself adapting her to other stories but if you think she would fit well in your story or with one of your characters let me know :)

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    V looks like she'd be perfect in my steampunk setting too! There you go, being relentless with your amazing writing *cheers on*

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    Thanks Sabes :D She does have steampunk vibes lol. The Thieves RP could easily be a steam punk world I think. I don't know much about steam punk but I love the aesthetics. :)

    I feel like I have to be relentless here just to be on the same level as everyone else lol.

  8. #18
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    Most of steampunk is just aesthetics, from my experience.

    You go above and beyond compared to most people here and especially when compared with what I'm used to seeing on RP sites in general!

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