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Thread: [M] They Don’t Rot [IC]

  1. #1
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    Default [M] They Don’t Rot [IC]

    It was a warm day in Perseverance. The cold claws of winter had finally retreated back up the mountain for the rest of the season, and the sun shone brightly with the promise of meltwater and greenery to come. The people of Perseverance were already busy with their work, and the merchant caravans were stocking up on the goods and mail they’d be taking on their routes.

    In the town square, Magistrate Kludd had assembled a collection of various scavengers, warriors, and bounty hunters. They were arranged in teams of four, and each were given various means of transportation, from horses to motorcycles to ATVs.

    One such team, consisting of a nurse named Clara Bounet, a merchant named Gray and his young charge Sicario, and a scavenger named Jason Zhao, were given horses. The Magistrate called them over to discuss their mission. When he spoke, his Georgian accent oozed like molasses.

    “Ms. Bounet, Mr. Gray, Ms. Sicario, and Mr. Zhao. Thank you all for agreeing to this. Perseverance needs allies now more than ever.” He paused, taking a breath. “Your group will head south, towards what used to be Arizona and New Mexico. I’ve heard rumors that there’s an old army base down there that’s got civilians. Find the best route, and mark it on your map. Any questions?”
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  2. #2
    Moon Maiden Moonlit_Fae's Avatar
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    Clara looked at the group she was assembled into now. She had not been in Preserverance long before finding work. It was only last week she had wandered in with her llast group. They were making their way here to settle down. Clara was just doing her best to get away from he old home before all of this began, Boston. Also, trying to heal as many as she could along the way. Quickly a flash of a small rotten face blurred into her mind and her heart panged with regret. She had lost her son, but she would do her best to protect those she would be around, no matter what small amount of time.

    Her group looked like it could last,especially with the tall muscular man with the dark piercing gaze. She got the sense not much got past him. The other two knew eachother it seemed and were resourceful in their own right. Clara only hoped with her bow and arros strung across her back and her bags of medical equipment they saw value being paired off with her. She gently brushed back a strand of her brown hair that had fallen loose from one of her many bobby pins holding her short hair back. Quickly she took out the pin and twisted it, putting it back in its rightful place.

    "Excuse me sir, I do wonder if 4 is a strong enough number to survive out there with the task handed to us. Usually the caravans I have been apart of are 10 or more. How many survive these expeditions you send them out on?" Clara was still willing to do the work, she just wanted to the know the facts straight up. She then turned to the others.

    "By the way my name is Clara. I am a medic of sorts. I will do my best to keep you all healthy and heal any wounds you have. As for defense, I am better from a distance.", she gave a small smile.

  3. #3
    omgLYNX's Avatar
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    Sicario was fairly quick to respond, "Nous n’avons pas besoin de chevaux, nous n’avons pas besoin de fournitures supplémentaires et nous n’avons pas besoin de sécurité supplémentaire. Une chose qui me préoccupe, c’est la probabilité que des gens cherchent refuge dans une base militaire et que toute la base finissent comme un nid. Alors, comment sommes-nous absolument sûrs de trouver des survivants et non des centaines de morts?"
    Gray continued after her, "She's right, I'd rather operate on solid facts rather than what some guy heard."
    "Mais quelles que soient les conditions, nous pourrions probablement trouver du carburant."
    "We're in."

  4. #4
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    OOC Throwing this in here as an attempt to restart the thread as discussed with Moonlit and Yggdrasil/OOC

    "Hang on! Hang on!"

    A young woman came jogging into the square, a rifle clasped in one hand and a backpack in the other. She skidded to a halt in a cloud of dust and paused to catch her breath.

    "Sorry I'm late." She gasped. "I got caught up at the shop fixing a damn nail gun, then my one of my boots was playing hide and seek. Anyway, I'm here. Jade. Techhead extraordinaire. At your service. Are the teams filled up already?"


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